Multiple Representations and Technology in Math Classrooms

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Multiple Representations and Technology in the Math Classroom

Ashley D. Favors

Kennesaw State University

May 1, 2017

EDUC 7797: Capstone in Middle and Secondary Grades Education

Dr. Guillory

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The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of using technology in a math

classroom to teach students how to identify, interpret, and analyze linear functions. The study

examines the effects of teaching the different representations of linear functions using a

mathematics software (TI-Nspire) on students’ achievement in contrast to the regular instruction.

In the study, 18 students (6 girls and 12 boys) of a public school in Georgia participated in a

randomized posttest control group design. The study was administered in the spring semester of

2017. The summative assessment (posttest) for the linear function unit in the Algebra 1 course

was used to collect data. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was used to conducted the

quantitative analysis. The results showed that teaching representations of linear function using

technology had a significant effect on students’ performance positively on the posttest compared

to the regular instruction.

Keywords: Linear functions, technology, TI-Nspire, Mathematics Education

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Multiple Representations and Technology in the Math Classroom

Introduction and Rationale

Problem Statement1

Algebra introduces students to a set of tools that are relate to each other and sometime these tools

can be interchangeable. This set of tools consists of tables, graphs, equations, formulas,

functional relations, and identities. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Standards

has developed curricula that has an increase in attention for multiple representations because

students must understand the connected representations and how to link them together. This

shows the mastery of using these tools. Students ability to link and translate among multiple

representations is a critical piece in the development of their algebraic thinking and give them

access to a perspective on mathematics that one can’t gain from one representation. It’s very

important that teachers understand how to help their students gain access to this integrative

perspective and help them put different tools together. I have been teaching these different tools

but I notice my students weren’t linking the different tools together. My students see the tools as

separate things. This is when I realized it is because of the way I’m teaching the tools. I have

been teaching the tools separately rather than teaching them in such a way that links the

representations together which leads to the ability to translate among the different


School and Community Context

I believe the nature of the school’s community serves as an asset and a challenge. The

demographics of the community have changed rapidly over the years. When the school first

open, the community contained mainly all white members but over the years the community has

changed to a more diverse community. One of the issues that the community faces is being in a

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low-income area. The community have challenges with involvement in the community and in the

local school.

According to the Georgia DOE website, the school population is made of 50% Hispanics,

40% African American, 6% Caucasian, 2% Asian, and 2% multi-racial. I see this as one of the

school successes. This allows students (and teachers) to get to know other people from many

different racial and ethnic backgrounds. In spite of the school having a low graduation rate

(57%), the school has been a Georgia Rewards (highest progress) for four year in row (2012,

2013, 2014 and 2015). Being a reward school shows that the school is constantly making

progression. The population of the school also contains students (83%) who receive free and

reduced lunch. Most of the students at this school are coming from a household who are

economically disadvantage. This can be a challenge for the community as well as the school. The

school faces the challenges of having a good amount of its population consists of students who

are learning English for the first time and students with disabilities that cover a wide range

(learning disability, emotional disorder, behavior disorder, MID, ADHD, Autism, etc.).

I have been teaching inclusion math classes which are classes mixture of special

education students, general education students, and English language learning students. I also

teach support math classes, which are classes for students who needs building or remediation on

lower level mathematical skills. I have noticed that my students come to my class lacking

problem solving skills and the inability to think algebraically. They have not been exposed to or

use this abilities on a consistent basis. I do believe my students can gain these skills and ways of

thinking. In my work with students, I observed that students prefer a certain type of

representation when working with functions and I have had difficulty in changing their

preference. I also have noticed that my students are not linking the different representations of

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functions together. Many of my students are comfortable or stronger with certain representations.

This familiarity is the reason for some of their preferences. While observing my students’

understanding of linear functions, I have found that I must add activities to help students develop

proficiency in making connections between tables, graphs, and/or equations of linear functions.

Framework of the Study

Review of the Literature

Mathematics is an important discipline that provides vital tools, such as problem solving,

to enhance our cognitive abilities. To solve a problem, it is better to visualize and represent

through multiple means. Multiple representations can help a person to reconsider a problem with

their own words in that visualizing process.

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of using technology in a

math class to teach students how analyze linear functions. The review of literature that is

interconnected to this study is expressed through three parts. The first part is the analysis of

literature and research on multiple representation. The second part reviews the literature on

technological tools in teaching multiple representations. The third part is a logical conclusion of

the literature review.

Multiple Representations

Multiple representations are generally defined as representing mathematical relationships

in different ways, such as symbol, diagram, table, verbal statement and figures etc. (Özdemir,

Ayvaz Reis, 2013). Similarly, the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics defines multiple

representations as the key elements in mathematics education. Different representations may give

students a chance to form different approaches to the same problem. This cause students to not

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stick to one idea or to one representation. Attention has been placed on the use of multiple

representations because multiple representations will escape the limitations of one type of

representation which leads to the ability build a new one (Özdemir, Ayvaz Reis, 2013). This

gives students the opportunity to create, manipulate, observe, discuss, and reflect on different

representations and to make connections among them. We enable students to develop and refine

concepts (Steketee and Scher, 2012). This ability is recognizable and more helpful for the

problem-solving process. Piez and Voxman (1997) believe that students need to be strongly

encouraged, possibly required, to work with multiple representations; activities such as these

give students that experience and help them develop flexibility in their problem-solving abilities.

As teachers, we know our students have different learning styles; therefore, our students need to

use more than one type of representation so they can define their own solving environment

(Özdemir, Ayvaz Reis, 2013). Most students need a visualization when solving problems so they

can make their process visible. Multiple representations can provide this visualization for

students. These memorable visual representations can help understanding, recall, generalization

of concepts, overcome the tendency to tie concepts to a single representation, and develop a

more mathematically rigorous understanding of the topic (Steketee and Scher, 2012). Overall,

students who have more flexibility with different representations will be more successful in

solving a variety of problems.

Adequate algebra teaching was linked with multiple representations which are tables,

equations and graphs. The examination of multiple representation was investigated from

different perspectives. The investigation of likely advantages of a multiple representational

curriculum was conducted by Rider (2004). The researcher investigated the effects of multiple

representation on students’ understanding and students’ ability to transitions among these

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representations (graphical, tabular, and symbolic) of algebraic concepts. In the study, traditional

algebra curriculum was taught to a group of eight students. The curriculum focused on symbolic

representation. Another group of eight students were taught the algebra curriculum that introduce

representations together without any preference. Student interviews were conducted. The results

show that students’ conceptual knowledge of algebraic and functional concepts was improved by

multi-representational curriculum.

Beyranevand (2010) investigated the partnerships between students’ achievement levels

as well as two abilities concerning multiple representations and linear relationships. The

researcher focused on the ability to identify the same linear relationship represented in different

ways and the ability to solve linear equations presented multiple ways. The students’ preference

regarding representations were investigated as well. The participants of this study consisted of

443 seventh and eighth grade students. A survey and problem sets was used to collect data.

Students attitudes toward different representations was survey through scale questions. Students

were also asked to solve problems presented in different forms like verbal, pictorial and

symbolic. Students answers were compared through analyses of multiple regression/correlation

and chi-square. The results showed that students who performed on a higher level were students

who could recognize the same linear relationship presented in different ways and solve linear

equations presented multiple ways. The results also showed that the preference of low-achieving

students was pictorial representations as students of high-achieving preferred verbal and

symbolic representations when solving linear equations.


The utilization of technology for exploring and link multiple representations has received

increased attention in mathematics education (Asli Özgün-Koca,2008). The National Council of

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Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM, 2000) recommends new forms of representation associated

with electronic technology, which creates a need for even greater instructional attention to

representation. The advantage of some technological tools which allow linking of multiple

representations of functions such as graphing technology software and TI-83 graphic calculator

was examined for high school students in many studies. In Borba & Confrey (1996) study, a

student’s constructions of transformation on function was investigated. The student used a

technology tool called Function Probe to create their constructions. The connection between

graphs, tabular, and algebraic representation were examined. The results showed that visual

reasoning is a strong form of cognition. Also, multiple representations motivated the students to

complete the investigation.

The investigation of the effects of graphing technology on pre-algebra students’

understanding of function concept was conducted by Pilipezuk (2006). In the investigation,

polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric function were measured as

reported by three components. The components are modeling, graphing and problem solving. In

this study, experimental group students participated in five laboratory activities that were

calculator based and the control group participates did not participate in any of the calculator

based activities. Quantitative and qualitative methods were used to examine the data collected

from pre-test and posttest. There was no significant difference between groups on the three

components according to the multivariate and univariate analyses. Qualitative analyses result

also showed that experimental group students performed higher than the control group students

on graphing a function. The results revealed that the control group students were less successful

than experimental students on demonstration and scaling of end behavior of a function. The

experimental group students used graphical methods to solve problems more that the control

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groups students. Pilipcezuk (2006) recommended that laboratory activities with the use of

calculator can affect the students’ performance in a good way. It was also indicated that graphic

calculator can be used to show multiple representation of a function in such a way (graphical and

tabular) that leads to exploring and analyzing function.

Tajuddin, Tarmizi, Konting and Ali (2009) investigated the effects of using graphic

calculators on high school students' performance on Straight Line topic. They also investigated

students’ meta-cognition awareness level. Straight line topic included four different concepts.

The concept of the gradient of a straight line, the concept of the equation of a straight line, the

concept of the gradient of the straight line in Cartesian Coordinates, the concept of intercept, and

the concept of parallel lines. In this study, the experimental group students learned the topics at

hand by using TI-83 graphic calculator. The control group students learn the same topics without

using TI-83 calculators. The researcher administered a test (Straight Lines Achievement Test), a

rating scale to measure mental load (Paas Mental Effort Rating Scale), and a survey to assess

students thinking as well as their strategy usage (Meta-cognitive Awareness Survey). The results

from the t-test showed that there was a significant difference between groups in favor of the

experimental group. Thus, using graphic calculator enhanced high school students' performance

on the concept of straight line and their level of meta-cognitive awareness.


The reviewed studies on multiple representations were the advantage of using multiple

representations and translating between these representations. All studies reported were

administer with middle school students. The studies used different types of data collection tools

and data analysis. The results of these studies showed that using multiple representations and

translating between these representations enhanced the conceptual understanding and

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performance level of students in the subject of algebra. Additionally, students’ skills regarding

multiple representations and translating between them can be improved by using an instructional

design that focus on multiple representation. The success of using technological tools in

mathematics classrooms was showed in experimental studies. Technological tools such as TI-83

plus graphic calculator and graphing technology software were used in these studies. The studied

included high school students.

The studies with high school students concentrated mostly on multiple representations of

functions like algebraic, graphical and tabular. A core skill for the comprehension of the concept

is making transitions between these representations. The importance of this skill was seen in all

studies. Positive effects of using these technology tools and software on both students’

achievement in function concept and attitudes towards mathematics lessons was indicated in the

evidences for most of these studies. The studies examining the results of using graphical

software and TI-83 graphing calculators for the function concept is related to this study. The

devices were found to be practical and beneficial.

A limited number of studies investigated the results of using TI-Nspie software on

students’ performance. The re-currenting point in these studies was related to the effectiveness of

graphical software or graphing calculator for the concept of functions. Nevertheless, literature on

TI-Npsire software usage at the high school level for the teaching and learning of linear

functions is still limited. So, there is a need to investigate the success of using TI-Npsire on

students’ achievement in linear functions at the high school level. In this study students could

inspect all representations at the same time on one screen of TI-Nspire software for making

translations. Thus, this study is different from other studies concerning multiple representations.

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Research Questions

I developed two main questions that are the driving forces behind my research. These questions


1. In what ways does TI-Nspire (technology) help students to make connections between

multiply representations of linear functions in contrast to regular instruction?

2. In what ways does TI-Nspire (technology) increase students’ conceptual knowledge of linear

functions in contrast regular instruction?



A convenient sampling method was used to determine the participants of this study. 18 students

of the public school, in which the researcher is working, participated in the study. The school has

acceptable technological framework. The school has a computer and a projector in each

classroom. There are six computer laboratories which has 20 – 30 computers, a projector and a

smart board. Additionally, there are 10-12 mobile laptop carts that holds 30 laptops each and one

IPad cart with 30 IPads. These technological devices were needed during the study.

The students in this study was selected from an Algebra 1 repeater course. Normally in a repeater

class the students have a high absent rate. Therefore, the students selected for this study are

students who have a higher attendance rate than other students in the class. Since this course is a

repeater class, the grade level of the student range from 9th grade to 11th grade. The

demographics of this group of students contains Hispanics and African American students.

Seventeen students in the study have repeated this course between 1 to 3 times. This class have

more boys than girls so the study contains more boys than girls. The number of girls and boys

were 6 and 12 respectively. In the experimental group, there were 3 girls and 6 boys, and in the

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control group, there were 3 girls and 6 boys. Out of the eighteen students in this study, 4 are

special education students, 1 is English language learner, and 13 are general education students.

The school is in a low-income community so socioeconomic levels of students were similar. The

description of the students’ parents range from illegal immigrants, legal citizens, employed,

unemployed, deceased, family relative to group home. Some of the students have a computer in

their home and other do not. It could be assumed that all students in this study had a minimum

required knowledge of computer use, which they used during the treatment.


The reason for this study was to explore the results of teaching multiple representations

of linear functions with technology, TI-Nspire, on students’ understanding and achievement. “All

the research methodologies described in this book, experimental research is unique in two very

important respects: It is the only type of research that directly attempts to influence a variable,

and when properly applied, it is the best type for testing hypotheses about cause-and-effect

relationships” (Frankel & Wallen, 2006, p.261). With this suggestion, experimental research with

a randomized posttest and control group design was used for this study. Eighteen students were

randomly assigned (equally) to the experimental and control groups. Thereafter, 9 students in the

experimental group received regular instruction, an activity investigating linear function, and an

activity on multiple representations using TI-Nspire software. The 9 students in the control group

attended regular instruction. After the treatment, a post-test was given to both groups.


Two instruments were used to collect data for this study. The unit pre-test was given to

review the current levels of the experimental and control group students regarding their

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understanding of linear functions and multiple representations at the start of the study. The unit

post-test was given to measure the students’ success after the treatment.

The unit pre-test was developed to assess the students’ current understanding of linear

functions before the treatment. The results provided information about the like success of the

experimental and control group participants. The pre-test had ten multiple choice questions. All

ten questions were adopted from the county mathematics resource and wiki website. The content

of the test included slope, rate of change, evaluating linear functions, identifying functions/linear

functions, and writing linear functions from tables and graphs. The specification of the pre-test is

listed in the table below.

Content Objective Question Number

Given the equation y = 2x + 3, Q1
how does changing the value of
x affect the value of y?
Slope and Rate of Change
Which of the following graphs Q8
shows a constant rate of change?
If the function is defined for
all numbers x by
Evaluation Linear Functions
, then what is

the value of ?
The graph of the function
f ( x )=−3 x +3 is shown. What
is the value of f(3)?

Which table represents a Q5

nonlinear function?

This graph shows the

Identifying Functions and relationship between a touring
Linear Function company’s profit and the Q4
number of customers on tour for

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up to 6 customers. What does

the graph’s x-intercept represent
in this situation?

Which equation best describes Q3

the relationship between the
corresponding values of x and y
shown in the table?

Jerald created the following

chart to track the amount of dog
food his dog ate. Use his chart to Q6
answer this question. If Jerald
Writing Linear Functions
starts out with 20 pounds of dog
food, which equation represents
how much dog food (y) will be
left after any day (x)?

Which is the function described Q7

by the table of ordered pairs?

Which linear function best

describes the graph shown Q10

Pre-test was applied to the experimental and control groups. The correct answers were judged as

1 point and wrong answers was judged as 0 points. 10 points were the maximum achievable

points for the test. Minimum possible points were 0 points.

The unit post-test was formed by the researcher to assess students’ understanding of

linear functions through multiple representation. The unit test was administered to both

experimental and control group after the treatment. The posttest had 15 multiple choice questions

that were worth 2 point each and 4 short answer questions that were worth 3 points each. Nine of

the ten questions from the pre-test are included in the post-test. The questions were prepared per

county mathematics resource and wiki website. The objectives were specified by the researcher

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in terms of student learning at the end of each class. 45 points were the maximum achievable

points for the test. Minimum possible points were 0 points.

The classification of the variables in this study are independent, dependent and

covariates. The independent variables of the study were regular instruction with multiple

representations activity involving technology (TI-Nspire) and linear functions investigation

activity against regular instruction without using technology. The dependent variables were

students’ unit post-test scores. Students’ scores from the pre-test that was given before the

treatment was the covariates of this study.

With the use of Excel, 18 students from the same class were randomly assigned into two

groups. The Randbetween function of Microsoft Excel was used for this process. Two different

lists were generated for male and female students in a new worksheet. The students’ names were

represented by a number for categorization. There were 6 females and 12 male students. To

separate the female group into two random and equal groups, the Randbetween function was

used. The function generated random numbers between 1 and 6, until it reached 3 different

numbers. Same procedure was conducted for the male students. Therefore, two groups were

created containing 3 females and 6 males each. Next, tossing a coin was used to select the

experimental and control groups. As a result, the groups were formed with 3 females and 6 males

for experimental and 3 females and 6 males for control group.

The treatment was executed in two weeks, totaling eight class sessions of 90 minutes for

each group. Students in both groups took the treatments during regular school hours. Pre-test was

given before the treatment at the same time for both groups in their regular classroom. At the end

of the unit, the post-test was administered. A laptop cart of the school was arranged for the

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experimental group. There were 30 laptops, so each student worked individually with a laptop. A

regular classroom in the school was chosen for the control group.

Lesson plans for each group were prepared based on required standards for the unit. The

lessons were rearranged to integrate TI-Nspire for experimental group. Activity sheets included

directions telling students what to do on the TI-Nspire file. This file contained a graph, table, and

function rule. Students used the data capture option and a slider in TI-Nspire to fill in values into

the table, function rule, and plot points on the graph. Worksheet were prepared for the control

group included tables and graphs drawn on them with questions to answer.

For ethical reasons, after this study, the topics were covered again for the control group

students including the linear function investigation and multiple representation activity with TI-

Nspire. Therefore, all participants in this study had the opportunity to study linear functions in

the same learning environment.


At the beginning of the study students took a pre-test to be compare to the post-test taken

at the end. During the treatment process of the study the students investigated linear functions in

different representations and the connection between equations, tables, and graphs to help them

translate among the different representation. After the treatment, students took a post-test

containing the pre-test questions given at the beginning. The posttest will also have questions not

on the pre-test.

Once all quantitative data is gathered, the data analysis of the pre-test and the posttest

will begin. The researcher, and only the researcher, will grade both pre-test and post-test on the

same scale to stop any bias from occurring. Once all papers are graded, the researcher will use

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the assigned numbers from each student to keep each student anonymous when recording and

reporting the data. The pre-test scores were entered in Excel software and compared using

descriptive statistics. To examine the common characteristics of the sample, descriptive statistics

which are mean, median, standard deviation, skewness, kurtosis, maximum and minimum values

of the data were examined for the experimental and control groups. For the data collected from

the post-test, quantitative data analysis was used. The data analysis option through Excel was

used to analyze this data. A quantitative data analysis is classified as descriptive and inferential

statistics. Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) was used to examine the differences between the

mean scores of the groups on posttest while controlling pre-test scores.

A box plot was created for both groups through excel to examine the total score for each

group and to have a visual of the growth for each group. Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA)

was conducted to examine the differences between the mean scores of the groups on posttest.

The results were recorded to determine whether there was a significant difference in teaching the

different representations of linear functions simultaneously with TI-Nspire. If there shows to be

a significant difference between the post-tests scores of the control group and experimental

group, the results will show that teaching the different representations of linear functions

simultaneously with technology is an effective strategy. If there is no significance, it will show

that there was not a big different in achievement for the experimental group than control group. I

predict to see a difference on pre-test and posttest scores after a treatment regardless if the

difference is significant or not.


Before the study, the research gain permission for the school principal by presenting the

propose of the research as well as getting the principal signature on the assent and consent forms.
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After approval from the principal, the researcher gain permission from the selected 18 students

through an assent form. Thereafter, the research sent home assent and consent forms for each

parent to sign agreeing or disagreeing to let their child participate in the study.

Earlier, it was presented that students were at the same socioeconomic level and students

were randomly assigned to the groups. Therefore, subject characteristics could not be a problem

for this study. Since the study was conducted with a repeater class, the students are technically on

the ninth-grade level (academically). 18 students from the same class participated in this study as

volunteers. All students continued the treatment and the tests were given to all of them without

missing. So, mortality is also not a threat for this study. Additionally, the test was given to the

students in their regular classroom at the same time. Thus, location was also not a threat.

Students’ attitudes might have affected the results since the researcher was also their teacher. The

researcher was already known by the students. Some students could have had positive attitude

and other students could have had negative attitude toward the researcher. This is something that

cannot be controlled or stopped.

The school was chosen conveniently and the number of participants is limited with 18

students. Because of this, external validity of the results cannot be generalized to a larger

population. Yet, if a larger population of samples have similar characteristics with the

participants of this study, the results can be applied to this population. The tests were given in

regular classroom settings during the regular lesson hours. There was one class with around 29

students. Since there was only one classroom involved in the study, the conditions of the

classroom where same for all students. The sitting arrangements and the lighting were equal for

all students. Therefore, the ecological validity was controlled. The topics were limited with linear

functions. Therefore, the results cannot be generalized to the other subjects

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Results and Discussion


The mean of pre-test was 40 (SD=16.58) for control group and the mean of pre-test was

46 (SD=11.30) for experimental group out of 100. Hence, the mean scores of the experimental

group in the pre-test, which was given before the treatment, were comparatively higher than the

control group. The means of control group in the posttest (M=69.67, SD=11.75) were

comparatively lower than the means of experimental group (M=75.56, SD =9.34). Additionally,

the maximum value of the posttest for control group was 86 out of 100 where the maximum

value of the posttest was 89 for the experimental group. Descriptive statistics about the pre-test

and the posttest are presented in the tables below.

Control Group
Variable Number of Mean Standard Skewness Kurtosis Min. Max.
participants Deviation
Pre-test 9 40 16.58 -4.5 1.31 10 70
Posttest 9 69.67 11.75 0.41 -1.37 55 86

Experimental Group
Variable Number of Mean Standard Skewness Kurtosis Min. Max.
participants Deviation
Pre-test 9 46 11.30 -0.17 -1.17 30 60
Posttest 9 75.56 9.34 -0.15 -1.44 62 89

A box plot was drawn by Excel program. The box plot of pre-test and posttest are shown

in the figures below. The total score of posttest was higher than pre-test score for both groups.

However, the difference between pre-test and the posttest for experimental group was bigger

than the difference between same tests in control group.

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Analysis of Covariance was used to examine the differences between posttest scores of

experimental and control groups. There was no missing value in pre-test and posttest. Students’

posttest scores could have been affected by their previous mathematics success level. This level

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was measured before the treatment by pre-test. Thus, pre-test scores were taken as covariate to

control the preexisting differences between the groups. The correlation between pre-test scores

and posttest scores were examined. The resulting correlation coefficient was found as 0.14.

When the value of the correlation is from 0.0 to 0.20, it shows a small correlation. Thus, the

correlation between pre-test and the posttest is small (weak).

The assumptions of Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) that must be verified are

independency of observations, normality, measurement of the covariate, reliability of the

covariate, homogeneity of variance, and linearity. The researcher observed both groups during

the pre-test and posttest. Based on observations, it was observed that the participants answered

the tests on their own. To check the normality, skewness and kurtosis values of posttest were

examined. Based on the skewness and kurtosis, there was a normal distribution. The values of

the skewness and kurtosis were in a reasonable range, -2 and 2. For this study, the pre-test scores

were determined as covariate which was measured before the treatment. Giving the test before

the treatment provided the control of measurement of covariance assumption. The reliability of

the pre-test as a covariate was calculated as 0.72. This value is above 0.70, which indicates that

the test was reliable.

Levene’s Test of Equality was used to control the homogeneity of variances. The results

for the Levene’s test of equality of error variances of the posttest scores are shown in the table


F df1 df2 Significance

Posttest 0.1572 1 16 0.697

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The significance value is greater than .05 for the posttest. Therefore, it is indicated that the

assumption of homogeneity of variance had not been violated this test. Research suggest, if the

sizes of the groups are approximately equal, F is robust. The size of the groups in this study are

equal therefore, it is assumed that F is robust.

A scatter plots between the dependent variables and the covariate were generated to

check the assumption of linearity.

The scatter plot show there were linear relationships. Since the relationships were linear,

linearity assumption (of not being linear) was not violated.

For the analysis of covariance of the post test, the assumption tested are as follows:

There will be no significant difference between the means of the two groups’ scores on the

posttest after controlling their readiness test scores. The result of the analysis is listed below.

Source Sum of Df F Significance Partial eta

Squares (P) Squared
Pre- test 15.326 1 0.129 0.072 0.352
Group 130.773 1 1.098 0.031 0.589
Error 1786.89 16
Total 1932.98 18
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There was a statistically significant mean difference between experimental (M=75.56, SD =

9.34) and control groups (M= 69.67, SD = 11.75) with regards to posttest scores, F(1,16) = 1.10,

p = 0.31, partial eta squared = 0.59. Partial eta squared shows that 58.9 percent of the variance in

the posttest scores was explained by the treatment. This means that the use of TI-Nspire had a

significant effect (positive) on achievement in linear functions.

The descriptive statistics showed a difference in the mean between control and

experimental group students’ pre-test/posttest scores in the favor of experimental group. Based

on the ANCOVA results for the posttest, a significant difference between groups was found on

posttest scores when pre-test scores were controlled. The mean score of posttest of experimental

group (M= 75.56, SD = 9.34) was higher than the mean score of posttest of control group

(M=69.67, SD =11.75).

Discussion of Findings

The reason of this study was to examine the effects of using TI-Nspire on students’

performance in linear functions. Linear functions have three different representations which are

function rule (equation), graphical and tabular. In the high school mathematics curriculum,

students are required to master all three representations and translate between the different

representations of linear functions. In this study, the performance of the students in each of these

representations was measured through a posttest. The discussion of the results for the posttest is

indicated in the following section.

During the treatment, students investigated each representation, interpret the connection

across the different representations, and investigated the connection between each representation

P a g e 23 | 60

of linear functions. Also, they examined representations of linear functions through real-word

situation. The results of posttest revealed that there was a statistically significant difference

between the groups regarding their efforts to identifying linear functions from all three

representations, interpreting linear functions from different representations, and translating

information of linear function from one representation to another representation. The

experimental group students had a chance to examine three representations, tabular, function

rule, and graphical, on the same screen as TI-Nspire software presented the opportunity to

examine the relationship between representations. This is a possible reason for the results. Many

studies stress the importance of multiple representations for understanding algebra

comprehensively. Rider (2004) concluded that multiple representational curriculum could be

effective for helping students’ conceptual knowledge of algebraic concepts. The concurrent

examination of the relationships between these representations through TI-Nspire helped the

experimental group students get higher scores on the posttest. Borba and Confrey’s (1996)

investigated relation between graphs, tabular, and algebraic representation by using Function

Probe. Their case study showed that a strong form of cognition of function concept needs visual

reasoning and seeing graphical transformations as movements. Their results are corresponding

with the results of this study. In this study, students in the experimental group had the chance to

see the movements, using TI-Nspire software, in the graph while function rule and table form

changes. Pilipezuk (2006) study showed that there was no significant effect of calculator-based

laboratory activities on students’ understanding of function concept (quantitative results). But the

qualitative analysis showed that experimental group students exceled higher that control group

students on graphing function like the result of this study.

P a g e 24 | 60

Since lesson plans were prepared according to county standards, it was observed that

control group students translating linear functions from tabular representation to symbolic

representation is nothing more than finding a rule of a pattern and tables are used to help graph

the function. They didn’t recognize forms as another representation of the same function. The

experimental group students had a chance to see three different representations of a linear

function on the same screen. Therefore, experimental group students could link between these


Implications for Future Teaching and Learning

The results of this study revealed that using TI-Nspire software (technology) for linear functions

had a positive effect on students’ posttest scores. Having the ability to move between different

representations of a linear functions is an important element of conceptual understanding. In this

study, TI-Nspire gave students the chance to see that a linear function can be represented in

multiple ways. With the use of TI-Nspire software, students could inspect different

representations of linear functions and transition between them. Because of this, teachers should

use this software in their lessons to teach linear functions. Also, curriculum developers should

include activities, which uses a mathematics software (technology), into the curriculum for linear

functions. Mathematics subjects that demand inspection of multiple representations, like slope,

exponential functions, quadratic functions, and inequalities, should use a mathematics software


The topic of linear function (which is a ninth-grade requirement) was examined in this study.

Therefore, the results cannot be generalized to other algebra topics and other grade levels.

Further research should be administered for different grade level and different algebra topics or

mathematics in general. This research was limited to two weeks. Further research should be
P a g e 25 | 60

administered to inspect the long-term results of students’ performance in all algebra content area

with the using of TI-Nspire software. The topic of linear function is related with other subjects

like Science (physics). Thus, the results of using TI-Nspire in Science lessons should be explored

through further research. Research can be investigated on comparing mathematics lessons and

science lessons with the use of TI-Nspire software. Since this study was limited with quantitative

data, qualitative approaches such as observation and interviews are suggested to gain a full

understand of the results of technology or mathematics software.

P a g e 26 | 60


Beyranevand, M. L. (2010). Investigating Mathematics Students’ Use of Multiple

Representations When Solving Linear Equations with One Unknown. University of


Borba, M. C., & Confrey, J. (1996). A Student's Construction of Transformations of Functions in

a Multiple Representational Environment. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 31(3),


Fraenkel, J.R., & Wallen, N.E. (2006). How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education (6th

ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. (2000). Principles and standards for school

mathematics. Reston, VA: Author.

Özdemir, S. & Ayvaz Reis. S. (2013). The Effets of Dynamic and Interactive Mathematics

Learning Environments (DIMLE), Supporting Multiple Representations, on Perception of

Elementary Mathematics Pre-seveice Teacher in Problem Solving Process. Mevlana

International Journal of Education. Vol.3(3). pp. 85-94.

Piez, C.M., & Voxman, M. H. (1997). Multiple Representations – Using Different Perspective to

Form a Clearer Picture. Mathematics Teacher 90. National Council of Teachers of

Mathematics. pp.164-166.

Pilipczuk, C. H. (2006). The Effect of Graphing Technology on Students' Understanding of

Functions in a Pre-calculus Course. Delaware: University of Delaware. doi:ProQuest

Dissertations Publishing (UMI No. 1435927)

P a g e 27 | 60

Rider, R. (2004). Using the SOLO Taxonomy to Evaluate Student Learning of Function

Concepts in. North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of

Mathematics Education. Toronto: Canada Online.

Steketee, S., & Scher, D. (2012). Using Multiple Representations to Teach Composition of

Functions. The Mathematics Teacher, 106(4), 260. doi:10.5951/mathteacher.106.4.0260

Tajuddin, N. M., Tarmizi, R. A., Konting, M. M. & Ali, W. Z. W. (2009). Instructional Efficiency

of the Integration of Graphing Calculators in Teaching and Learning Mathematics,

International Journal of Instruction, 2(2), 11-30.

P a g e 28 | 60




Teacher’s Name: Date:

Course: Algebra 1 Period (s):

Daily Lesson Plan

MFAQR2. Students will compare and graph functions

a. Calculate rates of change of functions, comparing when rates increase, decrease, or stay constant.

c .Interpret the equation y = mx + b as defining a linear function whose graph is a straight line.

Learning Target(s):
Students will explain why the equation y = mx + b represents a linear function and interpret the slope
and y-intercept in relation to the function.
Students will give examples of relationships that are linear or non-linear functions.
Students will analyze the rate of change between input and output values to determine if function is
linear or non-linear.
Students will create a table of values that can be defined as a linear or non-linear function.
Students will read graphs to determine if the function is linear or non-linear.
Opening Session
Warm Up: (Optional) Activator: (Required)
Gallery Walk
Student will walk around the
classroom observing pictures to determine if
they are linear or non-linear function.
Students will write down their answers on an
answer sheet. The teacher will generate a
discuss from the students’ answers.

Other Activities:

P a g e 29 | 60

Work Session
 Investigating linear functions: Students will be given 5 different functions shown with different
representations. They need to investigate and determine if they are linear or non-linear and explain
their reasoning. They are doing this individually.
 Analyzing linear functions: Students will find the other students that have the same functions as
them. Once they are in their groups they will to compare their results. They will discuss with each
other why they feel the functions are linear or non-linear. As they are discussing they will write their
results on chart paper.
 Presentations: Each group will present their results and reasoning.

Closing Session
Recap Discussion: As a class we will recap the explanations by asking how to determine if a situation
is linear. Teacher will ensure the certain points are addressed and any misconceptions are clarified.
Ticket Out The Door
Each students will determine if functions are linear or non-linear from the gallery walk.
Assessment Strategies
How will you assess student understanding?
 Ticket out the door
 Presentations
 Oral questioning,

Differentiation Plan
How will you differentiate today? Differentiation should reflect the following: extension, remediation,
re-teaching, academic language development, acceleration, skill development, etc.
Types of Differentiation X Identify strategies used and modifications
made. Must differentiate at least one area – content,
process, or product) Be specific.



P a g e 30 | 60

Methods to Differentiation X Identify strategies used and modifications

made. Must differentiate at least one way – interest,
readiness, or learning style. ) Be specific.

Readiness X Flexible grouping. Each group will have a

mix level of ability (low, middle, high)
Learning Style

Specialized Instruction (SpEd Only)

Instructional Strategies for students with Learning Disabilities (LD) – 1.Guided Notes,
2.Highlighting, 3.Scaffolding, break learning into small steps; 4. one on one quality feedback; 5.use diagrams,
6.use of graphics and pictures to augment what they say in words; 7.provide ample independent practice,
8.well-designed color coded intensive practice; 9.model instructional practices; 10.provide prompts of
strategies to use; 11.engage students in process type questions like “How is the strategy working? Where else
might you apply it?” 12. Reduced number of problems. 13.Peer tutoring These strategies will be
implemented in varying order for the following LD learners:

Methods to Specialization X Identify strategies used and modifications

made. Must specialize in at least one way to
correspond with your student’s needs – content,
methodology, and/or delivery). Be specific.
Content x Same as general education

Methodology x Reduced number of problems, highlighted

starting points, repetition of directions and methods
Delivery x Small group with instructor.


Teacher’s Name: Date:

Course: Algebra 1 Period (s):
MFAQR2. Students will compare and graph functions

a. Calculate rates of change of functions, comparing when rates increase, decrease, or stay constant.

c .Interpret the equation y = mx + b as defining a linear function whose graph is a straight line. (MCC8.F.3)

Learning Target(s):
Students will explain why the equation y = mx + b represents a linear function and interpret the slope and y-
intercept in relation to the function.

P a g e 31 | 60

Students will give examples of relationships that are linear or non-linear functions.
Students will analyze the rate of change between input and output values to determine if function is linear or
Students will create a table of values that can be defined as a linear or non-linear function.
Students will read graphs to determine if the function is linear or non-linear.
Opening Session
Warm Up: (Optional) Activator: (Required)
The class is continuing the lesson from the day before
so there is no activator today.

Other Activities:

Work Session
 Discussion/Guided Notes: Students completed an investigation on linear functions the day before. Teacher
will generate a discussion with class about their findings from the day before. As a class we will fill in a
graphic organizer (frayer model) for linear functions.

 Guided Examples: As a class we will work through a few examples dealing with identifying linear functions
from a graph, table, and an equation. Teacher will stress the point that linear functions have a straight line for a
graph, a constant rate of change (slope), and can be represent in standard or slope-intercept form.

 Linear function card Sort: Students will partner up with their neighbor. They will complete a card sort where
they have to place equations and tables into two categories, line and non-linear. Students will also have to work
together to create a table and equation for a linear and nonlinear function. The teachers will check each the
students’ card sort and ask them question to help them justify their answers. Students will have to complete the
P a g e 32 | 60

card sort correctly before receiving their practice.

 Linear Function Practice (Tired): Students will complete practice worksheets on their learning level dealing
with identifying linear functions.

Closing Session
Ticket Out The Door

Assessment Strategies
How will you assess student understanding?
 Ticket out the door
 Card sort
 Tired worksheets
 Oral questioning,

Differentiation Plan
How will you differentiate today? Differentiation should reflect the following: extension, remediation, re-
teaching, academic language development, acceleration, skill development, etc.
Types of Differentiation X Identify strategies used and modifications made. Must
differentiate at least one area – content, process, or product)
Be specific.


Product X The practice worksheets on tired based on readiness.

 Lower students will complete worksheet A where they will
receive a fully worded out example and scaffolding from
the practices and teachers
 Middle level students will complete worksheet B that has
no scaffolding and no guided examples.
 Higher level students will complete worksheet C that has
no scaffolding, no guided examples, and a challenging
maze for identifying linear functions by the equations.
Methods to Differentiation X Identify strategies used and modifications made. Must
differentiate at least one way – interest, readiness, or
learning style. ) Be specific.

P a g e 33 | 60


Readiness X Flexible grouping. Each pair will have a mix level of ability
(low, middle, high)
Learning Style

Specialized Instruction (SpEd Only)

Instructional Strategies for students with Learning Disabilities (LD) – 1.Guided Notes, 2.Highlighting, 3.Scaffolding,
break learning into small steps; 4. one on one quality feedback; 5.use diagrams, 6.use of graphics and pictures to
augment what they say in words; 7.provide ample independent practice, 8.well-designed color coded intensive practice;
9.model instructional practices; 10.provide prompts of strategies to use; 11.engage students in process type questions
like “How is the strategy working? Where else might you apply it?” 12. Reduced number of problems. 13.Peer tutoring
These strategies will be implemented in varying order for the following LD learners:

Methods to Specialization X Identify strategies used and modifications made. Must

specialize in at least one way to correspond with your
student’s needs – content, methodology, and/or delivery). Be
Content x Same as general education

Methodology x Reduced number of problems, highlighted starting points,

repetition of directions and methods
Delivery x Whole group and one-on-on time with instructors.


Teacher’s Name: Date:

Course: Algebra 1 Block (s):
MCC9-12.F.IF.2 Use function notation, evaluates functions for inputs in their domains, and interprets statements that
use function notation in terms of a context.

MCC.9-12.F.IF.1 Understand that a function from one set (called the domain) to another set (called the range) assigns
to each element of the domain exactly one element of the range. If f is a function and x is an element of its domain, then
f(x) denotes the output of f corresponding to the input x. The graph of f is the graph of the equation y = f(x).
Learning Target(s):
Students will interpret information represented in tables, graphs, and symbols.
Students will be able to find the slope from a table, from a graph, and in an equation.
Students will interpret the meaning of slope and intercepts in the context of a real-world situation.
Students will recognize that a real-world situation often has conditions that naturally restrict the domain.
Opening Session
Warm Up: (Optional) Activator: (Required)

P a g e 34 | 60

Other Activities: Drill on evaluating

Work Session
 Multiple Representations Activity (TI-Nspire): This lesson involves the concept of interpreting slope as a
rate of change in the context of a real-world problem situation. As a result, students will collect ordered pairs
and interpret the connections across various representations of the data using a symbolic rule relating income to
the number of hours worked, investigate the connections between symbols, ordered pairs, tables, and graphs.
Students will recognize the y-intercept and slope in each of these representations. The lesson assumes
knowledge of function notation

 Quick Poll 1: Through quick poll, students will answer the following questions:
1. What does the y-intercept of this graph represent in the real-world problem?
2. What does the slope of this graph represent in the real-world problem?

 Quick Poll 2: Through quick poll, students will answer the following questions
1. If Tricia works 20 hours, how much will she earn? (Answer: 20(6.50) + 10 = $140)
2. If Tricia earns $49, how many hours did she work? (Answer: 6.5 h + 10 = 49;
h = 6 hours.

Closing Session
Wrap Up Discussion
Upon completion of the discussion of this activity, the teacher should ensure that students are able to:
Identify the vertical intercept on a graph, in a table, or as an ordered pair.
Recognize the slope of a line using a table or a graph.
Recognize that when functions are evaluated they have many possible outcomes and can be represented using symbols,
ordered pairs, tables, and graphs.

Assessment Strategies
Warp Up Discussion
Quick Poll Questions


P a g e 35 | 60

(Lesson 1)


Version A

Determine if the following functions are linear or non-linear. Explain your reasoning.

1. Input Output
-2 -7
1 -1
4 0
6 3

2. A cell phone company charges a monthly fee of $75 for 300 minutes. Each additional
minute costs $0.05.

3. (2, 8); (0, 6); (-3, 4); (-5, 0)

-5 -4 -3 -2 -1-1 0 1 2 3 4 5

5. y = -3x + 5

P a g e 36 | 60

Version B

Determine if the following functions are linear or non-linear. Explain your reasoning.

-5 -4 -3 -2 -1-1 0 1 2 3 4 5

2. A boat company charges $100 to rent a boat for 1 day plus an additional fee of $10 an

3. y = x²+ 9

4. Input Output
0 -8
2 -5
4 -2
6 1

5. (-4, 7); (-3, 5); (-2, 3); (-1, 1)


P a g e 37 | 60

Version C

Determine if the following functions are linear or non-linear. Explain your reasoning.

1. y = -5x²+ 8

-5 -4 -3 -2 -1-1 0 1 2 3 4 5

3. A boat company charges $75 to rent a boat for 1 day plus an additional fee of $25 an

4. (3, 0); (4, -2); (6, -3); (10, -7)

Input Output
0 4
2 6
4 8
6 10

P a g e 38 | 60

Version D
Determine if the following functions are linear or non-linear. Explain your reasoning.

1. y = 7 + 3(x – 2)

2. (1, 12) (2, 7) (3, 4) (4, 3) (5, 4)







0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

4. The area of a square is the side length times itself.

Input Output
-2 4
1 0
4 -8
5 10

Presentation Chart Paper: Linear and Non-linear Functions

P a g e 39 | 60

Picture Linear Non- Reasoning


Ordered Pairs





P a g e 40 | 60

Practice A
Identifying Linear Functions
Use the graph for 1–3.
1. Is this graph a function? ________________

2. Explain how you know it is a function.


3. If this graph is a function, is it also

a linear function? ________________

Use the set {(1, 8), (2, 6), (3, 4), (4, 2), (5, 0)} for 4–5.
4. Does the set of ordered pairs satisfy a linear function? ____________________________
5. Explain how you decided. ___________________________________________________________

6. Write the equation y  x  4 in standard

form (Ax  By  C).
7. Is y  x  4 a linear function?
8. Graph y  x  4 to check.

9. In 2005, a storm in Milwaukee, WI was dropping 2.5

inches of snow every hour. The total amount of snow
is given by f(x)  2.5x, where x is the number of hours.
Graph this function and give its domain and range.

Practice B
Identifying Linear Functions
Identify whether each graph represents a function. Explain. If the
graph does represent a function, is the function linear?

P a g e 41 | 60

1. ____________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________

3. Which set of ordered pairs satisfies a linear function? Explain.

Set A: {(5, 1), (4, 4), (3, 9), (2, 16), (1, 25)} ___________________________________________

Set B: {(1, 5), (2, 3), (3, 1), (4, 1), (5, 3)} ___________________________________________

4. Write y  2x in standard form. Then graph the function.


5. In 2005, the Shabelle River in Somalia rose an

estimated 5.25 inches every hour for 15 hours. The
increase in water level is represented by the function
f(x)  5.25x, where x is the number of hours. Graph
this function and give its domain and range.

Practice C
Identifying Linear Functions
Identify whether each graph represents a function. Explain. If the
graph does represent a function, is the function linear?

1. ___________________________________________________________

P a g e 42 | 60


2. ___________________________________________________________

3. Which of the sets of ordered pairs satisfies a linear function? Explain.

Set A: {(10, 3), (9.9, 4.5), (9.8, 6), (9.7, 7.5)} _____________________________________

Set B: {(1, 5), (2, 10), (4, 15), (8, 20), (16, 25)} _____________________________________

4. Write y  x  3 in standard form. Then graph the function.


5. A campground charges $30 for 2 people plus $4 for

each additional person. The total amount owed is given
by f(x)  30  4x where x is the number of additional
people. Graph this function and give its domain
and range.

P a g e 43 | 60


Problem Situation: Tricia is a 17-year-old student who receives an income from a weekly
allowance and works a part-time job paid at an hourly rate. She always receives her allowance,
but on her job she can work any whole number of hours from 0 to 20 hours a week. The TI-
Nspire document shows three representations of Tricia’s possible income for one week
depending on the number of hours she works.

1. Move h to zero, and use data capture once. (Press / ^ on the handheld; tap on the iPad.)
a. What do you observe about the three representations?

b. What does (0,10) mean in the context of this problem?

2. Move h to 8, and use data capture once. Move h to another value, and use data capture once
again. Repeat. What do you observe about the three representations?

3. What do h and i(h) represent? Where do h and i(h) appear in each representation?

4. Using your answer from question 3, how much would Tricia earn if she works 8 hours?
Where does this appear in each of the three representations?

5. a. What is Tricia’s allowance, and how can you identify this in each of the three representations?

b. What is Tricia’s hourly rate, and how can you identify this in each of the three representations?

c. Why do the points in the graph fall on a straight line?

P a g e 44 | 60

6. Can Tricia’s income be $75 in one week? Explain.

7. Can Tricia earn $400 in one week? Explain.

8. a. Why can you only move from 0 to 20 on the horizontal axis?

b. We call the domain of the relationship the set of possible values for the independent

variable, which is hours. Write the domain of this function using inequality notation.

9. Is it possible for Tricia to have an income of $0? Why or why not?

10. Suppose Tricia’s parents increase her weekly allowance by $5. Describe how this increase
in allowance would affect each of the representations.

11. Suppose Tricia gets a $1 per hour raise. Describe how this increase in her hourly rate
would affect each of the representations.

12. A representation of how much Tricia gets paid is shown on the left. A representation of how
much Stacey gets paid is shown on the right.

P a g e 45 | 60

S St
tacey’s acey’s
hours pay
2 16
3 24
5 40
9 72


a. If Tricia and Stacey work 20 hours each, who will get paid more? How do you know?

b. How can you tell from the different representations who gets paid a higher hourly rate?

13. What do you think are the strengths and weaknesses of each type of representation?

P a g e 46 | 60


1. Given the equation y = 2x + 3, how does changing the value of x affect the value of


A. As x increases by 1, y doubles C. As x increases by 1, y increases by two.

B. As x increases by 1, y increase by three. D. As x increases by 1, y doubles and increases by


2. If the function is defined for all numbers x by , then what is the value

of ?

A. -11 B. -9 C. -5 D. -3

3. Which equation best describes the relationship between the

corresponding values

of x and y shown in the table?

x y
A. y = x - 10
-1 -9
B. y = 2x - 8 0 -6
C. y = 3x - 6 1 -3
2 0
D. y=x 2−8

4. This graph shows the relationship between a touring company’s profit and the

number of customers on tour for up to 6 customers.

What does the graph’s x-intercept represent in this situation?

A. the rate of change of the company’s profit

B. the amount of money the company spent on the tour

C. the number of customers needed for the company to break even

P a g e 47 | 60

D. the number of customers needed for the company to make a profit.

5. Which table represents a nonlinear function?

A. D.

x f(x)
6 6
4 4
2 2
0 0
-2 2
-4 4
-6 6


x f(x)
6 -6
4 -4
2 -2
0 0
-2 2
-4 4
-6 6


x f(x)
6 6
4 4
2 2
0 0
-2 -2
-4 -4
-6 -6

P a g e 48 | 60

x f(x)
6 5
4 5
2 5
0 5
-2 5
-4 5
-6 5

6. Jerald created the following 20 pounds of dog food, which

chart to track the amount of dog food equation represents how much dog

his dog ate. Use his chart to answer food (y) will be left after any day (x)?

this question. If Jerald starts out with

P a g e 49 | 60

Day Amount
Number of Dog Food
(x) (y)
0 20
3 19
6 18

A. B. C. D.

7. Which is the function described

by the table of ordered pairs?

x y
-2 -1
-1 1
0 3
1 5
2 7

A. y=x +1

B. y=3 x

C. y=2 x +3

D. y=x +1

P a g e 50 | 60

Which of the following graphs shows a constant rate of change?

9. The graph of the function f ( x )=−3 x +3 is shown. What is the value of f(3) ?

A. 3

B. 0

C. -2

D. -6

10. Which linear function best describes the graph shown below?

P a g e 51 | 60

A. y= x +3
B. y=−3 x −1
C. y= x −1
D. y=3 x +3


1. What is the equation of the line that passes through the point (4, 1) and has a y-
intercept of -5?
3 3 1 1 5
A)  y= x B)  y= x −5 C)  y= x−5 D)  y= x+
2 2 9 9 9

2. Given the equation y = 2x + 3, how does changing the value of x affect the value of
A) As x increases by 1, y doubles.
B) As x increases by 1, y increase by three.
C) As x increases by 1, y increases by two.
D) As x increases by 1, y doubles and increases by three.

3. A student measures the period of a simple pendulum (timer or clock) using strings
of different lengths. The student concludes that the data can be best modeled by an
increasing linear function. Which graph could represent the student’s data?

A)  B) 

P a g e 52 | 60

C) D) 

4. Which equation best describes the relationship between the corresponding

values of x and y shown in the table.

x y
-1 -9
0 -6
1 -3
2 0

A)  y=x −10 B)  y=2 x−8 C)  y=3 x−6 D)  y=x 2−8

5. The graph shows the relationship between a touring company’s profit and the
number of customers on the tour for up to 6 customers. What does the x-intercept
represent in this situation?

A) The rate of change of the company’s profit.

B) The amount of money the company spent on the tour.
C) The number of customers needed for the company to break even.
P a g e 53 | 60

D) The number of customers needed for the company to make a profit.

6. Which table represents a non-linear function?

A) B) C)
x f(x) x f(x)
x f(x)
-3 -6 -3 -6
-3 -6
-2 -3 -2 -4
-2 -4
-1 0 -1 -2
-1 -1
0 3 0 0
0 3
1 6 1 2
1 8

7. Which list of ordered pair is NOT a function?

A) { (1, 1), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5) } B) { (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4) }

C) { (1, 1), (3, 1), (4, 2), (5, 3) } D) { (1, 1), (1, 3), (2, 3), (3, 4) }

8. A line is shown on the coordinate grid below. Which of the following best represent an
equation of this line?

P a g e 54 | 60

A)  y= x +3 B) y = -3x - 1
C)  y= x −1 D) y = 3x + 3

9. Which of the following IS NOT an arithmetic sequence?

A)  5, 6.5, 8, 9.5, 11… B)  0, 2, 4, 8, 16…

C)  -1, 1, 3, 5, 7… D)  3, 2, 1, 0, -1…

10. Which function is described by the table of ordered pairs?

x -2 -1 0 1 2
y -1 1 3 5 7

A) y = x + 1 B) y = 3x
C) y = 2x + 3 D) y = x + 13

11. The graph of the function f(x) = -3x + 3 is shown.

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What is the value of f(3)?

A) 3 B) 6 C)  -2 D) -6

12. Which of the following graph shows a constant rate of change?

A)  B)  

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C)  D) 

13. Orlando and Carol each started an exercise program that included riding a bike. The table
below shows the number of miles each traveled for 5 weeks of the program.

If both Orlando and Carol continue to increase the number of miles traveled each week at
the constant rates shown in the table, which of the following is a true statement about
week 8?
A) Carol will travel more miles than Orlando.
B) Orlando and Carol will travel the same number of miles.
C) Carol will travel a total of 13 miles.
D) Orlando and Carol will travel a total of 20 miles.

14. What was the average rate of change from October to December

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A) -0.5 B) -0.025 C) 0.025 D) 0.05

15. Determine the domain for the function below.

A [-∞, ∞] B (-∞, ∞) C [ 0, ∞) D [-1, ∞]

16. Analyze the graph by providing the following information. Make sure to use appropriate
mathematical symbols.
a. domain __________ b. range __________

c. maximum value ______ d. minimum value __________

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d. x-intercepts __________ e. y-intercept __________

f. As x  ∞, y _________ g. As x  -∞, y _________

17. “Camden is collecting bugs for science class. The first day he finds 22 bugs. After day 2, he
has 29 bugs. On day 3, he has 36 bugs.”
a. What is the common difference between each day? ___________________

b. How many bugs will he have found by day 15? __________________

Show your work.

18.If the function f is defined for all numbers x by f(x) = 2x – 7, then what is the value
of f(-2)? Show your work

19. In 2008, about 66 million U.S. households had both landline phones & cell phones.

a. Find the rate of change from 2008 – 2010. Show your work

b. Explain what the rate of change represents in term of the problem?

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20.Find the average of change of the function over the given interval. Show your work
f(x) = 2x + 5; x 1=¿2, x 2=¿4

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