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That. Now you can see how the realm in which Grendel.

Is supposed to
inhabit. Is the marshes, the Moors, the Fen, the desolate stronghold
outside of civilization? You will also see later on in other works of
English literature that the marshes are the Moors or the Fens.
Represents. Instability represents the realm outside of social order. You
might see this in, for example, the Gothic. Novel weathering heights of
the early 19th century. Where Heathcliff also a demonized hero.
Character. In, in in the tradition of English Gothic. And we can also
see. That Grendel. While also inhabits a very. Characteristically,
British realm, the Martians, the Moors. It is he is she. He is also
associated with Kane. As the kin of Cain, who was cursed by God, the
eternal reward for having slain Abel, his own brother. And you can also
see how the biblical references came and the Lord and Abel. Is is is
present in the test side by side with. Pagan figures from from
traditional. Anglo-Saxon imagination like ogres and elves and spirits.
From the other world giants. So the biblical God came Abel. Lives in the
same world as ogres and elves and spirits and giants. And. Of course,
mores and Fens and marshes. Are not the landscape presented in the
Christian Bible. But. In Beowulf. It is a part of that world which
includes Cain and Abel. Now. Another text that has. Survived through the
present time, that is also from the Anglo-Saxon. Is the dream of the rude
or the rod. Or are the the log the piece of wood? And as you can see. The
style is similar to that of. Bill it is an in oral style, so the speaker
or or the presenter, the narrator. Speaks, asking first the audience to
listen to him. In Beowulf you might remember that it begins with white.
Or oh, oh, or listen. Just like the beginning of the dream of the rude.
It's it's it's it's a written down text, but clearly it represents oral
tradition. Listen, I will speak of the best of dreams. Of what I dreamed
at midnight, when men and their voices were at rest, it seemed to me that
I saw a most rare tree. Reach higher lock. Wound in light, brightest of
beams, all that beacon was covered with gold. Jim stood fair where it
met. The ground five were above the crosspiece. Many hosts of angels
gazed on it fair in the form created. For men. You can see that this
figure. Of. A special tree. Has a long history in the tradition. Of
Northern, European or north? Mythology like Intersil if you're familiar
with. Thor in Marvel Comics. It comes from that same tradition. The
tradition of. Sanctifying a special tree as being related to something
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