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Question 1-5: Look at the picture and choose the best answer!

1. We have a … table.

a. round small wooden d. round wooden small

b. small wooden round e. round small wooden

c. wooden round small

2. I don’t like ….

a. the scary black large spider d. the large spider black scary

b. the black scary large spider e. the scary spider black large

c. the large scary black spider

3. He keeps the letter in a ….

a. yellow big box square d. square big yellow box

b. square yellow big box e. big square yellow box

c. big box square yellow

4. Jack’s father bought him a(n)… as a birthday gift.

a. blue Japanese expensive bike d. expensive blue Japanese bike

b. Japanese expensive blue bike e. Japanese blue expensive bike

c. expensive Japanese blue bike

5. She is good at creating … paintings.

a. interesting Vietnamese new square d. interesting new square Vietnamese

b. Vietnamese interesting square new e. Vietnamese new square interesting

c. square Vietnamese new interesting

For the questions 6 to 8, choose the appropriate expression to complete the dialog

6. Kim : What does your uncle do, Joe?

Joe : He is postman, …
I have a new cat, its name is Shorty. I call it Shorty because it is short than the other cats. My cat is a Persian
cat with flat nose and fluffy hair. It has sharp, yellow eyes that glow in the dark. Shorty likes to run around a.
the house, chasing any moving things. I like to see Shorty sleeping because it looks cute. Shorty does not like a.
to eat canned food, instead it prefers fresh tuna. a.
He delivers letters. d. He helps people to sign the letters.

b. He collects application letters. e. He keeps letters in cabinet.

c. He writes business letters.

7. Melly: “….”

Jim: “I’m glad to see you too.

a. Hello. How are you Jim? d. Hello, my name is Melly

b. Hi. It’s glad to see you Jim e. Hi, how’s life Jim?

c. Jim, I don’t think we’ve met before.

8. Uli : Hi, how do you do?

Mike : …

a. How are you? b. How do you do? c. I’m good d. Not so bad, thanks. e. what about you?

Question 9 to 11 refer to the following text!

9. My cat is ….. (line 1). The word “my” refers to ….

a. Reader b. Cat c. Writer d. Mother e. Tuna

10. Which breed is Shorty?

a. Persian b. Angora c. Half-breed d. Domestic cat e. Egypt

11. What does the writer tell about?

a. New toy b. New cat named Shorty c. Writer’s new hobby d. Family e. Job

Question 12 to 13 refer to the following text!

Barack Obama is the president of United States. He is an African-American. He is tall and thin. He is bald. He has
dark complexion, pointed nose, and oval face.
He is the first black man who becomes the president of United States. He is known as a smart and wise man. He is a
loving husband for his wife and a good father for his two children. People from all over the world adore him
because of his spirit and action in creating peace in this world. He also looks friendly because he always smiles a

12. What is the purpose of the text?

a. To persuade the readers to choose him in the election.

b. To entertain the readers about the story of Barack Obama.

c. To report the life of the president of United States of America.

d. To describe Barack Obama's physical appearance and personality.

e. To tell the first black man who becomes the US president.

13. "... dark complexion, pointed nose, and oval face." The antonym of the underlined word is ....
a. handsome b. short c. straight d. flat e. curly
Question 14 to 15 refer to the following text!

Bale Kambang is a small village in the Southern coast of East Java, seventy kilometers from Malang town and two
hours' drive from South. It is well known for its long beautiful white sandy beach as well as the similarity of its
temple to the one of Tanah Lot in Bali.
In Bale Kambang, there are three small rocky islands namely Ismaya Island, Wisanggeni Island, and Anoman
Island, those names are taken from "wayang" figures (Java traditional puppets). These islands are surrounded by
Indonesian Ocean which huge waves frighten most overseas cruisers.

14. What makes Bale Kambang famous?

a. Small rocky islands d. Overseas cruisers
b. Long beautiful beach e. Beautiful temple
c. Huge waves of ocean

15. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

a. There are three rocky islands in Bale Kambang d. The rocky islands are in the middle of the sea
b. Huge waves frighten many overseas cruisers e. The speciality of Bale Kambang
c. Names of rocky islands are taken from "wayang"figures

Question 16 to 18 refer to the following text!

Masjid Sultan Suriansyah is a historical mosque. Built 300 years ago, this building is the oldest mosque in South
Kalimantan. The mosque is located in the North Kuin Village of Banjarmasin. It was built in the reign of Sultan
Suriansyah known as Pangeran Samudera. He was the first Banjarnese King who converted into Islam. This mosque
was found on the bank of the Kuin River, near KampungKraton, which was destroyed by the Dutch colonial.

The construction of Masjid Sultan Suriansyah was unique. The roof is layered. It took the Banjar's past architecture
before Islam came. Different from any other old mosques in Banjar, the mihrab has its own roof, separated from the
main building.  

16. Masjid Sultan Suriansyah was constructed in the era of ....

a. Banjar people b. Dutch colonial c. Kalimantan King d. Sultan Suriansyah e. King Banjar

17. What is mainly discussed in the text?

a. A king reign d. A historical mosque
b. A palace complex e. A unique architecture
c. An Islamic location

18. From the text we know that ....

a. Some construction of the mosque takes the local style d. The Dutch colonial built the mosque
b. Banjar people burned down the mosque e. The Mihrab is merged with the main building
c. There is nothing special from this mosque
Question 19 to 22 refer to the following text!

Rose is plant with enchanting flowers from genus Rosa which has more than 100 species. This woody perennial
plant grows in groups, allowing them to form climbing shrubs with prickles. Rose has various flowers in shape and
sizes, making it one among popular flowering plants found in a house.
Most rose species are native to Asia, but some others are native to North America and Europe. It is typically grown
for beauty and fragrant. Some species are used for commercial perfumery while some others are cut for ornamental
flowers. In addition, rose also has minor medicinal uses.

19. What does the text tell about?

a. Gardening b. Rose species c. Flowers d. How to grow rose plant e. Where to plant rose

20. What can we infer from the text?

a. Rose is known for its unique fragrant d. Rose only has one variant of shape and size

b. Rose has more than a hundred species e. all roses are native to Asia

c. Rose doesn’t have prickles

21. It is typically grown … (paragraph 2). The word “it” refers to ….

a. Asia b. Beauty c. Rose species d. Medicine e. Commercial perfumery

22. Based on the text, which statement is true?

a. Rose has minor benefit for medicinal uses d. North America is not a native to rose species

b. People grow rose only for beauty e. Rose has less than 100 species

c. Rose is not a popular flowering plant

Question 23 to 25 refer to the following text

Indonesia or commonly known as Republic of Indonesia is one of South East Asia countries. Located between
Pacific and Indian Ocean, it makes Indonesia the world’s largest archipelago country. Also called as Nusantara, this
country has more than 17,000 islands. Having more than 261 million people,  Indonesia becomes 4th most populous
country in the world. Indonesia has more ethnics, languages and culture than other countries. Data showed that
Indonesia has several ethnic groups including Javanese, Sundanese, and other with more than 700 recognized
regional language.

23. What is the main idea of the paragraph?

a. Indonesia is one of South East Asia countries

b. Indonesia is 4th most populous country

c. Ethnics and languages make Indonesia rich

d. Indonesia is an Asian country which has many cultures, ethnics, as well as people

e. Indonesia is located between Pacific and Indian Ocean

24. What makes Indonesia one of most populous countries in the world?

a. It is located in South East Asia d. Indonesia is rich

b. Indonesia has more than 17,000 islands e. It has more ethnics and languages

c. Indonesia has more than 261 million people

25. The world “located” can be best replaced by ….

a. Situated b. Allocated c. Happened d. Borrowed e. Surrounded

Part II: Essay

Question 26 to 27 refer to the following text

My Unique Pets

I’m used to having pets at home because my family is pet lovers. I have kept two turtles since February 2003. I put
them all in one tank in my room.
The name of the male turtle is Donatello and the female one is called Rafael It is quite easy to keep them. They can
survive  without  food for about two months. However, they need a comfortable place to live. They have to live with
imported soil and plants, good water circulation and a piece of dry trunk in the aquarium. Inadequate conditions can
cause not only stress but also affect their growth. The worst thing is they may even end in their death!
The weapon of an adult turtle lies in its edge of the shell. He will use this weapon when he is disturbed while he is
taking a nap.

26. Describe the characteristic of Donatello and Rafael!

27. Write the purpose of the text!

28. What make turtles uncomfortable?

Question 29 to 30: Put the words in brackets in the correct order!

29. We ate ______________________ (green / English / round / some) apples.
30. She drank ____________________ (Italian / black / hot) coffee.

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