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Chapter 1:


Background of the Study

Discipline is an essential component of education that ensures that students follow rules and
regulations to achieve academic success. It is a critical element that contributes to the overall
academic performance of students in school. The term "discipline" has been defined in various
ways, but in general, it refers to a set of rules and regulations that guide the behavior of
students in school. The rules and regulations help to create a conducive environment for
teaching and learning, which enhances academic performance.

Senior high school students in the Philippines are preparing for the next phase of their lives,
whether it be higher education or entering the workforce. Therefore, the senior high school
stage is crucial for students, and their academic performance is critical. Bunga Integrated High
School is one such institution where senior high school students undertake their education. The
school has been in operation for several years and is known for its strict adherence to
discipline, which has helped many students to achieve academic success.

Statement of the Problem

The academic performance of senior high school students is critical for their future success.
However, it is often affected by various factors, including discipline. Therefore, the study aims
to investigate the role of school discipline on the academic performance of grade 12 senior high
school students at Bunga Integrated High School. The following research questions will guide
the study:

What is the level of school discipline in Bunga Integrated High School?

What is the academic performance of grade 12 senior high school students at Bunga Integrated
High School?

What is the relationship between school discipline and academic performance among grade 12
senior high school students at Bunga Integrated High School?

Objectives of the Study

The main objective of the study is to investigate the role of school discipline on the academic
performance of grade 12 senior high school students at Bunga Integrated High School. The
specific objectives of the study are:

To determine the level of school discipline in Bunga Integrated High School.

To determine the academic performance of grade 12 senior high school students at Bunga
Integrated High School.

To examine the relationship between school discipline and academic performance among grade
12 senior high school students at Bunga Integrated High School.

Significance of the Study

The findings of this study will be significant to the following:

School administration: The study will provide insights into the effectiveness of the school's
disciplinary policies and strategies, which will help the administration to improve its disciplinary

Teachers: The study will enable teachers to understand the impact of discipline on academic
performance, which will enable them to develop better teaching strategies that incorporate

Students: The study will provide students with an understanding of the importance of discipline
in achieving academic success, which will motivate them to adhere to school rules and

Future researchers: The study will provide a basis for future researchers to investigate the role
of school discipline on academic performance in other schools.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

The study will focus on the role of school discipline on the academic performance of grade 12
senior high school students at Bunga Integrated High School. The study will use quantitative
research methods to collect data, which will be analyzed using statistical methods. The study's
limitations include the possibility of respondents giving biased responses, which may affect the
validity of the findings. The study will also be limited to Bunga Integrated High School, which
may affect the generalizability of the findings to other schools.

Definition of Terms
The following terms are defined for the purpose of this study:

Discipline: A set of rules and regulations that guide the behavior of students in school.

Academic performance: The ability of students to achieve good grades in their academic

Chapter II:

Review of Related Literature

School discipline is a crucial component of the education system in the Philippines as it

promotes a safe and orderly learning environment. The Department of Education (DepEd)
defines school discipline as a set of policies, procedures, and strategies that promote
responsible student behavior, prevent disruptive behavior, and address violations of school
rules and regulations (DepEd, 2013). Research has shown that effective school discipline can
have a positive impact on academic performance, particularly among senior high school

A study by Cuesta and Cortez (2019) conducted in a public high school in the Philippines found
that students who perceived their school as having a positive disciplinary climate had
significantly higher academic performance than those who perceived their school as having a
negative disciplinary climate. The researchers also discovered that students who reported
experiencing less bullying and aggression in their school had higher academic achievement.

Likewise, Bunda and Valencia’s (2017) study among senior high school students in a private
school in the Philippines found that effective school discipline had a positive impact on
academic performance. The researchers noted that schools with consistent and fair disciplinary
policies, clear expectations for behavior, and a focus on positive reinforcement had higher
academic achievement among students.

Furthermore, a study by Ramos et al. (2017) among senior high school students in the
Philippines found that the implementation of a positive behavior support system, which
emphasizes teaching and reinforcing positive behavior rather than solely punishing negative
behavior, significantly improved academic performance. The researchers found that students
who participated in the program had higher grades, fewer absences, and fewer incidents of
misconduct than those who did not participate.

Overall, the literature suggests that school discipline plays a vital role in the academic
performance of senior high school students in the Philippines. Effective school discipline
strategies that promote positive behavior, prevent disruptive behavior, and address violations
of school rules and regulations can positively impact academic achievement.

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