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Exercises 20.

Bad Debts
2017 £ 2017 £
Dec-31 Various Account Receivable 2,480 Dec-31 Profit and Loss 2,480

2018 2018
Dec-31 Various Account Receivable 5,216 Dec-31 Profit and Loss 5,216

2019 2019
Dec-31 Various Account Receivable 10,620 Dec-31 Profit and Loss 10,620

Allowance for Doubtful Debts
2017 £ 2017 £
Dec-31 Balance c/d 4,200 Dec-31 Profit and Loss 4,200

2018 2018
Dec-31 Balance c/d 6,160 Jan-01 Balance b/d 4,200
Dec-31 Profit and Loss 1,960

6,160 6,160

2019 2019
Dec-31 Balance c/d 5,160 Jan-01 Balance b/d 6,160
Profit and Loss 1,000

6,160 6,160

Balance Sheet (extracts) as at 31 December
2017 £ £
Acounts Receivable 84,000
Less : Allowance for doubtful debts - 4,200
Acounts Receivable 154,000
Less : Allowance for doubtful debts - 6,160
Acounts Receivable 172,000
Less : Allowance for doubtful debts - 5,160

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