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Touchstone 3 - Unit

8 Online Homework:
What if?
총점 13/20

이메일 *


1. Read the instructions for each section
2. Make sure to check your answers before
continuing to the next page.
3. After you click submit, check the next
screen for conDrmation.

1. Read the instructions for each section
2. Make sure to check your answers before
continuing to the next page.
3. After you click submit, check the next
screen for conDrmation.

Before you begin the homework assignment,

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Name (i.e., 홍길동) *

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Vocabulary 13/20점

Choose the correct job for each person. You

may have to search the names on the internet.

Complete the sentences with the correct

vocabulary word.

1. to take something with the *1/1

expectation of returning it.

1. get a (full) scholarship

2. get accepted to (grad school)

3. count on

4. major in (economics)

5. lend something to someone

6. borrow something from someone

7. remind someone about something

8. get a promotion

9. share something with someone

2. to depend on someone or *1/1

expect something.

1. get a (full) scholarship

2. get accepted to (grad school)

3. count on

4. major in (economics)

5. lend something to someone

6. borrow something from someone

7. remind someone about something

8. get a promotion

9. share something with someone

3. to raise to a higher rank, *0/1

status, degree, etc.

1. get a (full) scholarship

2. get accepted to (grad school)

3. count on

4. major in (economics)

5. lend something to someone

6. borrow something from someone

7. remind someone about something

8. get a promotion

9. share something with someone


get a promotion

4. receive financial aid provided *1/1

for a student because of
academic merit.

1. get a (full) scholarship

2. get accepted to (grad school)

3. count on

4. major in (economics)

5. lend something to someone

6. borrow something from someone

7. remind someone about something

8. get a promotion

9. share something with someone

5. to give something with the *1/1

expectation of having it returned.

1. get a (full) scholarship

2. get accepted to (grad school)

3. count on

4. major in (economics)

5. lend something to someone

6. borrow something from someone

7. remind someone about something

8. get a promotion

9. share something with someone

6. to cause (someone) to *0/1

remember (something)

1. get a (full) scholarship

2. get accepted to (grad school)

3. count on

4. major in (economics)

5. lend something to someone

6. borrow something from someone

7. remind someone about something

8. get a promotion

9. share something with someone


remind someone about something

Unscramble the words to make the question
or statement correct. Use the words that are
provided. USE correct capitalization,
punctuation, spelling, and spacing. DO NOT

Example: I / an / am / English / teacher / .    

=>     I am an English teacher.

7. wish / helped / house / clean / *···/1

my / I / the / brother / .

I wish my brother helped clean tje



I wish I helped my brother clean the house.

8. he / me / I'd / free / have / , / *0/1

time / If / helped / more / .

If he helped more, I'd have more free



If he helped me, I'd have more free time.

9. let / car / use / parents / I / my *0/1

/ wish / their / me / .

I wish my parents let me use their car for



I wish my parents let me use their car.

10. I / more / , / go / I'd / *0/1

camping / had / If / time / .

If I had more time, I'd go camping.


If I had time, I'd go camping more.

Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

11. If you .............. walking down *1/1

the street and a homeless
person asked you for money,
what ............... you do?

are / would

were / will

were / would

12. I ............. pay for school *1/1

myself if my part-time job ...........
me more.

can / paid

could / paid

could / pay

13. It has rained everyday this *1/1

week. I wish the weather ..........
so awful.




14. If you ............ in England, I *1/1

could visit you more.

would live

have lived


15. Our company doesn't pay *1/1

their employees very well. We
wish we _____ paid more.




Listening Comprehension
Watch the video and answer the questions.


16. Alex got a new computer *1/1

because his old one ____

was broken

wasn't fast enough

17. Alex chose an online course *1/1

because its ____

more convenient


18. Liz can't spend time on her *1/1

music because ____

she's changing jobs

her job is too demanding

19. David is ____ his current *0/1


worried about

bored with


bored with

20. David likes Liz’s job because *1/1


she's always learning something


she can decide her own hours

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