May Day Eve Script Room 1

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NARRATOR: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to a mesmerizing journey into

the depths of human emotions and the enigmatic realm of love. Tonight, we
invite you to immerse yourselves in a timeless tale of passion, longing, and self-
discovery. We present to you "May Day Eve," an exquisite drama based on the
renowned short story by Nick Joaquin.

(Instrumental music for act 1 plays)


(Boys and girls will enter in the sala while ga pa kono kono storya. Others will
be dancing, talking, pwede man inom2)
(There will be a background music for this like du ka musical pro pangkinaraan)
(Anastasia will enter getting the attention of the boys and girls. Everyone will
then gather and mamati kay Anastasia)
ANASTASIA: Señoritos , señoritas, tonight , The First of May is a night of
BOYS & GIRLS TOGETHER : Divination?!
ANASTASIA: A night of lovers…
ANASTASIA: and those who cared might look into a mirror and would there
behold the face of whoever you were fated to marry !
(boys and girls shock with excitement)
(Anastasia hinay-hinay exit)
(other girls and boys spread and act sa kilid lang)
…on the other side
BOY 1 ( pa fall ): Oh, my dear senyora, you have no idea what a dreadful
thing it is for us to part ways without exchanging our affection.
Girl 1(gikilig na pabebe): Oh, will we ever be able to meet up again?
Right? My Señorito?

ANASTASIA: Okay, everyone, the time has come to stop dancing for it is
becoming late. Thank you, gentlemen, and good night! salir ahora! Have a
secure journey home! And you, Señoritas be up to your room now !

(Girls at the side and will wave goodbye to the boys)

BOY 2: Tonight is a memory to last! Beautiful ladies on this first of May !

BOY 3 : Ohh yeah, too bad they sending us off so early. How could I ever
forget those lovely faces, oh my ladies!
BOY 4 :( hubog) : Nah! hermosas damas! Oh ! Oh! I know they’ll remember
me! I’m sure they will ! I will make sure they will!

(boy 1 ,2 , 3 will bring boy 4 out to exit kay hubog sa bay)

While gapanghimos sa room sang girls…..
ANASTASIA : And yes here it comes, The first of May , the first of May (
panghadluk na tingug) The night where witches and devils came out once
more as it was May ! HAHAHA ( witch laugh na )
ANASTASIA : The woman who listens to me and looks in the mirror
tonight will see the face of the man who is meant for her!
GIRL 1: "Stop!, Enough!, Anastasia! We want to sleep!" ( scared na akig )
GILR 2: “ Go out and scare the men instead you witch!” ( syagit)
GIRL 3: “"She is not a witch, she is a maga. She is a maga. She was born
of Christmas Eve!"
GIRL 1 : "St. Anastasia, virgin and martyr."
GIRL 2 : "Huh? Impossible! She has conquered seven husbands! Are you
a virgin, Anastasia?"
ANASTASIA : "No, but I am seven times a martyr because of you girls!"
YOUNG AGUEDA : “ Hey stop with all of that! Let her speak ! Come on
Anastasia, whom shall I wed?” ( Interested na kilig )
( everyone kay matulok kay young agueda as if du nainit cla ngaa
interested saya)
ANASTASIA: "You may learn in a mirror if you are not afraid."
YOUNG AGUEDA: "I'm not afraid; I'm going” ( excited na tingug )
GIRL 3: We are causing too much noise,! My mother will hear and come
over to squeeze all of us. Agueda, get back to bed! And Anastasia, I order
you to stop talking and leave! "
YOUNG AGUEDA : I'm not going to sleep! "Stay, old woman, Tell me
what do I have to do.""
OTHER GIRLS: “ argg, tell her then! Tell her!
( sabay dayun paturung tas pangurumbot habol nga padabog
NARRATOR: Anastasia then dropped the clothes she had gathered and
approached and fixed her eyes on the young agueda.
ANASTASIA: Pay close attention, aguda! Grab a black candle, and head
to the room with the big mirror. Make sure you travel alone. Sit down in
front of the mirror, light the candle, and say this:
Mirror, mirror, show to me him whose woman I will be
YOUNG AGUEDA : “ is… is that all?”
ANASTASIA: “ Yes dear “ ( sabay haplos sa buhok )
YOUNG AGUEDA : “ but..what if something will not go right?”
ANASTASIA : ( Pause gamay) Then ask God not to let it happen because
you will see the devil's face rather than the one who is meant for you.
HAHAHA ( witch laugh )

Other girls will scream dayun. Mabangon cla kag masyagit Dungan

YOUNG AGUEDA : ( matawa lng kay wala saya nahdlok) oh god, this is
nonsense! There is no devil anymore its 1847 haha. Anyways where could
I could find a dark room with a mirror ( gapaminsar diin ) hmmmm….
Aha! Perhaps I could do it in the sala! Alright I’ll go ( gasala na sa dayun )
GIRL 1 : Agueda really?Did you honestly think that witch was real? You
will see the devil rather than the man who is meant to be your partner!
YOUNG AGUEDA: ( while busy ngita sang slipper ya kono abi kay
manaog gd sa ) Who is it that matters? I have no fear at all. Now I'm
leaving. Bye!!

OTHER GIRLS : oh wow you’re crazy! ( Dungan hmbal while gatulok

kay young agueda pa exit )
Transition ----
..while c Agueda is ga lakat hinay hinay sa sala with a candle bit and all
( with background music nan ga medyo intense ha)
( This scene dapat precise gd ang mga actions ni agueda sa kung ano gina
narrate )
NARRATOR: Agueda had already slipped outside and was tiptoeing
across the hallway with her feet naked and her dark hair streaming in the
wind as she ran down the stairs, the lit candle sputtering in one hand as she
drew up her white gown from her ankles with the other. She stopped in the
sala doorway, her heart failing as she stood there gasping for air. She made
an effort to picture the room being filled once more with lights, merriment,
whirling couples, and the merry jerky music of the fiddlers. Oh, but it was
a dark den—a strange cavern—because the windows were shut and the
furniture was piled up against the walls. After making a cross, she entered.

A large antique mirror with a gold frame carved into leaves, flowers, and
enigmatic curlicues hung on the wall in front of her. Her eyes and hair
were so dark that she appeared to be approaching in the mirror only as a
bright mask with two holes gaping in it, carried forward by the white cloud
of her gown. She saw herself approaching in the mirror with great fear: a
small while ghost that the darkness bodied forth—but not willingly, not
completely. But when she stood before the mirror she lifted the candle
level with her chin and the dead mask bloomed into her living face.
She closed her eyes and whispered the incantation.

AGUEDA: (kwaon ang gitabon sa mirror. Stare for 10 sec) Inhale , exhale
while ga close eyes “ Mirror, mirror... (distraction outside) (some candles
got blown away)
Agueda: Show to me... (medyo kurog )
AGUEDA: “Him whose woman I will be…”(all candles now off, with just
those around the mirror and Agueda's alight) (hipos tanan as in defeaning
silence )
(Badoy will slowly appear sa iya likod while sya gapiyung japon
ha…..suspence na di dapat)
Agueda will slowly open her eyes dayun tas hinay hinay tan-aw sa likod
ya ….. like du ka suspense gd….)
Agueda ( scream as in syagit gd (……. Then cut!
Baleh du mautod ang act 3 sa dri nga part..

Transition dayun……
Flashback scene


DAUGHTER : "And what did you see, Mama? Oh, what was it?"
OLD AGUEDA : ( Tulala ) “I saw the devil”
DAUGHTER: The devil, mama?! Oh... oh!
OLD AGUEDA: (closed eyes)Yes, the devil. (open eyes) I open my eyes,
and there in the mirror smiling at me over my left shoulder was the devil.
DAUGHTER: (curios tone) Oh, my poor little mama! Were you
OLD AGUEDA: Of course, my child. You can imagine. Hence good little
girls do not look into the mirrors unless their mother tells them to. You
must stop this naughty habit, darling, of admiring yourself in every mirror
you pass lets you see something frightful someday.
DAUGHTER: But the devil mama. What did he look like?
OLD AGUEDA: Well, let me see... I reckon he has curly hair and a scar
on his cheek.
DAUGHTER: A scar like papa's?
OLD AGUEDA: Well, yes. But this of the devil was the scar of sin / while
that of your papa is a scar of honour—or so he says
Daughter: And? And? What else about the devil, mama?
OLD AGUEDA: He had a moustache...
DAUGHTER: Like papa's too?
OLD AGUEDA: Oh, no! Those of your papa are dirty and graying and
smell horrible of tobacco! These of the devil were very black and elegant.
Oh, how elegant they truly were!
DAUGHTER: And did he have horns and a tail, mama? Like what the
sisters say?
OLD AGUEDA: Yes! That he has! But alas, I could not see them at that
moment. All I could see where his fine clothes, his flashing eyes, his curly
hair and mustache.
DAUGHTER: And did he speak to you, mama?
OLD AGUEDA: (recalling)…yes. (as if sure) Yes, he spoke to me.
Tulala tan-aw sa malayu dayun……

This scene kay mag start with young baduy and young agueda. Padayun ni
sang act nga nautod kay tungod sa flashback… Si young baduy di kay like
dungol nga chickboy in a way…

BADUY : You don't need a candle, pretty one, with charms like yours!
(sabay smirk)
Agueda kay tulukon lng sa masakit kay nainit sa
BADUY : But I remember you! You are Agueda, whom I left, nothing but
a mere infant and came home to find a tremendous, splendid beauty, and I
danced a waltz with you but you wouldn't give me the polka!
YOUNG AGUEDA: (nag grunt or like heavy sigh) I have enough of your
foolishness. Let me pass.
BADUY : (gin harang ya) But I want to dance the polka with the fair one.
Pause a while ga tan-aw kay Agueda with a smirk.
YOUNG AGUEDA: I told you, enough with your pranks! Now let me be!
I will retire now, you insolent git!
(g tuklod pahigad si badoy as in tudo)
BADUY : (gin hawidan ang wrist) No! Not until we have danced!
YOUNG AGUEDA: Silence, you prat! You'll wake even the dead!
BADUY : I don't care about them! All I want is a dance! A dance with
YOUNG AGUEDA: Oh, shut up! Go into the devil!
BADUY : (kadlaw nga sunlog) What a temper has my serrana!
YOUNG AGUEDA: Grrrrr ( syagit sa kainit )
BADUY : Ah, ah! Now you'll wake the dead.
YOUNG AGUEDA: I am not your serrana!
BADUY :: Whose then? Someone I know? Someone I have offended
grievously?Because you treat me and all of my friends as if we're mortal
enemies. Such ill treatment I do not like at all, my fair maiden.
YOUNG AGUEDA: And why not? You do not know how I detest you!
Oh, I detest you, you pompous young man! You go to your beloved
Europe and come back an elegant lord and w-we poor girls too tame to
please you! We have no grace like the Parisiennes, no fire like the
Sevillians, and we have no salt! No salt, no salt! You wear me! You bore
me! You fastidious young men!
Note : Agueda kay dapat akig2 gd. Pagwa tanan nga kalagot!
BADUY : Now you jest, serrana. How do you know about us? How can
you even be so sure?
YOUNG AGUEDA: I heard about you talking among yourselves, and I
despise the pack of you!
BADUY : But clearly you do not despise yourself, signora. You come to
admire your charms in the mirror even in the middle of the night!
YOUNG AGUEDA: I was not admiring myself, sir!
BADUY : What then? The moon, perhaps?
YOUNG AGUEDA: Oh! You! (nadagdag ang kandila, gintabuanan tsura
ya sang duwa ya ka kamot kag naghibi sang kainit)
BADUY : (worried tas ginkapyutan c Agueda) Oh, do not cry, little one!
Forgive me, I said too much! Please! Don't cry! It pains me too much to
see your lovely face stained by such cruel tears wrought by no one else
other than me. Enough, Agueda! No more tears! If you seek to hurt me,
then such you have alreadyaccomplished! Now, please,I beg of you, and
no one dares to beg but I of your forgiveness!Too drunk of my own folly, I
truly was!I knew not what I said, and has truly said too much!
( kwaon ni Baduy ang kamot ni Agueda kag kissan sa lips dayun.
Mangurug c Agueda and mahinayhinay tan-aw sa mata ni Baduy! Yayy
gagi nakilig ko hahahah )
YOUNG AGUEDA: ( maka realized kag e tiklod c Baduy ) Let me go!
BADUY : ( kapyotan japon kamot ni Agueda )No! No, Agueda! Not
without your forgiveness!
YOUNG AGUEDA: In your dreams, you prat! Let me go! Away now!
BADUY : Such I cannot do! Say you forgive me, Agueda! (kaptan liwat
kamot )
YOUNG AGUEDA: Tampaon c Baduy sa face kag dlagan dayun!
BADUY : (Masakitan pro ma smile japon) But Judas! What eyes she had,
and what a pretty shade she turns when angry! Son of a Turk, but she was
truly quite the enchantress! How could she think she had no fine nor
grace? And no salt? An arroba she had of it!
BADUY : Never shall I forget this night! Never!
Transition to last scene……


Old baduy will enter with a cane. Gaugod-ugod lakat while may ga
But alas, the heart forgets; the heart is distracted; and May time passes;
summer lends; storms break over the rot-tipe orchards and the heart grows
old; while the hours, the days, the months, and the years pile up and pile
up, until the mind becomes too crowded, too confused: dust gathers in it;
cobwebs multiply; the walls darken and fall into ruin and decay; the
memory perished.
and there came a time when Don Badoy Montiya walked home through a
May Day midnight without remembering, without even caring to
remember; being merely concerned in feeling his way across the street
with his cane; his eyes having grown quite dim and his legs uncertain--for
he was old; he was over sixty; he was a very stopped and shivered old man
with white hair and mustaches coming home from a secret meeting of

--End sang narration kay ma gwa c Voltaire nga gaatubang sa mirror

OLD BADUY: You foolish boy! What are you doing / standing there like
a—like a--(indi makapatpos storya kay syempre tigulng na)
VOLTAIRE Oh, grandpa! You frightened me, grandpa!
OLD BADUY: Oh, you! So it was you all along, you young bandit! And
what is all this? Oi! What are you doing down here at this hour?!
VOLTAIRE: (adorably innocent) Nothing, grandpa. I was only.. I was
OLD BADUY: (very sarcastic) Yes you are. Yes, you are the great Signor
Only, / and how delighted I am to make your acquaintance,/ great Signor
Only. // But if I break this cane on your head, / you may wish you were
someone else, sir!
VOLTAIRE But it was just foolishness, grandpa. They told me I would
see my wife if I look into the mirror!
OLD BADUY Wife? What wife? You got duped again, you little brat.
VOLTAIRE: But grandpa! The boys at school said I would see her if I
looked into a mirror tonight and say: “Mirror, mirror, show to me, her
whose lover I will be.”
Ma hipos sya as if may na remember,,.. tas papungkuon ya c voltaire
OLD BADUY Why don't you put that candle down the floor, squirt, and
let us talk over this.// So you want your wife already, eh? // You want to
see her in advance. // But do you know that there are wicked games / and
that wicked boys who play them are in danger of horrors?

VOLTAIRE: Well, the boys did warn me I might see a witch instead.
OLD BADUY Exactly! A witch so horrible you may die of fright! And she
will bewitch you, she will torture you, she will eat your heart and drink
your blood!
VOLTAIRE: Oh, come on now, grandpa. It's 1890 already. There are no
witches anymore. Grow up, grandpa!
OLD BADUY: Oh, no, my young Voltaire! And what if I tell you that I
myself have seen a witch?
VOLTAIRE: (kibot na interested tone) You? Really, grandpa? Where?
OLD BADUY: Right in this room... right in that mirror. ( tudlo ang
mirror) VOLTAIRE: When is this, grandpa?
OLD BADUY Not so long ago. // When I was a bit older than you, / oh, I
was a vain fellow and though I was feeling very sick that night, / I merely
wanted to lie down somewhere and die. // I could not pass the doorway of
course, / without stopping to see in the mirror what I looked like when
dying. // But when I poke my head in, / what I should see in the mirror is
not me but... but...
VOLTAIRE: (whisper lng ) the witch?
OLD BADUY :Exactly!
VOLTAIRE: And did she bewitch you, grandpa?
OLD BADUY: Bewitched me? Hah! She did more than just that, my
young child! She bewitched me and tortured me! She ate my heart and
drank my blood!
VOLTAIRE: Oh, my poor little grandpa! Why have you never told me so!
Was she horrible? Oh, please tell me no!
OLD BADUY Horrible? By the gods, no! // She was beautiful. // She was
the most beautiful creature I have ever seen! // Her eyes were somewhat
like yours, / but her hair was like black waters / and her golden shoulders
were bare. // My God, / she was enchanting! // But I should have known--//
I should have known even then—the dark fatal creature she was!
Si old baduy kay ma amaze and du ma silence gamay……
VOLTAIRE: ( tan-aw ang mirror nga daw ga wonder) What a horrid
mirror this is, grandpa.
OLD BADUY :What makes you say that, ei?
VOLTAIRE: Well, you saw this witch in it. And mama once told me that
Grandma once told her that Grandma saw the devil in this mirror. Was it of
fright that Grandma died? If so, then it truly is such a horrid mirror. Don't
you think we should be rid of it, grandpa?
OLD BADUY :(tan-awon ang mirror nga ga smile , ga teary sah ) Who
knows, kid. Who knows...
OLD BADUY: Well, that's enough storytelling for today, squirt. Now get
back to bed.
VOLTAIRE: Okay, grandpa. G'nite!
(left alone, Badoy sits down again, shaking his head as well)
OLD BADUY :Who knows indeed... while ga tan-aw sa kawalan-----

Ma close curtains--- then ma meet ang young couple and old couple ……

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