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ANNEXURE-B- NOSO(CURRICULUM)SELD/CONDENSE-SYLLABUS /2020 GOVERNMENT OF SINDH. SCHOOL EDUCATION & LITERACY DEPARTMENT Karachi, the dated October, 2020, ENGLISH GRADE XI [—“Tasson Nor ‘Lesson Nami Reading Texts READING TEXT #01 | Twenty Minutes with Mrs. Oakentubb READING TEXT # 02 | Reflection on the Re-Awakening East READING TEXT # 04 | Pakistan and the Modern World [READING TEXT # 06 | The World as I see It READING TEXT # 07 | The Devoted Friend ‘Selections from English Verse (Part-II) Post #01, The Seven Ages of Man oom #03 | Lines from Samson Agonistes Poets #06 “The Solitary Reaper ere Poem #7 | Music When Soft Voices [Poem # 09 ‘Say not the Struggle Naught Availeth Poet #11 | The Lost Star Novel (Chapter # 1-22 [The Prisoner of Zenda Grammar & Composition Errenart Summarizing the passages Précis and Translation etter Writing | Composition —[ Composition ‘Composition Guidelines for Effective Teaching > Adoptimplement flexible learning where learning choices may be offered to learners. (references of online resources, e-learning programs, media literature and telecommunication learning material ete, > Home tasks may be assigned to engage students for practice. > The Condensed course content need to be well organized) planned before conducting session/lass. » Teaching & learning may be contextualized keeping in view the environment and resources. > For development of Language skills especially in English student may be motivated 10 get assistance from parents, Siblings ete. > Quick and constructive feedback may be provided to individual students on previous task t0 further enbance students’ skills > Development of Charts, encouraged during the class. > Grammar and language activities may be developed according (© age and grade level of students, Grammar may be developed as per Board assessment Activities Exercises Questions at the end of unit may be used for assessing the students? progress according to condensed course during formative or summative assessment 1» A balanced test may be developed in accordance to target Language. nf idual classroom presentati mn, individual performances may be ANNEXURE-IIE NO-SO(CURRICULUM)SELD/CONDENSE-SYLLABUS /2020 ‘GOVERNMENT OF SIND. SCHOOL EDUCATION & LITERACY DEPARTMENT. ‘Karachi, the dated October, 2020 SINDHI (COMPULSORY) GRADE XII | TE Sa Fe Ge (CRS Fgh Bb ate BEE Bie wie Gel = dae Sas 3 HIG S| Se cee a eats Sia : a eee : SoS ip See hs Sl I ade nial Sas ge Galle GB leo | ga sind ysl gant | aaa pT ese wt eS de ee Ty pale z Us Bye) 5) gle Ale Sel ¢ Ge) Es arnrarer rs 13 gel gin de 9:15 (2) (Geet e iS) Jie ee Se gall SS ahs) ole i pe (38 9 338) glia | 5S Dee 38 i hee 6 ala Be NS ay phys 5k ae SS nyt Sa Jaga lan 6 oat can go Stal gS SnD ty 98 Sant gS By 3 WS Se Li aan PIE ge hy ES a ne GS ash Ud ay Sy Dad De Wg BBE ns coh gE Sie ie a Ue Saga oY al al by eS ad ANNEXURE-BAIL NO.SO(CURRICULUM)SELD/CONDENSE-SYLLABUS (2020, ‘GOVERNMENT OF SINDH. SCHOOL EDUCATION & LITERACY DEPARTMENT Karachi, the dated October, 2020 URDU (COMPULSORY) GRADE XI ais we Gita Sag aera Basie eid Dal th sels] cessor eri od en ae Sty 23) Up Lie pn ie 3h gy Sle BBGEI (I) 2 E/E ‘Joa . 5495S (Model Verb) dab sicie (3) WS Joan Jad Glan splay 9S pace iS ye (2), AS) = Jasin BS (eu (6) nat /2299 (5) a sa AOR! (4) esse (7) Ay ANNEXURE-B-IV NO.SO(CURRICULUM)SELDICONDENSE-SYLLABUS 2020, GOVERNMENT OF SINDIL SCHOOL EDUCATION & LITERACY DEPARTMENT Karachi, the dated October, 2020 PAKISTAN STUDIES ~ XII Chapters ‘Topic / Sub Topies ‘The Establishment of Conditions of Souih Asia before the Advent of Islam Pakistan Impact of Islam on the South-Asian Society Civilizational Influence Pakistan: A Step towards the Esablishment of an Islamie ciety a The Ideology of Pakistan Qasid “Azam and the Weology of Pakistan “The Sinuggle for Tndependnce inthe Provinces | Foundation of Muslim League is Aims and OBjecis The Lucknow Pact of 1916 The Rhilafar Movement Fourteen Poinis Ailahabad Address » League and Establishment of Pakistan: _The Pakistan Resolution of1940 | Cripps Proposals of 1942 imla Conference and Elestions [Trim Government and the Partition of Sub-continent Indian-Independence Act 1947 | Radeliffe Award and the Injustice to the Must, | | inal Problems oF Pa | Foreign Policy State History of Pakistan | Establishment of an Islamie | Objectives Resolation ee “The Martial Law of 1958 Martial Law of 1969 1° 1973 Constitution “The Pakistan National Alliance (PNA) Movement of 1977 The 1977 Ni # we 4 | Hlections of 198Sand te lifting of Martial Law The Flestion of 1988 The Land of Pakistan ‘ Tocation of Pakisan “The Importance of is Location Physical Features and Landscape of Pakistan “The Salt Range and Potohar Plateau The Upper indus plain “The Lower Indus Plain “The Baluchistan Plateau The Climate of Pakistan The Salt Range and the Potohar Plateau Disirict Local Government System-2001 Disivict Council ‘Metropolitan eorporaion “Municipal Comporation ‘Manicipal Committee Divisional System Judicial System ‘The Cultural Heritage of Pakistan ‘Salient Features of Pakistani Culture The Religious Unity and Sol Mix of our Culture (The Man-Woman Status Social Mode of Life Dres Food “Games, Sports, Entertainments and Fairs Marriage Ceremony | Languages of Pakistan Economie Planning and Development Ueda ‘Agriculture ‘Rural Development ‘Waiter and Electric Energy ‘Education Health Tndusiyy Import Poliey Exports "The Fight Development Plan Pakistan and the Comity of Nation ‘The United Nations (UN) ‘Organization of slamie Conference (OIC) [Economies Cooperation organization (ECO) Fundament Protected under the 1973 Cons jake mn of Pakistan Thiroduetion What is Stic? Elements of Sats | Population: Territory: ‘Government ‘Sovereignty: ‘Duties! Responsibilities of State ‘Concept of Fundamental Rights Fundansental Rights of Citizens Under 1979 Consttaion “Tniicle 9: "Sesarity of Person™ “Aicle.10; Safeguards as wo arrest and detention and Security of Person, “Antcle. 11 Slavery, foreed labour, ete. Probibited “Aicle. 12: Protection against Retrospective Punishment | | Aniele. 13; Proweetion against Double Punishment and Sel | Tneriminaton ‘Anicle. Anticle, 15: Freedom of Movement ete, | Aniele, 16: Freedom of Assembly ‘Aricle. 17: Freedom of Association ‘Ariel, 18: Freedom of rade; business or profession ‘ici, 19; Freedom of Speech and Expression [Anicte. 19°; Right to Information ‘Aniiele. 20: Freedom to profess and to manage reli institutions-subject 0 law, public order and morality ‘Aricle 21 Safeguard against Taxation for purpose of any particular religion | Anticle. 22: Safeguards as to Educational institution respoct of religion ete, \ ‘nicl. 23: Provision a8 to Property | Article. 24: Protection of Property Rights ‘Anticle. 25: Equality of Citizens Anicle. 25: A: Right to Education | Article. 26: Non-Discrimination in Respect of Access to Public Places ‘Anicle. 27; Safeguard against Non-Dise ination in Service ‘Article. 28: Preservation of Language, Seript and Culture Role of Judiciary in Protection of Fundamental Rights Importance of Fundamental Rights ~Ganne aeadmome! Rohteet Violation of Rights and | Role of Judiciary in Safeguarding Fundamental Rights oF Redressal of Grievances | Citizen Ministry of Human Rights, Government of Pakistan [ Roe of Fuman Rights Department, Government of Sindh in| Proteetion of Rights of Citizens ‘Ombudsman in Pakistan Female Ombudsperson Pon sand Functions of es for Effective Teaching: > Adopt/implement flexible learning where learning choices may be offered to learners. (references of online resources, e-learning programs, media literature and ‘elecommonication learning materiaite > Home tasks may be assigned to engage students forpractice, > The Condensed course content need to be well organized’ planned before conducting sessionfelass, > Teaching & learning may be contextualized keeping in view the environment and > Quick and constructive feedback may be provided to individual students on previous task to further enhance students'sklls > Development of Charts, individual classroom presentation, individual performances mmay be encouraged during theclass. > Activites! Exereise Questions a the end of unit may be used for assessing the students” progress aecording to condensed course during formative oF ‘summativeassessment. > During class inquiry-based approach may beadopted, > local and International examples may be provided tothe students through demonstration and Videos, NO.SO(CURRICULUM)SELDICON! ANNEXURE-B-V. JENSE-SYLLABUS /2020 ‘GOVERNMENT OF SINDIT SCHOOL EDUCATION & LITERACY DEPARTMENT. Karachi, the dated October, 2020 BIOLOGY - XI ‘Chapter/Theme Topiets) 1. Homeostasis Homeostasis ‘Osmoregulation in Plants and animals 2. Support and Movement 4. Reproduction Growth and Development plants Movements in plants Skeletal system in animals ‘Musele and its types -omotion in animals Induction Control in Panis Cooedination & Control in Animals Nervous Cooudination Reflex action Human nervous system Chemical Coordination Endocrine system in mammals “Asexual and Sexual reproduction in plants Pollination, double ferilizaion Types of germination Asexual and Sexual reproduction in animals Female reproductive Cyele, | jrowth and Development in Plants Growth and Development in Animals. 6 Chromosomes & DNA Cyte “Types oF chromosomes ‘Chemical composition of chromosomes Brie reference to DNA structure Cells use RNA to make proteins Mutation “Amitos Mitosis Meiosis Variation and Genetics Review of Mendel's Laws of inheritance Sex determination and sex linkage in Drosophila and man 9. Biotechnology ‘Genetic Engineering ‘Tissue culture | Role of Biotechnology in the diagnosis of diseases 10. Evolution — Tnbertance of Acquired Characiers Theory of Natural ® “Anifcial selection and its role Endanger species TI. Ecosystem The Eeosystem 12, Some Major Eeosystems | 1. Lil Tn fresh and marine water 2. ‘Terrestrial Ecosystem "18 Man, and his 1. Renewable and non-renewable resources 2 Pollution (Air, Water, Land, wild lif, food Guide Lines for teachers for effetive teaching: Locate, select, organize and preset relevant information from variety of sourees ‘Try to develop relationship among the remaining topics. Gide stents to understand scientific concepts & Terminology Use diferent teaching strategies to cover given topes in limited time. sure thatthe students understand the eonces(s) and presses, Usama Toten were ore gy. why ANNEXURE-B-VI 2 NOSO(CURRICULUMDSELDICONDENSE:SVLLABUS 2020 fot GOVERNMENT OF SINDHL ey SCHOOL EDUCATION & LITERACY DEPARTMENT 2 ara the aed eter, 2020 COMPUTER SCIENCE - XI ‘Sé_ | Topies/ Sub Tope T 1. Using IDE 2. Writing a C program 3. C Program format and Basic Structure, 4. Compile, check errors, Run and see result. 5. Use printf) function and “Format Specitiers” 2 | 1. Variables (Types, Defining and declaring, initializing), Constants 2. Input/Output ( printf), seanf)), getche(),Format specifiers, Escape sequences) 3. Operators (Arithmetic operator (+, *,/,%). Arithmetic assignment operator ‘Y=, Gnerement and decrement operators ++), (Relational ‘operators precedence | 4. Comments |/* [3] 1 ooops (for Toop, “while” Top, "do while" Toop, nested Toopes | 2. “break” and “continue” statements. 1. iP" stsement 2. “tele” statement | 3. Nested“ and “ese 4. Logical operators OR (||) AND (&&) NOT (!) 5. Switch statement (default and “break” 1. Funetion (define and need), stusture or format of fanstions (Function |” definition, calling, prototype o declaration. 2. Sending and returning values rom funetons, eur statement. 3. Passing variables and constant as arguments 44 Argument variables (parameters) lea! (aulomatc) and global (external) variables 6 | 1. Arays, defining and initializing arrays. 2. Referring to individual clements ofan aray 3. Strings detnition (string constants and variable), initizing strings. 4_String fet “Ties opis have been ake from the book "The Waite Grows Taro © Programming or the PCy 5 Gy. is roduction to Fundam ANNEXURE-B-VIL NO-SO(CURRICULUM)SELD/CONDENSE-SYLLABUS 2020 ‘GOVERNMENT OF SINDIL SCHOOL EDUCATION & LITERACY DEPARTMENT Karachi, the dated October, 2020 CHEMISTRY - XII TORIC ‘Chemistry ae [Modem Periodic Law-Periodic Table Based on Moseley's contribution (Clasification and Long form of Periodic Table onthe basis of Electronic configuration Types of elements based on Electronic configuration "Position of hydrogen inthe Periodic wble {Atomic Hydrogen Binary Compounds of Hydrogen earth metals {Chemical propenies of S-bloeks elements (4. P-Block Elements (Occurrence and Extraction of Metals 4 lnoduction a3 46 4.10) ‘5.d- Block Elements (Transition Elements) Si 53 Ineoduction Fenerals Characterstos [36 (Copper Sulphate (CuSO.SHO) 57. Potassium Chromate (KaCrOs) ‘Comosion and is prevention luetion to Organic Chemistry [Natural sources of organic eompounds Polymerization (Classification oF org ‘compounds or Types of organi compounds [Homologous series (Open chain and closed chain hydrocarbons (Chemistry of Ethane |The Molecular orbital weaiment of Benzene — Allg Halides 8.1 [Classification of alkyl Halides [CfS2Nomencianre gq Mechanism of Nucleophilie substitution Reastions ‘9. Carbon Compounds with Oxygen Containing Functional Group 9.1 [Alcohols — {Aldehydes and Ketones ‘TO. Chemistry of Life 10.1 [Definition and Introduction [103 [Carbohydrates (104 [Amino acids (107 [Enzymes ‘T1. Chemical Industries in Pakistan CTL FFenilizers 113 _G TLS Plastics we ANNEXURE-B-VIIL NO-SO(CURRICULUM)SELD/CONDENSE-SYLLABUS /2020 GOVERNMENT OF SINDH. SCHOOL EDUCATION & LITERACY DEPARTMENT. Karachi the dated October, 2020 MATHEMATICS - XII Chapter i “Topies & Exercises ‘Chapter -1: Function ‘of the phrase“ tends toa” 1 and Limit 1.6 Limit of function Exercise 1.6 1.27 Limitas x tends to teo Exercise 1.7 ‘Chupter 2: The Siraight | 2.1 Cartesian coordinates sysiem | Live 2.2 Distance between two given points Exercise 2.1 211 Division ofa given line segment in a given ratio Exercise 2.2 215 Curves and equations 2.6 Slope (or gradient) ofa line 277 Slope ofa line joining two given points 2.8 Condition for three points o be collinear 29 Parallel perpendicular lines 2.10 Angle from one line to another in the slope Exercise 24 2.11 Lines parallel to the axes of coordinates various form of an equation of a line from another 2.12 Various forms of equation of straight line L 13 Deduction of one form of an equation ofa Hine the Chapier Be 3.1 The general linear equation “The General Equation of | 3,2 Angle between two lines ftom Is yin the general Form straight 333 point of interscetion of two straight lines | 34 Concurrency of three lines 3.5 Equation of Lines in the matrix form 346 Lines through the intersection of to given linesExereise 3.1 3:7 Position ofa point with respect to a given straight line __| 3.8 Distance ofa point froma line 3.9 Area of tingle, Exercise 3.2 ‘Chapter 4.1 Derivatives ofa function ata point Exercise 4.1 iffereniabity 42 Composite function Exercise 42 443 Implicit fuetion Exercise 43 44 Paramedic Function 4.5 Higher derivative Exercise 4.4 ‘Chapter 3-4 Increasing and decreasing function Appliestion of Exercise 53 Differential calculus Chapter 6 6.1 Antidrivatives or Integration — Exerwise 6.1, 62 ‘Aatiderivaives 62 Integration by substitution Exerwise 6.3, 6.5 64 Integration by pans Exercise 67 6.6 Integration of ational ercise 6.9 Ti Tntrodution 72 Fquation of eels 73 Equation of circle with line segment and its diameter '8.5 Equation of chords 8.6 Equation of Tangents and normal to conics 8.7 two tangent and condition of tendeney to cones Exercise “4 o ( Chapter 3; Vectors [919 "The scalar and vector puts of wo vectors ————— TES Le 4.11 Application of vectors mechanics Exercise 9.7 Wh ANNEXURE-B-IX, NO.SO(CURRICULUM)SELD/CONDENSE-SYLLABUS 2020 GOVERNMENT OF SINDIL SCHOOL EDUCATION & LITERACY DEPARTMENT Karachi the dated October, 2020 oe PHYSICS - XII Chapter name | Topies Th. feat > Thermal expansion 1 2: Linea thermal expansion Volume expansion 4 Boyle's law ‘SChare's law 6 General gas equation 7-Specife heat capacity _$- Molar specific heat | 9- First la of thermodynamics 10- Application of firs law of themmodsnamiss | __| _ir-Setond aw oftemadynanis 12 The Carat engine T2leciroaaies | 1-Coulomb' tensity of electri eld 3: Gauss law 4 Electric potential 5: Parallel plate Capacitor & combination of capacitors etic curent Electric resistance & Oh’ law Combination of resistors Elecromotve force Magnetic field due to curient Foree on a curent carrying conductor in a uniform magnetic field AAmpere's law Electromagnetic induction Las of electromayneticindu [TaNagnetn e——] Fleciromagnetism induction 7: Mutual ind Transformer ve | Tslecrcal measuring | 1. The moving col galvanometer instruments ‘The ammeter “The Voltmeter {6.Clesromagnetic - Aap Modulation 2 Frequsney Modulation waves & Flectroaies “Transistor T7Advent of modern Physics Frame of reference “The principle of relativity Pstuetes & consequences of Special theory of relativity “The Photocesric elect ‘The Compton effects Pair production & annihilation of mater ‘Bohs model for Fiydrogen at Xray spectra Introduction to ser & ts principles Radioatvity & Nuclear changes The lave ofraioactive decay The half period ce the halite ofthe radio Noclear fission Nuclear fusion ‘Wilson cloud chamber Geiger Counter TR The womis spect 19The atomic ive mucide 20.Nuslear radiations i lea pectic lao rl OS ee eR | he "Guiozun Fon Teachn Fon EFFECTWE TEACHING: Te sbove eld topics he relpat [practi work and problems ae induded nthe mince GOVERNMENT OF SINDH. OOL EDUCATION & um .CY DEPARTMENT Karachi, dated, the 4 /Obrober, 2020 NOTIFICATION NO.SO(CURRICULUM)S! \SES IS (2020: In compliance with the decision of Sindh Curriculum Council, and with the approval of Competent Authority ie Minister for Education & Literacy Department, Government of Singh, the reduced syllabus for SSC Grades IX-X is hereby notified for the academic year 2020-2001, jointly designed by the Directorate of Curriculum, Assessment & Research (DCAR) Sindh, Directorates of School Education and Boards of Intermediate and Secondary ijueation under the supervision and guidance ofthe working group on condensed syllabus: 1. The condense syllabus of SSC Part (grade-IX) (I- English, 2- Sindhi Compulsory 3-Urdu Compulsory 4-Islamiat, S-Ethies (IX-X) 6- Biology, 7-Computer Science 8 Chemistry, 9- Mathematics and 10- Physics) annexed at Annexure-AcI to X. 1H. ‘The condense syllabus of SSC Part-I (grade-X) (I-Engl “Mathematics and S- Physies) annexed at Annexure-B-I to V: Il, The Annual Aexamination of SSCPar-LIl, 2021 of the Boards will be conducted from reduced syllabus vide Annexure-A-I to X for SSC Part-I and Annexure-B-l to V for SSC Parc 2+ Asan Sindhi 3-Asan Urdu, 4 AHMED BAKHSH NAREJO SECRETARY TO GOVT. OF SINDIL NO.SO(CURRICULUMDSELD/CONDENSE-SYLLABUS 2020; Karachi, the dated October, 2020 ‘A Copy is forwarded for information to: The Principal Secretary to Governor, Sindh Karachi The Principal Seeretary to Chief Minister, Sindh Karachi The Scereiary, College Education Department Government of Sindh. The Secretary, Universities & Boards Department, Government of Sindh The Special/Additional Seeretary (All) School Education & Literacy, Department, Government of Sindh, The Deputy Secretary (Staff) to Chie Secretary, Sindh, Karachi The Director General Colleyes, Sindh, Karachi “Members (All) Steering Commitee on Education. ‘The Chairmen (All) Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education with the request for strict implementation. 10. The Director General Inspection & Registration of Private Educational Institutions, Sindh, Karachi with the diretion to circulate and ensure strict. implementation in the institutions. 11, The Director Schoo! Education (P/ESHS) all, with the direction to cireulate and ensure strict implementation in the Schools. 12, The Director, Curiculum, Assessment & Research, Jamshoro, 13, The Additional Director, Teachers Training Institutions, Sindh, Hyder 14. The PS to Minister for Education & Literacy, Sindh. 15. The PS 10 we ROIS

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