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STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT, Vol. 25 (2020), No. 2, pp.


DOI: 10.5937/StraMan2002009A Received: September 17, 2019

Accepted: April 28, 2020

The length of the distribution channel as

a factor of its efficiency
Aleksandra Andjelkovic
Faculty of Economics, University of Nis, Nis, Serbia
Marija Radosavljevic
Faculty of Economics, University of Nis, Nis, Serbia

Distribution network is a system of activities that provide transfer of products between producers and final users.
It is also known as distribution channel, marketing channel, distribution chain, distribution pipeline, market chain
and trade chain. This network has two or more partners, so it has to be coordinated in the direction of order
fulfilment and satisfied demand.
As a partnership business network, distribution channels are very important, due to their role in responding to
customers’ requests. Distribution channels could provide competitive advantage for all partners along the
network, through shorter delivery lead time and higher product availability. Although the main purpose of
distribution channels is providing continuous flows of products to customers, they should be designed to fill
customer’s demand with minimum total cost. Determining the right number of facilities and proper locations for
distribution network is an essential issue for companies involved in the channel.
The issue of distribution channel’s length has become more interesting due to the parallel existence of two
different trends. On one hand, there is tendency for reducing number of partners, facilities or stages of
distribution channels, with the purpose of avoiding extra expenses, but on the other hand there is a necessity to
involve more partners in distribution channel, because that is a way for providing greater market share.
Configuration of distribution channels depends on many factors. These factors have internal or external
character. Therefore, the fact that the distribution of the same products in different countries can be performed
completely differently is not surprising at all. In this regard, the aim of this papers is to classify the factors that
affect the length of the distribution channel. In addition, the paper will also indicate advantages as well
disadvantages of both long and short distribution channels. The goal of the analysis of the factors and the way
of designing distribution channels, in terms of its length, is to make an adequate decision for increasing efficiency
of the distribution network.

Distribution, channel’s length, network, flows, efficiency

with the purpose to ensure fulfilment of orders and

Introduction satisfied demand (Segetlija et al., 2011).
Distribution includes a set of operations for Distribution operations or activities are, actually,
transmitting products from manufacturers to final performed inside distribution channel. A
users (Fayaz & Azizinia, 2016). Similarly, distribution channel is linearly ordered by
Segetlija, Mesarić & Dujak (2011) explains operations in the purpose to achievement
distribution as a system of all activities for physically flow from one to another intermediaries
transferring products between manufacturers and down to the final user (Oklander, 2005; Larina,
customers. Distribution system therefore assumes 2005).
coordination of preparation, adequate type and Designing a distribution channel implies some
volume of products, at the right time and space, decisions and choices (Szeląg-Sikora & Rorat,
10 Andjelkovic et al. The length of the distribution channel as a factor of its efficiency

2016), concerning the type of channel (direct,

indirect), the number of partners involved (one or
several), length (long, short), width (wide or
narrow), the type of intermediaries (wholesalers,
retailers, agents, buyers, individual, etc.). The
above mentioned choices influence the distribution
system efficiency, so decision about distribution
channel structure seems very important (Galkin,
More precisely, efficiency of distribution
system determines the level of its ability to achieve
defined goals, higher market share or profitability, Figure 1 Importance of the distribution in terms of reducing
the number of contacts
or to dominate over competitors (Szeląg-Sikora & Source: Chapman, n.d.
Rorat, 2016). Although the most often used
measures for measuring a distribution channel's Figure 1 shows an increase in the efficiency of
performance have financial character (revenue, net the channel by involving an intermediary.
profit, turnover or logistics costs), nonfinancial However, the number of intermediaries involved in
measures also become very significant in the the distribution process between manufacturers
conditions of global competition, such as level of and customers can affect the efficiency of the entire
customer service or improved customer value. channel function in a negative context as well,
Efficiency of a channel could be measured by since the increase in the number of intermediaries
ability of each company in channel to minimize affects the increase of the distribution costs. In
costs which are associated with performing addition, the emergence of conflicts, which is more
necessary channel functions (American Marketing certain in case of longer or indirect than in case of
Association, n.d.). It depends not only on internal shorter or direct distribution channel, can also
resources or inputs of each company involved, but negatively affect the efficiency of the entire
also on external resources. The structure of the distribution system. In this sense, in this paper the
distribution channel affects the possibility of focus is on the analysis of distribution channels in
exploiting both internal and external resources. terms of number of intermediaries, highlighting the
Therefore, it is in the interest of all partners to advantages and disadvantages of long or short
design an adequate distribution channel structure. channels. In addition, the analysis of different
Channel theory has two orientations: economic factors (internal and external) will indicate the
and behavioural. Economic orientation has a focus drivers of distribution channel's length.
on channel efficiency, with analysing design and
structure of the channel, while behavioural Direct or indirect distribution
orientation is concerned with relationship, channels’ efficiency
cooperation and conflicts between the partners in The most common types of distribution network
channels (Da Silva, 2008). In this regard, the are direct and indirect, with one or more levels of
involvement of intermediaries between intermediaries (distributor, wholesaler, and
manufacturers and customers can be justified by retailer). According to this classification, Dent
economic motives, by reducing the transport costs (2011) points to the following structures of
of producers, by economies of scale and with a distribution: direct - without intermediaries
focus of producers on key competences, but it can between producer and customers, one-tier
also be justified by behavioural motives, or by need distribution with a set of intermediaries between
for establishing trust-based relationships with producer and customers, two-tier distribution with
minimizing conflicts between channel's partners. two sets of intermediaries (for the purpose of
increasing level of services for a wider market
area), and multiple-tiered distribution with more
than two set of intermediaries. Having in mind the
number of intermediaries in the distribution
channel or its length, Rushton, Croucher & Baker,
(2014) divide distribution channels into „short”
and „long”. According to those authors, length of a
distribution channel has direct impact on the

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Andjelkovic et al. The length of the distribution channel as a factor of its efficiency 11

efficiency of the distribution system through Due to the large number of organizations,
distribution costs and quality of service of each activities and facilities, long distribution channels
partner of the channel. become favourable ground for variability. Sources
Long distribution channels have a multi-tier of variability can exist both on the supply and
distribution, and each tier could contain several demand side. Variability on the demand side is a
warehouses and distribution centres, such as result of incorrect demand forecasting, seasonal
warehouses of producers, distribution centres, character of demand, uncertainty circumstances
regional centres, local warehouse etc. Thus, long caused by the lack of information or changes in
distribution channels have a lot of loops and dynamic market, or customer behaviour (Selim &
connections between them. This is the reason why Ozkarahan, 2008). Variability of demand directly
problems which are usual for distribution channels affects the inventory level, and wrong estimation
could be much more serious in long distribution of demand in terms of excess inventory or stock
channels (Djafar, Amer & Lee, 2013). On the other outs will lead to an increase in the cost of keeping
hand, short distribution channel assumes the direct inventories or the cost of lost sales. Variability on
distribution of products to the consumer or a small the supply side is a result of insufficient production
number of intermediaries, as well as links that need capacities, unreliable warehouse facilities and
to be managed. In this regard, in comparison with transportation systems, and inadequate planning
the long distribution channels, the distribution and control due to lack of information. When the
system in this case is much simpler. Success of source of variability is identified, there are
short distribution channel depends from following options for absorbing its negative
consumer's behaviour (Fedorko, Bacik & impact: higher inventory level (it will enable
Gavurova, 2018, p. 1243). The lack of control of avoiding of stock outs, but with increasing keeping
the channel and liquidity problems are recognized inventory costs), development of partnership
as key problems and challenges of longer relations and trust, offering different prices for
distribution channels. On the other hand, trust- various delivery times, setting production schedule
based relationship (Sheffi & Rice, 2005, p. 45), with customers’ requirements. The last two options
high level of coordination and exchange of may be used for make-to-order products.
information among partners are characteristics of Bottlenecks in long distribution channels
short distribution channels. It follows that it is present barriers for continuous product flow and
much easier to notice problems and manage shorter points of weak performance. Bottlenecks are points
distribution channels, as well as to detect potential whose capacities are lower than demand. Those
errors and risky situations, on one side, but also could be seaports, airports, and customs as places
hard to manage risky situations due to the greater of loading and uploading process and as places of
degree of dependence partners and the inability to intermodal transport. Research in Indonesia from
respond to unpredictable and changing market 2005 showed that costs of some companies are
demands due to the lack of alternatives (Blome & higher by 14% as a result of logistics bottlenecks
Henke, 2009, p. 132), on the other side. and especially seaports (Peidro, Mula, Poler &
Distribution channels with a large number of Lario, 2009). In order to minimize the effects of
intermediaries have a problem with a high level of bottlenecks, distribution channels take the
complexity. This type of distribution networks following actions: define priority orders, determine
could have problems concerning coordination and lot size according to available capacity, trade-off
collaboration between partners (Segetlija et al., between size handling and transport lot.
2011). According to Hyton (2005), a great number The bullwhip effect is a result of lack of
of intermediaries could have a reflection to level of coordination among partners, because of poor
coordination. information sharing, inadequate market data,
Concerning the above mentioned, the authors insufficient forecast techniques or other
agree with Hyton (2005) that intermediaries in uncertainties (Djafar et al., 2013). Forecasting
distribution channels represent a main source of demand according to demand of previous partner,
problems. In this sense, long distribution channels instead according to demand from point of sale is
are faced with the following problems (Djafar et the major cause of bullwhip effect. Consequences
al., 2013): variability, bottleneck, bullwhip effect, of bullwhip effect are more serious in long
delivery time and distribution costs, and conflicts distribution channels, due to the great number of
between intermediaries. intermediaries, so that implies greater deviation in
demand between customers and the producers.

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12 Andjelkovic et al. The length of the distribution channel as a factor of its efficiency

The delivery time is one of the most important Drivers of distribution channel’s
indicators of distribution channel efficiency. This length
indicator directly depends on the number and
The decision about length of distribution channel is
structure of distribution channels. In terms of
conditioned by numerous factors, both from the
delivery time, common aim of all partners in the
internal and external environment. A large number of
distribution channel is to minimize it. Beside authors dealt with this issue. However, they usually
delivery time, for evaluation of distribution analysed only one or few factors that could have
channels success, different costs arising from the impact on the length of the channel. Isolating only
distribution process should be analysed, for one or few factors can be a major limitation when
example: warehouse costs, transportation costs, deciding about the length of the channel. Some
inventory costs, equipment costs etc. (Andrejić & authors analysed only the influence of buying habits
Kilibarda, 2015). Long distribution channels have on the length of the channel (Bucklin, 1962; Rangan
more challenges to face considering that those et al., 1992; Frazier and Lassar, 1996), while others
channels have more storage points and product observed the impact of the product type on the
movements. With an increase in the number of channel length (Rangan, Menezes & Maier, 1992;
intermediaries, distribution costs increase, too, Frazier & Lassar, 1996; Black, Lockett, Ennew,
which eventually leads to increasing the price that Winklhofer & McKechnie, 2002; Liu & Cui, 2014).
the final customer pays (Sharifi, Masoudi & Aspinwall (1962) and Miracle (1965) monitored the
Javadin, 2013). According to Hesse and Rodrigue impact of particular product characteristics on the
(2004) each additional transit day could increase length of the distribution channel. Bucklin (1966)
final cost of product approximately by 0.8%. analysed market decentralization, lot size,
Also, one of the challenges which are imposed assortment, and waiting time as a factors of
by long channels is conflicts. Conflicts could be a distribution channel's length. Lilien (1979) was
testing impact of product and market factors on the
result of a low level of coordination between
length of distribution channel, on a sample of 125
intermediaries. Incompatible objectives of
industrial products.
intermediaries may have negative consequences on Designing the optimal length of the distribution
coordination and efficiency of the distribution channel is conditioned by customer habits, product
system. characteristics, market factors, and factors of the focal
In their study about designing distribution company (Da Silva, 2008). The Table 1 shows an
channel for consumer goods, Grant and overview of the mentioned factors and how they
Banomyong (2010) found a solution for the affect the length of the channel.
problem in the case of long distribution channels.
Those authors concluded that factors as human Table 1 Factors of distribution channels’ length
Factors Distribution channel
resources, suitable distribution infrastructure, Short if: Long if:
implementation of new technologies and e- Customer habits
commerce have a great influence on efficiency Frequency of purchase Low High
growth and reduction of distribution cost. In Purchasing effort High Low
Rapidly of consumption Low High
modern conditions, especially role of information Significance of High Low
technologies in distribution channels is purchase
irreplaceable. Long distribution channels find Waiting time High Low
possibility for eliminating or minimizing Product
consequences of inadequate coordination in Replacement rate Low High
implementation of information technology. Beside Gross margin High Low
establishing collaboration and ensuring Adjustment High Low
coordination between partners, importance of Searching time High Low
Unit value High Low
information technology grows in the following Product complexity High Low
conditions (Segetlija et al., 2011): Product life-cycle stage Introduction Maturity
 increased market sensitivity, Volatility of demand High Low
 increased number of channel types, Brand positioning of High Low
 increased market size, Perishability Low High
 wider use of e-commerce, Market factors
 internationalization and access to global Target focus on mass Low High
market. market
Rate of technological High Low

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Andjelkovic et al. The length of the distribution channel as a factor of its efficiency 13

Intensity of competition Low High stores is also the reason of great number of
concentration of High Low
wholesalers. According to Bucklin (1966),
market ubiquity of retailer stores in Japan and a lot of
Company factors wholesale steps have one common point -
Range of products Wide Narrow economies on household storage. Both have
Order size Large Small
Market share Low High
interest to ensure inventories in close proximity to
Desire of control High Low customers and frequently inventory replenishment.
Retailer investments Low High Flath (1990) recognized higher costs of storage in
Number of support Low High retail stores in comparison to costs of storage in
Promotion budget Low High
wholesale centres and short geographic distance
Size of the company Large Small between point of production and point of
Source: Da Silva, 2008. consumption, as reasons for ubiquity of retail
stores in Japan.
Beside analysed factors of distribution system A survey conducted in February and March
length, based on some empirical research conducted 2010 involving 486 customers of cranes from the
in certain countries or regions, it is obvious that
EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) and
context also has impact on it. For instance, the
APAC (Asia and Pacific) cranes in the context of
Japanese distribution system is a great example of
long and convoluted channel, with a lot of testing the importance of direct and indirect
1 distribution channels for achieving annual
wholesalers (Figure 2). Papers and studies which profitability, buyer satisfaction and buyer loyalty,
analysed Japanese distribution system tried to figure
has shown a greater importance of indirect
out the reasons for its complexity. One of the reasons
channels in terms of achieving greater profitability.
of long distribution channels in Japan is small stores
(Flath & Nariu, 1991).
However, by analysing customers’ satisfaction and
loyalty, it has been found that greater satisfaction
Foreign producer and loyalty in this type of product can be achieved
Domestic producer
by using direct channels. The key reason is the
establishment of solid collaborative relationships
through a direct channel that are the basis for
General trading
company achieving a greater degree of satisfaction and then
consumer loyalty (Rambocas, Meneses, Monteiro,
Universal wholesaler & Brit, 2015).
Number of intermediaries could be changed
during the life cycle of the product. For example,
Specialized wholesaler at the beginning of business in the United States
telephone service provider AirTouch Cellular used
agents and wholesalers to sell telephones and
Regional wholesaler service. Involving agents and wholesalers in
distribution channels was justified by the necessity
of installing the phone properly. So, installing the
Local wholesaler phone was a good part of added value of
intermediaries. The emergence of mobile phones
has reduced the importance of agents and
Retail store wholesalers, especially in the domain of installing
Figure 2 Distribution channels in Japan the phone, which was their key competence
Source: Revised according to Lovreta, Petković & Končar, 2013, p. 106. (Frazier, 1999).
Earlier research showed a great percentage of Due to the fact that both models of distribution
wholesalers in distribution channels in relation to channel have pros and cons, usually there is a need
other intermediaries in Japan. So, percentage of for adopting a hybrid approach, or combining
sales from one to other wholesalers in Japan is direct and indirect channels, as well as exploiting
41.9%, in United States 24.8% and 16.2% for the benefits of both approaches.
Germany (Flath & Nariu, 1991). Ubiquity of retail

However, not all distribution channels in Japan are long, as motor vehicles and electric appliances have a relatively
with a great number of wholesalers. For example, products few intermediaries, and also wholesalers.

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14 Andjelkovic et al. The length of the distribution channel as a factor of its efficiency

By involving an intermediary in the distribution length. Therefore, the research hypothesis is

channel, cost of inventory holding will increase, formulated in the following way: There is
but at the same time that will reduce the physical statistically significant difference between the
distance and lead time to the customers. As ways factors indicated as drivers of distribution
for reducing transportation and logistics cost long channels’ length.
distribution channels use: various alternatives of The evaluation of factors impact on decision
vehicles (less than truck load/LTL, full truck about the distribution channels’ length was done by
load/FTL, train, sea vehicles etc.) or warehouses top managers of the observed companies. The
(as distribution centre or transit-terminal impact of each factors was evaluated based on the
consolidation). By using various facilities, long Likert scale (five point scale, where 1 means that
distribution channels could provide more options the factor does not have any impact, while 5 means
for warehousing and transport in small or large that the factor has great impact on decision about
quantity, depending on the size and number of the distribution channels’ length). Bearing in mind
orders, in order to avoid possibility for lost the fact that the sample is rather small (24
demand. enterprises), the authors consider the results of
Choosing direct channels is justified by cost analysis as informative and as an opportunity for
savings and establishing of direct contacts with the identification of some new factors that should be
market. "Expensive" intermediaries are eliminated included into evaluation and analysis. Data were
through the company's direct channels. In addition, collected by questionnaire, comprising of some
producers expect to achieve better relationships general questions (type of industry, company’s
with customers and a greater degree of loyalty and size, capital origin and so on) and questions
trust, through direct channels. Apple is a great concerning 27 factors of distribution channels’
example exploiting the benefits of direct channels, length. However, since reliability analysis, based
since this company has a many-branched retail on Cronbah’s Alpha test, has shown that some
network. Also, Tesla has shown that it can variables (factors) should be excluded from further
successfully market cars from their own Tesla analysis, the actual number of the observed factors
showrooms. is 20 (Cronbah’s alpha based on standardized items
The choice of long channels allows to is 0.825). The data have been analysed by using
producers focus on key competencies, provide usual statistical methods (descriptive statistics,
better market coverage and lower physical distance ANOVA, factor analysis). In order to create an
from customers. More and more combinations of image about the estimated impact of observed
direct and indirect distribution channels are present factors on distribution channels length, they are
in modern conditions. In this way, producers want observed at the group level (customer habits,
to take advantages of both one and the other way product characteristics, market factors, company
of placing products on the market. For example, factors), and detailed analysis is planned after this
Nike sells its products through several tens of pre-research. The results of descriptive analysis are
thousands of retailers around the world. Beside presented in Table 2. Data indicate that customers’
indirect channels, Nike has direct channels: habits (2.51) and company factors (2.29) are the and more than 1000 flagship and outlet most important, from managers’ perspective.
stores. In 2017 through direct channels Nike
Table 2 Descriptive statistics
realized 28% of total sales (Statechi, n.d.). Std.
N Minimum Maximum Mean Deviation
Methodology and results of the CU 24 1.00 3.50 2.5104 .54911
research PR 24 1.17 3.50 2.0069 .70622

In order to get a picture about the domination of MA 24 1.00 3.67 2.1806 .81043
certain type of distribution channels in the CO 24 1.00 3.17 2.2986 .53383
Republic of Serbia, a pre-research was conducted. Source: Authors
In the focus of this research are companies that
operate in the Republic of Serbia, from the food In order to evaluate whether the difference of
industry. The research framework represents the the grouped factors’ impact on distribution channel
systematisation of factors of distribution channels’ length is statistically significant, ANOVA was
length presented in Table 1. The objective of the used. Based on the results from Table 3, it is
research is to identify factors that have dominant obvious that there is statistically significant
role in making decision on distribution channels’ difference of the observed factors’ impact.

STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT, Vol. 25 (2020), No. 2, pp. 003-017

Andjelkovic et al. The length of the distribution channel as a factor of its efficiency 15

Therefore, it might be said that from managers’ selecting one or the other distribution model is to
point of view some factors are more important accept trade-off between market coverage and
when deciding about distribution channel’s length. costs concerning holding inventories. Long
distribution channels will increase market
Table 3 ANOVA
coverage but also will provoke higher inventory
Sum of Mean The results of the research, partly presented in
Squares df Square F Sig. the paper, do not offer one precise solution about
Between 3.218 3 1.073 2.463 .007 the type of distribution channels that should be
chosen by analysed companies. However, they
Within 40.067 92 .436
Groups indicate the groups of factors that are considered as
Total 43.285 95 more influential on distribution channel’s length in
comparison to the others. Based on descriptive and
Source: Authors
ANOVA statistics it is obvious that the dominant
Even though some factors are considered more groups of factors refer to customers’ habits and
important than the others, it might be useful to see company factors.
how individual factors are connected. For this Certainly, the significant limitation of the
purpose, cluster analysis is used and precisely research certainly is the sample size. Beside this
dendrogram (Figure 3), as a diagram that shows the one, another limitation concerns the analysis of
hierarchical relationship between objects (in this distribution channels efficiency, since this would
case created as an output from hierarchical give an opportunity to analyse the impact of certain
clustering). factors, not only on the length of distribution
channels, but also on their efficiency.
Considering the number of papers and studies
on the length of the distribution channel, it seems
that this is a very interesting area. However, there
is still no holistic approach that will define more
detailed and precise recommendations when
deciding on channel’s length selection. In addition,
the emergence of hybrid channels has the objective
to overcome disadvantages of short and long
distribution channels. Further research may be
focused on understanding channels’ design, in the
sense of companies’ freedom in choosing a
channels’ length or adapting to it and recognizing
some other factors that could have an influence on
distribution length, preferably by Delphi method.
Since it is pointed out in the paper that establishing
Figure 3 Dendrogram - hierarchical relationship between
the factors collaboration and ensuring coordination between
Source: SPSS software output (IBM SPSS 22) partners is greatly affected by information
According to the dendrogram, factors that are technology, it is obvious that the importance of
identified as the most important for determining information technology is growing and that it
the distribution channels length are at the same should definitely be included into the list of factors
time closely connected factors. Therefore, for this determining the length of distribution channels that
level of the analysis, it may be concluded that provides customers’ satisfaction and channels’
customers’ habits and company factors have efficiency at the same time.SM
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STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT, Vol. 25 (2020), No. 2, pp. 003-017

Andjelkovic et al. The length of the distribution channel as a factor of its efficiency 17

 Correspondence

Aleksandra Andjelković
Faculty of Economics, University of Nis
Trg kralja Aleksandra Ujedinitelja 11, 18000, Niš, Serbia

STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT, Vol. 25 (2020), No. 2, pp. 003-017

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