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2. NOVITA SAFITRI (A12119069)
3. DEVI FEBRIANTI (A12119060)
The answers about Exercise “The Sonority Scale and the Sonority Sequencing Generalization
(SGG)” page 4.

C. Exercises [Page 4]
1) Draw the sonority profiles of the following words. Give the sonority value of the segment
at the bottom of each vertical line. Blend, Smiles, and Print.

 The Sonority Scale : Blend ( /blend/ )

The least sonorous The most sonorous
Stops Nasals Liquid Vowels
(b,d) (n) (Lateral : l) (e)

 The Sonority Scale : Smiles ( /smaɪlz/ )

The least sonorous The most sonorous
Fricatives Nasals Liquid Vowels
(s,z) (m) (Lateral : l) (a,ɪ)

 The Sonority Scale : Print ( /prɪnt/ )

The least sonorous The most sonorous
Stops Nasals Liquid Vowels
(p,t) (n) (Retroflex : r) (ɪ)
2) Find other English words that contain consonant clusters in onsets and or codas that obey
the SSG and words that violate the SSG (at least three words each).

 The words that obey the SSG

a) Trend : /trend/

t r e n d
The words /trend/ consists of five segments,
- Vocalic nucleus : /e/
- Two onset consonants : /t/ as stops and /r/ as liquids retroflex.
- Two coda consonants : /n/ as nasals and /d/ as stops.

b) Brand : /brænd/

b r æ n d
The words /brænd/ consists of five segments,
- Vocalic nucleus : /æ/
- Two onset consonants : /b/ as stops and /r/ as liquids retroflex.
- Two coda consonants : /n/ as nasals and /d/ as stops.

c) Crisp : /krɪsp/

k r ɪ s p
The words /krɪsp/ consists of five segments,
- Vocalic nucleus : /ɪ/
- Two onset consonants : /k/ as stops and /r/ as liquids retroflex.
- Two coda consonants : /s/ as fricative and /p/ as stops.
 The words that violate the SSG
a) Text : /tekst/

t e k s t
The words /tekst/ consists of five segments,
- Vocalic nucleus : /e/
- Onset consonants : /t/ as stops.
- Three coda consonants : /k/ and /t/ as stops and /s/ as fricative.

b) Sex : /seks/

s e k s
The words /seks/ consists of four segments,
- Vocalic nucleus : /e/
- Onset consonants : /s/ as fricative.
- Two coda consonants : /k/ as stops and /s/ as fricative.

c) Cats : /kæts/

k æ t s
The words /kæts/ consists of four segments,
- Vocalic nucleus : /æ/
- Onset consonants : /k/ as stops.
- Two coda consonants : /t/ as stops and /s/ as fricative.
The neatness of a wording in "Words obey" compared to the chaos of wording in "Words violate"
indicates whether a word has been generalized well and is appropriate or not categorized in the
Sonority Sequence Generalization (SSG)
3) Create at least three strings of segments that might become part of English vocabulary, and
three strings of segments that are unlikely to become parts of English vocabulary.
 Segments might become part of English Vocabulary

a) Brain : /breɪn/

The Sonority Scale : Brain ( /breɪn/ )

The least sonorous The most sonorous
Stops Nasals Liquid Vowels
(b) (n) (Retroflex : r) (e,ɪ)

The Sonority Sequence Generalization : Brain ( /breɪn/ )

b r e ɪ n
The words /breɪn/ consists of five segments,
- Two vocalic nucleus : /e/ and /ɪ/
- Two onset consonants : /b/ as stops and /r/ as liquids retroflex.
- Coda consonants : /n/ as nasals.

b) Cry : /kraɪ/
The Sonority Scale : Cry ( /kraɪ/ )
The least sonorous The most sonorous
Stops Liquid Vowels
(k) (Retroflex : r) (a,ɪ)
The Sonority Sequence Generalization : Cry ( /kraɪ/ )

k r a ɪ
The words /kraɪ/ consists of four segments,
- Two vocalic nucleus : /a/ and /ɪ/
- Two onset consonants : /k/ as stops and /r/ as liquids retroflex.

c) Date : /deɪt/
The Sonority Scale : Date ( /deɪt/ )
The least sonorous The most sonorous
Stops Vowels
(d,t) (e,ɪ)

The Sonority Sequence Generalization : Date ( /deɪt/ )

d e ɪ t
The words /deɪt/ consists of four segments,
- Two vocalic nucleus : /e/ and /ɪ/
- Onset consonants : /d/ as stops.
- Coda consonants : /t/ as stops.
 Segments are unlikely to become part of English Vocabulary

a) Baps : /bæps/
The Sonority Scale : Baps ( /bæps/ )
The least sonorous The most sonorous
Stops Fricatives Vowels
(b,p) (s) (æ)

The Sonority Sequence Generalization : Baps ( /bæps/ )

b æ p s
The words /bæps/ consists of four segments,
- Vocalic nucleus : /æ/
- Onset consonants : /b/ as stops.
- Two coda consonants : /p/ as stop and /s/ as fricative.

b) Kip : /kɪp/
The Sonority Scale : Kip ( /kɪp/ )
The least sonorous The most sonorous
Stops Vowels
(k,p) (ɪ)
The Sonority Sequence Generalization : Kip ( /kɪp/ )

k ɪ p
The words /kɪp/ consists of three segments,
- Vocalic nucleus : /ɪ/
- Onset consonants : /k/ as stops.
- Coda consonants : /p/ as stops.

c) Mug : /mʌg/
The Sonority Scale : Mug ( /mʌg/ )
The least sonorous The most sonorous
Stops Nasals Vowels
(g) (m) (e,ɪ)

The Sonority Sequence Generalization : Mug ( /mʌg/ )

m ʌ g
The words /mʌg/ consists of three segments,
- Vocalic nucleus : /ʌ/
- Onset consonants : /m/ as nasals.
- Coda consonants : /g/ as stops.

D. Formative Test [Page 4]

1. B. Glides.
2. D. The inner consonant is more sonorous than the outer one.
3. A. Stopped.
4. C. Preack.

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