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Physical Education 9

Please do not write anything on the test paper. Write your answer in a separate ¼ sheet of paper.

For No. 1-14.

Multiple Choice. Directions: Read the following questions carefully and choose the letter that best
describes the answer.

1. When the activity is within the premises of your comfort zone at home or inside the building.
A. Indoor recreation B. Outdoor recreation C. Passive recreation D. Active recreation

2. When the activity is undertaken in a natural, rural/open space outside the confidence of buildings
usually large area that is close to nature.
A. Indoor recreation B. Outdoor recreation C. Passive recreation D. Active recreation

3. A type of recreation where there is less energy consumption.

A. Indoor recreation B. Outdoor recreation C. Passive recreation D. Active recreation

4. Active recreation participation is everyone’s responsibility, which of the following is the best reason for
A. Maintain Weight C. Keep a physically fit body
B. To have a healthy lifestyle D. Have fun, enjoyment, and satisfaction

5. Which is NOT a benefit when you engage recreational activities?

A. physical fitness B. relaxation C. adventure D. nature awkwardness

6. Recreational activities give you the opportunity to meet new people and develop new friendship. What
type of benefit in recreation activity is portray?
A. Helps you to socialize: camaraderie C. Improves health
B. Develop physical fitness D. Boost confidence

7. Recreation enhances quality of life through motivation and self-awareness. Makes you face challenges
with self-confidence. What type of benefit in recreation activity is portray?
A. Helps you to socialize: camaraderie C. Improves health
B. Develop physical fitness D. Boost confidence

8. In a badminton and volleyball games, a team can win a point if _________

A. He wins rally C. He plays honestly
B. He commits a violation D. He enjoys smashing shuttles

9. What physical component is needed for a badminton player to quickly return the shuttle?
A. Speed B. Agility C. Strength D. Endurance

10. Why did William Morgan, invented volleyball?

A. To make his clients busy C. To make his clients physically fit
B. To make fun out of nothing D. To create an indoor recreational activity during the winter season

11. What is the most fundamental skill needed in orienteering?

A. Setting the map C. Running at a speed
B. Locating the points 164 D. Communicating with groupmates

12. In the Leave No Trace Principle, where does it belong? Planning ahead includes doing research
about your destination and packing appropriately.
A. Plan ahead and prepare C. Minimize campfire impacts
B. Dispose of waste properly D. Leave what you find

13. In the Leave No Trace Principle, where does it belong? Seek out resilient types of terrain. Ideal
durable surfaces include established trails and campsites, rock, gravel, dry grasses or snow.
A. Plan ahead and prepare C. Minimize campfire impacts
B. Dispose of waste properly D. Leave what you find
14. In the Leave No Trace Principle, where does it belong? Leave rocks, plants and other natural objects
as you find them. Clue: “take only pictures, leave only footprints”.
A. Plan ahead and prepare C. Minimize campfire impacts
B. Dispose of waste properly D. Leave what you find

For No. 15-16.

Directions: Using a Venn Diagram, provide example of outdoor, indoor and both activities. Label it.

For No. 17-18.

Directions. Describe how participation in active recreation contributes to the achievement of a healthy life
from the following picture below. Write at least two sentences about the importance of recreational
activities to an individual.

For No. 19-21.

Directions: Read the following questions carefully and choose the letter that best describes the answer.

19. When trying to plan for your recreational activity, which should be the best thing to keep in mind?
A. The activity should be of your interest C. The activity will give you the chance to earn money
B. The activity should be away from home D. The activity is held within your comfort zone

20. In hiking, what should be the group’s pacing?

A. The pace of the lead man C. The pace of the last man
B. The pace of the slowest man D. The pace of the fastest man

21. After camping, everyone should bring his/her own waste home. This is a manifestation of the__.
A. Leave No Trace Policy C. Garbage Management Policy
B. Clean Mother Earth Policy D. Environmental Awareness Policy

For No. 22-24.

Directions: Briefly answer the following questions.

22. How does recreation help in maintaining your health?

23. How do you maintain healthy lifestyle? Cite an example.

24. While camping with your family. A group of teenagers is eating junk foods and you saw one of them
throwing empty plastics to the ground. Analyze the situation and write how can you apply the “Leave No
Trace” Policy. Identify what principle to apply and describe briefly.

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