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Objective: Select tools, equipment and instruments according to food (fish) processing method.

Code: TLE_AFFP9-12UT-0a-1

Grade Level: 9-12

Subject: Technology and Livelihood Education

(1) Review: Ask the students about the different tools and equipment used in fish processing. Discuss
the importance of selecting the appropriate tools and equipment for a specific fish processing method.

(2) Motivation: Show a video or pictures of different fish processing methods. Ask the students to
identify the tools and equipment used in each method.

(3) Activity:

a. Fish Processing Tool and Equipment Matching Game: Prepare a set of cards with pictures of different
tools and equipment used in fish processing. Ask the students to match the tool or equipment with the
correct fish processing method.

b. Fish Processing Tool and Equipment Sorting: Provide a box of different tools and equipment used in
fish processing. Ask the students to sort the tools and equipment according to the fish processing
method they are used for.

c. Fish Processing Tool and Equipment Scavenger Hunt: Hide different tools and equipment used in fish
processing around the classroom. Ask the students to find the tools and equipment and match them
with the correct fish processing method.
(4) Analysis: Ask the students to identify the factors they considered in selecting the tools and
equipment for a specific fish processing method.

(5) Abstraction: Discuss the importance of selecting the appropriate tools and equipment in fish
processing. Emphasize the impact of using the wrong tools and equipment on the quality of the
processed fish.

(6) Application: Give the students a real-life problem related to fish processing. Ask them to identify the
appropriate tools and equipment needed to process a specific type of fish.

(7) Assessment:

1. Which of the following is not a factor to consider in selecting the appropriate tools and equipment for
fish processing?

a. Type of fish

b. Fish processing method

c. Color of the tools and equipment

d. Quantity of fish to be processed

Answer: c. Color of the tools and equipment

2. Why is it important to select the appropriate tools and equipment in fish processing?

a. To ensure the quality of the processed fish

b. To save money

c. To impress customers

d. To make the process faster

Answer: a. To ensure the quality of the processed fish

3. What is the purpose of the Fish Processing Tool and Equipment Sorting activity?

a. To identify the appropriate tools and equipment for fish processing

b. To match the tools and equipment with the correct fish processing method

c. To find the hidden tools and equipment

d. To memorize the names of the tools and equipment

Answer: b. To match the tools and equipment with the correct fish processing method

4. Which activity involves finding the hidden tools and equipment used in fish processing?

a. Fish Processing Tool and Equipment Matching Game

b. Fish Processing Tool and Equipment Sorting

c. Fish Processing Tool and Equipment Scavenger Hunt

d. None of the above

Answer: c. Fish Processing Tool and Equipment Scavenger Hunt

5. What is the objective of the Fish Processing Tool and Equipment Matching Game?

a. To identify the appropriate tools and equipment for fish processing

b. To match the tools and equipment with the correct fish processing method

c. To find the hidden tools and equipment

d. To memorize the names of the tools and equipment

Answer: b. To match the tools and equipment with the correct fish processing method
(8) Assignment: Ask the students to research and list down the different tools and equipment used in
processing different types of fish.

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