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Indus Valley Case: Lord Indra


Post No 764 dated 28th December 2013. I have compiled the facts from Ghorakpur
University Prof. Shivaji Singh’s talk.

By London Swaminathan

Vedic & Indus Civilization

“ Everything has come down to us from the banks of the Ganges; astronomy, astrology,
metempsychosis etc”—Voltaire

Latest research shows that the Indus Valley civilization and the Vedic
civilization are one and the same. What the foreigners wrote about Dravidian
Tamils and Aryans settling down in India from far off places has been proved
WRONG by latest research.

AIT was demolished and AMT was proved baseless and now IMT is gaining
more strength (AIT= Aryan Invasion Theory, AMT= Aryan Migration Theory and
IMT= Indian Migration Theory. Indians went to different parts of the world and
spread their civilization. IMT is also known as OBT= Out of Bharat Theory.

1.Foreigners who wanted to establish their rule and preach their religion said
Dravidians and Aryans came to India from outside. But Hindu literature says
Indra is the God of the East. East is called Purva Dig i.e the first direction. All
the rivers are mentioned from East to West in Rig Veda not vice verse.
2.Who asked the Indians to go outside and spread the civilization? Rig Veda
asked them to go out ‘Krinvanto Visvam Aryam’ (Rig Veda 9-63-5) ‘Make the
World Noble’.

3. Foreigners spread a lie that Indus Forts were destroyed by the Aryans. But
actually Shiva (considered by foreigners as Indus Pasupati) was the one who
destroyed Tri Pura ( Three forts made up of 3 different metals). All over the
world , we see the people of same race fights among them and destroy forts.
Tamil kings Chera ,Choza and Pandya fought among themselves and destroyed
each other’s forts. They razed them to ground, set fire to the towns and
ploughed the land with donkeys, say Sangam Tamil literature. More over Tri
Pura is all over the world. Tripura in North East India, Tripoli in Lebanon, Tripoli
and Tripolitania in Libya and Tripolis in Greece are also Three Forts!

4. Vedic people also had beautiful forts; They were strong like metal (ayasi),
multi sided (satabhuji), spacious (vipula), broad (urvi), good looking (subhra)
and auspicious (bhadra) according to Rig Veda. They fought among themselves
like the southern Tamil Kingdoms. Tamils fought among themselves for 1500
years without stopping according to Tamil literature and epigraphs. Tamils
internal fight is the longest in the world. But they belonged to one race.

5. Max Muller got money from East India Company and wrote bad things about
the Vedas in the beginning. Later he changed his view. He got enlightened by
the Vedas. First he described Vedic people as ‘most primitive’. He described
their thoughts as ‘child like’. He wrote that the Vedic hymns were composed in
the ‘North West by those who came from outside’. He dubbed the seers as
‘nomadic tribes’. He wrote that Vedas belonged to 1200 BC. Later he changed
his views and praised them sky high. Later he declared, “NO POWER ON
6. Sanskrit words are found all over West Asia in the second millennium BC.
Kassites who ruled Babylon described the Sun God as Suriyas in 1760 BC. This
word is used for Sun in India today from Northern Himalayas to Southern Tamil
Nadu. Vedic Gods names were found in Turkey in 1400 BC. Bogaz-keui is
situated 145 Kilo meters from Ankara in Turkey where the tablets with Sanskrit
names were found 80 years ago. El Amarna tablets in Egypt also gave kings
names in Sanskrit.

7. Linguists are confused. When they found some similarities in Indo European
languages they thought that Indians came from outside. Now it shows the
migration was in reverse direction. There are millions of words which have no
relationship! Linguists differ widely in their dating of the Vedas, Avesta and
other literature. Whatever they say about Indo European is not applied to
other languages in any other part of the world. If they apply the same theory
to languages like Tamil, the date of their literature will be relegated further.

8. Freedom fighter Bala Gangadhara Tilak and German scholar Jacobi worked
independently on the date of Vedas and arrived at the date of 4500 BC for the
Rig Veda. They used astronomical data in the Vedas. Foreigners rejected them
outright without any basis. Now the scientific data on River Saraswati proved
that the Vedic civilization must be 2000 years older than Max Muller’s date for
the RV.

9.The ancient Egyptians and Babylonians used the calculation in Sulvasutras in

the Vedas. The latest research shows that the Battle of Ten Kings in the RV
must have taken place in 3730BC.(Please read my earlier post Did Indians build
Egyptian Pyramids?)

10.Business Term in RV: There are business terms and terms on maritime trade
in RV. So they must have involved in lot of business transactions with West
Asia and Egypt. The word ‘Vanij’ for merchant is known. Words expressing the
concepts of capital investment, profit, loan, tax and contract are found in the
Vedas. Trading was done by road ways and by waterways. Ship wrecks are
mentioned. Architectural terms are also found. All these show that there was a
highly civilized society.

11.Horse: Use of Horse was debated for long. At first, foreigners wrote that
Aryans came by horses and destroyed Indus people with iron instruments. But
they could not find any iron or horse bones! They contradicted themselves!
Now there are horse bones. But they are not foreign horses!

12. Horse bones were discovered in lot of Indus sites. Indian indigenous horses
have 17 pairs of ribs. They are different from the horses found in Iran, Central
Asia and Europe. They have 18 pairs of ribs. Rig Veda clearly mentioned horse
with 17 pairs of ribs (RV 1-162-18) “The axe penetrates the 34 ribs of the swift
horse, the beloved of the gods, cut up the horse with skill, so that the limbs
may be imperforated and recapitulating joint by joint. Now we know that the
AIT people fooled us by saying that the Aryans came on the backs of the horses
from Iran!


Sir Mortimer Wheeler was the one who made all Indians idiots! He fooled all
the Indians by saying that he found a clinching evidence for the massacre of
Indus people when he saw 37 skeletons scattered in disorderly manner at
Mohenjodaro. “It may be no mere chance that at a late period at
Mohenjodaro, men, women and children appeared to have been massacred
there. On circumstantial evidence, Indra stands accused” (Wheeler 1947:82).
Later, on examination G.F.Dales did find that Wheeler has misread the
archaeological evidence. Neither they belonged to one and the same
stratigraphical context nor were there proof of any massacre. Most of the
skeletons positively showed that the persons were actually drowned in severe
and sudden flood in the river Indus. Only two or three out of 37 skeletons bore
cut marks and those too were found to have healed up. So he wrote a paper
entitled ‘The Mythical Massacre at Mohenjo-Daro’ and exploded the myth of
Aryan destruction of Harappan cities. K.M Srivatsava aptly remarks “ Indra,
therefore ,stands completely exonerated”.

14. Indus civilization is not Indus civilization anymore. There are more sites on
the banks of River Sarasvati than Indus. BB Lal says 50 major sites are on Indus
river where as 177 early and 283 mature Harappan sites are on the banks of
dried Saraswati river. All the early scholars were proved wrong on Indus
Civilization when the scientific proof for drying of Sarasvati was dated 1700 BC.
According to Kalyanaraman (2002), out of 2600 archaeological sites, over 1500
settlements were found on the Saraswati River Basin.

Aryan Gene and Dravidian Gene!

15.Next a fact from Genetics. In a recent analysis of Indian and Western
Eurasian gene pools, T.Kivisild and his team of scientists found that while the
North and the South Indian gene-pools are almost similar, they differ markedly
from the gene-pool of Western Eurasia. Their analysis based on mitochondrial
DNA test, a well known procedure in genetics that can measure genetic
inheritance for thousands of generations. The analysis shows that the Western
Eurasian strain, which is present over 70% in the populations of European
countries like Germany, is found to be merely 5.2 of % Indian gene-pool. They
remark: The supposed Aryan Invasion of India 3000-4000 years before present,
therefore did not make a major splash in the Indian gene-pool. This is
especially counter indicated by the presence of equal, though very low
frequencies of the Western Eurasian mt-DNA types in both southern and
northern India. Though they refer to Aryan ‘Invasion’, the inference is equally
applicable to Aryan’ migration’ and it is quite clear: the much propagated
theory of Aryan invasion/migration is contradicted by the genetics. More
importantly, the notion of ethnic divide between northern and southern
Indians is also brushed aside by genetics.
From the book Vedic Culture and its continuity (Proceedings of National Seminar)


My previous posts on the same theme:

1.Aryan Chapatti and Dravidian Dosa! 2.Aryan, Non Aryan Issue in Murder Attack in Britain!
3.Black Genius of India, 4.Kavadi and Cousin Marriage in North India, 5.Aryan Hitler and
Hindu Swastika, 6.Were Moses and Jesus Aryans?, 7.Are these Customs Aryan or Dravidian?,
8.Who are Dravidians?, 9.‘Dravidians are Invaders’, 10.AYAS and ASVA : Most
Misunderstood Words, 11.MLECHA: Most misunderstood word, 12.திராவ ட காக
ஆ ய ெகா !, 13.திராவ ட க யா ?, 14.ஆ யமா? திராவ டமா? ந கேள
ெசா க !, 15.“மிேல ச” எ றா எ ன?, 16.ெபா (அய ) எ றா எ ன?,
17.ஆ ய ச பா தி திராவ ட ேதாைச , 18.ஆ ய ஹி ல
ஹி வ திகா 19.தமிழ கா ல !!! 20.Biggest Brainwash in the World

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