Natresa Citizen Charter

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Mauritius and Rodrigues

A Multisectorial Approach for a very

complex problem and for a better promotion of all fundamental citizen rights with regard to the mission entrusted to NATReSA.


PREAMBLE Purpose of Citizen Charter The main objectives behind the issue of this Citizen Charter are: To set operations standard for the delivery of different types of services offered by NATReSA To make our services more responsive to the needs of our clients To bring our services closer to users This Citizen Charter represents NATReSAs commitment towards quality standards in service delivery, good governance and accountability. Clients should therefore know: The roles and responsibilities of NATReSA The level, quality and type of services each client is entitled to How to get in touch with NATReSA and its stakeholders Services provided by NATReSA and its stakeholders What to do when something goes wrong To meet the clients needs, NATReSA has agreed to: Publish its standards of service Ensure that information is readily available Ensure that its clients receive a courteous and helpful service at all times Offer alternatives when things go wrong Apply best value for money principle Though this citizen charter does not by itself create new legal rights, it will surely help in enforcing clients existing rights.


ABOUT NATReSA The National Agency for the Treatment & Rehabilitation of Substance Abusers (NATReSA) is established as a parastatal body by the provisions of the NATReSA Act No. 25 of 1996. It operates under the aegis of the Ministry of Social Security, National Solidarity and Senior Citizens Welfare & Reform Institutions. NATReSA is the sole Government Institution responsible for the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of Substance Abusers.



OUR VISION Building up an effective health-care and prevention programme with hope, in partnership with Governmental and Non-Governmental Organisations.


OUR MISSION To carry out effective programmes with different target groups on Substance Abuse Prevention and to provide treatment and rehabilitation to substance abusers.


OUR VALUES At NATReSA, our client-centric culture is one of our core values; we value our clients and this is why we shall strive to offer quality services which are client-friendly and which will reflect the following core values: (a) Excellence and Efficiency We shall do everything possible to achieve excellence in our clients relations, the quality of care and the availability of service together with the efficient use of our resources. (b) Integrity and Courtesy We shall act with integrity and shall always show courtesy in all our service to the needy, employees, NGOs, stakeholders, and also with our environment. (c) Team Work and Innovation We shall work together as a single team and always innovate to ensure that our clients get the better treatment and care at a fair and reasonable cost with better results and less relapse.


OUR OBJECTIVES In order to give satisfaction to our clients, we shall: Provide relevant and appropriate information on tobacco, alcohol, drugs, HIV and AIDS to each target group Excel in service delivery to substance abusers in terms of treatment and rehabilitation Improve and manage our corporate image in an efficient manner Provide treatment and rehabilitation to Substance Abusers free of cost Operate our services in a cost-effective manner


OUR COMMITMENT We shall strive to provide a 24-hour service to the needy, to reduce the number of new cases of substance abusers, to treat and rehabilitate a maximum number of substance abusers, and to help their integration in their families and the mainstream society.


We are committed to inform and educate the whole population on the dangers of using and abusing drugs, alcohol, tobacco and other harmful substances, HIV and AIDS. We shall strive to reduce harms which may be caused by substance abuse 8. OUR COMMUNICATION STRATEGY Our Registered Office: National Agency for the Treatment & Rehabilitation of Substance Abusers (NATReSA) Max City Building 16, Poudrire Street Port Louis Republic of Mauritius Tel: Fax: (230) 208 9037, 210 6775, 210 8017, 210 8018 (230) 210 8015, 211 0224

Email: NATReSA Website: Our Registered Office, at the above address, is the main administrative engine pertaining to Substance Abuse Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation. But, as a service provider, it offers counselling and advice to all those who are directly or indirectly affected by the harmful effects of Substance Abuse, HIV and AIDS. 9. OUR INFORMATION AND EDUCATION INITIATIVES NATReSA coordinates and facilities efforts at national level towards the implementation of programmes for education and prevention of substance abuse. To achieve this purpose it works with different partners so as to reach all possible target groups, namely the Ministry of Social Security, National Solidarity and Senior Citizens Welfare & Reform Institutions, Ministry of Womens Right, Child Development, Family Welfare and Consumer Protection, the Ministry of Education & Human Resources, the Ministry of Youth & Sports, the Ministry of Labour, Industrial Relations & Employment, the National AIDS Secretariat, Private Sectors, Trade Unions, the Sugar Industry Labour Welfare Fund, the Police Force, the Prisons Service, the Mauritius Revenue Authority/Customs, Religious Bodies and NonGovernmental Organisations. The preventive projects implemented by NATReSA are as follows :-



School Project Prevention Programme run with as main stakeholder the Ministry of Education & Human Resources and is headed by a Technical Officer of the Agency. We also have the support of the Private Secondary Schools Authority (PSSA), the Pre-School Trust Fund, the Bureau dEducation Catholique, the Federation of Private Colleges and the University of Mauritius. The ultimate goal is to provide the correct information on the harmful effects of alcohol and drugs to all our students. We avail ourselves of this opportunity to take on board Rectors, Deputy Rectors, Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff as well as Parent Teachers Association. We are active at pre-primary, primary, secondary and tertiary level and we identify appropriate programmes for each target group. We lay emphasis on training, empowerment, parental responsibility, promotion of values and organise workshop, seminars, debates as well as song, posters and elocution contests. We also have a project to include a module on substance abuse and HIV/AIDS prevention in the curriculum and the launching of a health club to promote in the curriculum and the launching of a health club to promote a healthy lifestyle in all our schools. Several prevention tools have been created to help us in our prevention campaign at schools, namely video films of about 12 minutes, posters and manuals on Les Drogues ou La Vie and La Valeur du Bonheur


Youth Project This programme is run in close collaboration with the Ministry of Youth and Sports and is headed by a Technical Officer of the agency. We also work with many other NGOs among which the Mauritius Scouts Association, Jeune Adventiste, Young Volunteers, RADO, Muslim Youth Federation, Youth Wing of the Human Service Trust etc. The main objective of this programme is to senstise our youth on the ill effects of licit and illicit drugs. Programmes are conceived for the youth by the youth. Emphasis is laid on training, empowerment and capacity building and consolidate skills in communication, leadership and resisting peer pressure. We are concerned by the fact that substance abuse and HIV/AIDS is on the rise among the youth. Several competitions such as Poster, Debate and Elocution Contests, as well as Exhibitions are organised within our project. Our main network remains our regional youth task forces with one in the central prison and another one in Rodrigues. All eleven youth task forces fall under the responsibility of a National Youth Task Force. A common programme of activities is organised with the support of the Ministry of Youth & Sports.


Workplace Project This programme benefits of the full support at the Ministry Labour and is run under the supervision of a Technical Officer of the Agency. As all our programmes, the main objective is to inform and educate our labour force of the harmful effects of licit and illicit drugs. It is a known fact that Mauritius is facing difficult economic problems and since we do not have any gold, diamond or petrol, we must see to it that our labour force stays healthy and productive. We are active in the public and private sector with special attention to the Sugar, Textile, Tourism, Fishing, Transport and Construction Sectors. This project also receives the collaboration of SEHDA and AREU with the view to provide training and job placement to help in the reintegration of ex-substance abusers in the mainstream society. Over and above the substance abuse and HIV/AIDS prevention programmes, we try to promote a healthy labour force in order to increase productivity and avoid adverse


consequences and problems such as injury at work, abuse of drugs on the workplace and absenteeism. 9.4 Women Empowerment Project Since March 2006, NATReSA has been actively involved in empowering women against substance abuse. The close collaboration of the Ministry of Womens Rights, Child Development, Family Welfare & Consumer Protection through the National Womens Council, as the main stakeholder, has been secured to implement this project under the supervision of a Technical Officer at NATReSA. This is a gender-sensitive programme so as to recognise and respond to the different needs and constraints women may encounter while being in the shoes of the three different roles assigned to them by society, name production, reproduction and community management. Many women have been trained and given information about drugs, HIV and AIDS, their bodies and sex, women and alcoholism, parenting and life skills, etc. It is a proven fact that women play a key role in the struggle against the plagues of alcoholism and drugs. Unfortunately, we note an increase in substance and HIV/AIDS among women. Prevention programmes organised lay emphasis on the importance of communication skills in the family unit, parental responsibility without forgetting the disastrous effects of alcohol and drugs. We also draw the attention of women on the dangers of foetal alcoholism during pregnancy. Training and empowerment is regularly provided through workshops and seminars. Rodrigues has been brought on board concerning this project. Women Social Leaders have been trained and many others informed on substance abuse and its complex problem. 9.5 Family Project As it is largely recognised that drug problems have a profound impact on families, NATReSA has embarked on the Family Project, with a new orientation, so as to reduce and prevent families undergoing serious stress and threats of dysfunction due to substance abuse. The close collaboration of the Social Welfare Division of the Ministry of Social Security, National Solidarity and Senior Citizens Welfare & Reform Institutions has been solicited to implement this project. Since July 2007, Social Welfare Committee Members and Social Workers are being trained in substance abuse prevention, parenting skills and societal values so as to give families a fighting chance to resist drugs. Family-oriented ongoing educational and motivation programmes are being held at Social Welfare Centres to keep families informed on this scourge, henceafter to encourage young people to choose the power of a drug-free lifestyle. 9.6 Community Prevention Programme This prevention service falls under the responsibility of a Technical Officer of the Agency and is available to Community Leaders of the republic on demand. It operates after working hours and also in weekends and on public holidays. This programme lasts 6 to 8 weeks and is run by a term composed of a leader and 3 to 4 social workers and collaborators coming mainly from funded centres. Our collaborators are AIDS Unit, Befrienders, Ligue Vie et Sant, Brahma Kumari etc. The programme starts after a need assessment meeting between the team of intervention and the participants. Several modules, such as Substance Abuse, Violence, Suicide, Sexual Abuse, HIV and AIDS Prevention are being dispensed to the audience during CPP Sessions. The organiser has only to look for an appropriate venue and

mobilise those willing to undergo this training, all other expenses being incurred by NATReSA. Each participant is awarded a certificate after completion of programme and they take the engagement to launch and Alcohol Drug AIDS Prevention Team (ADAPT) in order to pursue the mission started. NATReSA continues to extend support and facilities so that ADAPT cells remain active. We are convinced that PREVENTION is the main protective barrier against the scourges of substance abuse and HIV/AIDS. This is why we extend same facilities to Rodrigues without forgetting Agalega. However, due to communication problems, it is difficult for us to be active in Agalega and a social worker from the island comes to Mauritius for training and empowerment so that in turn he transmits the prevention messages to fellow country men in Agalega. Officers at the agency have the responsibility to conduct ALL prevention programmes and they also have to see to it that follow-up activities are organised.



OUR TREATMENT AND REHABILITATION CENTRES At the Treatment and Rehabilitation Centres under the aegis of NATReSA, we offer a panoply of free services towards treatment and rehabilitation of those who are affected by substance abuse. The Treatment and Rehabilitation Centres are as follows:


Centre dAcceuil de Terre Rouge

Village Council Road, Terre Rouge 248 7041 249 2498 Mr. Jos Ah Choon 24-hour residential basis 10.00 hrs to 17.00 hrs (for official matters and visitors) Residential Programme for 9 weeks. Advice and counselling, day care services, prevention sessions, information sessions on nutrition, sexuality, welfare, healthy lifestyle, swimming, physical exercise, Decouverte de Dieu, yoga, etc. Counselling of alcohol patients at Brown Sequard Hospital Family contact, public/private medical practitioners, court, prison, NATReSA, etc. A substance abuser, above 18 years old, taking his own decision to quit substance abuse. Must undergo medical detox prior to the admission at the Centre. For first contact the patient must be accompanied by a family member or other relative. No fee is charged. No distinction on race, creed and colour. Only male patients are admitted. Female patients may be seen at special meetings called Reunion de Motivation and then referred to other Centres. Whole Mauritius

Telephone No. Fax No. Email Contact Person Days Open Hours of Opening Services Offered

Referral Sources

Condition of Acceptance

Catchment area:



Centre de Solidarit Pour Une Nouvelle Vie

Impasse Larcher, Rose Hill 464 9980, 464 7815 464 3342 Mr. Fock Sen Ho Tu Nam Monday to Friday for official matters and first contact at Rose Hill 24-hour for Therapeutic Residential Community at Solitude

Telephone No. Fax No. Contact Person Days Open

Hours of Opening Services Offered

09.00 hrs to 16.30 hrs for official matters at Rose Hill The Centre at Rose Hill houses the Head Office and different units including first contact, medical detoxification, family therapy and aftercare. Female patients are thereafter referred to the Chrysalide Centre. A Therapeutic Residential Community situated at Solitude lasting from 4 to 6 months offering individual, family, group, occupational and play therapies; giving counselling and advice on healthy lifestyles and maintaining a drug free personality Social Reinsertion and follow-up Prevention of Substance Abuse at community level and schools

Referral Sources

Parents, friends, ex-patients, medical practitioners, employers and NATReSA. A Substance Abuser above 18 years old accompanied by a responsible party at the Day Care Centre. No distinction on race, creed or colour. Whole Mauritius

Condition of acceptance

Catchment area



Dr. I. Goomany Centre for the Prevention and Treatment of Alcoholism and Drug Addiction
Sir Edgar Laurent Street, Plaine Verte, Port Louis 242 3016, 217 3734 242 6098 Mr. Imran Dhannoo Monday to Saturday Weekdays: 08.30 hrs to 17.00 hrs Saturdays: 08.30 hrs to 15.00 hrs Day-Care multi-disciplinary programme based on individual, family and group therapies, counselling, medical detoxification, individual, group and family therapies, relapse prevention, aftercare and follow up programmes for male and female patients. Teen hope activities, prevention and education programmes at schools, community etc. Parents, friends, medical practitioners, courts, NATReSA and Probation Any substance abuser accompanied by a responsible party Whole Mauritius

Address Telephone Fax No. E-mail Contact Person Days Open Hours of Opening

Services Offered

Referral Sources

Condition of acceptance Catchment area


Address Telephone Fax No.

HELP De Addiction Centre

c/o Hindu House, Cassis, Port Louis 211 1835 210 6788 Mrs. Devika Rajkumarsingh Monday to Saturday Weekdays: 08.30 hrs to 16.00 hrs Saturdays: 08.30 hrs to 12.00 hrs Day-Care multi disciplinary approach, counselling, medical detoxification, individual, family and group therapies, occupational therapy and relaxation for male and female patients. Preventive campaigns and screening programmes in the community and schools. A Relay Centre operates at Triolet with similar objectives. Parents, friends, prisons, hospitals, self, workplaces, NATReSA, private medical practitioners Substance abuser (male and female), who have the will and motivation to quit substance abuse and be accompanied by a responsible party Whole Mauritius

Contact Person E-mail Days Open Hours of Opening

Services Offered

Referral Sources

Condition of acceptance

Catchment area




Sangram Sewa Sadan

1, Balgobeen Road, St. Paul, Phoenix 696 9710 Mr. Satya Prakash Torul Monday to Saturday Weekdays: 09.00 hrs to 16.00 hrs Saturdays: 09.00 hrs to 12.00 hrs Day-Care centre offering facilities to substance abusers through counselling, medical detoxification, individual, family and group therapies, yoga, recreational activities, keep-fit exercise, positive thinking, reinsertion and follow up of male patients. A ten-week medical programme, whereby substance abusers benefit from the treatment protocol based on Codeine Substitution Therapy. Also refers patients for Methadone Induction at the Barkly Detoxification Centre. The Centre engages itself in community mobilisation preventing substance abuse.

Telephone/Fax Contact Person Days Open Hours of Opening

Services Offered

Referral Sources

Hospitals, courts, NATReSA, self and social workers

Condition of acceptance

Any substance abuser accompanied by a responsible party and abiding by the terms and conditions proposed by the centre.

Catchment area

Whole Mauritius




S.O.S. Alcool Femmes/Etoile DEsperence

Address Telephone/Fax Email Contact Person Days Open Hours of Opening

Villa Road, Moka 433 4229 Mr. Gilbert Leste 24-hour residential basis Weekdays: 09.00 hrs to 16.00 hrs for visitors and first contact

Services Offered

Attending to the needs of alcohol dependent women. It offers support, medical treatment and counselling to these women on a residential basis. For those who cannot reside at the centre, day care services are available. Day care services are also provided at its relay centre at Rivire Noire. Various indoor activities such as handicraft, hairdressing, body care, etc are held at the centre to help women in their reinsertion process. The centre also organises prevention activities within the community and carries information session in the workplace. Psycho-social support is provided to female alcoholic patients admitted at the Brown Sequard Mental Health Care Centre.

Referral Sources

Families, Friends, Hospitals and NATReSA

Condition of acceptance

Women alcohol abusers only

Catchment area

Whole Mauritius




Ayurveda Centre for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Substance Abusers

Swami Krishnanand, Seva Ashram Road, Callebasses 243 0772 249 1873 Mr. Premchand Boojhawon Monday to Saturday Weekdays: 09.00 hrs to 16.00 hrs Saturdays: 09.00 hrs to 12.00 hrs Ayurvedic treatment including medication and ayurvedic detoxification massage. Education and counselling of substance abusers and close relatives. Building skills to counter relapse. Developing self-confidence in patients through yoga and meditation. Promoting aftercare lifestyle by involving patients in occupational therapy. Public awareness campaign in several localities to sensitise the public against substance abuse Family, Medical Practitioners, Friends, Self, NATReSA The patient should be free from using any substance prior to and during the period of treatment Whole Mauritius

Address Telephone Fax No. Email Contact Person Days Open Hours of Opening

Services Offered

Referral Sources Condition of acceptance

Catchment area




Royal Road, Bambous (near Football Stadium)


452 5509

Fax No.

452 5504


Contact Person

Miss Marlne Ladine

Days Open

24-hour residential basis

Hours of Opening

09.00 hrs - 16.00 hrs for official matters only

Services Offered

It provides medical treatment and rehabilitation of female substance abusers. The residential programme lasts for 6 months, after which, clients are reinserted in the society through job placements with the business community of the region. Women who have children below the age of 12 are allowed to keep their children with them during the treatment

Referral Sources

NATReSA, friends, family members, hospitals, Ministry of Womens Rights, Child Development, Family Welfare & Consumer Protection

Condition of acceptance Catchment area

Only women who are affected by substance abuse Whole Mauritius





Address Telephone Fax No. Contact Person Days Open Hours of Opening Services Offered Modus Operandi

Sir F. Herchenroder Street, Beau Bassin 466 6298, 466 7211, 454 5720 465 3748/454 9309 Dr. Taroonsingh Ramkoosalsing 24-hour residential basis induction phase 09.00 hrs to 16.00 hrs for official matters Methadone Substitution Therapy for a capacity of 30 patients Clients for the National Methadone Substitution Therapy Centre are referred for maintenance by Treatment & Rehabilitation Centres. After having undergone a screening exercise, a preparation and motivation, their willpower and willingness to come out of drug addiction by the centres. After Residential Induction phase of 14 days, the drug addicts are sent back to regional hospitals for daily dose of methadone and referred to the Treatment & Rehabilitation Centres for intensive rehabilitation and follow-up and psycho-social support. The National Methadone Substitution Therapy Centre is receiving full support of the Ministry of Health & Quality of Life in terms of 33 Personnel 32 full time and 1 Psychiatrist part time. Main meals are also provided by the Brown Sequard Mental Health Care Centre as well as an ambulance with a driver round the clock.

Condition of Acceptance

Patients admitted to centres would be required to abide by all rules and regulations of the centre.





Beau Bassin 454 2071 454 9302 Dr. Taroonsingh Ramkoosalsing 24-hour residential basis induction phase 09:00 hrs to 16:00 hrs for official matters Methadone Substitution Therapy for a capacity of 30 patients Female clients for the National Methadone Substitution Therapy Centre are referred for maintenance by Treatment & Rehabilitation Centres. After having undergone a screening exercise, a preparation and motivation, their willpower and willingness to come out of drug addiction by the centres. After Residential Induction phase of 10 days, the drug addicts are sent back to regional hospitals for daily dose of methadone and referred to the Treatment & Rehabilitation Centres for intensive rehabilitation and follow-up and psycho-social support. The National Methadone Substitution Therapy Centre (Ward V) is receiving full support of the Ministry of Health & Quality of Life in terms of 9 Personnel on full time basis and 5 Medical Officers Psychiatrist part time.

Address Telephone Fax No. Contact Person Days Open Hours of Opening Services Offered Modus Operandi

Condition of Acceptance

Patients admitted to centres would be required to abide by all rules and regulations of the centre.





Address Telephone Fax No. Contact Person Days Open Hours of Opening Services Offered

Brown Sequard Mental Health Care Centre, Beau Bassin 454 2071 454 9309 Dr. Taroonsingh Ramkoosalsing 24-hour residential basis 09.00 hrs to 16.00 hrs for official matters Detoxification on Codeine based products on 14 days residential programme Clients for the Beau Bassin Detoxification Centre are referred for detoxification by Treatment & Rehabilitation Centres. After having undergone a screening exercise, a preparation and motivation, their willpower and willingness to come out of drug addiction by the centres. After detoxification on a residential basis of 14 days, the drug addicts are sent back to the Treatment & Rehabilitation Centres for intensive rehabilitation and follow-up. The Beau Bassin Detoxification Centre is receiving full support of the Ministry of Health & Quality of Life in terms of Medical/Paramedical Staff and Psychiatrist. Main meals are also provided by the Brown Sequard Mental Health Care Centre as well as an ambulance with a driver round the clock.

Modus Operandi

Condition of Acceptance

Patients should be referred by the Centres. They would be required to abide by all rules and regulations of the Centre.






Central Prison, Beau Bassin


401 6600

Fax No. Contact Person

466 0618 Mr. L. Vijayarayanan

Days Open

Monday to Friday for Day Care Services from 08.45 hrs to 14.30 hrs and whole week for Residential Services

Services Offered

Located in the compound of the Beau Bassin Prison, it offers a series of educational, prevention, recreational facilities and spiritual guidance, as well as, counselling to male prison inmates. Outreach within prison setting.

NATReSA and Non-Governmental Organisation active in the field of drug demand reduction are regularly called upon to collaborate in the preventive and educational activities of the Unit.

Conditions of Acceptance

Admission to the Unit is restricted to substance abuser prison detainees who volunteer themselves. Thereafter, they are assessed by the Assessment Team Committee to be admitted at the Unit.






Women Prison, Beau Bassin


401 6600

Fax No. Contact Person

465 6291 Mr. L. Vijayanarayanan

Days Open

Monday to Friday

Hours of Opening

09.00 hrs - 16.00 hrs for detainees only

Services Offered

Located in the compound of the Women Prison, it offers a series of education, prevention, recreational activities and spiritual guidance, as well as, counselling to female prison inmates. NATReSA and Non-Governmental Organisations active in the field of drug demand reduction are regularly called upon to collaborate in the preventive and education activities of the Unit.

Conditions of Acceptance

Admission to the Unit is restricted to substance abuser prison detainees who volunteer themselves. Thereafter, they are assessed by the Assessment Team Committee to be admitted at the centre.




The Ministry of Social Security, National Solidarity and Senior Citizens Welfare & Reform Institutions, through NATReSA, assists the Rodrigues Regional Assembly (RRA) in the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of substance abuse. NATReSA is implementing prevention and education programmes in Rodrigues in collaboration with the Rodrigues Regional Assembly whereby Social Leaders, Women and Students are being empowered against substance abuse, especially alcoholism.



St. Gabriel, Rodrigues 831 4611 Mr. Jean Nol Samoisy Monday to Saturday Weekdays: 09.00 hrs to 15.30 hrs Saturdays: 09.00 hrs to 11.00 hrs Day-Care Centre, motivation for detox at hospital, follow-up at centre or home (Service Ambulatoire), counselling, treatment, rehabilitation & reinsertion of patients are done at centre Prevention and regular sensitisation campaign all over Rodrigues including womens associations, schools, sites of works, clubs, hospitals and community The centre also supports recovered alcoholics for reinsertion programme for both male and female clients. The Association des Ancients Buveurs and the Association des Conjoints des Ancien Buveurs have been set up with a view to help in the recovery and reinsertion of alcoholics

Address Telephone/Fax No. Email Contact Person Days Open Hours of Opening

Services Offered

Referral Sources Condition of acceptance Catchment Area

Friends, patients, ex-patients, hospital and family All those who want to get rid of alcohol Rodrigues






Mont Lubin, Rodrigues

Telephone/Fax No.

832 5415


Contact Person

Mr Jean Nol Samoisy

Hours of Opening

24-hour residential basis

Services Offered

It offers inpatient detoxification and relapse prevention programmes to alcoholics and drug abusers. It provides a human and complementary treatment for patients sniffing from alcoholism and other drug addiction in Rodrigues. The duration of the stay of each patient is four weeks

Referral Sources

Medical Practitioner, Family, Friends, Self, Courts, Hospital, Social Workers etc.

Catchment area

Mauritius, Rodrigues and Outer Islands





The self-help groups listed below assist NATReSA and the Treatment & Rehabilitation in the reinsertion of recovering substance abusers.




c/o Eddy Begu BK 141, Avenue des Rosiers, Le Hochet, Terre Rouge and La Caz A, 12 St. Georges Street, Port Louis


248 2869, 212 7541, 255 0041

Email Address and

Contact Person

Mr. Eddy Begu

Hours of Opening

La Caz A - 09.00 hrs to 16.00 hrs Gymnasium, Cassis - 16.00 hrs to 19.00 hrs

Services Offered

Engaged in the education and prevention of substance abuse in the community. Provides counselling for drug addicts at La Caz A. supports young people and provides gymnasium facilities at Cassis.






Route Nicolay, Port Louis


216 1764

Fax No.

212 1775

Contact Person

Brother Antonio

Days Open

24-hour residential basis

Hours of Opening

09.00 hrs - 16.00 hrs for administrative purpose

Services Offered

Passserelle offers residential facilities to ex-prison detainees, people affected from AIDS and who are affected by substance abuse and who are homeless. A multi-disciplinary reinsertion programme is adopted at the centre, whereby much emphasis is laid on occupational therapy. The centre also arranges job placement for those who are able to take a job.


Social Workers, Friends, Religious Organisations

Catchment Area

Whole Mauritius






Ex-Imprimerie Pre Laval, 28 Nicolay Road, Port Louis


686 9436, 217 3874

Fax No.

686 9542, 217 3874

Contact Person

Mr. Lindsay Aza

Days Open

Monday to Friday

Hours of Opening

09.00 hrs to 16.00 hrs

Services Offered

Reinsertion programmes for ex-detainees, ex-substance abusers and adolescents released from Reform Institutions. Facilitates the obtention of Certificates of Morality. Sensitises public opinion, organises family meetings and job placements.


Social Workers, Friends, Families

Catchment Area

Whole Mauritius




Avenue Langlois, Plaisance, Rose Hill


701 4440

Fax No.




Contact Person

Mr. Iqbal Oozeer

Days Open

Everyday on a residential basis

Hours of Opening

24 hour service

Services Offered

Since January 2008, EXEMP is located at the above address and operated as a Residential Centre which supports ex-drug addicts and ex-detainees during their rehabilitation programme. The residents come mostly from families who are reluctant to support them or who have no family or their own. It caters for about 8-10 persons at a time and depends on parents and volunteers financial aid. EXEMP carries out several prevention and educational campaigns, especially in the vicinity of Beau Bassin and Rose Hill, to inform the public, especially the youth, on the ill effects of substance abuse


Friends, Social Workers, Self, Media

Catchment Area

Whole Mauritius






Nicolay Road, Port Louis


217 3484/5

Fax No.

217 3486


Contact Person

Ms. Juliette Franois

Days Open

Monday to Friday

Hours of Opening

09.00 hrs - 16.00 hrs

Services Offered

Empowers detainees and ex-detainees (male & female) through a variety of activities to help in their positive reinsertion into the community. Individual and group therapies are held. Referral to existing services is also made. Medical, legal and psychological assistance are provided.


Prison Services, Friends, Social Workers

Catchment Area

Whole Mauritius



Address Telephone

B.P 98, Rose Hill 302 6093 Mondays: Parish Hall, Immacul Conception Church, St. George Street, Port Louis at 17.00 hrs Contact Person: Roland on 234 5362 Tuesdays: Parish Hall, St. Claire Church, Royal Road, Goodlands at 18.00 hrs Contact Person: Guy on 283 8053 Tuesdays: Parish Hall, Sacr Coeur Church, Royal Road, Beau Bassin at 18.00 hrs Contact Person: Mario on 464 9179 Thursdays: Parish Hall, Mon Martre Church, Royal Road, Rose Hill at 18.00 hrs Contact Person: Roland on 234 5362 Saturdays: Parish Hall, Visitation Church, La Caverne, Vacoas at 16.00 hrs Contact Person: Mario on 464 9179 Saturdays: Parish Hall, St. Ursule Church, Hospital Road, Flacq at 16.30 hrs Contact Person: Jean Marc on 755 8482

Days and Hours of Opening

Services Offered

A twelve-steps of total abstinence recovery programme for alcoholics in order to help them attain and maintain sobriety through sharing of experiences, strength and hope at the above meetings. Parents, Friends, Alcoholics Anonymous Members, Social Workers and WALK IN in any of the above meetings. Whole Mauritius


Catchment Area






Alle Brillant, Branch Road, Phoenix c/o Mr. Cyril Palan, Logos Publicity Ltd, PO Box 522, Port Louis


212 9553/57, 254 0150

Fax No.

212 6197


Contact Person

Mr. Cyril Palan

Days Open

Saturday & Sunday

Hours of Opening

14.00 hrs to 18.00 hrs

Services Offered

Organises activities for the youth related to sports, education, music, outings/camping, training and counselling programmes. Caters for the youth, especially from underprivileged areas. Organises prevention programmes on Drugs, HIV and AIDS for the youth. The NGO lays great emphasis on spirituality for the proper development of the NGO.

Catchment Area

Whole Mauritius






108, Bis La Paix Street, Port Louis


241 5987, 241 5390

Contact Person

Mr. Feizal Sheik Fareed

Services Offered

Involved in prevention of substance abuse in the locality. Works is close collaboration with the Forces Vives in the region to fight against substance abuse. Counsels and refers substance abusers to Treatment Centres.

Catchment Area

Plaine Verte and the vicinity of Port Louis






88, Raoul Rivet Street, Port Louis


775 1507


Contact Person

Mr. Ravin Lahootun

Days Open

Monday, Wednesday, Friday

Hours Open

16.00 hrs to 19.00 hrs

Services Offered

Prevention of Drug Abuse and AIDS by: (i) (ii) (iii) Information, Programmes Education and Communication at Outreach

Training of Social Leaders at Workshops, Seminars Needle Exchange Programme starting at Curepipe and propose to implement at Plaine Magnien, Mahebourg, Cit Richelieu and Pamplemousses

Catchment Area

Whole Mauritius for its preventive and education campaign






Rivire des Creoles, Mahebourg & c/o Trilochun Chambers 4th Floor, Concordia Building Bonne Terre, Vacoas


631 1147


Contact Person

Mr. Munsoo Kurrimbaccus

Days Open

Every Thursday at Vacoas

Hours of Opening

16.00 hrs - 18.00 hrs

Services Offered

Information, education, empowerment and training of youth and the community at large for a positive and sustainable human development. It militates for the emancipation and promotion of human rights. Prevents substance abuse, HIV and AIDS through education and promotes treatment and rehabilitation of substance abusers

Catchment Area

Grand Port/Savanne Districts





BP 98, Rose Hill or 10 Paul Badaut Street, Rose Hill 454 7467, 466 5769 464 2221 Pasteur Aniel Barbe Monday - Saturday 09:00 - 16:00 hrs Psychosocial Support, Counselling, recreational and educational activities, especially for Youth Education and Prevention of tobacco use and abuse Friends, Families, Social Workers Whole Mauritius

Telephone Fax Email Contact Person Day Open Hours of Opening Services Offered

Referral Catchment area





A person who is directly or indirectly affected by drugs and who is in need of help may phone, write or call in person at NATReSA. The person will be informed, counselled and referred to a Treatment & Rehabilitation Centre, except National Methadone Substitution Therapy Centre, Barkly, Detoxification Centre, Beau Bassin and the Prison Drug Free Centres. The person would be informed, counselled and referred to treatment, if required, accordingly.



NATReSA compiles data from all sources such as Treatment & Rehabilitation Centres, Ministry of Health & Quality of Life, Ministry of Womens Rights, Police Force, Prisons Service, etc, in a view to continuously upgrade its information system and to provide up-to-date data to the public on substance abuse prevention, treatment and rehabilitation. It has intensified research on substance abuse in close collaboration with the Centre for Applied Social Research (CASR) exploring Patterns and Trends of Alcohol and Other Drug Use in Mauritius and a report is published on a bi-annual basis.


15.1 Drug Abuse The drug problem remains one of the main social problems, high on the list, which increases the toll on the human race. The use of psychoactive substances have been part of the society for a long time. At the beginning of the 20th century, drug problems came on the scene. Cannabis, Brown Sugar (Raw Heroin) and other adulterated forms of illegal drugs are being continuously used and abused by people. A shift increase of the drug pattern through injection has contributed to an increase of HIV patients, although this is not the only route of transmission of the virus.


Legal Framework The relevant current legislations regulating drug control supply and demand reduction are: a) The NATReSA Act b) The Dangerous Drugs Act 2000 (as amended in August 2003) c) The Pharmacy Act 1983 d) The Financial Intelligence and Anti Money Laundering Act 2002 (as amended in 2003) e) The Road Traffic Act 1962 f) HIV and AIDS Act 2006 g) The Excise Act 1994



The main piece of legislation relating to drug control supply reduction is the Dangerous Drugs Act 2000, which has been amended on several occasions to strengthen its provisions.


The Main Drug Dealing Offences (Section 30 of DDA 2000 and Section 30 of DDA Act (Amendment)2003) Any person who unlawfully: a) b) c) d) e) f) organises, manages or finances any of the offences specified in this section; imports, exports, causes to be imported or exports aids, abets, counsels or procures the importation or exportation of any dangerous drug; produces, manufactures, extracts, prepares or transforms any dangerous drug; offers, offers for sale, distributes, sells, brokers, delivers or transports on any terms whatsoever, dispatches, or dispatches in transit any dangerous drug; cultivates opium poppy, coca bush or cannabis plant; possesses, purchases or offers to purchase any dangerous drug for the purpose of any activity in this section;

shall commit an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable: (i) where the offence is in respect of a dangerous drug specified in part I of Schedule I, to a fine not exceeding one million rupees and to penal servitude for a term not exceeding 20 years. where the offence is in respect of a dangerous drug specified in Part II of Schedule I, to a fine not exceeding one million rupees together with penal servitude for a term which shall not be less that 5 years and not more than 20 years. Unlawful Use of Drugs (Section 34 of DDA Act (Amendment) 2003) Any person who unlawfully: (a) (b) (c) smokes, inhales, sniffs, consumes or administers to himself or any other person, in any way whatsoever, any dangerous drug; possesses, purchases, offered to purchase or transports any dangerous drug; has in his possession any pipe, syringe, utensil, apparatus or other article for use in connection with smoking, inhaling, sniffing, consuming or the administration of any dangerous drug



shall commit an offence and shall, on conviction, and subject to subsections (2) and (5), be liable to a fine not exceeding 50,000 rupees and to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 2 years.





While NATReSA has been entrusted with specific duties and responsibilities under the NATReSA Act No. 25 of 1996, users also have their rights and obligations.

clients should abide by rules and regulations set at each Treatment & Rehabilitation Centre clients should take medicines as and when prescribed by Medical Practitioner during treatment clients are advised to promptly attend all meetings and sessions clients should not show violence during treatment. Bad behaviours and attitudes towards each other and the personnel will not be tolerated Any harmful substance alcohol and drugs are strictly prohibited on the premises of Treatment Centres clients are advised to respects the time table set for each activity at centre The aim of any programme is to allow a client to enjoy drug-free life. Therefore, the client should avoid all drugs, unless prescribed by a Medical Practitioner for treatment.



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