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Among the Scientific Revolutions mentioned,which event or circumstances do you consider to be the
most significant? Why?

Answer:The event I consider to be the most important of the Scientific Revolution is the invention of the
printing press.This is because the printing press led tomass records of information on papers.It also
helps indistributing information easily around the world.It helps the development of education and
improves science and technology.

2.How was the Scientific Revolution a threat to religious authorities?

The Scientific Revolution was a threat to traditional beliefs and catholic church because it challenged
traditional beliefs,people could discover the truth for themselves.It started to prove through different
discoveries that many of the powers in our Universe are not" God"and they have perfectly logical

3.Imagine you are Galileo Galilei, would you deny what you believed to be true?

Explain: •No. Galileo was a man who seeked for the truth, and when one discovers the truth, why would
one need to deny it? Instead of denying the truth, and accepting lies, I would rather do everything in my
power to combat the oppressor who wish to bury the truth, and do my best to bury the lie whilst
upholding the truth. By allowing people of power to hide something important, the wolrd itself will not
progress, and other people will be affected as a repercussion of this action. In the end,the people who
hiditin the first place might be the last to suffer, but they will end up receiving the harshest punishment
when the time comes.

B;My favorite National scientist


Access the list of National Scientists in the Philippines

of-nast-members and research on their contributions in the field of science.Identify one

National Scientist among the list and research on the highlights of their science careers and

their contributions to the advancement of their discipline.How did their findings help alleviate

science in the Philippines and the world? Fill-in the space provided,along with the picture of the scientist


Dr Mahar Mangahas is a multi-awarded scholar for his pioneering work in public opinion

research in the Philippines and in South East Asia. He founded the now familiar entity, “Social
Weather Stations” (SWS) which has been doing public opinion research since1985 and which

has become increasingly influential, nay indispensable, in the conduct of Philippine political life

and policy. SWS has been serving the country and policy makers as an independent and timely

source of pertinent and credible data on Philippine economic, social and political landscape.

Dr Mangahas started to make an ame for himself working in Agricultural economics focused on

the diffusion of rice technology He has also distinguished himself as an anti-infaltion economist

arguing that high inflation is anti-poor and is an important enabler of poverty.






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