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Crochet pattern for toy outfits

Etsy shop:

Instagram: @mycrochetwonders

©Marina Chuchkalova 2022

This crochet pattern IS A PAID TUTORIAL!
The pattern is sold exclusively through the designer’s
Etsy shop:

All rights reserved.

Copying and resale of this crochet pattern are not allowed.

Distribution and republishing of this pattern in any kind and in any form,
in whole or in parts, making the contents of this pattern available to third
parties and/or uploading to the internet without prior written permission of
the rights holder are explicitly prohibited.

Finished toys made with the help of this pattern may be sold with
reference to the pattern’s designer, such as “Made from a pattern by Marina
When publishing your own photos of your own work on the internet,
please reference the pattern’s designer, for instance by using the phrase
“Crocheted from a pattern by Marina Chuchkalova @mycrochetwonders“. The
designer’s photos may not be used without permission!

© 2022 Marina Chuchkalova // // Santa and Elf costumes for Hugo frog //page 2
Materials and tools:
1. Use for base for the costumes the same type of yarn from which the frog was
crocheted. I used Sport 5 ply cotton blend yarn (yardage 330 m / 100 g [361 yds / 3.5 oz])
For Santa costume - Alize Cotton Gold 56 (red), Alize Cotton
Gold 60 (black), YarnArt Baby 501 (white, acrylic yarn for beard),
Nako Paris 208 (white, fluffy DK/light worsted yarn for the fur
trim), cotton lace yarn or embroidery floss (beige, for nose),
DMC Embroidery Metallic floss E-677 (white gold, for belt

For Elf costume – Alize Cotton Gold 126 (green), Alize Cotton
Gold 55 (white), Alize Cotton Gold 60 (black), Alize Cotton Gold
56 (red), cotton lace yarn or embroidery floss (beige, for ears),
DMC Embroidery Metallic floss E-677 (white gold, for belt

2. Crochet hooks 2 mm and 1.5 mm

3. Tapestry needle with large eye and sewing needle.
4. Tailor pins.
5. Small brass bells, 8 mm. – 2 pcs.

Abbreviation used:
MR – magic ring;
st(s) – stitch(es);
ch – chain;
sl-st – slip stitch;
sc – single crochet (US), double crochet (UK);
inc – increase (2 sts worked into the same stitch = 1 increased).
dec – decrease (2 stitches crocheted off together, with separate bases and a shared top);
hdc – half double crochet (US), half treble (UK);
dc – double crochet (US), treble crochet (UK);
blo – work through the back loop only;
flo – work through the front loop only;
puff - (work 3 unfinished hdc’s into the same stitch and crochet them off together);
picot – crochet ch2 and connect the chain with a sl-st in the first ch.
(sc, in)... times – repeat instructions in parenthesis the indicated number of times.
Numbers in parenthesis at the end of a row or round indicate the stitch count after completion
of the row or round.

© 2022 Marina Chuchkalova // // Santa and Elf costumes for Hugo frog //page 3

With red color crochet a chain of ch51.
Crochet in rows.
1 row: start working from the 2-nd loop, sc in every st. (50)
2 row: 9 sc, ch 7 (skip 7 sts), 18 sc, ch7 (skip 7 sts), 9 sc (54)
3 row: sc in every st. (50)
4 row: 6 sc, inc, 11 sc, inc, 12 sc, inc, 11 sc, inc, 6 sc (54)
5 row: sc in every st. (54)
6 row: 7 sc, inc, 11 sc, inc, 14 sc, inc, 11 sc, inc, 7 sc (58)
7-11 rows (5 rows): sc in every st. (58)
Change yarn to fluffy white yarn, cut red yarn.
12 row: blo sc sc in every st (58)
13-14 rows (2 rows): sc in every st. (58)

© 2022 Marina Chuchkalova // // Santa and Elf costumes for Hugo frog //page 4
Without cutting the yarn work on the side: sl-st along the side edge, ch1, turn, flo sc in
every st., ch1, turn, sc in every st.

Without cutting the yarn work on the collar: sl-st along the neckline, ch3, turn, blo dc in
every st., ch3, sl-st in the last st., turn, ch1, sl-st in every unused half loop.

Without cutting the yarn work on the other side: sl-st along the side edge, ch1, turn, flo
sc in every st. Fasten off and weave in the yarn ends.

© 2022 Marina Chuchkalova // // Santa and Elf costumes for Hugo frog //page 5
Attach the red yarn to the back of the sleeve’s opening. Work in spiral.
1 rnd: make 14 sc along the opening (14)
2-10 rnds (9 rounds): sc in every st. (14)
Change yarn to white fluffy yarn.
11 rnd: sl-st in every st. (14)
12 rnd: (insert the hook under the back loops of white stitches and at the same time
under the red sts of Round 10) – 1 sc in every st. (14)
13 rnd: 1 sc in every st. (14)
Fasten off and weave in the yarn ends.

trouser-leg (make 2)
With white fluffy yarn crochet a chain of ch15, make sure that the chain is not twisted,
connect the chain with sl-st and start crocheting the first round. Work in spiral.
1-2 rnds (2 rounds): sc in every st. (15)
Change yarn to red.
3 rnd: blo sc in every st. (15)
4-16 rnds (13 rounds) 1 sc in every st. (15)

Fasten off and cut the yarn for the first trouser-leg.
Do not cut the yarn for the second trouser-leg, continue crocheting.
Insert the hook into the st. of the first trouser-leg, make sl-st, ch1. Beginning round 17at
this stitch, work over the stitches of both trousers-legs. The beginning of round at the

© 2022 Marina Chuchkalova // // Santa and Elf costumes for Hugo frog //page 6
17 rnd: (4 sc, inc) х 6 (36)
18 rnd: 1 sc in every st. (36)
19 rnd: (5 sc, inc) х 6 (42)
20 rnd: 1 sc in every st. (42)
21 rnd: 6 sc, inc, 27 sc, inc, 6 sc, inc (45)
22 rnd: 1 sc in every st. (45)
23 rnd: 7 sc, inc, 28 sc, inc, 7 sc, inc (48)
24-25 rnds (2 rounds) 1 sc in every st. (48)
Change yarn to white fluffy yarn.
26 rnd: 1 sl-st in every st. (48)
27 rnd: (insert the hook under the back loops of white stitches and at the same time
under the red sts of Round 25) – 1 sc in every st. (48)
28-29 rnds (2 rounds): 1 sc in every st. (48)
Fasten off and weave in the yarn ends.

With red yarn. Work in spiral.
1 rnd: 6 sc in MR (6)
2 rnd: (1 sc, inc) х 3 (9)
3 rnd: (2 sc, inc) х 3 (12)
4 rnd: (5 sc, inc) х 2 (14)
5 rnd: (6 sc, inc) х 2 (16)
6 rnd: (7 sc, inc) х 2 (18)

© 2022 Marina Chuchkalova // // Santa and Elf costumes for Hugo frog //page 7
7 rnd: (8 sc, inc) х 2 (20)
8 rnd: (9 sc, inc) х 2 (22)
9 rnd: (10 sc, inc) х 2 (24)
10 rnd: (11 sc, inc) х 2 (26)
11 rnd: (12 sc, inc) х 2 (28)
12 rnd: (13 sc, inc) х 2 (30)
13 rnd: (14 sc, inc) х 2 (32)
14 rnd: (15 sc, inc) х 2 (34)
15 rnd: (16 sc, inc) х 2 (36)
16 rnd: (17 sc, inc) х 2 (38)
17 rnd: (18 sc, inc) х 2 (40)
18 rnd: 1 sc in every st. (40)
Make 8 sc, to move the beginning of the round to back side of the hat.
Change yarn to white fluffy yarn.
19 rnd: 1 sl-st in every st. (40)
20 rnd: (insert the hook under the back loops of white stitches and at the same time
under the red sts) – 1 sc in every st. (40)
21 rnd: 1 sc in every st. (40)
Fasten off and weave in the yarn ends.

With white fluffy yarn.
1 rnd: 6 sc in MR (6)
2 rnd: 6 inc (12)
3 rnd: sc in every st. (12)
4 rnd: 6 dec (6)
Stuff lightly with fiberfill. Fasten off, leaving a yarn tail. Using needle weave the yarn tail
through front loops and close the opening. Sew the pompon to the tip of the hat.

BOOTS (make 2)
With black yarn. Work in spiral.
Crochet a chain of ch6.
1 rnd: start from the 2-nd loop from the hook, 4 sc, 5 sc in the last loop of the chain.
Continue into the unused loops on the other side of the chain: 3 sc, inc (14)
2 rnd: inc, 3 sc, 5 inc, 3 sc, 2 inc (22)
3 rnd: blo sc in every st. (22)
4-5 rns (2 rounds): sc in every st. (22)
6 rnd: 5 sc, 5 dec, 7 sc (17)

© 2022 Marina Chuchkalova // // Santa and Elf costumes for Hugo frog //page 8
7 rnd: 6 sc, dec of 3 sts, 8 sc (15)
8-10 rnds (3 rounds): sc in every st. (15)
11 rnd: sl-st in every st. (15)
Fasten off and weave in the yarn ends.
Embroider buckles on the boots with metallic floss thread.

Crochet a chain of ch56. Work around the chain.
Start from the 2-nd loop from the hook, 54 sc, 2 sc in the last loop of the chain, 54 sc on
the other side of the chain, ch1, sl-st.
Fasten off and weave in the yarn ends.

Belt buckle
Crochet a chain of ch16.
Connect the chain into a ring with sl-st, ch1, (3 sc, 3 sc in one loop) repeat 4 times.
Fasten off, leaving a tail for sewing.
Sew the buckle to the belt. Attach the belt using tailor pins.

© 2022 Marina Chuchkalova // // Santa and Elf costumes for Hugo frog //page 9
Crochet a chain of ch19. Work in rows.
1 rnd: start from the 3-rd loop from the hook (1 puff, ch1, skip 1 loop) repeat 8 times,
1 puff, ch2, turn crocheting.
2 rnd: (1 puff under ch, ch1) repeat 8 times, 1 puff under the adjustment ch, ch2, turn
3 rnd: (1 puff under ch, ch1) repeat 8 times, 1 puff under the adjustment ch.
Fasten off and weave in the yarn ends.

Crochet a chain of ch20.
Start from the 3-rd loop from the hook (1 puff, ch1, skip 1 loop) repeat 4 times, 2 sl-st,
ch1, skip 1 loop, (1 puff, ch1, skip 1 loop) repeat 3 times, 1 puff, ch2, sl-st.
Fasten off, leaving a tail for sewing.

Crochet a chain of ch35, fold beard in half and without cutting the yarn crochet both
edges together with sl-st, crochet a chain of ch35. Cut the yarn shortly.

© 2022 Marina Chuchkalova // // Santa and Elf costumes for Hugo frog //page 10
Use beige lace yarn and 1.5 mm hook size.
1 rnd: 6 sc in MR (6)
2 rnd: 6 inc (12)
3 rnd: sc in every st. (12)
4 rnd: (2 sc, dec) х 3 (9)
5 rnd: sc in every st. (9)
6 rnd: (1 sc, dec) х 3 (6)
Stuff lightly with fiberfill. Fasten off, leaving a yarn tail. Using needle weave the yarn tail
through front loops and close the opening.

Sew the nose in the center of the mustache, then sew the mustache to the beard fixing
the side puffs.

© 2022 Marina Chuchkalova // // Santa and Elf costumes for Hugo frog //page 11

Striped leggings are made in the course of crocheting the body and legs of the frog.

For the body

Follow the pattern of the body, after the round 18 change the color to white. Alternate
white and red to the end of the body: two rounds in white, one round in red.

For the legs

Start making the frog's legs in white, alternate white and red (two rows in white, one row
in red) until round 26. After round 26, change the color to green and make the paw.

© 2022 Marina Chuchkalova // // Santa and Elf costumes for Hugo frog //page 12
With green yarn crochet a chain of ch46, make sure that the
chain is not twisted and connect it into a ring with sl-st.
Work in rounds, connecting each round with sl-st.
1 rnd: 1 sc in every st (46)
2 rnd: 9 sc, ch7 (skip 6 sts), 16 sc, ch 7 (skip 6 sts), 9 sc (48)
3 rnd: 1 sc in every st (48)
4 rnd: 4 sc, inc, 13 sc, inc, 10 sc, inc, 13 sc, inc, 4 sc (52)
5 rnd: 1 sc in every st (52)
6 rnd: 5 sc, inc, 13 sc, inc, 12 sc, inc, 13 sc, inc, 5 sc (56)
7-9 rnds (3 rounds): 1 sc in every st (56)
10 rnd: 6 sc, inc, 13 sc, inc, 14 sc, inc, 13 sc, inc, 6 sc (60)
11-13 rnds (3 rounds): 1 sc in every st (60)
14 rnd: 1 sl-st in every st (60)
15 rnd: ch2, hdc in every st. of round 13 (60)
Fasten off and weave in the yarn ends.

Attach the green yarn to the back of the sleeve’s opening. Work in spiral.
1 rnd: make 13 sc along the opening (13)
2-6 rnds (5 rounds): sc in every st (13)
7 rnd: sl-st in every st (13)
8 rnd: ch2, hdc in every st. of round 5 (13)
Fasten off and weave in the yarn ends.

Attach white yarn to the back of the neckline.
1 rnd: 4 sc, dec, 5 sc, dec, 5 sc, dec, 6 sc, dec, 5 sc, dec, 5 sc, dec, 4 sc (40)
2 rnd: sl-st in every st (40)

© 2022 Marina Chuchkalova // // Santa and Elf costumes for Hugo frog //page 13
3 rnd: turn T-shirt 180 degrees, ch1, (1 sc, 1 hdc, in one st. (1 dc, picot, 1 dc), 1 hdc) repeat
10 times. Fasten off and weave in the yarn ends.

With green color.
1 rnd: 6 in MR (6)
2 rnd: (2 sc, inc) х 2 (8)
3 rnd: (3 sc, inc) х 2 (10)
4 rnd: (4 sc, inc) х 2 (12)
5 rnd: (5 sc, inc) х 2 (14)
6 rnd: (6 sc, inc) х 2 (16)
7 rnd: (7 sc, inc) х 2 (18)
8 rnd: (8 sc, inc) х 2 (20)
9 rnd: (9 sc, inc) х 2 (22)
10 rnd: (10 sc, inc) х 2 (24)
11 rnd: (11 sc, inc) х 2 (26)
12 rnd: (12 sc, inc) х 2 (28)
13 rnd: (13 sc, inc) х 2 (30)
14 rnd: (14 sc, inc) х 2 (32)
15 rnd: (15 sc, inc) х 2 (34)
16 rnd: (16 sc, inc) х 2 (36)
17 rnd: (17 sc, inc) х 2 (38)
18 rnd: (18 sc, inc) х 2 (40)
19 rnd: sc in every st. (40)
Make 8 sc, to move the beginning of the round to back side of the hat.
Change yarn to white.
20 rnd: 1 sl-st in every st. (40)
21 rnd: turn hat 180 degrees (tip up), ch2, blo hdc in every st. (40)
Fasten off and weave in the yarn ends.

© 2022 Marina Chuchkalova // // Santa and Elf costumes for Hugo frog //page 14
With red yarn.
1 rnd: 6 sc in MR (6)
2 rnd: 6 inc (12)
3 rnd: sc in every st. (12)
4 rnd: (2 sc, dec) х 3 (9)
5 rnd: (1 sc, dec) х 3 (9)
Stuff lightly with fiberfill. Fasten off, leaving a yarn tail. Using needle weave the yarn tail
through front loops and close the opening. Sew the pompon to the tip of the hat.

EARS (make 2)
Use beige lace yarn and 1.5 mm hook size.
1 rnd: 5 sc in MR (5)
2 rnd: sc in every st. (5)
3 rnd: 4 sc, inc (6)
4 rnd: (1 sc, inc) х 3 (9)
5-6 rnds (2 rounds): sc in every st. (9)
7 rnd: (2 sc, inc) х 3 (12)
8 rnd: sc in every st. (12)
9 rnd: (3 sc, inc) х 3 (15)
10 rnd: sc in every st. (15)
11 rnd: (3 sc, dec) х 3 (12)
12 rnd: sc in every st. (12)
13 rnd: (2 sc, dec) х 3 (9)
Fold the ear in half and single crochet edges together.
Fold in half again and connect the corners together with sl-st.
Fasten off, leaving a tail for sewing. Sew the ears to the hat.

© 2022 Marina Chuchkalova // // Santa and Elf costumes for Hugo frog //page 15
BOOTS (make 2)
With red yarn.
Crochet a chain of ch20 + ch1 for height adjustment.
Work in rows.
1 row: 20 sc, ch1, turn (20)
2 row: skip 1 st., 17 sc, dec, ch1, turn (18)
3 row: skip 1 st., 15 sc, dec, ch1, turn (16)
4 row: skip 1 st., 13 sc, dec, ch1, turn (14)
5 row: skip 1 st., 11 sc, dec (12)
Insert the hook in the opposite corner and work in spiral.
6-8 rnds (3 rounds): sc in every st. (12)
9 rnd: (2 sc, dec) х3 (9)
10 rnd sc in every st. (9)
11 rnd: dec, 7 sc (8)
12 rnd: dec, 6 sc (7)
13 rnd: dec, 5 sc (6)
14 rnd: dec, 4 sc (5)
Fasten off, leaving a yarn tail. Using needle weave the yarn tail through front loops and
close the opening. Sew the bells to the tip of the boots.
Sew the back hole halfway. Attach green yarn to the lapels and crochet it with sl-st,
making a picot in the corner sts.

© 2022 Marina Chuchkalova // // Santa and Elf costumes for Hugo frog //page 16
Crochet a chain of ch56.
Start from the 2-nd loop from the hook, 55 sc, ch1, sl-st.
Fasten off and weave in the yarn ends.

Belt buckle
Crochet a chain of ch12.
Connect the chain into a ring with sl-st, ch1, (2 sc, 3 sc in one loop) repeat 4 times.
Fasten off, leaving a tail for sewing.
Sew the buckle to the belt. Attach the belt using tailor pins.


If showing your work on Instagram,

don’t forget to tag me with @mycrochetwonders
and to use hashtag #design_by_chuchkalova

More patterns to be found in my Etsy and Ravelry shops

Thank you for crocheting with me!

See you next time!

© 2022 Marina Chuchkalova // // Santa and Elf costumes for Hugo frog //page 17

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