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i) Answer the following questions in the notebook from the chapter

Living World

1. Expand ICBN and ICZN.

2. What is the contribution of Linnaeus in the field of taxonomy?

3. Write down the Universal rules of nomenclature.

4. What is systematics?

5. Distinguish between taxonomic category and taxonomic hierarchy.

6. Arrange the following taxonomic categories showing the hierarchical

arrangement in ascending order.
Family, Class, Species, Phylum, Genus, Division, Order, Kingdom.

7. Arrange the given terms in their taxonomic hierarchy.

Primata, Homo sapiens, Chordata, Mammalia, Hominidae

8. Correct the mistakes of the flow chart to get the hierarchical arrangement of tiger
in the ascending order.
Kingdom – Carnivora
Phylum – Mammalia
Class – Felidae
Order – Chordata
Family – Tigris
Genus – Animalia
Species – Panthera

9. Two plants can be conclusively said to belong to the same species if they
(a) can reproduce freely with each other and form seeds
(b) have more than 90 percent similar genes
(c) look similar and possess identical secondary metabolites
(d) have same number of chromosomes

10. Which of the following ‘suffixes’ used for units of classification in plants indicates
a taxonomic category of ‘family’.
(a) -ales
(b) -onae
(c) -aceae
(d) none of the above

(ii) Complete the Practical record as per the instructions given in the class.

(iii) Answer all the worksheets uploaded in classroom phoenix.

(iv) Strictly follow the revision schedule

(v) Follow the strategies given

(vi) Make use of your holidays productively

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