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Physics Investigatory


To Study the Phenomenon of
Electromagnetic Induction

• Name : Theodore Deepak .P

• Class: 12 Science
• Roll No:
• School: Mount Litera Zee School
• CBSE Affiliation No: 3030007


This is to certify that Theodore Deepak, a student of grade 12 science
has successfully completed the research on the below mentioned topic
under the guidance of Mr. Anshuman during the year 2023-2024 in
partial fulfillment of chemistry practical examination conducted by
AISSCE, new Delhi.

Signature of Principal

signature of external examiner signature of subject teacher


I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my

physics mentor Anshuman sir, for without his vital
support, amazing guidance and constant
encouragement this project would not have come
I would also like to express special thanks to my
parents and friends for helping me complete this


• Certificate
• Acknowledgement
• Introduction
• Aim
• Theory
• Material Required
• Procedure
• Observation
• Result
• Conclusion


• Electromagnetic or magnetic induction is the

production of an electromotive force (i.e., voltage)
across an electrical conductor in a changing magnetic

• Michael Faraday is generally credited with the

discovery of induction in 1831, and James Clerk
Maxwell mathematically described it as Faraday's law
of induction.

• Lenz's law describes the direction of the induced

field. Faraday's law was later generalized to become
the Maxwell–Faraday equation, one of the four
Maxwell equations in his theory of electromagnetism.

• Electromagnetic induction has found many

applications, including electrical components such as
inductors and transformers, and devices such as
electric motors and generators.


To Study The Phenomenon Of Electromagnetic



• Electricity and magnetism were considered separate and

unrelated phenomena for a long time. In the early decades
of the nineteenth century, experiments on electric current
by Oersted, Ampere and a few others established the fact
that electricity and magnetism are inter-related.

• They found that moving electric charges produce magnetic

fields. For example, an electric current deflects a magnetic
compass needle placed in its vicinity.

• This naturally raises the questions like: Is the converse

effect possible? Can moving magnets produce electric
currents? Does the nature permit such a relation between
electricity and magnetism? The answer is resounding yes!

• The experiments of Michael Faraday in England and

Joseph Henry in USA, conducted around 1830,
demonstrated conclusively that electric currents were
induced in closed coils when subjected to changing
magnetic fields.

• we will study the phenomena associated with changing
magnetic fields and understand the underlying principles.
The phenomenon in which electric current is generated by
varying magnetic fields is appropriately called
electromagnetic induction.

• When Faraday first made public his discovery that relative

motion between a bar magnet and a wire loop produced a
small current in the latter, he was asked, “What is the use
of it?” His reply was: “What is the use of a new born

• The phenomenon of electromagnetic induction is not

merely of theoretical or academic interest but also of
practical utility.

• Imagine a world where there is no electricity – no electric

lights, no trains, no telephones and no personal computers.
The pioneering experiments of Faraday and Henry have
led directly to the development of modern day generators
and transformers.

• Today’s civilisation owes its progress to a great extent to

the discovery of electromagnetic induction.

• The phenomenon of electromagnetic induction is the
existence of an induced current in a circuit (such as a coil)
placed in a region where the magnetic field motion changes
with the time.

• The magnetic field may change due to relative motion

between coil and magnet placed near the coil as shown in
the Fig. 1. We know that a current-carrying conductor also
produces magnetic field that changes with a change in the
current flowing through it.

• Thus if a coil is placed near to a current-carrying

conductor, an induced current in the coil may setup due to a
change in the current through the current-carrying

FIG.1) Moving a magnet towards a coil sets up a current in the coil circuit, as
indicated by deflection in the galvanometer needle

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Materials Required

• Magnetic bar

• a galvanometer

• coil

• connecting wires.

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• Take a coil of wire having a large number of turns

• Connect the end of the coil to a galvanometer.

• Take a strong bar magnet and move its north pole into the
coil and observe the changes in the galvanometer needle.

• Repeat earlier step with the south pole of the bar magnet.

• Now repeat the procedure with the coil having a different

number of turns and the variation in the deflection of the
galvanometer needle.

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• When we move the magnet in or out of the coil, the needle

of galvanometer gets deflected in different directions.

• When we insert the north pole (N) of bar magnet into the
coil, the needle gets deflected in negative direction.

• When we insert the south pole (S) of bar magnet into the
coil, the needle gets deflected in positive direction.

• When we move the bar magnet in or out of the coil with

varying speed, the speed of deflection changes accordingly.

• As we increase the number of turns in the coil, the deflection


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• The deflection of galvanometer needle indicates the

presence of current in the coil.

• The direction of deflection gives the direction of flow of


• The speed of deflection gives the rate at which the current

is induced.

• The deflection in galvanometer changes with the change in

number of turns in the coil - more the number of turns in
the coil greater is the deflection.

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Electromagnetic Induction, first observed and published by
Michael Faraday in the mid-nineteenth century, describes a very
important electro-magnetic concept. Although its mathematical
representations are cryptic, the essence of Faraday’s is not hard
to grasp: it relates to an induced electric potential or voltage to
a dynamic magnetic field. This concept has many far-reaching
ramifications that touch our lives in many ways: from the
shining of the sun, to the convenience of mobile communications,
to electricity to power our homes. We can all appreciate the
profound impact Faraday’s Law has on us.

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