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HP each and deal 1d6 damage. Choose 1 upgrade: they deal 1d6+1 damage, they have Armor 1, they
have 1 skill which you may use as your own when using them to accomplish a task, +1d6 minions. You
can replace dead or destroyed minions at no cost when it makes sense to do so. / STITCH: when you
provide medical attention or make repairs, +1d6 HP gained.

...STORIES OF SPACE RATS, STAR BASTARDS, AND VOID JAMMERS... Ψ. No career skills. Choose 1 special ability:
CLAIRVOYANCE: you can sense something obscure or remote a number of times per session equal to
your level+WIS. / KINESIS: you can move something with your mind a number of times per session
ATTRIBUTES. Roll 2d6 for each. On a 6 or less, the value is 0. On a 7-9, the value is +1. On a 10 or 11, the equal to your level+CON. / THERMODYNAMICS: you can change the temperature of something
value is +2. On a 12, the value is +3.
you can see to any temperature between absolute zero and absolute hot a number of times per
session equal to your level+STR. / TRANCE: you or someone you touch can enter a meditative state
HP. You have 2d6+CON HP. When you receive medical attention, heal 2d6+CON HP. of biological stasis which heals ailments a number of times per session equal to your level+INT. /
TRANSPORT: you can disappear and instantly reappear anywhere you can see a number of times per
BACKGROUND. Choose your background which comes with a special ability. As a group, come up with session equal to your level+DEX.
the four main playable species, factions, or cultures, giving each a name:
HYBRID CAREER. Put together 5 special abilities from two or more careers, then put together 3 career skills
__________, the clever ones. CLEVER: you always know when you are being lied to. from those careers. Choose 1 skill and 1 special ability. Give your career a name.
__________, the savage ones. SAVAGE: you are impervious to __________.
__________, the weird ones. WEIRD: +2 to persuade any creature that can smell you. SKILLS. Choose any 1 skill in addition to your career skill.
__________, the mysterious ones. MYSTERIOUS: when concealed by darkness, you are invisible to
scanners and the naked eye.
EQUIPMENT. You start with 60,000 units to spend and one random unique item. Also roll 2d6+CON to
see if you’re cyberified (have cyberware): 6 or less means no, 7-9 means 1 cyberware with strings attached,
CAREER. Choose a career. 10 or more means 1 cyberware, 12 or more means 2 cyberware.

SOLDIER. Choose 1 skill: Athletics, Persuasion, or Survival. Choose 1 special ability:

FACTIONS. Name and describe a faction (e.g. a megacorporation, a political party, a society). Then, as a
ARMORY: you start with 1 special weapon. When you spend a few hours fabricating a new special
group, name and describe the faction you all form together. As a group, choose 2: individual vehicles, group
weapon or recycling an existing one, gain a new special weapon. You can have a number of special
vehicle, stationary HQ, crew of NPCs.
weapons equal to your level. / BATTLE TRAINING: once per fight, turn a success into a miss or a miss
into a 10+ success. / CYBERINFANTRY: +1 cyberware (it comes with strings attached). / PREPWORK: at
any time during a mission, you can choose 1: you have just the piece of gear you need, right now, OR ROLLING THE DICE. When you attempt something risky, roll 2d6 and add the appropriate attribute
you appear in a scene where you are needed, right now. / SPECIAL TACTICS: when you plan a mission, bonus. If you have an applicable skill, roll 3d6 and use the two highest dice.
everyone to whom you assign a task adds +1 to all their rolls while they act on that task according to
plan. Anyone who rolls a miss or goes off-plan loses the bonus. Anyone who ends the mission with - A total of 6 or less is a miss; things don’t go well and the attempt turns out badly. Mark 1 XP.
their bonus intact marks XP (if that’s everyone, you mark XP too). - A total of 7-9 is a partial success; you do it, but there’s some cost, compromise, retribution, etc.
- A total of 10 or more is a full success; you do it without complication.
SCOUNDREL. Choose 1 skill: Awareness, Deception, or Stealth. Choose 1 special ability: - A total of 12 or more is a critical success; you gain some extra benefit or advantage.
CHEMS: you start with 1 chem recipe memorized with 1 dose already prepared. When you spend
a few hours manufacturing chems, create a number of doses for each chem equal to your level. 1 GAINING EXPERIENCE. You get XP from missing rolls and from doing missions. During play, the GM
dose sells for 1,000u. You can memorize a number of chem recipes equal to your level. / EVASION: may hand out 1 XP for interesting, daring, or commendable roleplaying. When a mission is completed, the
when you make a series of complex maneuevers to avoid harm, add +1 Armor to yourself or the GM tells you how much XP to note, depending on how successful you were and how difficult the mission
vehicle you’re controlling. / LOW BLOW: when you launch a surprise attack, roll 3d6 and take the two was. When you have filled your XP track, clear it and level up.
highest dice. On a success, deal max damage. / PACKING: you can always hide one small object on
your person (or one container in your vehicle), even when naked or searched. / TWITCH REFLEXES: LEVEL HP SKILLS ATTRIBUTES ABILITIES
when you are betrayed or ambushed, you have prepared for it and get to act first. When you betray or
ambush others, you have prepared for it and add +1 to your next roll. 1 2d6+CON Career+1 2d6 ea. Background+career
2 +1 +1
EXPERT. Choose 1 skill: Culture, Science, or Technology. Choose 1 special ability: 3 +1 (career)
DATA LIBRARY: when you spend time researching something, ask the GM 1d6 questions now or hold 4 +1 +1 +1 (max +3)
some for later regarding the topic of your research (the GM will answer truthfully). / GAZETTEER:
when you first come to a new location, tell everyone one detail about it, which is now true. / HACKER: 5 +1 (career)
when you log out of a computer system which was accessed without permission, you can always 6 +1 +1 +1 (max +3)
choose 1 for free: no one will know where you accessed it from, the next person to use the same 7 +1 (career)
access point is incapacitated, you are alerted of all future keypresses across the system, your spoofed 8 +1 +1 +1 (max +3)
login credentials incriminate another user, you have location data on all other users, the entire system
is offline and replaced with a splash screen of your calling card. / MINIONS: you are aided by 1d6 of (1: 9 +1 (any)
drones, 2: robots, 3: hired help, 4: Ψ-freaks, 5: clones, 6: genetically engineered animals). They have 1 10 +1 +1 +1 (max +3)


THINGS. Lowest u denomination is 1,000.
Light melee weapon (10,000u). 1d6. May be wielded as a secondary weapon, allowing you to reroll Single-occupancy spacecraft (250,000u). 2d6 HP.
damage once per attack. Includes wrenches, stun batons, utility knives, etc. Passenger spacecraft (1,000,000u). 3d6+1 HP.
Medium melee weapon (30,000u). 1d6+1. Must be wielded in main hand. Includes monoblades, War spacecraft (10,000,000u). 4d6+2 HP.
neuronic whips, pikes, etc.
Planetside home (1,000,000u), space station (100,000,000u).
Great melee weapon (40,000u). 1d6+2. Uses two hands. Includes chainsaws, mining lasers, eviscerators,
etc. CYBERWARE. Installation cost listed (choose 1 mod at installation). Additional mods half-price.
Light ranged weapon (10,000u). 1d6. Includes pistols, dazzlers, throwing knives, etc. Cyberskin (100,000u). Color/pattern changing artificial skin matrix. / Armor 1 / instantly heal CON HP a
Medium ranged weapon (30,000u). 1d6+1. Uses cumbersome ammo. Includes laser guns, autocannons, number of times per session equal to CON.
flamethrowers, etc. Cyberoptics (150,000u). Infrared vision / microscopic/telescopic vision / AR HUD (+1 to ranged attacks).
Great ranged weapon (50,000u). 1d6+2. Uses cumbersome ammo and must fire from stationary Cyberaudio (150,000u). Supersonic hearing / echolocation ‘pinger’ / wide-band long-distance
position. Includes rocket launchers, heavy laser guns, mortars, etc. eavesdropping suite.
Light explosives (30,000u). 1d6+1. Belt of 6 explosive charges. Cyberolfaction (75,000u). When you sniff the air for something, the GM will tell you if it’s nearby.
Heavy explosives (60,000u). 1d6+3. Single charge. Cyberarm (90,000u). +1 melee damage / ignore use restrictions on medium and great weapons /
Spacer’s gear (5,000u+). A kit of simple helpful items, e.g. length of cord, tool, first aid kit, ration. When additional arms.
you rummage for a simple helpful item, mark off a use (1 use per 5,000u spent) and find what you need. Cyberleg (90,000u). Ignore armor speed penalties / you never suffer damage from falling / silent treading.
Criminal’s gear (10,000u+). A kit of basic illicit items, e.g. lock bypass, forged document, hacking Cyberbrain (250,000u). Silent thought-activated communication / thought-control machine interface /
paraphernalia, disguise. When you rummage for a basic illicit item, mark off a use (1 use per 10,000u ‘Skill chip’ ports.
spent) and find what you need.
Cyberweapon (90,000u). Retractable datablade (1d6+1) / shoulder autocannon (1d6+1) / monofilament
Specialist’s gear (15,000u+). A kit of technical items, e.g. a particular chemical element, hi-fi scanner, whip and grappling hook (1d6+1) / shockprod (1d6+1) / dart launcher (1d6+1) / bomb implant (2d6+3).
technological component, a library database. When you rummage for a technical item, mark off a use (1 Artificial glands (75,000u). +1 to resist torture and drugs.
use per 15,000u spent) and find what you need.
Artificial lungs (125,000u). Can safely breathe toxins, poisons, and other harmful gases and hold breath
Light armor (30,000u). Armor 1. for 25 minutes.
Full armor (60,000u). Armor 2. Always helmed. Difficult to move freely or quietly. Artificial heart (200,000u). When at half HP or less, deal +2 damage.
Single-occupancy landcraft (50,000u). 1d6 HP. Same for watercraft and aircraft. Artificial gut flora (50,000u). Immune to poisons and toxins in food/drink and able to digest synthetic
Passenger landcraft (100,000u). 1d6+1 HP. Same for watercraft and aircraft. polymers.
War landcraft (1,000,000u). 1d6+2 HP. Same for watercraft and aircraft. Voicebox (150,000u). Can perfectly imitate any sound including voices / 1d6 sonic screech.


11: Optical camo poncho. 41: Collection of commendations and medals from various authorities.
12: Chizz, a hypnotic musical instrument. 42: Door-Spike: locks any door.
13: Vat-grown limb with a tic. 43: Screamer grenades.
14: Silence grenades. 44: Stasis container of ravenous nanites with a specific hunger for __________.
15: Face scrambler. 45: Hoverboard.
16: Lifetime supply of liquid captagon energy drinks. 46: Full spectrum goggles.
21: Instant-freezing cryo-pills. 51: Bipedal cargo loader.
22: Spy beetle. 52: A priceless stolen space crystal.
23: X-ray eyepatch. 53: Jar containing a molecularly disassembled relative.
24: Alien tablet which functions as a single-use Ψ ability. Takes a long time to recharge. 54: Game Bug, a portable video game system.
25: Mysterious alien egg. 55: Electronics-disabling bolt gun.
26: Stasis mines. 56: Telepathic kinkajou.
31: A seedling from home. 61: Action figure of your nemesis.
32: One clone, still in original packaging. 62: Undetectable emergency transponder.
33: Weather generator. 63: Shock gauntlets.
34: Ψ dice (always the result you want). 64: Auto-Chef.
35: Jump pack. 65: Star map tattoo or birthmark.
36: High Altitude Gelatinous Impact (HAGI) orbital re-entry suit 66: 1d6 favors owed to you by people in powerful positions.

SPECIAL WEAPONS. Randomly generate a special weapon from the ARMORY special ability. CHEMS. Randomly generate a drug from the CHEMS special ability.
FORM (RANGED). Roll 1d6—1-3 is form (ranged), 4-6 is form (melee). Then roll 2d6. FORM. Roll 1d6.
2: Grenades. 1d6+1. 1: Ointment 4: Pill
3: Scattergun. 1d6+1. 2: Solution 5: Crystal
4: Laser gun. 1d6+1. 3: Gas 6: Powder
5: Flamethrower. 1d6+1.
NAME. Roll 2d6 for each column.
6: Machine pistol. 1d6.
2: (1: Electron, 2: Muon, 3: Gluon, 4: Bozon, 5: 2: (1: Bug, 2: Giraffe, 3: Mule, 4: Lizard, 5:
7: Autocannon. 1d6+1.
Neutron, 6: Prion) Crocodile, 6: Monkey)
8: Irradiator. 1d6+1.
3: Fizzy 3: Blaster
9: Screamer. 1d6.
4: Ozone 4: Freak
10: Heavy laser gun. 1d6+2.
5: (1: Star, 2: Moon, 3: Nova, 4: Nebula, 5: Comet,
11: Needler. 1d6. 5: Jet
6: Meteor)
12: Razor throwing disks. 1d6. 6: (1: Gold, 2: Blue, 3: White, 4: Rainbow, 5: Red,
6: Special
6: Shine)
FORM (MELEE). Roll 1d6—1-3 is form (ranged), 4-6 is form (melee). Then roll 2d6.
7: (1: Purple, 2: Black, 3: Pink, 4: Ultraviolet, 5: 7: (1: Crash, 2: Slam, 3: Jam, 4: Slash, 5: Crush, 6:
2: Mining laser. 1d6+2. Golden, 6: Chrome) Bang)
3: Chainsaw. 1d6+2. 8: Booster 8: (1: K, 2: Q, 3: Z, 4: X, 5: 452-B, 6: 6)
4: Laser cutter. 1d6. 9: Killer 9: Freeze
5: Dataknife. 1d6. 10: Transdimensional 10: Fire
6: Machete. 1d6. 11: (1: Meta-, 2: Super-, 3: Crazy-, 4: Ultra-, 5:
11: Bomb
7: Monoblade. 1d6+1. Psycho-, 6: Anti-)
8: Whip. 1d6+1. 12: (1: Geck, 2: Kang, 3: Chud, 4: Gork, 5: Zod, 6:
12: Stinky
9: Jackhammer. 1d6+1. Kuzco)
10: Power glove. 1d6.
EFFECTS & SIDE EFFECTS. Roll 2d6. Effects (first column) last one hour. Side effects (second column) linger.
11: Breaching hatchet. 1d6.
2: Inability to (1: operate heavy machinery, 2: read
12: Riot shield. 1d6. +1 Armor. 2: Psychogenic: Ψ sensitivity. and write, 3: remember, 4: eat, 5: control impulses,
6: sleep)
FEATURE. Roll 2d6.
3: Sensoritropic: Altered sense (1: infrared vision, 2:
2: Aim-lock (can hit a target that has moved out of the line of effect). ultraviolet vision, 3: scent trail vision, 4: x-ray vision, 3: Bad luck
3: Alien power gem (permanently destroys itself to resurrect you from death). 5: supersonic hearing, 6: enhanced proprioception).
4: Optically camouflaged (only you can see its outline). 4: Performance-enhancer: +1 to attribute (1: STR, 2:
4: Hiccups
5: Artificially intelligent (it speaks). DEX, 3: CON, 4: INT, 5: WIS, 6: CHA).
6: Infamous (dismays those who have seen or heard of its handiwork). 5: Loss of sense of (1: hearing, 2: sight, 3: feeling, 4:
5: Stimulant: +1 speed.
taste, 5: smell, 6: self-preservation)
7: Terror (+1 damage).
6: -1 to attribute (1: STR, 2: DEX, 3: CON, 4: INT, 5:
8: Collapsible (shrinks to a convenient small size). 6: Hallucinogenic: Hallucinations.
WIS, 6: CHA)
9: Transforming (can turn into a different form, roll for which one).
7: Sedative: Unconsciousness. 7: Addiction
10: Nefarious (deals 1 damage 1d6 times after attack; wounds resist healing).
8: Nootropic: Skill proficiency (1: Athletics, 2:
11: Mysterious alien (returns to your hand). Awareness, 3: Deception, 4: Persuasion, 5: Stealth, 6: 8: ‘The jitters’
12: Paired (cannot harm anyone wielding its counterpart—currently in the hands of your nemesis—and Survival).
vice-versa). 9: Suppressant: Immune to (1: thirst & hunger, 2:
9: Bleeding
cold, 3: heat, 4: hard vacuum, 5: pain, 6: Ψ).

10: Discoloration (1: gray, 2: yellow, 3: green, 4:
10: Psychotic: Hyperagression.
blue, 5: spotted, 6: ultraviolet)
11: Serenic: Inhibits aggression. 11: Premature aging
12: Empathogenic: +1 to converse with others. 12: Growth of alien gland

THE DIE OF FATE. Sometimes you as the GM will roll a die to see how events turn out. The die of fate Tracks can be decreased by proactive action from the PCs. If they want to get heat off their back, they can
may be rolled to determine space weather, an NPC’s disposition, a struggle between NPCs, the presence do something to appease a faction or redirect its ire elsewhere.
and strength of enemies, or whether something advances a track. A high result is good for the PCs and a
low result is ill fortune for them. When creating a track, describe what happens when each increment is advanced. Some tracks start out
with one increment advanced, some not (such as when a faction is completely unaffected and unaware of
the PCs). Make tracks public; you can choose whether to keep the increment descriptions hidden.
FIRST SESSION. The players (that includes you) come up with the universe and characters during the
first session. Each player describes a character, a faction, and marginalia. During this creation process you A faction lackey stumbles across the mission Milspec MOPOL units deployed to sweep the area
ask questions and act on the answers. Ask them:

1. When and where does this take place? Encourage vagueness of time and specificity of place.
2. Who has power there? This is the enemy. Alert systems activated
[Example mission track: Operation
3. What are some important or interesting places thereabouts? You will encounter these places Drones with eradication protocols deployed Urgent Mother: kidnap the son
soon. of the PetriCorps Executive to
4. How did you all meet? Ask also specific questions about the relationships between PCs. Hermetic lockdown; ‘Satan Zone’ irradiator matrix active
support the ice mining rebellion]
5. What odd line of work has your group fallen into? ‘Mercenary work’ and ‘bounty hunting’ are too Anti-kidnapping ‘brain bomb’ in son activated if taken; orbital traffic grounded;
generic. Make them come up with something very specific. (Ex. we steal alien eggs for rich collectors, mechanized cavalry joint raid; PetriCorps track +2
we break into politicians’ homes and take pictures of them on the toilet, we’re insurance scam artists.)
6. Which faction are you striving against, or which is striving against you? This will be the target of YOUR MAXIMS. These are your guiding precepts. Whenever you or anyone else is at a loss, you should
their first mission. look to your maxims. As long as you move things forward in line with your maxims, everything else will
7. What is Technoshock? A faction, a place, an event, a syndrome? (Ex. the name of the bar the first follow.
scene takes place in, a great Y3K calamity we’re still recovering from, etc.)
8. What things would you like to see? (Ex. heavy on cyberpunk/light on space opera, gritty hard sci fi 1. Make the universe dirty, high-tech, and excessive. Smear the tech with dirt. Fill the cityscapes
aesthetic, these NPCs or factions.) with smog and rain. Make the spacecraft rattle. Then turn the dial up on everything: the rich are richer,
9. What things should we avoid? (Ex. grimdark tone, excessive violence, sexual themes.) the poor are poorer, the sick are sicker, the stakes are higher, the perversities more perverse, etc.
10. Never stop asking! (Ex. how did you get that thing?, where did you learn to do that?, this NPC Everything’s just a little too much for a PC to deal with alone.
knows you—why?) 2. Fill the characters’ lives with action, intrigue, and complication. Missions are opportunities for
action and betrayal. Do everything you can to prompt daring action scenes, hairpin maneuvers, and
USING FACTIONS. Each player came up with a faction during creation. These are the primary NPC subtle manipulations. Tie them up in the lives of NPCs, factions, and the greater universe to make the
actors in the game going forward. The PCs’ standing with most factions will start at neutral. As the players stakes that much higher.
make moves, advance/decrease tracks, and gain experience, various factions will grow more or less 3. Give everything a name and everyone a want. A character without either is just a stick figure.
antagonistic to them. Your goal in the faction game is to show the impact of the players’ choices on the Everyone is called something and everyone wants something. Name also places, tech, etc. Use what
universe. With luck, the players will the last faction standing. the PCs have given you as a springboard.
4. Keep the factions always striving against each other. Portray a universe of faction versus faction
MISSIONS. Missions are the basic structure of play. PCs are ‘on a mission’ or ‘between missions’—there is versus faction. Place the factions like little precarious dominos: when a PC affects one faction, it affects
nothing else. The target of their first mission comes from the questions you asked them earlier. The goal of the others. Draw a chaotic spider web that the PCs have to navigate.
their first mission comes from the same (their ‘odd line of work’). 5. Keep the characters always striving against those who hold power. Tell a grimy story with the
PCs at the bottom. Draw the lines clearly between the ‘haves’ and the ‘have-nots’ in the universe. Deals
Missions have 4 parts: with authority should be like deals with the devil. And remind them: no matter how high they go,
there’s always a bigger fish.
1. Getting the job. Meet who’s paying. 6. ...and make your move. When a PC rolls and misses, when they’re waiting for something to
2. The prep. Do the legwork, hit up contacts, research, get equipment. happen, or when the fiction demands it, make your move. Your moves are: hint at unseen/future peril,
3. The action. The mission proper: when the plan kicks off. entangle them, put them in a bind, hurt them, separate them, take their stuff, offer a bargain or tough
4. Getting paid. Not necessarily in units, but maybe favors, things, +rep, or a better situation. choice, tell them the prerequisites or consequences and ask, advance a track.
Whatever was agreed upon. If they fail the mission, they may get paid in retribution coming their
way. Lastly: address the characters, not the players. This keeps the focus on the fiction, not the table.

Mission failure happens when the last box in the mission track is filled. The PCs decide if they escape, are
captured, or die. If everyone gets out alive, that faction increases their efforts to dispose of the PCs and their
faction track advances. If at least one PC dies, the faction is appeased for now.

TRACKS. Tracks are countdown timers. Each of the six increments on a track makes things worse for the
PCs. When the players miss a risky roll or make a glaring misstep, advance a track. One track may advance
another. Each faction important to the story has its own track. When the PCs take a mission, that mission TECHNOSHOCKERS is heavily derived from World of Dungeons by John Harper and Chris McDowell and
has its own track. The Sprawl by Hamish Cameron, with thanks to Sage LaTorra, Adam Koebel, and Vincent & Meguey Baker.


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