Geography 0550 Mark Guide 2023

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GEOGRAPHY 0550 MARK GUIDE 2023 ii) Description of road network distribution on map

PAPER TWO  Road network comprises of main road, roads generally
less than 4m wide and other roads.
SECTION A: MAP WORK  Uneven distribution of roads with high concentration
1. a) Expect for reduced portion of map within the corridor that stretches from SW to NE of the
Locational points 1 x 3 marks map.
Correct length/width, title, key and scale. ½ X 4= 2marks  Road network density is high in this area because of the
Single point marking. Total – 3 + 2= 5 marks gently sloping relief, presence of settlements, etc.
b) Calculate: Accept any two descriptions. Single point marking 1 + 1 =
i) length of section of main road 2marks
Expect: iii) Comment on site and situation of Threlkeld
Map length = 13.2 cm (accept 13 to 13.4 cm) Expect for site
Map scale = 1:25000 (1/4 km) - Threlkeld is sited on a flood plain of River
Actual length = 13.2 X ¼ = 3.3 km Glenderamackin
Answer in nearest km = 3km - Sited at the foot of a Hill etc.
Single point marking Total = 3 marks Expect for Situation
ii) Gradient of the slope along line A – B - Situated near the main road
Expect: - Beside coniferous trees
VI = 800m – 550m= 250m - SW of Guard house etc
HE = (2.7 X 25000/100) m Single point marking. 1 + 2 reversible = 3 marks
= 675m
Gradient in percentage = (250/675 X 100) = 37.04% SECTION B: PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY
Single point marking 1 + 1 = 2marks 2. a) Distinguish between the following:
c) i) Identify features at i) Solstice and Equinox
- 334253 Expect: Gulf course Expect:
- 321247 Expect: Caravan site (accept camp site) Solstice is a period during the earth’s revolution when the sun is
Single point marking 1 + 1 = 2marks over head at any of the tropics and both hemispheres have unequal
ii) State three physical features at 3327 lengths in day and night WHILE Equinox is the period when the
Expect: sun is overhead at the equator and both hemispheres witness equal
- river length of day and night.
- valley ii) Precipitation and Condensation.
- escarpment Expect:
- spur Precipitation refers to all the various forms by which water arrives
Single point marking 1 + 1 + 1 = 3marks the earth’s surface after condensation, WHILE Condensation refers
iii) State the bearing of Picnic site (3024) and Parking (3025) to the process where atmospheric water vapour changes to either
from Telephone (3224) tiny water droplets or ice crystals and clouds are formed.
Expect: (4 marks)
- Picnic site is 310o from telephone b) Explain two precautions to be considered when setting up a
- Parking is 260o from Telephone weather station. (2 marks)
Single point marking 1 + 1 = 2marks Expect:
 Isolated from large obstacles like fences, trees, or tall
iv) State the types of drainage pattern found north of northing
 The ground should be free from flooding
 The area should have a wide view (open space)
- dendritic pattern
- parallel pattern  The grass in area should be cut short. Etc.
Single point marking 1 + 1 = 2marks Single point marking 1 + 1 = 2marks
d) on the cross-section c) Match column X with the correct letters in column Y by
- vertical scale (1cm: 100m) writing the suitable letter next to each number
- horizontal distance = 15.2 cm X Y
- shape of profile 1. The twisting or wrinkling of the A. Faulting
- title crust – D B. Divergent plate
Single point marking 1 + 1+ 1+1 = 4marks 2. Feature formed by highly viscous margin
e) i) services that would benefit persons that visit Threlkeld lava – E C. Basic lava cone
Services Evidences 3. Boundary where plates move away D. Folding
- telecommunication - Telephone from each other – B E. Acid lava cone
- Touristic or - Gulf course, caravan/ 4. The fracturing of the rocks of the F. Conservative
recreational camp sites etc earth’s crust – A margin
- Transportation - Roads Single point marking 1 X 4 = 4marks
- Residential - Buildings, settlements c) Location on world map
- Administrative - Public convenience Single point marking 1 x 4 = 4marks
Single point marking 1 + 1 = 2marks (No evidence no mark) d) i) Identify three reasons why should conserve the soil.
Expect: Reasons for soil conservation Energy flow is the process by which energy (food) moves in an
- Soil conservation helps to reduce soil erosion ecosystem through living things (through food chains and food
- To increase soil fertility web), while Nutrient Cycling is a cycling process that involves the
- The use of cover crops can also supply plant nutrients, regulate soil movement of nutrients from the physical environment to living
temperature and improve soil structure organisms and back to the physical environment.
- To protect biodiversity d) Suggest measures to solve effects of Floods and Drought
- To reduce or prevent some geo hazards like landslides, soil creep Expect:
through tree planting Measures to solve the effects of floods:
Single point marking 1 x 3 = 3marks  Construction of dykes and embankments or dams,
ii) Geo-hazard that occurred is earthquake  Dredging of rivers and lakes,
Expect: Ways (measures) to mitigate or remedy damage  Flood forecasting to reduce negative effects,
caused by earthquakes.;  Enlargement of river channels and cutting new ones,
- Education on earthquake safety measures.  Construction of flood ways to provide an outlet to a stream
- Building safer structures that are more resistant to shockwaves. during periods of excess discharge,
- Adequate prediction of earthquake for timely evacuation.  Building of sea or coastal defence walls,
- Buildings with plastic materials and raised on pillars.
 Conservation or planting of vegetation in a drainage area to
- Installing earthquake detector devices.
slow down runoff,
- Earthquake monitoring to predict its occurrence,
 Construction of canals and deep gutters in urban areas,
- Sensitization of the population of possible dangers,
 Creation of irrigation schemes to provide enough water.
- Build houses away from point of focus,
Solutions or measures to control Drought:
- Use of light and resistant materials in construction,
- Build short houses and avoid tall buildings,  Construction of dams to supply water from its reservoirs in
- Assistance should be given for rebuilding, times of droughts,
- Construction of hospitals,  Cloud seeding. This is a form of intentional weather
- Construct spring houses (small building usually of a single room modification to trigger rainfall,
constructed over a spring).  Desalination of sea water for irrigation , domestic or industrial
Single point marking 1 + 2 = 3marks uses,
 Recycling of water i.e. former waste water (sewage) is treated
3. a) i) In a tabular manner classify the landforms into and purified for reuse,
coastal, desert and river features. (4 marks)  Building canals or redirecting rivers as massive attempt at
Coastal features Desert Features River features supplying water in drought-prone areas,
Cave Zeugen Waterfall  Rainwater harvesting; collection and storage of rainwater from
Tombolo Inselberg Interlocking spurs roofs or other suitable catchments,
Bar Deflation hollow Gorge  Land use planning involving careful crop rotation to minimize
Levee erosion and allow farmers plant less water demanding crops,
Single point marking ½ x 10 = 5marks  Practice reforestation or afforestation.
ii) On diagrams
Single point marking 2 + 3 reversible = 5marks SECTION C: HUMAN GEOGRAPHY
b) Description of ways by which weathering destroys the HUMAN GEOGRAPHY
landscape 4. a) On the world map provided, locate and name the following:
Expect: i) One major fishing grounds
 Weathering is the breakdown of rocks “in situ’. It destroys ii) One area rich in oil
landscapes either through its physical action or its chemical action. iii) One area of NICs
o Through extreme temperature change: rocks expand when iv) One area of high population density
heated and contract when cooled leading to the peeling-off v) One area with HEP generation
(exfoliation) of the surface layer of the rock to form Exfoliation Expect locating and naming on the outline world map:
Domes. Locating ½ x 5 = 2 ½ marks
o Also thermal shattering disintegrates and destroys the Naming ½ x 5 = 2 ½ marks
landscape. Single point marking (5 marks)
o By frost action: During summer season in the warm temperature b) Suggests three ways agriculture can be made more beneficial
regions, precipitation (rainfall) occurs and enters cracks of rocks. to the economies of LICs.
During winter season, the water in cracks freezes and the volume Expect ways agriculture can be made more beneficial to the
increases by 10%. This thus exerts pressure against the walls. economies of LICs:
During the succeeding summer the ice in cracks melt or thaws and Agriculture can be made more beneficial by providing solutions to
the pressure on walls is released. The repeated freeze-thaw action the problems facing agriculture such as:
causes the rocks (landscape) to split (shatter) and fall apart.
o By Solution: Rainwater dissolves both carbon dioxide and modern methods of agriculture
oxygen to form carbonic acid which makes insoluble minerals like
calcium carbonate to become soluble. This solution weather’s joints
and shatters the landscape forming Grikes and Clints.
c) Differentiate between energy flow and nutrient cycling in an iative groups
Expect: Single point marking (1.25 x 3 = 4marks)
c (i) State three challenges hindering mineral exploitation in the
world today. fish for the region
Expect challenges hindering mineral exploitation in the world
• Geological problem water.
• Uneconomic reserves
• Low level of industrialization especially in LEDCs
• Inaccessibility of mines Lagos, Onitsha etc.
• Over exploitation
• Inadequate capital and technology especially in LEDCs Note: Accept other projects and the benefits but general benefits
Single point marking (1 X 3 =3 marks) of Multipurpose River Development not tied to a particular project
ii) Explain any two ways of mitigating the challenges in c (i) should earn no mark.
above. Naming of the project = 1 mark
Expect the challenges and ways they can be can be overcome Three benefits of the project = 3 marks
• The problem of inaccessibility of mines can be overcome
by constructing roads to sites where minerals are found. 5. a) Define the following concepts as used in settlement
• The problem of overexploitation of minerals can be solved geography:
by recycling of minerals. i) Conurbation
• The problem of low level of industrialization affecting A conurbation is a large built-up area resulting from the
mostly the LEDCs can be overcome by putting in place strategies merging of two or more towns that were formally separated by rural
for the countries to emerge. land, for example, the Krefeld to Dortmund conurbation in
Other challenges and how they can be overcome. Germany; the West Midland conurbation in Britain.
d) For any named Land Reclamation or Multi-Purpose River
Development Project, describe the method used and two ii) Population census
benefits of the project to the community. It is the total process of counting, compiling and publishing of
EITHER demographic data pertaining to all persons at a particular place and
Expect definition of land reclamation, followed by chosen example time. (2 marks per definition)
and then benefits. b) Using a table classify the following components of an industrial
Land reclamation refers to the process of making land useful by system into light and heavy industries: watch-making, iron and steel,
restoring it from wetlands, seas, lakes, deserts or mines, through automobile, petro-chemical, food processing, textile manufacturing,
drainage or irrigation. It also refers to the restoration of land that is air craft manufacturing, and newspaper publishing.
damaged by natural phenomena, such as erosion, or impaired by Expect candidates to use a table to classify.
industrial and urban processes. Light industries Heavy industries
Watch-making Iron and steel
Example of Land Reclamation Scheme: The Gezira Irrigation Food processing Automobile
Scheme in Sudan. Textile manufacturing Petro-chemical
This project has the following benefits: Newspaper publishing Aircraft manufacturing
Single point marking ½ x 8 = 4 marks
c) Some of the problems of urban growth and urbanization
rainfall is seasonal. include: traffic congestion, waste disposal and water pollution.
Propose two solutions to each of these problems.
tilizes the soil through the silt it Expect two solutions to each of these problems:
carries. Solutions to traffic congestion:
OR • The expansion of the existing streets.
Expect method and benefit of NAMED multipurpose river • The construction of new streets.
development • Putting in place traffic lights.
Examples should be taken from the following and then benefits • Regular repairs of the streets.
Kariba dam on river Zambezi in Zimbabwe Solutions to waste disposal:
Volta River project on the Volta River in Ghana • Reducing waste by recycling.
Kainji Dam project on the Niger River in Nigeria • Regular waste disposal by a company like HYSACAM in some
Ord River Scheme on Ord River in Western Australia. cities in Cameroon.
Tennessee Valley Project on River Tennessee in USA etc. • Use of waste as raw material by some industries.
Named Multipurpose River Project: The Kainji Dam Project on
River Niger in Nigeria. Some solutions to water pollution:
The kanji dam project consist of a dam 66 meters long and 55 meters • Treatment of waste before throwing in water.
long, built along the river Niger, about 1000km from its mouth. The • Avoid throwing untreated dirt in water.
dam was completed in 1968 and covers a surface area of 1200km² Accept any two solutions for the 2 marks per problem.
and produces 750.000kw of electricity. The project cost about 150 Single point marking 2 x 3 = 6 marks
million dollars. d) Briefly explain any two consequences of rapid population
This project has the following benefits: growth in the world.
Expect the following consequences of rapid population growth:
in Nigeria especially in the North central, south western region and
South East industrial region. accompanied by economic development.
of social amenities like schools, electricity pipe c) Outline three factors favouring the growth of tourism in
born water because their provision cannot keep pace with the ever Cameroon.
increasing population. Expect three factors favouring tourism
Physical factors
overcrowding, pollution, high crime wave in cities. o Beautiful scenery
r population in some countries because the rapid growing o Attractive lakes and beaches
population has outdated the available resources. o A multitude of wildlife
o A rich forest reserve
o Favourable climatic conditions
gradation as most of the resources such as o Magnificent waterfalls
forest, mineral and water resources are either poorly exploited or Human and Economic factors
over exploited.  Cultural diversity
 Beautiful works of
Single point marking 1 + 1 = 2 marks  Numerous historical relics
e) i) Outline two problems facing CEMAC.  Modern hotel infrastructure
Expect problems such as:  Political stability
Single point marking 1 + 1 +1 = 3 marks
internal political instability that distort peace and slow the pace of d) (i) Briefly explain TWO pull and TWO push factors of rural
development. exodus in Cameroon.
Expect two pull factors of rural exodus in Cameroon:
networks. No roads or railway link all member states. These hinder
the circulation of goods and services within member countries. found in cities
of the absence of a common external trade policy. which is found only in cities.
t pay their annual dues regularly to CEMAC
thus slowing down the activities of the block. which are only found in cities.
Single point marking 1 + 1 = 2 marks
ii) State any two advantages of road transport over other modes Single point marking 1 + 1 = 2 marks
of transport. Expect two push factors of rural exodus in Cameroon:
Expect the following advantages of road transport over other
modes of transport: a fall in demand for agricultural labourers.
wanted. rural areas of land

moved at any time they want. requires a small labour force has left many unemployed like the
ast over short distances. Adamawa Region

genital mutilation has made many people to escape from rural areas
and air. scarce and hard to find
Single point marking 1 + 1 = 2 marks
schools and hospitals especially in rural areas have forced people to
SECTION D: CAMEROON GEOGRAPHY move out into urban areas.
6. a) On the outline map of Cameroon provided, locate and name the Single point marking 1 + 1 = 2 marks Total = (2 + 2 = 4 marks)
following: ii) Many towns in Cameroon face problems such as
i) Two main rivers overcrowding, urban sprawl, development of slums and high
ii) One HEP Dam crime wave. Propose solutions to solve these problems.
iii) An industrial region Expect problems followed by solutions:
iv) One forest reserve - The problem of Overcrowding can be solved by creating growth
Expect locating and naming on the outline Cameroon map: poles, and commuter towns
Locating ½ x 5 = 2 ½ marks
Naming ½ x 5 = 2 ½ marks belts and satellite towns.
Single point marking (5 marks)
b) Match the following climate types to their respective country such as construction of houses with well-conceived
vegetation types: architectural designs and slum clearance will solve the problem of
Climate type in Cameroon Vegetation type in Cameroon development of slums.
Cameroon type Montane forest
Guinea type Tropical rainforest number of forces of law and order in cities and providing jobs to the
Wet Tropical Climate Guinea savannah unemployed.
Dry Tropical Climate Sahel savannah Single point marking 1 x 4 = 4 marks
Matching should reflect the above table
One mark for correct items matched (1 x 4 = 4 marks)
7. a) On the outline map of Cameroon provided, locate and o It is a source of government revenue as huge sums of money is
name the following: paid to the government as taxes by large companies in the energy
i) The Northern Lowlands sector such as SONARA, SCDP and ACTIS.
ii) An area of volcanic soil o The energy sector also boosts economic growth as they are used
iii) An area of equatorial climate in all aspects of the economy e.g. petroleum and HEP are highly
iv) The town of Maroua used in the agricultural, industrial and service sectors of the
v) Two areas of low population density economy.
Expect locating and naming on the outline Cameroon map: o There is also an increase in the rate of urbanization. Due to
Locating ½ x 6 = 3 marks increase in energy supply to towns, the functions of such towns
Naming ½ x 6 = 3 marks and the number of persons moving to the townships have
(total = 6 marks) increased.
b) Explain four reasons for the slow economic development of Single point marking 1 + 1 + 1= 3 marks
Cameroon. e) State two benefits of containerization and internet on
Expect the following reasons: Cameroon.
i) Embezzlement and corruption. Expect two benefits of containerization and internet on
ii) Poor infrastructural development. Cameroon:
iii) Limited capital and technology Benefits of containerization:
iv) Bad governance - Loading and off-loading is faster
v) Institution of bureaucratic process in business registration - Containers are sealed and thus minimize theft and fragility.
Single point marking 1 x 4 = 4 marks - They are easy to be transported inland from the port.
c) State three challenges of timber exploitation in Cameroon. - More goods are transported by trailers, trains and ships because
Expect three challenges of timber exploitation: of efficient loading.
- The hot and wet equatorial climate of the south of Cameroon is - Containers prevent goods from getting bad as they cannot be
conducive for mosquitoes and tsetse flies which attacks the affected by salty sea water or rain.
exploiters. The climatic conditions also cause rapid decay of logs - Use of containers eliminates offloading and reloading of goods
making preservation very difficult. during the change from one transport system to another.
- There is a problem of over exploitation since some companies do - It reduces the possibility of loss of goods especially through
not obey the exploitation legislation laid down by the government. stealing.
- There is a problem of transportation especially during the rainy - It reduces the cost of transporting goods as the cost of
season when the roads become very muddy and impassable. This transporting a container over long distances is small compared
makes it difficult for the timber trucks to transport the logs out of to the quantity of goods in the container
the forest. Benefits of internet:
- Another problem is the distance of the markets. The markets for - It has information of all imaginable subjects.
timber are found in mostly in Europe which increases the cost of - Powerful search engines enable faster acquisition of
transport and reduces profits. information.
- Foreign domination in forest exploitation is a major problem. This - It provides the opportunity to do research from your home
is as a result of the fact that the activity is dominated by foreigners instead of libraries.
since most of the companies are foreign owned. - It provides the opportunity to receive and send emails.
- There is also a problem of illegal and indiscriminate felling of trees - It provides a platform for products like SKYPE, which facilities
by unscrupulous exploiters who do not have exploitation licenses. video conference, chats
- Valuable trees of the same species are dispersed in the forest. The - Friendships and love connection have been made over the trade.
trees of the tropical rainforest and do not occur in pure stands and - Provides means for e-commerce hence enhancing trade.
this makes exploitation very difficult. - Provides means for e-learning/distant learning/ online learning.
- The non-respect for exploitation norms set by the government - It facilitates business transactions.
affect timber exploitation negatively. The law obliges timber - News of all kinds is available almost instantaneously.
exploiters to transform the timber before exploitation. Less than - It promotes globalization.
50% of the wood is transformed before exported which deprives the - It is a source of entertainment.
government of revenue. Single point marking 2 + 2 = 4marks
Single point marking 1 + 1 +1= 3 marks
d) Outline three ways by which mineral exploitation has 0550 2023 Paper 1
improved on the economy of Cameroon.
Expect three importance of mineral exploitation:
1.C 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.B 6.D 7.B 8.B 9.C 10.A
o It provides employment to thousands of Cameroonians especially
those working with the oil refinery, oil depots, fuel filling stations 11.B 12.A 13.A 14.D 15.B 16.B 17.D 18.A 19.A 20.D
and HEP projects.
o It promotes industrial development as it provides a steady and 21.C 22.C 23.D 24.D 25.D 26.C 27.D 28.A 29.B 30.B
reliable form of energy used by industries such as CIMENCAM,
SICAM etc. 31.C 32.D 33.A 34.A 35.D 36.C 37.A 38.D 39.A 40.C
o It is source of foreign exchange earnings as Cameroon exports
HEP to neighbouring countries such as Central African Republic 41.D 42.B 43.B 44.C 45.B 46.A 47.A 48.C 49.D 50.A
and Gabon. Petroleum products are also refined and exported to
other countries.

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