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Solar ingress in Virgo sign

by Indranil Ray on Friday, September 16, 2011 at 11:01pm

Solar ingress in Virgo sign : The Sun will Enter At Virgo [Nirayana Vedic System] The prices of silver, cotton, copper,electrical goods, stock shares go bearish. Less rains affecting the crop prospects. Prices of wheat, rice etc., rise after the ingress and hence speculators buy will be quite profitable.

May generate epidemic conditions and some serious fire incidents. The political activities may disturb the general public. There are some inter party rifts ,threatening, instability. The political situation in western part gets disturbed. Some form of Naval action takes place.

Forces,army,navy, air force, Red Cross, warships, war planes, military and military equipment/ hardware, hidden enemy, working class, labour union, trade union, strikes, mass agitation, workers, labour parties, state loans and debts, employment, public health, like nursing, hospitals, disease, national debts, animal husbandry, poultry etc may get the prime focus.

Death of prominent persons cant be ruled out specially related to arts/music/country Leader/Writer etc. In India , Rulling partys Strength shall increase.

Good News might come from sports activity.

Article Written By Indranil Ray Msc[IT],MCA, Jyotish Bharati[Gold Medalist] Bandemataram Award Winner, Maharshi Vedavyas Award Winner

Planet of Action AND Planet of Beauty

Mars will change his sign at Cancer[Karakata] on 9th Sept at 15.46 IST. Mars is symbolizing as the Planet of Action . Mars signifies : Violence, strife, war, defense, military, armed forces,
ammunition, aggression, assassination, assault, agitators, soldiers, naval army, police, executors, un-natural death, mass murders, tragedies, destruction, battle, battle field.

It also causes cuts, injuries, fever. Amongst product it includes chemicals, fertilizers, tractors, cultivation of dry and waste land, expansion of factories,bridges, fire, accident by rail or on road and drowning. The diseases ruled by it are fever, small pox, chicken pox, wounds, tumour, ENT,
high blood pressure, bleeding, hernia, fistula, carbuncles, brain fever, deformity & abortion.

For some people journeys, gain and comforts from mother

and her relations, calm and happy life,gain from property of the deceased are on the card.

There is a chance [for eligible ] of respect and gain of wealth


in foreign

Take care of your mother if she is in her middle age. From Mundane Astrology point of view
Opposition to the Govt.

(within the party) land, crops, agricultural industries, agriculture, mines and minerals,public buildings, real estates, farm lands ,school ,colleges and other educational institutions,weather conditions

like earth-quakes, land-slides, floods, forest fires, mine disaster, volcanic eruption and damage there form etc may get the prime


Venus at [will change her sign at] Virgo [Kanya] on 10th Sept at 12.41 IST Venus is symbolizing as the Planet of Beauty
Venus signifies :
Stock exchange, bank, peace, art, theater, amusements, auction, art dealers, beauty parlours, bed room, casino, social club, concerts, cosmetics, modelling, court-ship, nurses, hotels jewellery, ornaments.

Amongst products it includes, textile, silk, rayon, ladies clothes, toilet articles,
sexual relations, marriage, birth of children, treaties with neighbouring countries, partnership contracts and architecture.

It includes diseases like venereal,

skin, eczema, leprosy, leucoderma, eye problems,, swelling, anemia, ovaries, mucous, complaints due to over indulgence in amusements, drinks and eatings.

The placement of Venus in Virgo

may not allow the planet stay in a enjoyable manifestation because this place of debilitation of Venus with its maximum debilitation at 27 degrees.This would bring much of adverse effects upon the natives of this enclosure. Many enemies , disloyal and immoral, strained relations and loss through spouse ,loss of wealth, disrespect, sickness through traveling can not be ruled out . Achieve through lesser rank , when not afflicted.

The presence of Venus in Virgo

would increase the internal understanding of natives to a lot of extent which may lead them towards much of fluctuations and volatility in life. This may develop their mental power and awareness towards making them scholarly but they need internal vigor and firmness in mind .

From Mundane Astrology point of view

forces,army,navy, air force, Red Cross, warships, war planes, military and military equipment/ hardware, hidden enemy, working class, labour union, trade union, strikes, mass agitation, workers, labour parties, state loans and debts, employment, public health, like nursing, hospitals, disease, national debts, animal husbandry, poultry etc may get the prime focus

The conjunction of Mars with Saturn in the same navamsa of Cancer inspires shares and cotton markets. The placement of Mars and Saturn in the same navamsa of Cancer sign generates serious turns, if labour strikes or
unrest etc., is in progress.

The position of Venus in the navamsas of Saturn, posts

marked changes in edible and non-edible oils.

So, we are observing rapid changes of different nature planets in the different
nature signs which indicates mixed results on individuals and mundane matters .

One thing we should remember, to receive the proper fruits of

Astrology ,one must keep up ,the correct attitude in life.


Recite the Mars stotra (to be chanted a total of 10,000 times in 40 days)
dharani-garbha-sambhutam vidyut-kanti-samaprabha kumaram sakti-hastamcha mangalam pranamamy aham; I offer my obeisance to Shree Mangala, the god of the planet Mars, who was born from the womb of the earth goddess. His brilliant effulgence is like that of lightning, and he appears as a youth carrying a spear in his hand." Japa moola mantra Om kram kreem kroum sah bhaumaya namah Worship: Lord Kartikeya and Shiva Recite: Kartikeya or Shiva stotra Charity: Donate Masoor dal (red lentils) on Tuesday Fasting: Tuesday Pooja: Kartikeya pooja or Rudrabhishekha on Tuesday

Rudraksha: 3 mukhi Gem Stone Details:

The main gem for Mars is Red coral[at least three carats], set in silver ,or a combination of gold and copper and worn on the index or ring finger of the right hand.

Venus [Shukra] For Shukra or Venus related problems 1. Worship Devi Maa. 2. Recite Shree Sooktam or Devi stuti or Durga chalisa. 3. Japa of Shukra beeja mantra: Om dram dreem droum sah shukraya namah, 20000 times in 40 days 4. Recite the Shukra stotra: Hima kunda mrinalaabham daityanam paramam gurum Sarv shastra pravaktaram bhargavem pranamamyaham
Meaning : I bow down to Shukra who is as white and fair as snow and who is the teacher of daithyas who are the enemies of Gods and who is knowledged of all scriptures.

5. Donate clothes or dairy cream or curd to a lady on Friday. Donate clarified butter (ghee), perfume, sandal, sugar, rice and cooking oil, horse (preferably white coloured). Offering fine quality food articles to crows or beggars like sweet rice made in milk, burfy, rasagulla, etc. 6. Fasting: On Fridays. 7. Pooja: Devi pooja. Service to Brahmins (or poor people) with rice and ghee (clarified butter). Also give Cows the part of own meal.

8. Rudraksha: Wear a 6 or 9 Mukhi Rudraksha. 9. Wear Gemstone related to Venus i.e. Diamond or White Sapphire. 10. Avoid -Perfumes, perfumed oils, ghee etc. Never be too choosy in your dress up.

Recite 36th chapter of Sundara kanda from Valmiki Ramayana.



Article Written by Indranil Ray Msc[IT],MCA,Jyotish Bharati[Gold Medalist] for Professional contact Detail Study of your Horoscope, Chart Reading,Correct Remedies for Happy and Prosperous Life,PlanetaryYantras,Gems are available. for Professional contact

Mars Transition in Cancer Mars will change his sign at Cancer[Karakata] on 9th Sept at 15.46 IST.

Venus Transition in Virgo Venus at [will change her sign at] Virgo [Kanya] on 10th Sept at 12.41 IS

We Are In Charge Of Our Attitudes

Mercury in [re-enters] Leo on September 5th, 2011.

Mercury is always within 28 degrees of the Sun as seen from the Earth . Mercury's entry into the sign Leo puts a superior prominence on the need to verbalize. Mercury is a planet of communication, movement and commerce. Leo is a fixed sign of showmanship, royalty, and admiration.

As the natural 5th sign of the zodiac, Leo also represents the mind, and spiritual practices. from one's heart as Leo is the home sign of the Sun. Mercury is also aspected by Jupiter in Aries during this transit, which brings out the more high minded philosophical aspect of the planet. This is a great time for mantra practice and devotional spiritual practices involving the chanting, and scriptural recitation.

Ideally, this suggests that we are now in a period when straight communication is more expected. Our decision making capacity is increased as is our ability to share those decisions with others in a way in which they will understand the value of those decisions. Mercury in Leo indicates entertainment. A little extra time to filter through the clatter, and a little bit of disconnection from the ego, can make this period pleasant and dynamic .

United States. Belgium, Armenia, , Africa, Sardinia, Wales, England, Egypt,France, Italy, Bohemia, Sicily, Turkey, Virginia, West Indies, Brazil, Greece Should get prime focus.

Written By Indranil Ray Msc[IT],MCA,Jyotish Bharati[Gold Medalist]

The next Four months is definitely an interesting period for you,Why? JUPITER RETROGRADE
In May Jupiter moved direct into Aries, for some it was a time to make a big move. For others it was a time to put down and strengthen your specific planets.

Take advantage of the coming Four month time and strengthen the favorable energies which are coming.

When Jupiter is transiting retrograde, it is a good time to restore any project or relationship that is failing. The potential unfavorable are the mere ripples and travel the wave of positive development. A retrograde phase is best seen as a rotation, which begins when the planet begins to slow to a halt before wandering backwards through the zodiac and ends when the planet returns to the point where it first paused. Retrograde motion pulls back and gives a chance to nurse your past . The past that needs to be set on is directly related to the planet involved. This moment of Retro is a time for re-evaluating the current situation and stop any growth policy. It is very wise to stop starting any new project or deal and instead one should focus on existing businesses. During the retrograde cycle, make the effort to revive that which is failing as ruled by the house-position of the transiting retrograde. Make the effort to

go back and make the connection. Jupiter retrograde has to do with great quantity.

During this phase, the planet's energy is most powerful and more likely to generate critical events of Mundane Matters when the planet makes a station, appearing motionless in the sky. The Jupiter retro period is important and it has strong influences on our lives . These stationary periods occur at the beginning of the cycle and in the middle through the cycle when the retrograde planet slows to a stop before moving forward again. A business which starts while Jupiter is retrograde in Aries will find success if connected with unselfish, charitable concerns and greater causes. It is excellent for initiating a charitable or fund-raising project.

Jupiter retrograde is excellent for interrupting your existing partnerships, personal or business. Now its the moment for trying to re-negotiate with your partners. All the legal activities regarding separation are boosted and will be solved more quickly. Jupiter represents the principles of expansion, betting, speculation, teaching, fortune, opportunities, optimism, plenty, travel, higher education, education, religion and philosophy etc. You are likely to see its influence role in your life around you. Jupiter retrograde influences us internally to look within to seek new meanings. You may find you can best use these opportunities to reevaluate your life and attain fresh levels of consciousness and thoughtfulness. This is a period where all the expanding forces from our life is taking a break and all the energy flow is reversed. In this period of time the direction should be from outside to inside . We should pay more attention to all our current involvements and expanding plans and to put in balance each element that are using our energy. If Jupiter is retrograde in ones natal chart, native should have a very rich internal life. In that case one actually make ones own luck. This helps to find out truth and build up a broader viewpoint of life . At the same time, one may feel cautious about involving in others affairs . Speculations may not bring all good fortune .

You must remain open and honest with your Self in order to expand your spirituality and allow your inner voice to guide you. We should expand on inside and to become more closer with our soul. Depending on the transits that Jupiter is making on natal chart one should pay attention to that particular aspects of life.


Jupiter is retrograde for 120 days and is stationary about 5 days before and 5 days after retrogradation. Jupiter will be in retrograde motion in the sign of Aries, then look at the Aries slogan, I am the leader. This is a wonderful time to improve self so that one can be prepared to handle bigger, better and more when Jupiter returns to its normal state.

It is predicted to be a favorable time for the Moon Signs: Scorpio, Aquarius, Cancer, Virgo and Taurus. It is predicted to be an unfavorable time for the Moon Signs: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Pisces.
All of the 17 Thursdays in Jupiter Retro in Aries you chant at Jupiter Hora[Within 2 hours from The sun rises]

Devaanaanca rishinaanca gurum kaancana sannibham Buddhi bhutam trilokesham tam namaami brihaaspatim Om gurave namah

I bow down to Jupiter, teacher of gods and sages, the greatest treasure, and the most intelligent of all creation. Om, I bow down to Jupiter .

Jupiter rules role playing in order stir up a positive external reaction. When Jupiter is retrograde, one should evaluate how he/she is not being honest with "Self" because inner-self is playing a role that is disloyal to one's true Self. When opportunities arise while Jupiter is retrograde, they are the result of seeds planted in the past from people met or connections made in the past. Jupiter retrograde is more spiritual and philosophical so it is a time to explore philosophies, possibly something simpler from a time in your past. This period may produce an event that reminds you of a time when you had a better perspective on life.

Everything is always for your higher purpose. Article Written and Compiled By Indranil Ray Msc[IT],MCA,Jyotish Bharati[Gold Medalist]

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