TQ Q4 Mathematics 6 - Jane Ramos

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet

PROJECT SMART (Standardized and Meaningful Assessment Result-Based Teaching)

Fourth Quarter Test for Mathematics 6
General Directions:
a. This is a 40-item multiple choice type of test covering the learning
competencies tackled during the quarter. Go over these items first before
b. Select the best answer from the given options. Write the letter of your choice
on the answer sheet provided.
c. Do not write anything on this paper
* (Use π = 3.14)
1. Which of the following statements correctly describe the volume of pyramids and prisms with the
same dimensions?
A. The volume of a pyramid is one-third of the volume of a prism.
B. The volume of a pyramid is two-thirds of the volume of a prism.
C. The volume of a pyramid is one-third greater than the volume of a prism.
D. The volumes of a pyramid and prism are the same because their bases are the same.

2. Consider a cylinder and a sphere with equal radius and the height of the cylinder is equal to twice
the radius. Which of the following is the fraction of the volume of the sphere to the volume of the
A. 3
B. 3
C. 4
D. 3

3. A cone and a cylinder have congruent bases and altitudes. What is the ratio of the volume of the
cylinder to the cone?
A. 1: 3
B. 2: 3
C. 3: 1
D. 3: 2

4. The base area and height of a pyramid and a prism are equal. Which of the following fractions is
the part of the volume of a pyramid to the volume of the prism?
A. 3
B. 3
C. 3
5. Which of the following is the volume of a cylinder with measurements shown in Figure 1?

A. 38.14 cm3
B. 128.14 cm3
C. 785.00 cm3
D. 7 850.00 cm3

Figure 1

6. What is the volume of the pyramid illustrated in Figure 2?

Figure 2

A. 27 dm3
B. 84 dm3
C. 180 dm3
D. 540 dm3

7. What is the volume of the cone in Figure 3?

Figure 3

A. 24.14 m3
B. 114.14 m3
C. 1271.7 m3
D. 3815.1 m3

8. If a prism has a volume of 33m3 , which of the following is the volume of a pyramid that has the
same base and height of that prism?
A. 11 m3
B. 33 m3
C. 44 m3
D. 66 m3

9. Rojane is filling a giant beach ball with air. The radius of the beach ball is 10 cm. Which of the
following is its volume?
A. 3, 009.42 cm3
B. 3,140.00 cm3
C. 4,186.67 cm3
D. 12,560.00 cm3
10. How many gallons of water can a cylindrical tank contain if its diameter is 6 ft and its 15 ft deep?
(1 ft3 = 7.5 gal)
A. 1, 059.75
B. 3, 179.25
C. 4, 239.00
D. 9, 537.75

11. A crate 16 m long, 10 m wide, and 12 m high is completely filled with cubical boxes. Each box
has an edge of 2 m. How many boxes are there in the crate?
A. 120
B. 240
C. 480
D. 960

12. Which is the correct reading of the electric meter in Figure 5?

Figure 5

A. 8 4 9 1 kWh
B. 8 4 9 2 kWh
C. 8 5 9 1 kWh
D. 9 5 9 1 kWh

13. What is the correct reading of the water meter in Figure 6?

Figure 6

A. 8 152 m3
B. 8 153 m3
C. 8 162 m3
D. 8 163 m3

14.Which is the correct water meter reading of the digital water meter in Figure 7?

Figure 7

A. 518 m3
B. 567 m3
C. 5 673 m3
D. 5 673 518 m3
15. Which electric meter has a reading of 1365 kilowatt-hour?




16. The Torres Family closely monitors their electric consumption. Figure 8 shows the readings on
their dials for the previous and present month. What is the electric consumption of Torres family for
this month?
Present Month

Previous Month

Figure 8

A. 128 kWh
B. 138 kWh
C. 238 kWh
D. 1238 kWh
17. Rolance’s record of his family’s water consumptions show in Figure 9.
How many cubic meters of water do they consume for this month?
Present Month

Previous Month

Figure 9

A. 421 m3
B. 531 m3
C. 941 m3
D. 951 m3
18. On February 23, the electric meter reading of the Torres family was 3211 kWh. In the following
month, the reading went as high as 4119 kWh. Which of the following is the amount of electricity
the family consumed for a month?
A. 12 kWh
B. 90 kWh
C. 330 kWh
D. 908 kWh

19. The previous water meter reading at Matt’s residence was 3126 m3. In the following month, the
reading was 3204 m3. Which of the following is the amount of water consumed in one month?
A. 12 m3
B. 78 m3
C. 122 m3
D. 340 m3
Refer to Table 1 to answer question 20.

Table 1
20. Which households consumed almost the same amount of electricity?
A. household A and B
B. household B and C
C. household C and D
D. household D and E
21. Roland’s record of their water consumption is shown in Table 2. On which month did they use
much water?

Table 2
A. January
B. February
C. March
D. April
22. Which pie graph will correctly illustrate the given data in Table 3?

A. B. C. D.
23.Franz sets up a community pantry in his barangay. He bought a box filled with grocery items.
Table 4 shows the content of the box. Which pie graph best illustrates the data in the table?





Refer to Figure 10 to answer questions 24-25. The pie chart shows how a Grade 6 Sapphire learner
spends his day. (Hint: 1 day = 24 hours)

24. In which category does the learner spend most of his time?
A. sleeping
B. studying
C. doing chores
D. playing outdoors
25. How many hours of the day does the learner spend in studying the lesson?
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
Refer to Figure 11 to answer question 26. Jane tracked the time she spent in answering her modules
for a week.

Figure 11

26. Which of the subjects requires the least period?

A. TLE and EsP
C. English and TLE
D. English and Aral Pan

27. Which of the following would describe a 75% chance of an event happening?
A. Certain
B. Likely
C. Unlikely
D. Even

28. Which among the following terms can be used to describe the probability of the statement,
“People can live for a thousand years”?
A. Impossible
B. Even chance
C. Unlikely
D. Certain

29. When you toss two coins at the same time, what are the possible outcomes?
A. head only
B. head and seal
C. head and seal, head and head
D. head and seal, head and head, seal and seal
30. When you roll a die with numbers 1 to 6, what is the chance that you will get an even number?
A. 25%
B. 30%
C. 50%
D. 75%.
31. What is the probability that you will pick a red ball from a box with 3 brown, 2 red, 1 white, and 4
green balls?
A. 20%
B. 25%
C. 50%
D. 80%
Refer to Figure 12 to answer questions 32-33. The following are pants and tops that can be
paired as outfits.

Figure 12

32. If you list the possible ways you can match them for an outfit, which is the correct answer?
A. Tattered and short-sleeve
B. Tattered and short-sleeve, skinny and stripes
C. Tattered and short-sleeve, skinny and stripes, tattered and stripes
D. Tattered and short-sleeve, skinny and stripes, tattered and stripes, skinny and short sleeves
33. In how many way/s can you match the pants and tops for an outfit?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Refer to Table 5 to answer questions 34-35. The menu sold at an eatery are the following:
Main Dishes Side Dishes
Chicken Adobo Pinakbet
Fried Fish Chopsuey
Table 5
Vegetable salad

34. If you draw a diagram to show the ways you can order a combo-menu composed of a main dish
and a side dish to be chosen, which is the correct illustration?



35. Robert flipped a coin 16 times, what is the best prediction for the possible number of times that it
will land on heads?
A. 3
B. 4
C. 8
D. 16
36.Francine has a choice of 2 colors of pants, 3 colors of shirts, and 2 kinds of shoes. How many
different outfits can she wear?
A. 3
B. 7
C. 6
D. 12
37.Adrian has been observing the types of vehicles passing through a road. Of the last 50 vehicles,
28 were taxis, 8 were trucks and 14 were buses. What is the probability that the next vehicle through
the intersection will be a bus?
A. 0.16
B. 0.28
C. 0.56
D. 0.72

Refer to Figure 13 to answer questions 38-39. The figure shows a container with 4 triangles, 5
squares and 7 circles cut out of cardboard. A single object is drawn at random from the container.

Figure 13
38. What is the probability that it is NEITHER a triangle NOR a square?
A. 16
B. 16
C. 16
D. 16

39. What is the probability that it is either a circle or a square?

A. 6.67%
B. 8.33%
C. 43.75%
D. 75%
Refer to Table 6 to answer questions 40. A die was tossed 60 times. The following data was

Table 6

40. What is the probability of getting 6?

A. 10
B. 30
C. 30
D. 10

*** End of Test ***

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