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ENG3U1: Final Assignment: TED Talk

For this final assignment in ENG3U1, you will develop a TED Talk-like presentation that will
give you an opportunity to develop connections between your understanding of what you
consider an important theme in Brave New World and the world around you.


● Select a thematic issue from the book Brave New World (a list is provided at the end
of this document).
● Develop a thesis statement about the theme that will drive the rest of the Ted Talk.
● Discuss the significance of the thematic issue in the book Brave New World. Include 2
significant quotations from the text. (Analysis of Text)
● Explain how the thematic issue resonates with you. (Text to Self)
● Explain how the thematic issue connects to the larger world (Text to World). Then,
find a specific article that illustrates this connection and use 1 quotation from that
article to support your ideas (Text to Text). The article should be from a reliable
source, and published within the last 5 years.
○ While this connection will be based on a matter of opinion, to persuade your
audience of the validity of this opinion, you must use evidence (facts derived
from news, an article, etc.) that must be specifically identified and referenced
in your Talk.


● You will submit your written version of your speech - however, it will not, itself, be
evaluated. Your speech writing will be evaluated through your presentation.
● You will also need to attach a link to the article that you are discussing in your TED
Talk. You do not need to summarize the entire article in your presentation - just
provide enough information so the connections are clear.
● You should have a slideshow to accompany your Ted Talk, but the slides should be
minimal and should rarely have text on them.
● You have two options for presenting your TED Talk (you must tell your teacher which
form you are choosing; you cannot pivot from one to the other at the last moment)
● 1) Record yourself presenting the Ted Talk. Your Ted Talk will be shown to the
class on the scheduled due date. Select an appropriate place to record your video.
Since this is a TED Talk, be mindful of the image your viewers see. It is important that
you confidently share your ideas, and engage with the audience through the camera.
You should not read your presentation from cue cards or a screen. Googling “tips for
effective online presentations” will provide you with a lot of very helpful advice.

**** No notes should be used if recording. You have lots of time to record and

2) Present your TED Talk live. On the due date, you can present your Ted
Talk to the class. You may use cue cards, but do NOT spend the entire time

Length: 4-5 minutes

This length translates to approximately 3 pages, double-spaced.

Note: You will submit a written version of your presentation. While it will not be evaluated, it
will serve as evidence of quality and care.


● Take time to review the Oral Presentation Checklist on page 5 of this package.

● Begin with a “hook” to create an engaging introduction. This may include impactful
statements, a rhetorical question, an observation...etc.

● Note the theme that you’ll be addressing. Discuss the significance of your chosen
theme in Brave New World.

● Remember to use transitional words and phrases as you move from one item to the

● Discuss the connections between the thematic issue and your personal experience.

● Discuss the connections between the thematic issue and a current article.

● Bring your presentation to a close. Don’t introduce any new information, but use this
part of your presentation to bring your ideas to a close. Leave the audience with an
interesting thought about the topic.

● DO NOT FINISH WITH “That concludes my presentation” or “That’s it.”

*Refer to the rubric for specific details.*

Evaluation: This assignment is with 15% of your final grade in the course

● Wednesday, January → Submit the organizer to Brightspace by 11:59 pm.

● January 13- 17→ In-class presentations


● Impact of technology on civilization/society

● Change and resistance to change
● Masculinity, femininity, gender identity and sexuality
● Consumption and a consumer society
● Conformity and individuality
● Drugs and alcohol as tools of social control
● Governmental control over citizens and society
● Religion and Tradition
● The relationship between truth and happiness
● Freedom vs Free Will
● Technology and modernity
● Pick your own and have it approved by the teacher.
Ted Talk Organizer

Section 1 - Hook, Introduction, and Context

What is your hook?
What is your thematic issue?
What is your thesis?
Why is it important for us to know about this text? (optional)

"Ladies and gentlemen, have you ever paused to consider the influence that technology has had on our
civilization and society? Technology is utilised to manage and control the public in Aldous Huxley's
classic book "Brave New World," creating a society in which individuality is suppressed and
uniformity is the rule. But could this actually happen, or is it just a work of fiction? It's vital that, as
technology develops further, we think about the possible outcomes and make sure that we're using it
for humanity's advancement rather than its demise. Let's explore the world of "Brave New World" and
the things it may teach us about how technology affects our society."

Section 2- Textual Analysis of Book

Why is the theme significant in BNW?
How does the theme advance the story?
Use two quotations to support your analysis.

The book Brave New World's theme of "Impact of technology on civilization/society" is significant
because it raises the dangers of letting technology rule our society without taking its ethical and
societal ramifications into account. The book serves as a warning, showing us the risk of mindlessly
adopting technology without taking into account how it will affect society. It serves as a reminder that,
even while technology can be an effective tool for progress, it is crucial to think carefully about the
moral and societal ramifications of its use.

The novel's storyline, characters, and setting are all supported by this subject, which also progresses
the plot. The story takes place in a dystopian society where technology has been used to suppress
individuality and freedom while constructing a highly controlled and effective civilization. The
characters in the book struggle with the restrictions placed on them by this civilization and the
influence of technology in their daily lives. Their set roles are implanted in them from birth, and they
are kept occupied by technology-enabled diversions and the constant availability of pleasure. The
story's central theme—the impact of technology—drives the plot and gives the characters and
environment complexity.

"It's the same with the books. They're the same books as before, but we read them differently." -
Bernard Marx.
- This quote highlights the effects of technology on the way society perceives and consumes
information. In the novel, books are used as a means of conditioning citizens to conform to the
society's values, and this quote shows how technology can manipulate the way we consume
information and shape our understanding of reality.

"Actual happiness always looks pretty squalid in comparison with the overcompensations for misery."-
Mustapha Mond.
- This quote reflects the theme of the impact of technology on society's sense of happiness and
pleasure. In the novel, citizens are conditioned to find pleasure in consumerism and superficial
distractions, and this quote shows how technology is used to control and manipulate society's
perception of happiness.
Section 3 - Text to Self Connection
How does the thematic issue resonate with you?
In what ways has the theme inspired you to think/act differently?

I feel the effects of technology on communication and social interactions. For example, I may rely heavily on
social media and messaging apps to maintain friendships and form relationships. I feel that technology makes it
easier for me to connect with people, but at the same time, it may also make me feel isolated if I spend too
much time online.

I also feel the effects of technology on education and access to information. I appreciate the convenience and
flexibility that technology provides in terms of learning, but at the same time, I feel overwhelmed by the
constant access to information and the pressure to keep up with the latest technology.

In terms of future employment opportunities, I feel both excited and concerned about the advancements in
technology and automation. I may be interested in learning about the latest technologies and developing the
necessary skills to compete in the job market, but at the same time, I am also concerned about the potential for
job loss. With new technology being developed that can ultimately replace jobs such as: Data entry and
analysis, Manufacturing and assembly line jobs, Customer service, etc.

I also feel the effects of technology on my physical and mental health. I love the convenience and accessibility
of technology, but at the same time, I am also aware of the potential negative effects of excessive screen time on
my sleep, posture, and overall well-being.

Section 4: Text to World Connection

How is the thematic issue mirrored in your community, in Canada, or in the world?
Your connection should be specific and you should be able to use evidence (facts derived from news, an article,
etc.) to explain your thinking.

The thematic issue of "Impact of technology on civilization and society" is a complex and multifaceted issue
that affects both Canada and the world. In Canada, technology has had a significant impact on the economy,
with the technology sector becoming one of the fastest-growing industries in the country. As reported by
Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, "The digital economy is a key driver of economic
growth in Canada, contributing more than $84 billion to the country's GDP in 2017." However, this growth also
resulted in job displacement, as stated by the Conference Board of Canada, "While technological change creates
new opportunities and drives economic growth, it can also lead to increased income inequality and job
displacement." Additionally, technology has affected the way Canadians live, work, and communicate, with
Canadians having access to a wide range of digital technologies and services and the internet being an essential
tool for communication, education, and commerce. However, this has also led to concerns about privacy, cyber
security, and the digital divide, as highlighted by the Canadian Internet Registration Authority, "In 2020,
approximately 6% of Canadian households did not have access to the internet at home."

Section 5: Text to Text

Briefly summarize an article that exemplifies your text-to-world connection.
How does the article demonstrate the thematic issue?
Use 1 quotation to support your ideas.
The article should be from a reliable source, and published within the last 5 years.
One example of an article that exemplifies the theme "Impact of technology on civilization/society" is "The
Dark Side of Tech: How Social Media and AI Hijack Your Brain" by Tristan Harris, which was published in
The Next Web. This article discusses how technology, specifically smartphones, can have negative effects on
mental health and well-being, such as addiction, depression, and anxiety.

The article demonstrates the issue of "Impact of technology on civilization/society" by highlighting how
technology can have unintended consequences on individuals and society as a whole. The article argues that
while technology can bring many benefits, it can also have negative effects on mental and physical health,
relationships, and overall well-being.

One quote from the article that supports this idea is: "Smartphones are a double-edged sword. They’re
incredibly useful and can bring a lot of joy, but they can also be incredibly harmful to our mental and physical
well-being." is significant to the theme because it highlights the complex and multifaceted nature of
technology's impact on individuals and society.

On one hand, smartphones and other technology can bring many benefits such as access to information,
improved communication, and increased convenience. However, on the other hand, it can also have negative
effects on mental and physical well-being, such as addiction, depression, anxiety, and sleep disorders.

Section 6: Conclusion
End your presentation with a positive message. Depending on your style, you could conclude with a
joke, a quotation, a rhetorical question, or simply tell the audience why they should care.
Don’t introduce any new information, but use this part of your presentation to bring your ideas to a
DO NOT FINISH WITH “That concludes my presentation” or “That’s it.”

In conclusion, the theme of the impact of technology on civilization and society as portrayed in the novel Brave
New World, written by Aldous Huxley, serves as a cautionary tale of how technology can be used to control and
manipulate individuals, leading to a loss of individuality, freedom, and humanity. It is a reminder that as we
continue to advance technologically, it is important that we consider the potential consequences and ensure that
we use technology in a way that benefits society as a whole. As we move forward, it is crucial that we are
mindful of the impact that technology has on our values, our beliefs, and our way of life. We must strive to use
technology in a responsible and ethical manner, so that it serves to enhance our humanity rather than diminish

Let us not forget the lessons of Brave New World and ensure that we use technology for the betterment of
society and not for its destruction. As the author Aldous Huxley said: "Technological progress has merely
provided us with more efficient means for going backwards." Let's make sure that we use our technology to
move forward and not backwards.
Humberside CI: Oral Presentation Checklist

An acceptable presentation (Level 2) will: n't
Meet the assigned expectations for topic/subject matter
Be delivered on the date assigned
Conform to the time limits
Have a clearly identifiable speech purpose and central idea
Have a definite introduction, body and conclusion
Has an appropriate conclusion

Contain the supporting material necessary to clarify the speaker's main points
Have reasonable directness and competence in delivery
Be free of serious errors in pronunciation and word usage
A competent presentation (Level 3) will (in addition to meeting Mee
the above criteria): ts
Deal with an interesting and challenging topic
Employ the introduction and conclusion in a way that achieves all of their major
Display a clear and coherent organizational pattern
Develop points with appropriate supporting materials that are accurate, relevant,
sufficient, and interesting
Exhibit proficient use of transitions
Avoid mannerisms that detract from the message (giggling, fidgeting, slouching)
An outstanding presentation (Level 4) will (in addition to Mee
meeting all of the above criteria): ts
Display clear, appropriate, and vivid use of language
Be delivered in a fluent, emphatic, and polished manner
Sustain positive audience interest
Support points with provocative and compelling supporting material
Demonstrate creativity in the approach to the topic
Reveal that the speaker has expended substantial effort toward the goal of making the
presentation rewarding for the audience

TED Talk Rubric:

Mar Criteria Below Standard Approaches Achieves Standard Meets Standard with
k Level 1 Standard Level 3 Distinction – Level 4
Level 2
Content: Examples are vague. Examples demonstrate some Examples from the novel and Examples from both the novel
understanding of the topic. the article support the topic. and the article insightfully
AND/OR support the topic.
of Texts Some ideas are not Missing some of the required 2 Quotations from the novel
/10 supported by examples. quotations. 1 Quotation from the article 2 Quotations from the novel
Supporting 1 Quotation from the article
Evidence (from
novel and
Content: Thesis statement is Thesis needs clarification, Thesis statement is clearly Thesis statement is clear and
weak or vague. and/or, sharper definition. articulated. thought-provoking.
Analysis of theme is Analysis of the theme shows Analysis of the theme Analysis of the theme
Thesis missing or vague some understanding of the demonstrates a good demonstrates an insightful
/10 novel. understanding of the novel.. understanding of the novel.
Analysis of No connections are
made. 1-2 connections are made. All 3 connections are present. All 3 connections are present.
theme in the
novel Each connection is logically Thorough and articulate
Explanations are Some explanations are
explained. explanation of all 3 connections.
unclear, or missing. provided, but need more
Text to self detail.
Text to text
Text to world
Language Speaks too quietly Speaks at a suitable pace and Speaks at a suitable pace and Speaks with expression and with
and/or rapidly. volume that suits the speech volume that suits the speech. appropriate emphasis.
most of the time.
Diction and tone do not Appropriate diction and tone for Engaging and varied diction and
enhance the talk. the purpose of the talk. tone used within the talk.
Diction distracts from
the talk and/or speech is
Delivery Talk is not clear and is Talk is vague and poorly Talk is clear and generally Talk is clear and well-organized.
disjointed. organized. well-organized.
The audience is completely
Many parts of the The audience is mostly The audience is consistently engaged by the talk (hook,
presentation are engaged by the talk, engaged by the talk (hook, introduction, body, and
disengaging. however there are parts of introduction, body, and/or conclusion).
the presentation (hook, conclusion).
Does not look up from introduction, body, and/or Consistent effort to look up from
notes / script. conclusion) that are not Some effort to look up from notes.
/10 engaging notes/script.
Uses few and/or Uses natural effective gestures.
inappropriate gestures. Inconsistent effort to look up Uses appropriate gestures
from notes. effectively. Confident and natural posture
Lacks control, e.g., throughout.
giggling and/or Uses some appropriate Consistent control.
fidgeting. gestures.
In command of the talk.
Appropriate timing; conclusion is
Too long/short. Makes Inconsistent control. provided. Exceptional timing; concludes
no attempt to conclude.
Inappropriate timing.
Vaguely concludes.

Student Sample: Ted Talk Script

Food, water, warmth, and rest. These are our basic needs. Everyone knows them, and,

in our society, many people have them. But though these simplistic requirements may be all

we need to physically survive, our mental and social selves have equally important necessities

to survive and thrive. A sense of belonging is one of the most important requirements when it

comes to our social and emotional well being.

According to psychologist Tracy Brower: “Belonging is… that feeling of

connectedness to a group or community. It’s the sense that you’re part of something.” A

feeling of acceptance by every member of society is beneficial not only to their individual

prosperity but to that of society as a whole. This idea is highly prevalent in Mary Shelley’s

novel, Frankenstein. For example, take scientist Victor Frankenstein. Victor does not easily fit

in with society. His extremely scientific mind isolates him from others to such an extent that

he goes months without interaction, without a sense of belonging. As a result, Victor loses not
only the rationality that comes with talking through our emotions with others, but he also

loses the desire to connect with his fellow human beings. This causes Victor to turn elsewhere

to find belonging. Victor's plan to find belonging, in his own words, is that “a new species

would bless me as its creator and source; many happy and excellent natures would owe their

being to me.” Here Victor begins to create his own species of beings, thinking that, as the man

that gifts them existence, he will find unconditional acceptance. Victor's counterpart, The

Creature, faces similar challenges surrounding belonging. Despite his greatest dreams, The

Creature receives an extreme lack of acceptance by society. Once he realises he will never

belong to anyone or anything, The Creature loses something that is so vital to a functioning

and livable society: moral obligation. Knowing that he has no one to be good for, his once

strong drive for benevolence loses meaning. As explained by The Creature himself, “If I have

no ties and no affections, hatred and vice must be my portion… My vices are the children of a

forced solitude that I abhor; and my virtues will necessarily arise when I live in communion

with an equal. I shall feel the affections of a sensitive being, and become linked to the chain of

existence and events from which I am now excluded.” Had he felt a sliver of belonging and

acceptance, The Creatures sense of obligation towards others would have been maintained,

but instead, his isolation leads him to lash out, and bring harm to society. Now, I, and many

others, have no trouble sympathising with both The Creature and Victor, despite the horrible

actions they bring onto society. This is because we can relate to them.

Everyone has felt a sense of belonging in their lifetime, but we have all also felt

rejection and isolation. Now, the example I’m about to introduce has, by now, become a bit of

a resented topic, but the COVID 19 pandemic is perhaps the strongest collective case of this.

Now that we are into our 3rd lockdown, I’ve noticed my own loss of belonging and some

resulting effects. For a lot of people, a reliable and straightforward source of belonging is one

which is obligatory. For adults that tends to be the community found at their job, for kids,
including myself, it’s their school. Showing up to class everyday, knowing my name will be

called for attendance, knowing my performance is being watched and evaluated, knowing I’m

being relied on in group projects - these are all things are, well, stressful and greatly resented

at times - but going without them has made me realise they are also greatly fulfilling, because

they mean I am seen, I am needed, I have purpose, and I am a part of something. They make

me feel that sense of belonging. But during our periods of remote learning, suddenly my

classroom is not a community anymore, it’s just a screen- and despite knowing there are

others on their own screens - I begin to feel like it is just me, and I lose that sense of

belonging. I noticed this most strongly during the January/February period of online learning.

My motivation to keep up with school decreased, as did my desire to maintain or renew

connections with others. The less I felt I was contributing, the less I wanted to contribute. The

less connected I felt, the less I wanted to connect. The less I felt like I belonged, the less I

craved that sense of belonging. Now, I know I’m not the only one who felt this way. In fact,

I’m willing to bet that most people felt some sense of this during various stages of the


Why this experience is so difficult, and so impactful, can be explained best by PHD

psychologist Tracy Brower, in her Forbes article Missing Your People: Why Belonging Is So

Important And How To Create It. She says that “belonging is a fundamental part of being

human: We need people and this need is hardwired into our brains. A recent MIT study found

we crave interactions in the same region of our brains where we crave food, and another study

showed we experience social exclusion in the same region of our brain where we experience

physical pain.” The pandemic is, in it’s own way, a form of social exclusion, and because we

are all going through it, we are all feeling high doses of pain; and while many are craving that

belonging and acceptance that they’re missing out on, I’m sure many others, like myself, are

beginning to lose touch with that desire.

So, what can be done to ensure that we don’t follow similar paths as the characters of

Frankenstein? How can we maintain a sense of belonging while isolated, and ensure our

personal fulfillment and our moral obligations to others stay strong? My own outlook is

actually a regurgitation of something I’ve heard over and over throughout the past year. Brace

yourself here, because this is, admittedly, very cheesy: We’re all in this together. I know,

you’re cringing right now, but honestly, this little slogan is not only true, but it really does

help. It creates that sense of belonging that we’ve all lost. It’s a reminder of a shared

experience, a common struggle, and a common goal. It makes us feel like we’re a part of

something, even if that something is a collective pain. So, when you feel disconnected, remind

yourself why you are doing this, and that, though you are technically alone, right now, we’re

all alone together.

Student Sample: Slides

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