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Having automatic controllers and computers to handle part or all of the kiln operation
requires that the operator acquires a basic knowledge of the workings of an automatic
controller. There is a specific need to familiarize an operator with this subjeCt, for
nobody else has a better opportunity to observe the results of an automatic controller in
actual operation than he does. Automatic process control has a better chance of
succeeding. and will yield better results if the experience, observations, and suggestions
of the operators are considered when the automatic control is initiated or adjusted.

In this chapter, some of the apparently difficult-to-understand principles of process

control are explained in simple terms, using as an example the control of the
temperature in the burning zone. The fact that repeated reference is made to the
burning-zone temperature and the fuel rate does not mean that the described
fundamentals are valuable for this example alone. These fundamentals are applicable
almost universally to any kind of process control and the proper relationship between
the example given here and a specific process under investigation should be easily

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