ICT Use and Computer Proficiency of SHS ICT Strand of PNHS 3

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ICT Utilization and Computer Proficiency of SHS ICT strand of PNHS

A Research Study Presented to

Ms. Angelica Basco
Pontevedra National High School

In Partial Fulfilment for the Subject

Practical Research 2

John Paul Villanueva

Jonard Besana
Bill Andrew Deita
Edwin Montellano
Jerson Andrade
Jose Cezar Arsenal
Earl Travis Benjamin
Amel James Bornales
Smart Clarence Dangan
Monica Lucena
Vaughn Lawrence Deita
ICT 12 (School Year 2022-2023)
Chapter I
Background of the Study
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has become, within a few
years, one of the basic foundations of modern society. The majority of the world's
population now has access to ICT, and its use has become ubiquitous in developed
countries. In particular, computer skills and the ability to use ICT have become essential
requirements for most jobs. However, there is a significant digital divide between
developed and developing countries, and between different social groups within
countries. This divide is not only economic, but also social and cultural. The use of ICT
can help to close the digital divide and promote social inclusion. It can also help to
improve the efficiency and effectiveness of government services. The ICT Strand of the
Pontevedra Senior High School (PSHS) curriculum is designed to provide students with
the skills and knowledge necessary to use ICT effectively and responsibly.

The students of Pontevedra National High School have shown to be proficient in

computer skills. They are able to Assemble and Disassemble hardware and able to
troubleshoot some software programs and have a good understanding of how
computers work.

The SHS students of Pontevedra National High School have average computer
use and mastery. They are able to use a variety of software applications and are skilled
in using computers for tasks such as research, word processing, and presentation

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the use and proficiency of SHS of Pontevedra National
High School.
Exactly, this will find answer to the following questions:
1.What is the demographic profile of SHS Student of Pontevedra National High School in
terms of:
A.) strand
B.) Gender
D.)No. of hours in Handling computer
2.What is the level of Computer use and proficiency of ICT SHS of PNHS?

Definition of terms
For better understanding, the following terms are defined conceptually and

Computer-an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in

binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program. (Babbage, 1791)

In this study, a computer is a machine that manipulates data according to

a set of instructions.

Proficiency-a high degree of competence or skill; expertise. (Algasoff,


In this study, In order to measure proficiency, one would need to first define
what proficiency is. For the purposes of this experiment, proficiency will be defined as
the ability to complete a task accurately and with little to no mistakes.
Use-the action of using something or the state of being used for a purpose.
(James, 2007)

In this study, In order to operationalize the term "use," we could define it

as the act of utilizing or employing something for a specific purpose. For example, one
might "use" a pencil to write a letter, or a chair to sit in.
ICT Utilization-Practical and effective use of ICT (David West, 2019)

In this study, ICT Utilization is The ability to use computers and related
technology efficiently, effectively and productively to complete tasks. This includes
being able to use a wide range of software applications, being able to troubleshoot
issues and being comfortable using new technologies as they emerge.

Conceptual Framework

Independent variable Dependent Variable

Computer Proficiency
ICT Utilization
Of SHS ICT Strand

Significance of the study

The result of this study will have a benefit to the following:

Student. This study may serve as guide or reference for the students who may
take the ICT strand or similar studies.

ICT Teachers. This research will aid them in their discussions regarding their
related topics or lessons.

Parents. This research can help parents to teach or help their children have
knowledge in technology and guide them the best ways on how to use it.
Future Researchers. This research will be a good use and example for the
researchers who would tackle this kind of study like ICT use and computer proficiency.

Scope and Delimitation

The study will focus on the ICT use and computer proficiency of senior high
school students of Pontevedra National High School. The participants of this study are
randomly selected ICT Senior High School Students of Pontevedra National High School.
The study will be conducted on the month of October to December S.Y 2022 at
Pontevedra National High School.

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

This chapter presents the review of related literature which includes studies conducted in the
Philippines and in other countries. It is organized into three parts, namely: (1) Brain Dominance,
(2) Synthesis.
Part one, Brain dominance, discuss the left and right brain hemisphere and its functions.
Part two, Synthesis, sums up the related literature reviewed.
Brain Dominance
According to Ayuson, R. C.(2022), The onset of globalization ushered in the era of
unprecedented changes brought about by the advent of information and communication
technology (ICT). Its rapid leap compounded everyones life and sometimes it threatens ones
capacity of keeping abreast of infinite innovation. However, at present information and
communication technologies (ICT) are believed to play salient roles in workplaces business,
education, entertainment, and other areas of endeavor. Moreover, ICT is acknowledged by
many people as a catalyst for change such as change in working conditions, handling and
exchanging information, teaching methods, learning approaches, scientific research, and all
other activities one desires to assume. ICTs truly are making dynamic changes in society
(Ratheeswari, 2018). As we journey along in this digital era, ICT use in the classroom is
important for giving students opportunities to learn and apply the required 21st century skills.
ICT improves teaching and learning and its importance for teachers in performing their role of
creators of pedagogical 93 www.ijrp.org Raylene Calonzo Ayuson / International Journal of
Research Publications (IJRP.ORG) environments. ICT helps teachers to present their lessons
attractively to enable the learners to learn at any level of educational programs. ICT helps to
keep pace with the latest developments with the help of different technologies included in it.
Amidst this positive regard and testimonies written extensively on varied literature sources
concerning the use of ICT to improve learning, a counter research- based report also exists. As
documented, education has not been maximizing the use of ICT in the classroom nor
integrating them into their lessons in the classroom. Those issues range from the school
culture, teachers barriers, finance, leadership, curriculum, and ethical issues. Those problems
are experienced by both developed and developing countries

According to the research Performed by Olatoye, O. I., Nekhwevha, F., &

Muchaonyerwa, N. (2021), Defined information literacy (IL) as information competencies
that involve the capacity to identify when information is needed, and the skill to locate,
evaluate and use information effectively. Most times, students in higher educational
institutions (HEIs) often acquire their information needs through the use of electronic
resources, and this depends on the level of proficiency on their skills. Skill is the ability
to bring about some end result with maximum certainty and minimum outlay of time and
energy. IL, which sometimes is interchangeably used by some students to mean
computer literacy, only refers to the comfort level someone has with using computer
programs and other applications that are associated with computers. This implies that IL
is much more than computer literacy although having basic computer skill is an aspect
of IL skills. Information and communication technology (ICT) literacy skills refer to
effectiveness in searching for needed information. Emmanuel-Baro (2009) defined ICT
literacy as the capacity to solve problems of information, communication and knowledge
in digital environments and indicated that ICT literacy requires both functional skills and
higher-order cognitive skills. The mastery of functional skills is a prerequisite for ICT
literacy since these serve as problem-solving tools in digital environments. Hence, ICT
literacy is not possible without functional ICT skills. In this age of globalization, the
importance of ICT to people generally and students in particular cannot be
overemphasized. This is true because ICTs facilitate quick and easy access to a wide
range of information/information resources worldwide. According to Emwata (2013), ICT
literacy can be explained as the ability to proficiently and analytically navigate, assess
and create information through the utilization of a wide range of digital technologies.
Furthermore, Ukachi (2015) stated that ICT literacy necessitates the user “to recognize
and use that power, to manipulate and transform electronic media, to distribute
pervasively, and to easily adapt them to new forms.” Academic libraries acquire and
make available both printed and electronic information sources for use by the academia.
To ameliorate the challenges of low ICT skills, students of HEIs should endeavour to
build their ICT literacy through training and adopt ICTs to utilize current information
available through electronic resources such as e-journals (Makori, 2016). Adeleke
(2016) has stated that students with low levels of ICT literacy skills will underutilize
electronic information resources and vice versa. The competence to retrieve and
effectively utilize information is an important skill required for undergraduate academic
work purposes as well as for facilitating effective use of electronic resources while in the
university Emmanuel-Baro (2009).

According to Yusuf, A. (2013). For universities to fulfill their role as incubators of

knowledge and for elementary, secondary and tertiary students to acquire and use
knowledge in the 21st century, they need to be connected with the world through ICT.
To overcome the problem of restricted bandwidth and high cost internet access, Ministry
of National Education has developed cooperation with Indonesian Telecommunication
Company (Telkom) to offer JARDIKNAS programs for school communities. In fact, ICT
has been utilized in schools even though relatively small in numbers. At present, in
Indonesia there is a program for Elementary Teacher Education called HYLITE. The
HYLITE program is an in-service teacher training program especially for elementary
school teachers in Indonesia which is called PGSD program, to improve their
qualifications from Diploma-2 to Strata-1 level, conducted through ICT-based distance
learning mode.
This paper will describe the condition of six institutions offering the HYLITE program, in
term of the ICT readiness and utilization, in attempt to reach the goal of 80% ICT
literacy by the lecture[, considered the proficiency level of ICT use amongst final year
teacher trainee students at the University of Botswana and revealed that their computer
proficiency was grossly inadequate. ICT literacy skills are major tools for self-
actualization globally (Olatoye, 2019). As opined by Ogwu and Ogwu
(2015), technological advances can harness economic prospects, increase service
delivery and advance governance thereby leading to socio-economic development of
the society. HEIs are incessantly updating their academic curricula to incorporate ICT
literacy so as to stay abreast of fast-tracking technological advancements. According
to Makori (2016), the technological advancements include the usage of classroom
computers, the usage of instructive software to teach academic syllabi, library and
academic materials being made available to the undergraduate via the Internet, yet,
some undergraduate students in universities cannot operate a computer system without
assistance even to the extent of needing help to send an e-mail.

Alemu (2015) opined that ICT literacy skills have become increasingly significant in the
achievement of a degree-based education. Furthermore, they will influence students'
manipulation of digital resources and the way they are utilized for learning purposes.
ICT literacy skills of users relate to the users' capability of utilizing their ICT knowledge
to discover, advance and represent information whether as text, number or image or an
integration of these. It is suggested that in a bid to effectively utilize the developments
in the ICT industry, it is germane for students to ensure the acquisition, through
training in the required competencies. ICTs have greatly developed and widened the
influence and skillfulness of their users in ways of seeking electronic information
(Davies, 2011). It is on this premise that Emwanta (2013) recommended the acquisition
of the optimal skills required for the maximization of ICT potentials. These skills include
competence in computer procedures. Alemu (2015) disclosed that ICT skills comprise
capacities such as evaluating, recognizing and efficiently utilizing given information.
Hence, one should also acquire ICT literacy skills. Ukachi (2015) specified that the
capability to utilize computers is not the only ICT expertise required in the exploitation
of information placed on the Internet. In order to take advantage of Internet materials,
one must be ICT literate. Davies (2011) affirmed that for students to be academically
successful, they must obtain a number of ICT literacy skills that include understanding
the use of computers in utilizing applications and generating and revising documents,
spreadsheets or presentations. Some basic typing abilities are necessary as well as
having the ability to identify numerous ICT technologies and their various procedures.
Students must possess and practice the required skills so as to utilize the benefits of the
rapidly developing array of electronic resources.
According to Kamus Dewan fourth Edition, innovation means something new that is
introduced like method, system, practice and others that are new. Sufean (2001)
defined innovation as a renewal, modification or improving ideas, things, knowledge
and the creation of cultural arts civilization with the objective to fulfil certain tastes
or certain marketing. Innovation can also be defined as practicing ideas that are
created from a productive process (Yayasan Inovasi Malaysia, 2010). Zakaria (2014)
in his master’s thesis report defines innovation as a style of variation referring to
tendency and individual expertise. Meanwhile, Kamarul (2016) explains the concept of
in T&L referring to the characteristics that an educator should have that intends to fulfill
the aspiration of a student by moving students’ minds based on the concept that
Allah the all-Mighty will bestow one’s good intention towards others. In short,
based on the definitions of innovation given above, it can be explained that the
creation of an innovation in T&L starts from the initiative of an educator who wants a
new change to happen to his students according current era. This means if an educator
wants his students to possess knowledge and creative and innovative skill, the
educator has to put effort towards the objective with any style and method and
from the existing style. In relation to that, lecturers of higher learning institutions have
to play the role as education agents and sharers of information who always use ICT
innovation as the tool for T&L as well as cultivating the creative and innovative culture.
Therefore, this study aims to identify computer skill and its relation to the usage of ICT
innovation in lecturers’ T&L.

The system of high education in Malaysia is moving towards the high usage of ICT in
T&L until it reaches global level. The quality of teaching and innovation in the teaching
method is an important contributor to the excellence of IPT in the effort to educate and
future generation (PPPM (PT) 2015-2025). Through the 2 surge of PPPM 2015-2025
(PT) has put the excellence of talent of academic staff as a symbol to the achievement
of IPT students. The quality of teaching can be seen through the achievement of
learning outcome from a course that is being taught. This is related to the teaching
style that is practiced whether it is still or it uses delivery style that is congruent
according to current needs. Past teaching that is teacher centered has changed to
student centered teaching so it can enhance students’ self-development in becoming an
innovative high thinker thus shaping students to be independent and able to do self-

ICT utilization and computer proficiency are essential tools in today's digital world. With
the widespread use of technology, it is becoming increasingly important that individuals
have the ability to use and understand technology. ICT utilization and computer
proficiency allow individuals to become more productive and efficient in their daily lives.
ICT utilization is the process of applying technology to specific tasks and activities. This
involves the use of computers, software, and other technology to streamline and
automate tasks. This can save both time and money, and allow for more efficient
operations. Computer proficiency is the ability to effectively and efficiently use
technology for specific tasks. This involves knowledge of basic computer operations,
such as understanding how to use software, navigating the internet, and using certain
applications. Having the ability to utilize ICT and be computer proficient is becoming
increasingly important in today's world. With the ever-evolving nature of technology, it is
necessary that individuals have the knowledge and skills to be able to utilize technology
effectively. This can help individuals become more productive and efficient in their daily
tasks, as well as open up many new opportunities. ICT utilization and computer
proficiency also allow individuals to stay up to date on emerging technologies and take
advantage of new opportunities. Overall, ICT utilization and computer proficiency

Chapter 3


In this chapter we’re going to explain the methodologies that we will use in this
research study, the method of information gathering and analysis that we will use in this study,
this will include location, research design, data collection method, research instrument and
sample size.

Research Design

This study is a descriptive research design a research method that describes the
proficiency and utilization of ICT strand SHS student.

Location of the Study

This research study will be conducted on Pontevedra National High School in the
Municipality of Pontevedra in the Province of Capiz.
Sampling Method and Population Size

The population of this will be the ICT strand students of SHS and divided into grade 11
and grade 12 students. Grade 11 consists of – students and grade consists of 30 students.
Cluster sampling will be used in this research study.

Participants of the Study

The Participants of this research study are Senior High School ICT strand Students of
Pontevedra National High School.

Research Instrument

In this research study we will be usingquestionnaire and it’s divided into two parts, the
students profile i.e. age/gender/economic status and the second part which is the survey
question for the research study.

Validity and Reliability of the Research Instrument

The suggestion and correction of the validators will be considered and applied to the research

Data Gathering Procedure

A permission will be requested to the advisor of the ICT strand students. Then the
questionnaire will be validated by advisor of the participants which will then be distributed and
the participants will be requested to answer with honesty. This will done by the researchers to
validate the completeness of the data. After the questionnaires are collected it will be
categorized and analyzed.

Data Analysis Procedure

The participants response will be evaluated then the data that were collected will be
analyzed, categorized and summarized.

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