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Demographic Profile;
o Male
o Female

1. How much pocket money do you have monthly in total? (Not including necessary living)
o 0-50
o 50-100
o 100-200
o 200-500
o More than 500

2. When do you use up your pocket money every month?

o Within half month
o Half to one month
o More than one month
3. Your main consumption projects are (according to the amount of spending percentage, can
select more than one):
o Daily necessities
o Books
o Buy costumes
o Buy snacks
o Buy stationery
o Buy electronics products
o Play games, surf the net
o Others (e.g.)
4. Do you have your consumption plan or account book:
o Know it
o Basically know in mind
o No concept

5. Do you want to make up financial management plan?

o Yes
o No

6) Do your parents often complain of your wasting money?

o Always
o Occasional
o Never
7. Do your parents use some effective way to supervise your pocket money?
o Yes
o No
8. Do you learn some financial management knowledge initiatively?
o Yes
o No
9. Do you think high school students need to learn financial management knowledge?
o Yes
o No
10. Do your parents tell you true information about family finances?
o Yes
o Vague
o No

11. Do your parents pay attention to your financial management education?

o Family education is quite successful
o Noticed, had some education
o Indirect effects in life
o No

12. Parents know your financial management status and ability:

o Know it very well
o Clearly know
o Know
o Don’t know
o Never concerned
13. Family’s and social’s influence to your financial management ideas is:
o Very deep
o General
o Almost no
14. Where do you get financial management knowledge?
o Family
o TV & books
o By myself

15. If you buy a new mobile phone, what will you think first?
o Cheap and fine, suitable for myself
o The latest high-grade mobile phone
o Advertising recommend or lots of students are using it
o Be different
o The cheaper, the better
16. In holiday, or on classmates birthday, you send what types of presents:
o Practical, suitable for them
o Very expensive
o Send the same as others
o Don’t send
17. Will you discard the goods you buy soon?
o Most
o Few
o No

18. Do you sometimes have impulse on shopping?

o Yes
o No

19. How do you use your lucky money?

o Be in the bank
o To pay tuition fee
o Buy financial products
o Spend it at random

20. What do you think about the teenagers’ inflated desire of money?
o Social problems
o Family’s responsibility
o Should take action as soon as possible
o This will never happen

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