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A blockchain architecture for trusted sub-ledger operations and financial audit

OK4BC01 using decentralized microservices
A Blockchain Footprint for Authentication of IoT-Enabled Smart Devices in
Smart Cities State-of-the-art, Advancement, Challenges and Future Research
OK4BC02 Directions
A Blockchain-Based Solution for Mitigating Overproduction and
OK4BC03 Underconsumption of Medical Supplies
A Coexistence Analysis of Blockchain, SCADA Systems, and OpenADR for Energy
OK4BC04 Services Provision
A derivative PBFT blockchain consensus algorithm with dual primary nodes
OK4BC05 based on separation of powers-DPNPBFT
A Gap Between Blockchain and General Data Protection Regulation A
OK4BC06 Systematic Review
A Novel Blockchain Based Secured and QoS Aware IoT Vehicular Network in
OK4BC07 Edge Cloud Computing
A Patient-Centric Healthcare Framework Reference Architecture for Better
OK4BC08 Semantic Interoperability based on Blockchain, Cloud, and IoT
A Secure Batch Authentication Scheme for Multiaccess Edge Computing in 5G-
OK4BC09 Enabled Intelligent Transportation System
A System for The Promotion of Traceability and Ownership of Health Data
OK4BC10 Using Blockchain
Adoption of Federated Learning for Healthcare Informatics Emerging
OK4BC11 Applications and Future Directions
OK4BC12 xVDB A High-Coverage Approach for Constructing a Vulnerability Database
An Ultra-Scalable Blockchain Platform for Universal Asset Tokenization Design
OK4BC13 and Implementation
Analysis of Spectrum Sensing and Spectrum Access in Cognitive Radio
OK4BC14 Networks with Heterogeneous Traffic and p-Retry Buffering
Analysis of the Features and Structure Behind Availability in Blockchain Using
OK4BC15 Altcoin
OK4BC16 BCsRNG: A Secure Random Number Generator based on Blockchain
Black-Box for Blockchain Parameters Adjustment
Block Search Stochastic Simulation Algorithm (BlSSSA) A Fast Stochastic
OK4BC18 Simulation Algorithm for Modeling Large Biochemical Networks
Blockchain and AI-empowered Healthcare Insurance Fraud Detection An
OK4BC19 Analysis, Architecture, and Future Prospects
OK4BC20 Blockchain and NFTs for Time-bound Access and Monetization of Private Data
OK4BC21 Blockchain in Education A Systematic Review and Practical Case Studies
OK4BC22 Blockchain Power Trading and Energy Management Platform
OK4BC23 Blockchain Scaling using Rollups A Comprehensive Survey
Blockchain Technology for Secure Supply Chain Management A Comprehensive
OK4BC24 Review
OK4BC25 Blockchain-based Autonomous Authentication and Integrity for Internet of
Battlefield Things in C3I System
OK4BC26 Blockchain-Based Autonomous Notarization System Using National eID Card
OK4BC27 Blockchain-based Distributed Renewable Energy Management Framework
OK4BC28 Blockchain-Based Intelligent Charging Station Management System Platform
OK4BC29 Blockchain-Based Traceability for the Fishery Supply Chain
OK4BC30 Blockchain-based Traceability System for Product Recall
OK4BC31 Blockchain-Empowered Service Management for the Decentralized Metaverse
of Things
OK4BC32 Blockchain-enabled Intrusion Detection and Prevention System of APTs within
Zero Trust Architecture
OK4BC33 Blockchain-Enabled Social Security Services Using Smart Contracts
OK4BC34 CDD-Net A Context-Driven Detection Network for Multiclass Object Detection
OK4BC35 Cell based Raft Algorithm for Optimized Consensus Process on Blockchain in
Smart Data Market
OK4BC36 Chain-based Covert Data Embedding Schemes in Blockchain
OK4BC37 Cloud Firewall Under Bursty and Correlated Data Traffic A Theoretical Analysis
OK4BC38 Comparative Analysis of Decentralized Identity Approaches
OK4BC39 Compliance SSI System Property Set to Laws, Regulations, and Technical
OK4BC40 Cross-Domain Self-Authentication Based Consortium Blockchain for
Autonomous Valet Parking System
OK4BC41 DDMIA Distributed Dynamic Mutual Identity Authentication for referrals in
Blockchain-based Health Care networks
OK4BC42 Design of Secure Mutual Authentication Scheme for Metaverse Environments
using Blockchain
OK4BC43 Detection of Small Aerial Object Using Random Projection Feature With Region
OK4BC44 Development of Blockchain-Based Health Information Exchange Platform Using
HL7 FHIR Standards Usability Test
OK4BC45 Do-It-Yourself Recommender System Reusing and Recycling with Blockchain
and Deep Learning
OK4BC46 Domain and Challenges of Big Data and Archaeological Photogrammetry with
OK4BC47 DSMAC Privacy-aware Decentralized Self-Management of data Access Control
based on blockchain for health data
OK4BC48 Efficient Algorithms for Constant-Modulus Analog Beamforming
OK4BC49 Electronic Health Records Sharing Model based on Blockchain with Checkable
State PBFT Consensus Algorithm
OK4BC50 End-to-End Latency Analysis and Optimal Block Size of Proof-of-Work
Blockchain Applications
OK4BC51 FedMarket A cryptocurrency driven marketplace for mobile federated learning
OK4BC52 FRPNet A Feature-Reflowing Pyramid Network for Object Detection of Remote
Sensing Images
OK4BC53 Generative VoxelNet Learning Energy-Based Models for 3D Shape Synthesis
and Analysis
OK4BC54 High-Performance Accurate and Approximate Multipliers for FPGA-based
Hardware Accelerators
OK4BC55 Impact of Block Data Components on the Performance of Blockchain-based
VANET Implemented on Hyperledger Fabric
OK4BC56 LiteZKP Lightening Zero-Knowledge Proof-Based Blockchains for IoT and Edge
OK4BC57 Message Scheduling in Blockchain Based IoT Environment with Additional Fog
Broker Layer
OK4BC58 New Blockchain Based Special Keys Security Model with Path Compression
Algorithm for Big Data
OK4BC59 Overcoming Data Availability Attacks in Blockchain Systems Short Code-Length
LDPC Code Design for Coded Merkle Tree
OK4BC60 Quantum Blockchain based on Dimensional Lifting Generalized Gram-Schmidt
OK4BC61 REPUTABLE - A Decentralized Reputation System for Blockchain-based
OK4BC62 Research on Payment Settlement Mode in Cross-Border Business Trade Based
on Blockchain Technology
OK4BC63 Resource Analysis of Blockchain Consensus Algorithms in Hyperledger Fabric
OK4BC64 Secure Message Handling in Vehicular Energy Networks using Blockchain and
Artificially Intelligent IPFS
OK4BC65 SIGNORA A Blockchain-Based Framework for Dataflow Integrity Provisioning
in an Untrusted Data Pipeline
OK4BC66 SoK Network-Level Attacks on the Bitcoin P2P Network
OK4BC67 Survey on Blockchain-based IoT Payment and Marketplaces
OK4BC68 Systematic Review on AI-Blockchain based E-Healthcare Records Management
OK4BC69 The Block Propagation in Blockchain-based Vehicular Networks
OK4BC70 To incentivize or not Impact of blockchain-based crypto economic tokens on
human information sharing behavior
OK4BC71 Towards Large-Scale and Privacy-Preserving Contact Tracing in COVID-19
pandemic A Blockchain Perspective
OK4BC72 Towards the classification of Self-Sovereign Identity properties

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