The Research and Its Background

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Education is very important to us, they say its the key to success. With proper education, anyone can achieve their dreams and start progress as well. Everyone wants to learn more about things around us. Thats why everyone needs to be educated.

Its parents responsibility to support and guide his child. Parents are the one who provide student needs especially the financial needs. The average Filipino family has fixed income, property and time which it could devote to a number of competing uses. The parents have to decide how much of the familys income should be spent for food, clothing, house improvements, education and other basic needs. They have to decide whether to work during weekends or spend time with the family. A lot of parents cant afford the fees for the private schools thats why they decided to let their child to go to public schools.

It is very common to students nowadays to experience peer pressure, family problems especially financial problems which can affect their academic performances in school. Students who experience financial problems are those who doesnt have anyone to support them.

The researchers would like to know if the economic status of parents can affect the academic performances of the students. We choose this topic so people can be aware of the Filipino families today. So they would know how difficult life is for families who has low salary.

Background of the Study

According to, parents economic status or employment problem is an issue that more and more of our nations children are coming face to face with. The price that children of poverty must pay is unbelievably high. Each year, increasing numbers of children are entering schools with needs in from circumstances, such as poverty, that schools are not prepared to meet. This study will examine the effects of parents economic status problems on the academic performance of the Third Year students during the First Semester of the school year 2011-2012.

Children of poverty may live in places that rent by week or even day. They may move from town to town as their parent searches for work. They may live in homeless shelters. They may live on the streets. The conditions they live in and their day-to-day experiences can have a significant effect on their education and achievement.

3 School attendance is often irregular. Transfer to a new school becomes the norm. Aside from the differences from the general school population due to the aspects of their poverty, mobility compounds the difficulty this children have in making friends. They also often come to school with no records from their previous schools; and it may be difficult for school to track the records down. Teachers have no idea what this students have learned. It is also challenging for schools to place these children in classrooms and get them additional services they may need.

The group choose this study to let students and other people as well realize that life is really complicated and wasnt really that easy as they thought it was be.

Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

According to Rillo (2008), the average Filipino family has fixed income, property and time which it could devote to a number of competing uses.

In some families, one parent work and in others, both parents work. Parental employment will fulfil the basic needs of a child. With the income earned, parents can generally afford to provide food, clothing, shelter and educational needs, making employment a necessity. Every child has certain materials needs and income is required to meet those needs.

Third Year Students of Roosevelt College San Mateo School Year 2011-2012

Parents Economic Status Monthly Income Educational Attainment Employment Source of family Income Financial Needs Monthly Expenses

Average grade on the tool subjects of Third Year Students (First Semester) Mathematics III English III Science III

Figure 1. Research Paradigm

The paradigm shows the relationship between the Parents Economic Status and the Academic Performance of the Third Year Students of Roosevelt College San Mateo during the First Semester of the School Year 2011-2012.

Statement of the Problem

The study aims to determine the relationship between the parents economic status with regards to the academic performance of the third year students of Roosevelt College San Mateo in the tool subjects during the first semester S.Y. 2011-2012.

5 This study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of: 1.1 age 1.2 gender

2. What is the profile of the parents of the respondents with regards to: 2.1 monthly Income 2.2 educational Attainment 2.3 employment 2.4 source of Family Income 2.5 financial Needs 2.6 monthly Expenses

3. What is the academic performance of the third year students during the first semester of the school year 2011-2012 in the following tool subjects: 3.1 Mathematics III 3.2 English III 3.3 Science III

4. Is there any significant effect on the academic performance of the third year students of Roosevelt College San Mateo in the tool subjects during the first semester of tha school year 2011-2012 and their parents economic status?

6 Hypothesis

The following hypothesis will be put to test by the researchers:

There is no significant relationship between the Parents Economic Status and to the Academic Performance of the Third Year students of Roosevelt College San Mateo during the First Semester S.Y. 2011-2012.

Significance of the Study

The results of this study can give benefits to the following:

For the Students. Students would realize and know how to budget their money efficiently for them to finish their studies and wont undergo the economic status problems of their parents.

For the Parents. Parents would guide their child to study harder for them to have a brighter future.

7 For the Teachers. Teachers would evaluate thoroughly on some factors that affect the performance of the students with parents who has economic status problems.

For the School. School would give their support and understanding to the students, and to strengthen the values of the students.

Scope and Delimitation

This research focused on the effects of the academic performance of the Third Year Students in the First Semester of the School Year 2011-2012 having issues to their parents economic status.

The students grades were categorized as failing, above average, and below average.

The setting of the study is in Roosevelt college San Mateo. The respondents of the study were 50% random students of every section namely: III- Mt. Makiling, III- Mt. Amuyao, III- Mt. Baco, III- Mt. Cresta and III- Mt. Data and their parents. Survey questions were given to the Third years students. The tool subjects during the first semester were requested from the Registrars Office.

Definition of Terms

For clearer understanding of the study, here are some terms:

Academic Performance. This refers to the average grade of the students in the tool subjects which are Mathematics III, English III and Science III during the First Semester S.Y. 2011-2012. Assessment. What the parents know or can do. Economic Status. The status of the parents of the respondents limit of source. Education. A fundamental building block of human development and is one of the strongest instrument for reducing poverty, improving health, gender equality, peace and stability. Educational Attainment. The highest level of schooling each parent of the respondents attended and completed. Employment. Working status of the parents of the respondents. Financial Needs. The financial capacity of both the students and its family to contribute to the cost of the students education is not adequate to meet the total cost of education for any term. First Semester. Period of time of the study, specifically the first and second quarter of the school year 2011-2012. Monthly Expenses. The money needed of the family every month.

9 Monthly Income. Amount of money that the family of the respondent collect every month. Source of Income. It is where the parents get the money that they use for family expenses. Third Year Students. This refers to the subject/respondents of the study.

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