List of Topics

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ˆ Students work on your assigned groups.

ˆ Detailed explanations must be provided to get full scores.

ˆ To solve the following questions, please let the constant a be your group ID.

ˆ The given exercises must be done both manually and using Matlab or Python, except
questions of sketching graph which are required only Matlab or Python.

ˆ Matlab or Python codes must be included in the report.

Topic 1
Question 1. Given the surface S: z 2 = axy + 1,

(a) Sketch the surface S.

(b) Find the points on the surface S that are closest to the point (0, 1, 0).
∂ 2u ∂u2
Question 2. If u = xa y 2 , where x = es cos(t) and y = es sin(t), find (0, π) + (0, π).
∂s2 ∂t2
Question 3. Let E be the solid in the first octant bounded by the cylinder y 2 + z 2 = 25
and the planes x = 0, y = ax, z = 0.

(a) Sketch the solid E.

(b) Given the density function ρ(x, y, z) = x2 + y 2 . Find the mass of the solid E with the
given density function ρ.

Question 4. Given S be the surface of the paraboloid z = x2 + y 2 and below the plane
z = a with upward orientation

(a) Sketch the surface S.

(b) Given the flux field F (x, y, z) = x2 i+xyj+zk. Evaluate the surface integral S
F (x, y, z)dS.

Question 5. Solve the line integral:

Z √
I= a + x3 dx + 2xydy

where C is the boundary of the triangle with vertices (0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 3).

Topic 2
Question 1. Given the surface S: x − 3y + 2z = a,

(a) Sketch the surface S.

(b) Find the shortest distance from S to the point (0, 1, 1) and at which points?

Question 2. Let W (s, t) = F (u(s, t), v(s, t)), where F, u and v are differentiable, and

u(1, 0) = 2 v(1, 0) = 3
us (1, 0) = −2 vs (1, 0) = 5
ut (1, 0) = 6 vt (1, 0) = 4
Fu (2, 3) = −1 Fv (2, 3) = a

Find Ws (1, 0) and Wt (1, 0).

Question 3. Let E be the tetrahedron bounded by the planes x = 0, y = 0, z = 0,

x + y + z = a.

(a) Sketch the solid E.

(b) Given the density function ρ(x, y, z) = 2y. Find the mass of the solid E with the given
density function ρ.

Question 4. Given S be the surface of the paraboloid x2 + y 2 + z = a that lies below the
plane z = 1, with upward orientation.

(a) Sketch the surface S.

(b) Given the vector field F (x, y, z) = z tan−1 (y 2 )i + z 3 ln(x2 + 1)j + zk. Find the flux of F
across the surface S.

Question 5. Find the work done by the force field in moving an object along a part of the
circle x2 + y 2 = a from x = 1 to x = 0, where

F (x, y) = 2y 3/2 i + 3x yj.

Topic 3
Question 1. Given the function f (x) = x2 + xy + y 2 − a ln(x) − 10 ln(y).

(a) Sketch the function f .

(b) Find the local extreme values of f .

Question 2. Use the chain rule to

find the
first order partial derivatives of the following composite function

f (x, y) = axy , x = ln(t), y = sin(t)

Find .
Question 3. Solid E is bounded by the parabolic cylinder z = 1 − y 2 and the planes
x + z = 1, x = 0, z = 0.

(a) Sketch the solid E.

(b) Given the density function ρ(x, y, z) = ax. Find the mass and center of mass of the solid
E with the given density function ρ.

Question 4. Find the work done by the force field in moving an object along a part of the
circle x2 + y 2 = a from x = 1 to x = 0, where

F (x, y) = 2y 3/2 i + 3x yj.

Question 5. Find the work done by the force field in moving an object along a part of the
circle x2 + y 2 = a from x = 1 to x = 0, where

F (x, y) = e−y i − xe−y j.

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