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Frenchpack V4 Manual EN

Hi, and thank you for having downloaded this 4th iteration of the Frenchpack. As it doesn’t only feature new
models but too new gameplay functionalities, I decided to make a lil manual for you. Hoping you enjoy this pack.

Nicolas “Dimitriov” Michel

Models, coding, textures, featured in this pack are not to be individually or collectively modified,
reuploaded, reused, without the explicit agreement of their authors.

Credits :
Everything that other did not do : Nicolas « Dimitriov » Michel
AMX-30B2 et Tracma : Chewme et Robinhood.
TRM-2000, mortier 120mm, 53T2 models : OFRP Team from ArmA/OFP series.
PAMELA/Mistral : Ity971
Script Frenchpack : Migow

Summary :

I) « FRENCHPACKV4_CORE » installation (mandatory but simple ^^)
II) « FRENCHPACK_CA_V1.0 » installation (optionnal)
III) Script ModpackScript.lua activation (optionnal)
IV) ModpackScript numerous functions

!!!!!! This pack is divided into 3 parts : The Frenchpack_Core is the actual FrenchPack with all its
models, the Frenchpack_CA is optionnal unless you intend to play the tanks in Combined Arms, and finally
the ModpackScript brings many nice features to the general gameplay.
- AMX-13 in 75 and 90 mm.
- Leclerc Série XXI (Do not mistake it with the old and ugly DCS Leclerc)
- AMX-30B2
- ERC-90D
- VAB HOT, T20/13, Cal.50, mortar, medical, unarmed.
- VBAE CRAB 25 mm and MMP.
- VBL Cal.50, 7.62, unarmed.
- TRM-2000 infantery, fuel, AAA 53T2, SAM IR PAMELA.
- AAA 53T2
- Mortar 120 mm
- Tracma
- +- 30 static objects : tents, Hesco, various stuff.
- Djihadist pick-up in several colors.
- Kamikaze Djihadist (Because I enjoy seeing them explode)
- T-62 (Low poly)
- T-64BV (Low poly)
- T-72A (Low poly)
- PT-76 (Low poly)
- Sheridan (Low poly)
- KORNET ATGM (Low poly)

FRENCHPACK_CA features :

- Combined Arms IR view upgrade

- Better UI
- Many optics
- Better smoke effects (inspired after the Better Smoke mod, far less expanded though)
The ModpackScript on its side has an entire part of this manual for it so well…
Main purpose of this pack is to achieve an as much deep as possible use of a now coherent package
aimed at representing the Armée de Terre Française on DCS WORLD. So I’ll already start with
making as many english mistakes in this manual for the sake of realism.

I) FRENCHPACKV4_CORE installation
(First unzip the 2 Gb archive you downloaded)

Then, nothing easier : Take the FRENCHPACKV4_CORE folder and put it in :

C:\Users\yourname\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta (Or DCS if on stable)\Mods\tech

If Mods/tech folders don’t exist, create them respecting the exact police and orthograph.

Here we are for the main part of the mod, with no Combined Arms use. Please note that even if some
people installed everything on their computer while you only installed the CORE part, there will not be any
compatibility issue in multiplayer between you and them.

II) FRENCHPACK_CA Installation

This part is needed in order to pilot (not to command via F10 map) the following vehicles :

- Leclerc Série XXI

- AMX-13 75 and 90

It too edits some specific smokes (not in an intrusive manner : general smokes won’t change) in order to obtain
visually convincing (and very efficient in PVP) smoke defense systems. I suggest you to use JSGME, as it is not integrity
check compatible, so you’ll have to disable integrity check on your server to use it with friends.

Copy paste the FRENCHPACK_CA folder CONTENT into your DCS World or DCS World Open Beta folder located
in program files. Use JGSME again, it’s safer. And don’t talk to me about OVGME. Far too modern. We’re implementing
French Army here, we’re not high tech eco-friendly Yankees.

Pro-tips :

- The smoke defense system is available for the AMX-10RCR and SEPAR, the VBCI, the Leclerc Série XXI, and the
AMX-13 75/90. In order to use it, you need to use the “secondary fire”.
- DRECS, which are available on both Leclerc Série XXI and VBCI, are anti-personnal high charge fragmentation
grenades. Don’t use them if you don’t know…
- The “Driver view” mode for Leclerc Série XXI, VBCI and AMX-13 are located on the top of the turret for easier
maneuvering. They too feature 10 times magnification binoculars.
- If you use the AMX-13-90, you need to learn on how to use MILS measurement.
- A well commanded Leclerc can destroy as many targets as its amount of ammunition, and then come back
home and rearm. Fire on the move on a moving target up to 4 km can be achieved with no problem up to 70
km/h (40 mph).
- Use as much as possible the commanders optics (turret change key) when the vehicle has one.
- ModpackScript.lua needs to be loaded in the mission in order for the smoke defense system to be effective
against AI.

III) ModpackScript.lua script activation

Before beginning, you have to know that the accent was given on making this script as safe as possible
for your games, as it materially cannot crash your server (blocking alerts in case of error are disabled) et that
it is the subject of constant stability tests. Furthermore, this script is extremely simple as you only have to
plug it into your mission for it to work, without having to write anything more on your own.
The FrenchpackScript.lua is located in the main folder of your archive, along with this manual. To use
it you simply have to :
1) Create a mission (indeed)
2) Go to triggers
3) Create a trigger : ONCE / TEMPS SUP TO 2 / EXECUTE SCRIPT FILE
4) Click on « open » and find your FrenchpackScript.lua on your computer
5) That’s it.

All functionnalities will be automatically called.

IV) FrenchpackScript.lua use

The script allows you the following :

- Repairing vehicles
- Creating shelters for your tanks.
- Creating mine fields for ENI tanks (beware though, they work in both directions)
- Creating mine fields via a Kamov-50
- Pick up and unload ammo crate via SA-342/ MI-8
Except for the two last points, you’ll need to be in Tactical Commander or Game Master to use the
functions. In order to add one of these roles, you need to click in the editor on the “2 flags” icon located in
the left column, above the “flight icon”.

Vehicle repair :
Problem is the following : if a vehicle looses say 80% of its life, the nit will roll at 20% of its normal
speed. AND, if this vehicle is part of a larger group, then the whole group will start rolling at this speed. It’s
shitty. And on another side, well, repairing vehicles can be very useful.
You will need a TRM-2000. No matter if it is in the group or not, no matter how many there are. This
TRM-2000 has to be within a 150 m radius from the damaged vehicle. You then only have to leave it there
for 3 minutes in order to obtain the repair. Simple isn’t it ?

Tank shelter building

Now we get in the heart of our subject. 2 Shelters are available :
- Individual tank shelter (you can see one in first page screen)
- Long tank shelter
In order to create one, two possibilities :

1) Controlling a vehicle, you can use the F10-others radio menu. The issue there is that you’ll need
to wait for 10 minutes without moving or shooting. Actually we left this possibility cause we were
too lazy to erase it.

2) TRM-2000 used for building. There it’s cool.

In F10 map view, put a TRM-2000 less than 150 m from the place you want the shelter to be built.
You can build several shelters in parallel by the way. Put on your map a marker (see below screen)
using icon n°1.

Click on the icon n°2, you’re now going to give it proper name :
- Shelter type (Individual or long)
- Shelter heading (from 0 to 360)

On the above example, we asked the TRM-2000 to build a shelter type « abri1 » with a heading set
to 0. Once the text is typed, simply click anywhere on the map, if it worked, the marker should disappear
and be replaced by another temporary one displaying “pending construction”.
Building delay is 3 min.
Shelter possibilies are :
- abri1 : Individual tank shelter
- abri2 : Long tank shelter
Both of them work very very very well.
Example :
« abri2, 150 » Will get a long tank shelter being built, facing the 150.

Mine field or single mine creation :

The way of working is the exact same than with the shelters, with few shades though :
Only the TRM-2000 will be able to create a mine field. The VAB, VAB .50, VBL all types, VBAE all types will
be able to place a single mine.
Each vehicle can do it twice before having to wait for 30 min to reload.
Mining delay is around 1 min if my memory is correct. Names to put in the marker are :
- fieldmine : Mine field
- mine : simple mine
For fieldmine, you’ll have to specify the heading. Not for the mine, simply type « mine ». Example :
« fieldmine, 350 »

Minefield via a Kamov-50

Veryyyy simple. Take a Kamov, give him some KMGU PtaB variant containers and shoot them where you
want the mine field to be put. This technically may work with any aircraft carrying the KMGU PtaB variant.

Ammo crate via a Gazelle/Mi-8

We’ll add the Huey on another update.
For a JTAC, simple place the following unit where you want the Gazelle to pick it : “caisse de munitions”
or “ammo crate” or something… It’s in the infantry category, and is not a static but a vehicle. Your Gazelle
will have to land near it and use the radio menu F10-others to pick it. THIS AMMO CRATE IS GOD. It will
allow you to rearm or repair your ground units within a 100 m radius.
Same process for unloading it.

Shit I think it’s all.


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