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<h1><u>The Deadliest Pandemics In History </u> </h1>
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<p><b><i>What exacly is a pandemic?</i> </b></p>
<p>Ans: Well a pandemic is an epidemic of an infectious disease that has spread
across a large region,<br> for instance multiple continents or worldwide,<br>
affecting a substantial number of individuals.<br></p>
<h4><u><font color="#A52A2A"> Here are top 5 most Deadliest Pandemics In
History:<br> </font> </u> </h4>
<UL type="circle">
<LI><i>The Black Death.
<LI>The Spanish Flu.
<LI>Influenza. </i>
<h2><u><i>The Black Death </h2></u></i><br>

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<p><b>What was the Black Death?</b></p>

<p> The Black Death which is also know as Bubonic plague,was the most fatal
pandemic recorded in human history.<br>This Bubonic plague is an infection spread
mostly to humans by infected fleas living on the black rats that later on
travelled all over the world this caused the pendamic to happen.<br> The Black
Death killed millions of Europeans during the Middle Ages,33%-55% of the british
population and 75–200 million people in Eurasia and North Africa<br> Prevention
doesn't include a vaccine, but does involve reducing your exposure to mice, rats,
squirrels and other animals that may be infected.<br>

<p><b>Where did it happen?</b></p>

<p>the black death,a multi-century pandemic that swept through Asia and Europe.
<br>It was believed to start in China in 1334, spreading along trade routes and
reaching Europe via Sicilian ports in the late 1340s.</p>

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<p><b>What caused the Black Death? </b></p>

<p>The Black Death is believed to have been the result of plague, an infectious
fever caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis. The disease was likely transmitted
from rodents to humans by the bite of infected fleas.But in the early days people
didnt know about viruses so they thought that it was a curse given by the god.</p>

<p><b>What were the social and economic effects of the Black Death?</b></p>
<p>Plague brought an eventual end of Serfdom in Western Europe.<br> The manorial
system was already in trouble, but the Black Death assured its demise throughout
much of western and central Europe by 1500.<br> Severe depopulation and migration
of the village to cities caused an acute shortage of agricultural laborers.</p>

<h2><u><i>The Spanish Flu </i></u></h2>

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<p><b>What was The Spanish Flu? </b></p>

<p>The 1918 influenza pandemic, commonly known by the misnomer Spanish flu or as
the Great Influenza epidemic,<br> was an exceptionally deadly global influenza
pandemic caused by the H1N1 influenza A virus.<br>It brought over 25–50 million
(generally accepted), other estimates range from 17 to 100 million deaths,the
suspected case was over 500 million.<br>It was started on february 1918 and ended
on april 1920.</p>

<p><b>Where was it caused?</b></p>

<p>Both contemporary epidemiological studies and lay histories of the pandemic have
identified the first known outbreak of epidemic influenza as occurring at Camp
Funston, now Ft. Riley, in Kansas.</p>

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<p><b>How did the Spanish Flu get stopped? </b></p>

<p>There were no nationwide prevention methods in place against the Spanish flu.
Some communities did put into place prevention methods that may look familiar to us
today. The measures included: Isolation, or staying away from crowds of people.</p>

<p><b>What animal did the Spanish flu come from? </b></p>

<p>The predominant natural reservoir of influenza viruses is thought to be wild
waterfowl (Webster et al. 1992). Periodically, genetic material from avian virus
strains is transferred to virus strains infectious to humans by a process called

<p><b>Where did they bury the dead of the Spanish flu?</b></p>

</p>The Longyearbyen Cemetery.<br>The graves of the victims of the Spanish Flu are
in the far back corner.</p>

<h2><u><i>Smallpox </i></u></h2>

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<p><b>What were the smallpox?</b></p>

<p>Smallpox is an acute contagious disease caused by the variola virus, a member of

the orthopoxvirus family. It was one of the most devastating diseases known to
humanity and caused millions of deaths before it was eradicated. It is believed to
have existed for at least 3000 years.</p>

<p><b>Where did smallpox occur? </b></p>

<p>Smallpox is thought to have originated in India or Egypt at least 3,000 years
ago. The earliest evidence for the disease comes from the Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses
V, who died in 1157 B.C. His mummified remains show telltale pockmarks on his
<p><b>What countries did smallpox spread to?</b></p>
<p>Smallpox is widespread in India. Arab expansion spreads smallpox into northern
Africa, Spain, and Portugal. Smallpox goddess Shitala Mata, worshipped in northern
India, was considered both the cause and cure of smallpox disease. Smallpox spreads
to Asia Minor, the area of <br> present-day Turkey.</p>

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<p><b>How did the smallpox spread?</b></p>

<p>Smallpox patients became contagious once the first sores appeared in their mouth
and throat (early rash stage). They spread the virus when they coughed or sneezed
and droplets from their nose or mouth spread to other people. They remained
contagious until their last smallpox scab fell off.</p>

<p><b>Does smallpox still exist? </b></p>

<p>Thanks to the success of vaccination, the last natural outbreak of smallpox in
the United States occurred in 1949.<br> In 1980, the World Health Assembly declared
smallpox eradicated (eliminated), and no cases of naturally occurring smallpox have
happened since.</p>

<h2><u><i> Cholera </i></u></h2>

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<p><b>When did the cholera outbreak start? </b></p>

<p>The CHOLERA EPIDEMIC OF 1832 began in May when an immigrant ship landed at
Quebec with cases of Asiatic cholera aboard. The disease spread through the city
and quickly up the St. Lawrence River valley.</p>

<p><b>Where was the first pandemic of cholera? </b></p>

<p>The first cholera pandemic (1817–1824), also known as the first Asiatic cholera
pandemic or Asiatic cholera, began near the city of Calcutta and spread throughout
South and Southeast Asia to the Middle East, eastern Africa and the Mediterranean

<p><b>When was cholera first discovered? </b></p>

<p>Curiously, the germ responsible for cholera, V. cholerae, was discovered
independently by two widely known and respected scientists. The first discovery
took place in 1854, but the then-dominant miasma theory of diseases prevented its
widespread acceptance by the scientific community. </p>

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<p><b>Who discovered cholera virus? </b></p>

<p>The germ responsible for cholera was discovered twice: first by the Italian
physician Filippo Pacini during an outbreak in Florence, Italy, in 1854, and then
independently by Robert Koch in India in 1883, thus favoring the germ theory over
the miasma theory of disease. </p>

<h2><u><i> Influenza </i></u></h2>

<p><b>When did the first influenza start?</b></p>

<p>The pandemic occurred in three waves. The first apparently originated in early
March 1918, during World War I. Although it remains uncertain where the virus first
emerged, it quickly spread through western Europe, and by July it had spread to
Poland. The first wave of influenza was comparatively mild.</p>

<p><b>What causes an influenza pandemic? </b></p>

<p>An influenza pandemic is a global outbreak of a new influenza A virus. Pandemics
happen when new (novel) influenza A viruses emerge which are able to infect people
easily and spread from person to person in an efficient and sustained way.</p>

<p><b>Where did the influenza originate?</b></p>

<p>The history of influenza begins with Hippocrates (5th century BC) who first
reported that an influenza-like illness spread from Northern Greece to the islands
south and elsewhere. </p>

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<p><b>How many types of influenza are there?</b></p>

<p>There are four types of influenza viruses: A, B, C and D. Human influenza A and
B viruses cause seasonal epidemics of disease (known as flu season) almost every
winter in the United States.</p>

<p><b>What type of virus is influenza? </b></p>

<p>Influenza viruses are members of the family Orthomyxoviridae. This family
represents enveloped viruses the genome of which consists of segmented negative-
sense single-strand RNA segments.</p>

<p><b>Who discovered influenza?</b></p>

<p>While researching at the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, Shope took
lung samples from infected Iowa pigs.<br> He was able to isolate the rod-shaped
bacterium that seemed always to correlate with their influenza.</p>

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<p><b><u><i>Made by:Sybyta</u></b></p>

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