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Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering B 6 (2017) 484-488

doi:10.17265/2162-5263/2017.09.006 D

Law on Hydrocarbon Extraction in the Eastern

Mediterranean Sea
Odysseas Kopsidas
School of Economics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki 54124, Greece

Abstract: The Eastern part of the Mediterranean, surrounded mostly by Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, Israel, Syria,
Lebanon and Jordan, has recently come into the limelight of the global energy map. The discovery of
hydrocarbons and gas in the Eastern Mediterranean holds the potential of being a game changer in the whole
region and beyond. Oil was first discovered in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea in the 1960s, however the absence of
technology allowing exploration and exploitation in such sea depths allowed only a small circle of companies to
actually focus on the area. When technological development made exploitation a more visible scenario, research
still remained on hold as estimated supplies were considered minimal, therefore not worth establishing a costly
drilling infrastructure. In 2010 it was discovered that the Leviathan gas field was much larger than previously
believed. This coincided with the discovery of the Zohr Field in 2015, a large natural gas field off the coast of
Israel, developments which set the Mediterranean Sea in the global market's interest.

Key-words: hydrocarbon, Eastern Mediterranean, law, economics

1. Introduction difficulties in investment and inflexible

regulatory frameworks may discourage
However, economic activity based on companies from investing in extracting
extracting hydrocarbon may be hindered by hydrocarbons.
the ever- lasting unrest in the area, caused
mainly by longtime disputes between the The main legal challenge that threatens
states surrounding the area of interest. Both such activities in the area is the issue of
historical and current political and strategic jurisdiction. Which state is the one that can
uncertainties in the region, global enjoy exclusive rights to researching the sea
competition, industry interest and bottom and extracting hydrocarbons and
geopolitical challenges shall all affect subsequently which state shall grant these
possible activities of research and extraction rights to private companies for a price,
(Ernesto Bonafé, Natural Gas Discoveries in which is the main issue to be covered by this
the Eastern Mediterranean: Exploring paper along with a review of the existing
Regulatory and Legal Frameworks, in international, European and domestic legal
Energy in the Eastern Mediterranean: framework. And as long as this question is
Promise or Peril?, p77). It is the companies answered, the legal regime of such activities
involved in these activities that have to bear must be examined to conclude whether the
the cost of the investment involved and thus existing international legal framework
need to be incentivized to do so. Political actually encourages hydrocarbon extraction
whims, inter- state disputes, lack of security, and exploitation activities or only serves as a
hindrance and a disincentive to investors [1].

Corresponding author: Odysseas Kopsidas, Ph.D.,

Post-doctorate researcher
Main research field: environmental economics.
Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering B 6 (2017) 484-488
doi:10.17265/2162-5263/2017.09.006 D
2. The legal regime of seabed continental slope plus the continental DAV rise, ID PUBLISHING

exploitation exceeds in width 200 n.m. and beyond the

continental shelf, it is regarded as open sea.
2.1. The continental shelf
To determine state jurisdiction there are Furthermore, apart from the legal
two main legal notions to be examined: the definition, the Convention of the Law of the
continental shelf and the Exclusive Sea also provides for the rights of a coastal
Economic Zone (EEZ). The first refers to the state to enact sovereign rights towards a
seabed and its subsoil of a coastal state specific purpose, that of researching and
extending further than its waters. The exploiting natural resources. Those state
continental shelf of a coastal State comprises rights exist ab initio and ipso facto (Panagos
the submerged prolongation of the land Th., Research and exploitation of
territory of the coastal State - the seabed and hydrocarbons, 2014, p. 12), without any
subsoil of the submarine areas that extend need for declaration. They are strongly
beyond its territorial sea to the outer edge of connected to state sovereignty and therefore,
the continental margin, or to a distance of they are of an exclusive nature, i.e., no one
200 nautical miles where the outer edge of can proceed with research end extraction
the continental margin does not extend up to activities without the state's prior consent.
that distance. The continental margin This strong connection between the ab initio
consists of the seabed and subsoil of the character of the continental shelf and state
shelf, the slope and the rise. It does not sovereignty was highlighted in 20/02/1969
include the deep ocean floor with its oceanic ICJ case
ridges or the subsoil thereof. The legal (
definition of a State's Continental Shelf is related/52/052-19690220-JUD01 -00-
provided in an international level in art. 76 EN.pdf), regarding the continental shelf of
of the Convention on the Law of the Sea of the Northern Sea. The Court ruled that a
1982 [2]. state's rights regarding the continental shelf
exist ab initio and ipso facto, as an inherent
The legal definition of a state's continental right, on the basis of state sovereignty and
shelf is quite complicated and far from the by extending this sovereignty, enacting
geological definition, a result of multiple sovereign rights on exploring the seabed and
compromises between the sovereign states exploiting natural resources. No declaration
that have signed the agreement (Roukounas or special process needs to be followed [3].
E., Public International Law, 2011, p. 298).
The definition of the continental shelf The continental shelf grants sovereign
provided in art. 76 of the 1982 Treaty no rights, i.e. specific rights attributed to a
longer correspond to the width of the initial coastal state outside its territory and within
definition in the Treaty of 1958, as it is a the international legal framework, restricting
product of negotiations and political possible sovereign extension aspirations
settlements. To define the continental shelf, (Roukounas E., as above, p. 303). State
the Treaty utilizes two criteria, the distance sovereignty and sovereign rights are distinct
(and no longer the depth as in the 1958 notions, as the latter constitute rights that
Treaty) and the geological criterion, which also enclose obligations (functional rights).
supersedes exploitation. Notwithstanding the
Those exclusive rights include drilling
geological definition, the legal continental
activities in search for natural resources (art
shelf extends in a region at least 200 miles
81 of the Convention). Natural resources are
from the baseline of the coast line. However,
defined as the metal and other, non- living
if the seabed of the coastal state defined in
organisms, i.e. organisms that exist either on
geology as a continental shelf plus the
Corresponding author: Odysseas Kopsidas, Ph.D.,
Post-doctorate researcher
Main research field: environmental economics.
Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering B 6 (2017) 484-488
doi:10.17265/2162-5263/2017.09.006 D
the seabed or underneath it and cannot move The coastal state can exercise sovereign DAV ID PUBLISHING

but by physical contact with the sea bed or rights in the EEZ to research, exploit,
the sea subsoil. This definition also includes preserve or manage natural resources, above
hydrocarbon, therefore drilling and research the seabed, on the seabed or underneath it.
activities belong to the state that exercises The competent coastal state can exercise its
exclusive rights on the continental shelf [4]. domestic legal framework while exercising
the above-mentioned activities. The coastal
2.2. The Exclusive Economic Zone state can also establish, within these 200 nm,
The Treaty also introduced for the first facilities and infrastructure to search for or
time the concept of the Exclusive Economic drill natural resources, such as the
Zone (EEZ), a crucial legal notion in hydrocarbons. However, these sovereign
defining jurisdiction when it comes to rights granted by the Treaty are functional
exploring and exploiting the seabed. An rights, i.e. they do not constitute soil
exclusive economic zone, as prescribed by sovereignty and must be exercised in a way
the 1982 United Nations Convention on the that other states' relevant rights are taken
Law of the Sea, is an area of the sea in into account as well [5].
which a sovereign state has special rights
regarding the exploration and use of marine Third countries can also benefit from
resources, including energy production from exploiting natural resources in a coastal
water and wind. It stretches from the state's EEZ, according to the Treaty, if the
baseline out to 200 nautical miles from the coastal state does not fully exercise
coast of the state. The difference between exploitation rights, according to provisions
the territorial sea and the exclusive 61, 62 and 69, if certain requirements are
economic zone is that the first confers full met.
sovereignty over the waters, whereas the
second is merely a "sovereign right" which It must be added that the continental shelf
refers to the coastal state's rights below the and the EEZ are distinct notions related to
surface of the sea. each other (ICJ Libya vs. Malta case, June
1985), while it is possible for the continental
The legal nature of the EEZ is yet to be shelf to exist where there is no EEZ, it is not
unanimously defined by literature. It is possible for the EEZ to exist without the
argued (Roukounas E., as above, p. 309) that continental shelf.
the EEZ is a grid of rights and obligations
set between coastal and other states, granted 2.3. State disputes in the Eastern
in the direction of sovereign rights in fishery Mediterranean regarding continental shelf
and underwater resources protection, that and EEZ rights
must also balance between the interests of Greece is entitled, based on the above-
various parties and the interests of the mentioned, to declare an EEZ up to 200
international community in the open sea. miles, the maximum possible range, since
Greece’s islands are also entitled to sea
The EEZ, contrary to what was mentioned zones, according to art 121 (2) of the Law of
regarding the continental shelf, does not the Sea Treaty. Greece has yet to declare
exist ab initio and ipso facto. It needs to be directly an EEZ, due to the tense disputes
declared in a typical manner and announced with Turkey. Cyprus has already declared an
to the General Secretary of the United Exclusive Economic Zone with the 12 th
Nations, who serves as a keeper of the 1982 section being the one currently in the
Treaty. spotlight, as Cyprus has attracted the
attention of companies like Noble, Sheel and
BP. Turkey has recently fueled these
Corresponding author: Odysseas Kopsidas, Ph.D.,
Post-doctorate researcher
Main research field: environmental economics.
Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering B 6 (2017) 484-488
doi:10.17265/2162-5263/2017.09.006 D
disputes by declaring research activities on islands, under French sovereign, do not have

both the Cypriot EEZ and the Greek national full legal rights when it comes to continental
waters and has always regarded a possible shelf, since they are detached from the
declaration of EEZ by Greece as a casus French soil. The Court ruled in favour of the
belli. Greece's lack of EEZ declaration full range rights of the island, a judgment
means that hydrocarbon- related activities in that can be also applied in Kastelorizo’s
the Aegean and the South Cretan Sea cannot case. It is therefore deducted from the
be controlled by the Greek state, unless the Court’s ruling that islands not only must not
area of research and drilling falls within the necessarily be surrounded by the territorial
Greek continental shelf. This legal obstacle, waters, but they are also competent to
along with Turkey’s offensive repertoire, produce a zone that can even exceed 200
serves as a legal hindrance to conducting miles (Kariotis Th., The law of the sea and
hydrocarbon activities in this part of the the role of the EEZ on Eastern
Mediterranean Sea. Mediterranean, in The concept of State
Sovereign and Self- Disposition in
Turkey strongly refutes a possible International Law, 2016, p. 214-215).
referral of the dispute to the ICJ, mainly
because the Court’s case-law precedent does Moreover, the Court in the Greenland-
not favour Turkey’s standpoint. The ICJ in Jan Mayen case (June 14th 1993) also ruled
the case of the Saint- Pierre and Miquelon that for islands to be given less rights than
Islands, a similar case to the dispute between the main coast would contradict customary
Turkey and Greece, but this time between law, which recognizes to islands sea zones
Canada and France, ruled in favour of what up to 200 miles from the line base (see also
is now the Greek State stance; the ICJ Kosmopoulos Ch., Exploiting hydrated
overruled Canada’s argument that the hydrocarbon on the Eastern Mediterranean
in Energy & Law 10/2008, p. 96-97) [6].

3. The lack of a harmonized legal 2004.Turkey strongly protested and started

framework on hydrocarbon claiming rights in the sea area regulated by
Cyprus and Egypt, even though Turkey does
exploitation in the Eastern
not share a common border with Turkey. In
2007, Cyprus signed a likewise agreement
3.1. Legal attempts on an international level with Libanon, with Turkey raising the tone
Exploiting hydrocarbons can raise several by stating the Libanon should have
legal issues that may affect relevant business consulted Turkey first before signing the
activities, from procedural issues (granting a agreement. Cyprus also singed a two parties
permit to an investor to set research and treaty with Israel in December 2010 defining
drilling facilities) to environmental matters. their sea borders. Turkey protested this
Given the long- term disputes in the area, the agreement as well.
states involved in such possible activities
Based on those treaties and the
have not formed comprehensive agreements
declaration of the EEZ, Cyprus has declared
that can guarantee legal clarity.
three types of permissions for researching
Regarding the legal framework on hydrocarbon (Kariotis Th., The law of the
hydrocarbon exploitation in the Eastern sea and the role of the EEZ on Eastern
Mediterranean, Cyprus and Egypt Signed in Mediterranean, in The concept of State
2003 a treaty for defining the EEZ, even Sovereign and Self- Disposition in
before Cyprus declared an EEZ in International Law, 2016, p. 195). The first
Corresponding author: Odysseas Kopsidas, Ph.D.,
Post-doctorate researcher
Main research field: environmental economics.
Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering B 6 (2017) 484-488
doi:10.17265/2162-5263/2017.09.006 D
type relates to a yearly seismological and As far as the Energy Charter Treaty DAV is ID PUBLISHING

geological research and the second for three- concerned, it is an international agreement in
year research. The third type relates to the energy sector adopted in 1994, alongside
granting permission for 265-year long oil the Protocol on Energy Efficiency and
and gas production activities. Related Environmental Aspects. ECT serves
as a common reference in the Eastern
Apart from two - state agreements there Mediterranean countries with fifty four
is yet to come a unified legal framework in participants, including the European Union,
the area providing legal securities to possible member states and organizations, as well as
investors in the hydrocarbon field. As of yet, third states like Turkey Jordan and Syria.
only two main international legislative acts ECT applies to all energy forms, therefore
exist that regulate- partially- the energy field the hydrocarbons as well, and pursues the
in the area; the Mediterranean Energy promotion of long- term cooperation in the
Regulators (MEDREG) and the Energy energy field (Ernesto Bonafé, as above, p.
Charter Treaty (ECT). MEDREG was 81). It also provides for rights and
established in 2007 and connects energy obligations, dispute settlement mechanisms
regulators from twenty- four countries, in investments and trade and its framework
several of which are located in the Eastern covers the entire energy chain. The most
Mediterranean Sea (Greece, Cyprus, Turkey, crucial aspect of this treaty is that it ensures
Libya, Jordan, Palestine, Israel to name a a balance between protecting state sovereign
few). This framework aims to harmonize rights and investors. Foreign investors are
regulation across the Mediterranean in the protected against political risks, breaching of
electricity and gas market especially investment agreements and war threats,
concerning infrastructure investments and through arbitration and dispute settlement
consumer protection (Ernesto Bonafé, mechanisms, thus providing security against
Natural gas discoveries in the Eastern the main impediments of investing in
Mediterranean: Exploring regulatory and hydrocarbon exploitation in the
legal frameworks, p 78). By this framework Mediterranean region. While aiming for a
a General Assembly has been established, common regulatory framework, the ECT
comprised of representatives from national does not impose on member states a model
regulators, responsible for defining an of energy market, thus respecting state
integrated market framework. MEDREG is sovereign rights [7].
also correlated with the Council of European
Energy Regulators (CEER), whose These two frameworks, the MEDREG
contribution to the harmonization of EU and the Energy Charter Treaty constitute
energy legislation can provide guidance for brave initiatives to address the matter of
the attempt commencing in the Euro- legal uncertainty in the energy field in the
Mediterranean region. The European Eastern Mediterranean; however they do not
Commission has also issued a list of projects provide a resolution to the problem. States
for integrating national energy markets (EU retain their right to form their own energy
Reg 347/2013 of the European Parliament policies and determine conditions for
and of the Council of April 17, 2013 on exploiting national resources. Hydrocarbon
Guidelines for Trans- European Energy extraction in the Mediterranean Region has
Infrastructure, OJEU L 115/39 of 25-04- yet to reach its full potential, and a lack of a
2013) for dealing with issues like permit- common framework for such activities
granting procedures, one-stop shop authority certainly affects in a negative way the
and transparency in the energy field. commencement of such activities.
Furthermore, the main hindrance remains
even after these legal structures: the problem
Corresponding author: Odysseas Kopsidas, Ph.D.,
Post-doctorate researcher
Main research field: environmental economics.
Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering B 6 (2017) 484-488
doi:10.17265/2162-5263/2017.09.006 D
between balancing state sovereign, grants its rights to seek, research and exploit

imperialism and investment protection. The hydrocarbons to a concessionaire in a

ECT has taken a few steps towards designated area. According to art 2 of l.
addressing the uncertainty caused by state 2289/1995, the Greek state retains
disputes, by establishing dispute exclusively all rights to hydrocarbon
mechanisms, however these mechanisms do research and exploitation in land, lakes or
not provide the security that investors seek sea regions and enacts them according to the
to be persuaded to participate in researching public interest. The public interest in this
and drilling hydrocarbon in the region [8]. case includes the need for constant and
secure supply, the protection of the
environment, state rights and the protection
3.2. The European framework of competition (Panagos Th., as above, p.40-
The European framework on hydrocarbon 41). Any third parties wishing to exercise
exploitation is more advanced and such activities in the Greek jurisdiction need
comprehensive than the international. The to follow procedures to be granted these
European Union directive 94/22 EC sets out rights by the Greek State through a permit or
the conditions for member states in the a concession contract.
granting and use of authorizations for the
prospection, exploration and production of Particularly, art 2 par 4 l. 2289/1994
hydrocarbons. The directive applies to all provides that the state issues an
member- states, which however, retain the administrative act specifying the regions to
right to determine the areas within their undergo research or exploitation and
respective territories to be made available dividing them in parts in the shape of a
for the exercise of the activities of rectangle based on geographical factors. The
prospecting, exploring for and producing right to seek hydrocarbons in this area is
hydrocarbons. On the other hand, Member granted through a decision of the Hellenic
States shall ensure that authorizations to Hydrocarbon Management Company, while
carry out the activities above-mentioned are the rights to conduct research and
granted following a procedure in which all exploitation activities are granted through a
interested entities may submit applications concession agreement with the Greek state
(principle of non discrimination).  [9].

Specifically, as far as the permit is

3.3. Domestic Law on hydrocarbon concerned, the decision of the HHMC is
exploitation issued following an open invitation
Researching and exploiting hydrocarbons published in the Greek Gazette and the
in Greece is governed by l. 2289/1995 which official EU Gazette and a ministerial
provides for the necessary procedures and approval. The invitation presents the
methods by integrating European legislation. deadline for application submissions, the
This law was amended by l. 4001/2011, terms and conditions for participating, the
which addressed crucial issues of criteria for selecting the concessionaire, the
international law principles application and duration of the permit to be issued and the
also established the Hellenic Hydrocarbon amount of the LC to be provided as security
Management Company (Panagos Th., by the participants. The invitation stage can
Research and exploitation of hydrocarbon, be omitted only in cases when the permit
2014, p. 31-32). refers to areas that are available in a
permanent basis and there already exists a
This legal framework sets out the previous invitation that enclosed such a
procedure through which the Greek State provision, or the region was submitted to a
Corresponding author: Odysseas Kopsidas, Ph.D.,
Post-doctorate researcher
Main research field: environmental economics.
Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering B 6 (2017) 484-488
doi:10.17265/2162-5263/2017.09.006 D
previous process that did not produce a actually realized, which can be agreed DAV

concessionaire, or the region has been part of the hydrocarbon to be found or as a

abandoned by the previous concessionaire. part of their value. The concessionaire
Such areas are announced through a retains ownership to any hydrocarbon drilled
ministerial decision and the permit includes if any commercially exploitable deposit is
the terms and conditions that must be met on discovered.
penalty of revocation.
In the case of a production sharing
The HHMC grants the permit and its agreement, the concessionaire undertakes the
decision is approved by the competent study and execution of hydrocarbon research
minister. The region set in the permit cannot and exploitation as a contractor, bearing all
exceed 4000 km for the land and 20000 km costs and economic risks. If a deposit of
for the sea. The duration of the permit exploitable hydrocarbons is discovered, the
cannot exceed a time period of 18 months produced hydrocarbons and their sub-
and cannot be extended, according to the products are divided between the contractor
most accurate opinion (Panagos Th., as and the state; the state retains ownership of
above, p. 60), as current legislation does not the hydrocarbons and the contractor retains
provide for an extension procedure. This ownership only for their agreed share
provision raises a serious threat to (Kakkava O- Th, as above, p. 85-86).
investment endeavors, as the permit exists
under a strict timeline that cannot be A legal question raised when reviewing
extended. both types of contracts, the lease and the
production sharing agreement, is their legal
As far as the rights to research and nature. According to the Greek Court of
exploitation are concerned, they are granted, Auditors case law (rulings- acts 231/2017,
according to art 2 par 10, 17 l. 289/1995 147/2017, 143/2017), these contracts
through a lease agreement or a production constitute a special type of contracts,
sharing agreement, which means that there is through which the State confers to entities of
a numerous clausus of exclusive contractual private law the conducting of research on
types (Kakkava O- Th., Lease agreements in possible hydrocarbon deposits, realized
the field of hydrocarbon in Greece, in through their own risk and capital, and in
Energy & Law 30/2019. p. 85). In both cases return the investor is entitled to exploiting
there exist two stages, a stage of research the deposits to be located for a substantial
and a stage of exploitation. The first cannot time- period (Kitsos I., The agreements on
exceed in duration 7 years for land regions granting research and exploitation of
and 8 years for sea regions, while the latter hydrocarbon in the recent case-law of the
the duration of 25 years, with a possibility of Court of Auditors, in Piraeus University/
extension up to two fifty- year periods. Court of Auditors, Law and Technology,
2019, p. 434). The agreements undergo the
The concessionaire undertakes, through the previous auditioning of the Court of
lease agreement, all expenses and project Auditors competent of checking whether all
risks if the project does not produce profit legal prerequisites are met through the
(art 22 and 23 l. 2289/1995) and must agreement to be signed, a process which
acquire by their owns means the might affect possible investments but is
infrastructure and equipment required. All necessary to ensure transparency and the
activities are executed based on a schedule service of public interest [10].
and budget submitted to the greek state for
approval. The State is entitled to a lease Lastly, as far as dispute resolution is
amount irrespective of whether profit is concerned, disputes raised between the
Corresponding author: Odysseas Kopsidas, Ph.D.,
Post-doctorate researcher
Main research field: environmental economics.
Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering B 6 (2017) 484-488
doi:10.17265/2162-5263/2017.09.006 D
conferring authority and the participants in embodied in the model lease agreementDAV set ID PUBLISHING

the process of selecting a concessionaire, are by the Greek state. Lex Petrolea is a form
referred to the administrative courts' of Good Oilfield Practice in a legal level as a
jurisdiction. Whereas disputes arising after special aspect of Lex Mercatoria. Lex
the agreement are signed, are conferred to Petrolea is defined as a constant arbitration
arbitration (Panagos, as above, p. 163-165). case-law approach regarding issues that arise
in an international level and refer to
researching and exploiting hydrocarbons. It
3.4. The general principles of Good Oilfield is a kind of customary law derived from the
Practices and Lex Petrolea repentant context of relevant agreements (T.
Apart from the existing and enforceable Martin, Lex Petrolea in International Law, in
legal framework mentioned above, the Dispute Resolution in the Energy Sector,
hydrocarbon exploitation activities are also 2012, p. 95), governing issues such as force
governed by the generally accepted majeure, methods for defining damages,
principles of Good Oilfield Practices and environmental requirements, alternative
Lex Petrolea. Good Oilfield Practices in the dispute resolution mechanisms etc.
field of hydrocarbon constitutes a system of
non organized systemically rules and However, these principles, general and
principles or processes which govern this vague in its definition, do not provide for
field, as they are generally accepted by the legal security and clarity when it comes to
international oil industry and are utilized by the obligations and requirements that must
an experienced and sensible manager while be met when conducting such activities. This
conducting hydrocarbon research and is a serious legal obstacle for possible
exploitation activities with safety and investments, especially since breaching these
efficiency (Bunter M., The promotion and principles can lead to the revocation of the
licensing of Petroleum Prospective Acreage, permit or to termination of the agreement by
2002, p. 309). This principled is also the Greek State, or even to liability (Panagos
Th., as above, p. 34-35) [8-10].

4. Conclusions Furthermore, as state jurisdiction through the

As analyzed above, the legal framework for EEZ and the continental shelf also
extracting and exploiting hydrocarbon is still determines the legal framework to be
vague and insufficient, a fact that may applied for such activities, there exists a
discourage investments in the energy field in further struggle when the state capacity
the Eastern Mediterranean. The main range is not clear.
challenge, however, hindering further
Especially when it comes to Greece’s rights
research and drilling activities, lies with
in the Aegean Sea, the problem becomes
inter-state disputes, diplomacy interactions
more evident since Turkey even challenges
and the balance of state power within the
Greek state waters, let alone the continental
Eastern Mediterranean (Kosmopoulos Ch.,
shelf or a possible declaration of an EEZ. A
Energy & Law 10/2008, 98-101). While the
possible solution to this legal dispute would
legal regime for jurisdiction exists, the Law
be referring to the competent judicial
of the Sea Treaty, not all countries involved
authorities, nonetheless, Turkey strongly
have signed the agreement, with Turkey
refuses the referral. A more realistic and
being the main adversary. Turkey’s denial
practical solution would be to refer to co-
towards international law creates unrest in
exploitation activities, jointly ventured by
the area, discouraging companies from
the states involved, especially Greece and
investing in hydrocarbon exploitation.
Corresponding author: Odysseas Kopsidas, Ph.D.,
Post-doctorate researcher
Main research field: environmental economics.
Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering B 6 (2017) 484-488
doi:10.17265/2162-5263/2017.09.006 D
Cyprus, along with European participation A European solution would also addressDAV the ID PUBLISHING

(Kosmopoulos Ch., as above, p.100-101, issue of the applicable law in such activities,
Pavlides G.D, The energy Community: as a unilateral European legal framework
towards a spherical regional cooperation in would ensure that business activities would
the energy field and mostly in hydrocarbons, be conducting by the same terms and
in Hydrocarbon Law, 2015, p. 59 and conditions in a large part of the Eastern
following). A solution through the EU, by Mediterranean. The pineapple of the
creating energy alliances with member states European approach would be to create a
such as France, would strongly enhance common policy for the EEZ and to regard
Greece’s and Cyprus’s stand against Turkey the Greek and Cypriot state EEZ as a
and would ensure companies that wish to European EEZ, therefore degrading
conduct research or drilling activities in the Turkey’s threats for casus belli (Kariotis Th.,
area, that they shall not be disturbed in the The law of the sea and the role of the EEZ
activities. Thus, creating a secure on Eastern Mediterranean, in The concept of
environmental for investors. State Sovereign and Self- Disposition in
International Law, 2016, p. 209).

[1]Bonafé, E.2014. Natural gas discoveries in the
Eastern Mediterranean: Exploring regulatory and
legal frameworks, in Energy. The Eastern
Mediterranean: Promise or Peril, Academia Press.
[2] Bunter, M. 2002. The promotion and licensing of
Petroleum Prospective.
[3] Kosmidis, T., Farantouris. 2015 N.,
Hydrocarbon Law.
[4] Kosmopoulos, Ch. 2008.Energy & Law
10/2008, 84-101.
[5] Kakkava, O- Th. 2019. Lease agreements in the
field of hydrocarbon in Greece. Energy & Law, pp.
[6] Kariotis, Th. 2016. The law of the sea and the
role of the EEZ on Eastern Mediterranean. The
concept of State Sovereign and Self- Disposition in
International Law.
[7] Kitsos, I. 2019. The agreements on granting
research and exploitation of hydrocarbon in the
recent case-law of the Court of Auditors. Piraeus
University/ Court of Auditors, Law and
[8] Martin T., Lex Petrolea in International Law
Dispute Resolution in the Energy Sector, 2012.
[9] Panagos, Th. 2014. Research and exploitation of
[10] Roukounas E., 2011. Public International Law.

Corresponding author: Odysseas Kopsidas, Ph.D.,

Post-doctorate researcher
Main research field: environmental economics.

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