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Good afternoon teacher and my partner. My full name is Le thi tuyet minh.
I'm a student of class pc18359 and my major is tourism. My hobbies are
reading Chinese book and learning Chinese language. I'm an introvert, so I
spend my free time to sit alone and read book. My birthday is on September
26, 2004. I was born in the land of the border. That is Tan Hong district, Dong
Thap province. A place where there is a lot of wind and sun. There we can see
Cambodia just a river away from us.

Topic 01: With your partner, make a conversation about etiquette in your
Your conversation should include:
How do people greet each other in your country? (Mọi người chào nhau như thế
nào ở đất nước của bạn?)
in VN, The First time people greet each other by saying hello. People who have known
each other before can greet each other with questions. such as "where are you going?"
"How are you today?" "How are you?". This helps to show intimacy and closeness
What are some conversation topics that people should and should not ask about?
(Một số chủ đề trò chuyện mà mọi người nên và không nên hỏi là gì?)
In my opinion, the most taboo thing in communication is asking about other people's
age and salary.Especially women. or private matters such as marital status, work details.
Instead, we should ask about our health, talk about our hobbies, favorite foods, or a
future plan

How do people address each other formally in your country? (Mọi người xưng hô
với nhau trang trọng như thế nào ở nước bạn?)
In Vietnam, as far as I know, people often call each other by their first names and add
personal pronouns to show respect to the elderly.
What are some do's and don'ts in table manners in your country? (Một số điều
nên và không nên trong cách cư xử trên bàn ăn ở quốc gia của bạn là gì?)
There are many table manners in Vietnam. The way you eat can also judge your
personality. The Vietnamese people in the past took these things seriously, but now
they have limited them. For example, you should fold food only once and put it in a
bowl. Do not scoops the food too much and put it directly in the mouth. not only that,
you shouldn't make noise while eating, it's very impolite. In particular, you should not
knock chopsticks into the bowl, or stick the chopsticks in the rice bowl. Vietnamese
people think that it will attract ghosts
Topic 02: With your partner, make a conversation about a time when you
were ill.
Your conversation should include:
What illness did you have and what were its symptoms? (Bạn đã bị bệnh gì và các
triệu chứng của nó là gì?)
Two weeks ago, I caught a flu after drenching in the rain for two hours. It happened
because I forgot to bring my raincoat that day, which caused me to be soaked on the
way home from school. The symptoms of flu were very unpleasant. I got a runny nose, a
sore throat and kept coughing. It was extremely exhausting
How did you feel during that time? (Bạn cảm thấy thế nào trong thời gian đó?)
I was very tired that day due to lack of sleep. When I woke up with a strange feeling. I
could not open my eyes. I found out that my body felt hot and I was running a
temperature of 40 degrees Celsius
What were the effects of the illness on your life at that time? (Những ảnh hưởng của
căn bệnh đối với cuộc sống của bạn vào thời điểm đó?)
During my bed-rest, I had to miss school, which resulted in a disrupted routine and
delayed my studies. My work and social life are equally affected
How did you overcome your illness? (Bạn đã vượt qua bệnh tật như thế nào?)
I got ready and went to a doctor. The doctor advised me medicines and gave me strict
instructions to follow regarding my routine and things to take care of during extremely
cold weather. He told my mother that my throat was inflamed and that could have
caused the fever. He gave me some medicine and told me, "No ice-cream, no soft drinks
and no games for you. You must stay in bed and get some rest." ‘

Topic 03: With your partner, make a conversation about an important

anniversary that you are going to organize.
Your conversation should include:
What is the important anniversary that you are going to organize? (Kỷ niệm quan
trọng mà bạn sắp tổ chức là gì?)
next July 2nd is my parents' 20th wedding anniversary. I plan to hold a secret party for
them because it's an extremely important day
Who are the people that will take part in the anniversary? (Những người sẽ tham
gia lễ kỷ niệm là ai?)

that day will be an intimate dinner for my family and my boyfriend.

What roles do you and your partner have in organizing the anniversary? (Bạn và
đối tác của bạn có vai trò gì trong việc tổ chức ngày kỷ niệm?)

I am the one who prepares everything for the perfect party. I think I'll make the party
romantic. I prepared cakes, flowers and candles, even wedding dresses and fireworks .
Why is the anniversary important to you? (Tại sao ngày kỷ niệm lại quan trọng với

why I say that anniversary is important and I try to do it because my parents don't have
a solemn wedding like other people. They are not allowed to wear wedding clothes and
celebrate that happy day together. So I'll make up for those feelings for them.
What are your expectations for the anniversary? (Bạn mong đợi điều gì cho ngày
kỷ niệm?)

So I'll make up for those feelings for them. I hope my parents will be happy and proud of
what I do.

Topic 04: With your partner, make a conversation about your reading
Your conversation should include:
When did you start the habit of reading? (Bạn bắt đầu có thói quen đọc sách từ
khi nào?)

I love reading books, I have had a habit of reading for more than 3 years and I often read
books in my free time
What materials do you usually read? (Bạn thường đọc tài liệu gì?)

I like reading novels, self-help books and many bilingual books. In particular, I like
Chinese books very much. I recommend the book "999 letters to myself". Reading it
will help you grow and believe in yourself more
How often do you read? (Bạn đọc bao lâu một lần?)

I have a habit of reading books every day. I spend 1 hour every day reading a book.
What were the reasons behind your decision to start reading? (Lý do đằng sau
quyết định bắt đầu đọc sách của bạn là gì?)
the reason I read books is because books bring many benefits to me. it helps me to
have more new knowledge in study and life. not only that it also increased my logical
thinking and concentration. Besides, reading helps us kill time and stay away from
unhealthy activities
What suggestions do you have for becoming a better reader? (Bạn có gợi ý gì để
trở thành một người đọc tốt hơn?)
everything has advantages and disadvantages. we should read books properly. I
recommend that you only read books 1-2 hours a day, reading too much will affect your
health. Besides, you should choose books with clear content and suitable for your
interests, you will be easier to understand and not be bored.
Topic 05: With your partner, make a conversation about a time when you
experienced extreme weather conditions.
Your conversation should include:
What type of extreme weather did you experience? (Bạn đã trải qua kiểu thời tiết
khắc nghiệt nào?) Recently, the weather has changed abnormally. frequent heavy
rains and storms. I feel so bad!
When did it happen? (Nó xảy ra khi nào?) and Where did it happen? (Nó xảy ra ở
đâu?) oh my goodness, it happens every day in this city of Can Tho!
What were the consequences of the extreme weather, such as property damages
or casualties? (Hậu quả của thời tiết khắc nghiệt, chẳng hạn như thiệt hại về tài
sản hoặc thương vong là gì?) Such bad weather greatly affects human life. The rains
were heavy and lasted for many hours, making it impossible for people to work. it even
causes property damage and causes many traffic accidents due to slippery roads and
rain out of sight. Even Worse, the weather often rains heavily around 12am - 13pm, it
makes me unable to go to school, and seriously affects my exam
How did you feel about the experience of experiencing extreme weather
conditions? (Bạn cảm thấy thế nào về trải nghiệm trải qua điều kiện thời tiết khắc
nghiệt?) I feel very uncomfortable, which affects a lot of lives, I am afraid there will be
Topic 06: With your partner, make a conversation about a regret you had
in the past.
Your conversation should include:
What is something you have felt regret about in the past? (Điều gì bạn cảm thấy
hối tiếc trong quá khứ?) Definitely. One time I regretted not studying enough for
an important exam.
When and where did this regretful event take place? (Sự kiện đáng tiếc này xảy ra
khi nào?) It was during my senior year of high school, and I had an exam for my
favorite subject.
What happened? I was so confident in my knowledge that I didn't study as much
as I should have. But when I got the results, I received a grade much lower than I
What were the reasons that made you feel regret? (Những lý do khiến bạn cảm
thấy hối tiếc là gì?) I felt really disappointed in myself. I knew that if I had studied
harder, I could have done much better.
What are some things you should or shouldn't have done in that situation? (Một
số điều bạn nên hoặc không nên làm trong tình huống đó là gì?) If I could turn
back time, I would do my best. but that can't happen!I'm trying to fix that
mistake every day. I should have realized this before it happened. I shouldn't be
so subjective and study so lazily
Topic 07: With your partner, make a conversation about a local custom
during the Tet
Your conversation should include:
What is the name of a local custom during the Tet holiday? (Tên một phong tục
địa phương trong ngày Tết là gì?) One of the customs that I know of is "Mam Ngu
Qua" or Five Fruits Tray.
Where does this custom usually take place? (Tục lệ này thường diễn ra ở đâu?)
It's typically practiced in all Vietnamese households during Tet.
Who are the people that participate in this custom? (Ai là người tham gia phong
tục này?) Anyone who celebrates Tet. However, the oldest members of the family
usually take the lead in preparing the fruits and setting up the tray.

What activities do people typically engage in during this custom? (Mọi người
thường tham gia vào những hoạt động nào trong phong tục này?) After setting up
the tray, people usually pray to their ancestors, expressing their gratitude and
wishes for the new year. They also believe that the five fruits represent the five
elements of the universe and bring good luck and prosperity.
Why is this custom important to the local people? (Tại sao phong tục này lại quan
trọng đối với người dân địa phương?) It's believed that the tray of fruits shows
respect towards ancestors and brings good luck for the upcoming year. It's also a
way for the family to unite and start the new year with a positive spirit.
Topic 08: With your partner, make a conversation about an invention that
you think is the
most useful at school.
Your conversation should include:
What is the name of the invention that you think is the most useful at school?
(Tên của phát minh mà bạn nghĩ là hữu ích nhất ở trường là gì?) Well, I think that
smart boards are the most useful invention at school.
How is this invention used in schools? (Phát minh này được sử dụng trong trường
học như thế nào?) Basically, it's a digital whiteboard that can display the teacher's
computer screen and can be connected to the internet. It's a touch screen display
that can be used to write and draw on. Moreover, teachers can use it to display
notes, diagrams, videos, and other instructional materials. Students can come up
to the board and interact with the material and take notes as well.
What are the benefits of this invention for teachers and students? (Những lợi ích
của phát minh này đối với giáo viên và học sinh là gì?) Smart boards can enhance
the learning experience in a number of ways. Teachers can create more
interactive and engaging lessons, and students can get hands-on experience with
the material. It can also save time and reduce paper waste by eliminating the
need for physical charts, posters, and handouts.
How do you feel about using this invention at school? (Bạn cảm thấy thế nào về
việc sử dụng phát minh này ở trường?) I think it's a fantastic tool that can benefit
both teachers and students. It can make learning more fun and interactive, and it
can also help students retain the information better. I would love to see more
smart boards in classrooms!
Topic 09: With your partner, make a conversation about activities that
among countries can do together to solve global problems.
Your conversation should include:
What are some global problems that have been occurring? (Một số vấn đề toàn
cầu đang xảy ra là gì?) Well, there are plenty of global problems like climate
change, poverty, terrorism, and cybercrime.
What are the consequences of these global problems? (Hậu quả của những vấn
đề toàn cầu này là gì?) these issues do have severe consequences. Climate change
can lead to severe weather conditions, rising sea levels, and destruction of marine
life. Poverty can lead to a lack of access to education, healthcare, and basic
necessities like food and water. Terrorism can cause loss of life, displacement of
communities, and can lead to economic instability. Cybercrime can lead to
identity theft and financial fraud.
What activities have governments been undertaking to solve these problems?
(Chính phủ đã và đang thực hiện những hoạt động nào để giải quyết những vấn
đề này?) Governments have been working on mitigating climate change by
promoting renewable energy sources and reducing carbon emissions. To combat
poverty, some governments have been introducing social welfare programs and
increasing foreign aid to underdeveloped countries. Governments have also been
working on international cooperation to eradicate terrorism. Measures like
stricter immigration policies, intelligence sharing, and cross-border collaboration
can lead to better outcomes in the fight against terrorism. Regarding cybercrime,
governments are working on global treaties and data protection laws to address
the increasing threat.
What are your opinions or recommendations regarding these global issues? (Ý
kiến hoặc khuyến nghị của bạn về những vấn đề toàn cầu này là gì?) Personally, I
believe that governments can do more to combat climate change like introducing
eco-friendly transportation options and better city planning. To eliminate poverty,
sustainable economic growth and increased access to education can be helpful. In
dealing with terrorism, I think the focus should be on addressing the root causes
like poverty, discrimination, and injustice. And finally, governments should
continue introducing more stringent data protection laws and ensure that
punishment for cybercrime is adequate to act as a deterrent.

Topic 10: With your partner, make a conversation about a spectacular area
of the
countryside in a foreign country.
Your conversation should include:
What is the name of the spectacular area in the countryside of a foreign country?
(Tên của khu vực ngoạn mục ở vùng quê nước ngoài là gì?) the Zhangjiajie
National Forest Park in China. . It's an incredibly beautiful and unique area in the
countryside of China, known for its breathtaking natural rock formations and
lush greenery.
Where is this spectacular area located? (Khu vực ngoạn mục này nằm ở đâu?) It's
located in the northwestern part of Hunan province in China. Many people visit
Zhangjiajie for its stunning mountain landscapes and abundant wildlife.
What geographical and natural features does it have? (Nó có những đặc điểm địa
lý và tự nhiên nào?) The park boasts hundreds of towering sandstone pillars that
sometimes reach up to 200 meters in height! The most famous of these is the
"Avatar Hallelujah Mountain" which was the inspiration for the floating
mountains in the movie Avatar. There are also deep ravines, crystal-clear
streams, and magnificent waterfalls.
. What activities can people do in this area? (Mọi người có thể làm những hoạt
động gì trong khu vực này?) There are plenty of things to do! You can hike the
scenic trails and enjoy the stunning views, take a ride on the cable cars, enjoy
the tranquil environment while boating on China's third-longest river - The Li
River, or go rafting, rock climbing, or ziplining. There's a lot to experience!

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