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Form Number :

5 F’s of SELLING

Care about what they care about. It turns out that candidates tend to care about five things, so
make sure that you address each of these five areas until you get the person to sign on the
dotted line.

a. Fit ties together the company’s vision, needs, and culture with the candidate’s goals,
strengths, and values. The first thing you have to do is talk to them about the company.
You have to sell the company and the vision of the company and the potential of the

“Our corporate culture is low-key. It is a family company, not a public company. We
have a high appreciation for values. We don’t like people who are too ostentation or too
self-sufficient. We are multinational, so we need people who can adapt to foreign
cultures and our company culture.”

b. Family takes into account the broader trauma of changing jobs. Focus on selling the
spouse, children, parents, and friends of the candidate.

“What can we do to make this change as easy as possible for your family?”
“How is your wife feeling about this?”

c. Freedom is the autonomy the candidate will have to make his or her own decisions.
Freedom matters to today’s workforce, and especially to the most valuable among
them. A Players want to operate without micromanagement, develop their own
leadership styles, and prove their own worth. Show them that both you personally and
your organizational culture will support their need for freedom, and you’ll go a long way
toward sealing the deal. If they are going to be a senior person, they are going to want a
higher degree of autonomy.

“I will give you ample freedom to make decisions, and I will not micromanage you.”
d. Fortune reflects the stability of your company and the overall financial upside.
Encouraging people to look at our record earnings, growth, and market value. Share
with candidates the personal success those working with us have obtained in terms of
compensation and personal wealth. Endorse the strategy while also recommending that
you link a variable compensation to an employee’s performance against the scorecard.

“If you accomplish your objectives, you will likely make (compensation amount) over the
next five years.”

e. Fun describes the work environment and personal relationship the candidate will make.

“We like to have a lot of fun around here. I think you will find this is a culture you will
really enjoy”

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