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Accuracy Control

1- Define A/C?
- the use of statistical techniques to monitor, control and continuously
improve shipbuilding design details, planning, and work methods so as
to maximize productivity.
- OR, the regulation of accuracy in order to maximize productivity, this
regulation involves a tradeoff between better accuracy and the cost to
achieve such accuracy

2- The regulation of accuracy as a management technique for

improving the productivity of the entire shipbuilding system by:
- Focusing attention on individual areas and giving improvements offer
- Monitoring work by individual work process or problem area
- Giving feedback loop between production and planning, design, and

3- What is the statistical principal for A/C?

- is based upon that there is no such thing as absolute accuracy
- No matter how precise workers try to be during a specific work
process, variations from specified dimensions are always anticipated
and measurable.

4- Accuracy exists only in terms of usually achieved ranges.

5- Define Errors?
- are acts that through ignorance, deficiency, or accident cause
departures from specified dimensions.
- They don’t ordinarily occur.
- OR, the result of special causes, or problems not common to the
6- Define Variations (in a work process)?
- are the result of the capability of the work process, including workers,
machines and tools, materials, and procedures.

7- Common cause variation in a work process is

- the normal change or random variation common to the process?
- the result of the production system, including raw materials, incoming
parts or interim products, tools and machinery, worker training, work

8- Variations due to common causes cannot be altered without

altering)‫ (تغيير‬the work process or the system that controls the work

9- Special causes of variation are causes specific to a certain worker or


10 - Special causes can often be corrected by the work force.

11 –What are the Two parameters describe the relative shape of a

normal distribution?

- mean, x, the arithmetical average of variations in a sample, which

describes the central tendency of the distribution.

- standard deviation which classes the sizes of variations from the mean
value by their frequencies of occurrence, and thus is a measure of the
relative scatter of points around the mean.
12- Define Control Charts?
- They apply the concept of expected and measurable variation in work
processes and are used to distinguish between common cause
variations and special cause errors.
- Control charts stablish limits on the variation of the mean and the
range of these random samples.
- Control charts provide information about a particular work process.

13-Why investigation and identification of special causes is required?

- to eliminate them and return the process to normal performance.

14- What is control charts theory based on?

- The statistical central limit theorem.
15- What does central limit theorem state?
- distribution of the means of random samples taken from a normal
distribution is another normal distribution with the same mean as the
original distribution
- and a standard deviation equal to the standard deviation of the
original distribution divided by the square root of the random sample

16- A state of statistical control is a state of randomness.

17-When points fall outside the control limits, they indicate the
presence of a special cause of variation.
18-When each of the work processes is in statistical control, the
normal distributions of variations for the work processes can be
determined (mean and standard deviation).

19-Variation-merging equation based on the theorem of addition of


20-Efficiency is dependent upon uniform work flow and coordination

with other production lines

21- State the typical questions that are neglected in the absence of
good systems for collecting and evaluating accuracy data?
- what dimensions are vitally important to achieve required accuracy?
- How is the required degree of accuracy going to be achieved?
- In what work processes should vital dimensions be controlled?
- what are the tolerances that should be imposed at each work process?

22- Explain the data based on actual results as a ship owner's guide to
that are the economical tolerances?
- Apply many details, parts and subassemblies.
-Provide standard ranges of actual dimensions achieved which by
definition reflect 95% probability for normal shipyard practice.
-Provide tolerance limits which are criteria for rework
- Are periodically revised to incorporate the effect of continuity
improvements in ship building technology.
23- Accuracy goals are expressed in terms of the normal distribution
required for the final process.

24- If rework reductions by altering assembly sequences aren’t

possible, steps to reduce the normal variations at critical work
processes can be initiated, these may include:

- replanning flow lanes

- improving work environments,
- retraining workers.
- or other similar approaches.
25- Process analysis involves a detailed review of a particular work

26- What is the goal of process analysis?

- reduce variability
- to lower the mean variation and/or the standard deviation of the
variations of the process

27- What is the merged variation?

- the merged variation, Z, is expressed as:
28- The variation-merging equation is based on…
the theorem of addition of variance.

29- Classify tolerances in shipbuilding?

Or Compare between?
end product tolerances & interim product tolerances
- End product tolerances:

where same are fixed, as by classifications societies, and others can

be negotiated, as those requested by owners.

- Interim product tolerances:

which are applied by a shipyard to ensure Interim product

compliances with end product tolerances and simultaneously to
maximize productivity.

30- Without tolerances specified for each process …

there is no way to control the accumulation of variations at a final

31- Tolerances for productivity reasons are often more demanding

than those imposed by classification societies and owners.

32- An important aspect of accuracy control (A/C) is ….

the difficulty commonly encountered in joining blocks during hull erection.
33- Erection joint gaps that are not within tolerance limits must be
- Reworked by gas cutting and/or back strip welding.
OR, what are the types of rework for erection joints?

34- Applying A/C to all earlier work processes is more productive than
- having to deal with merged variation in relatively inaccessible
and hazardous locations in a building dock or on the ways.

35- With the help of necessary figure explain the relationship of standard
ranges and tolerance limits?

- Standard ranges are indicated

with same plus and minus
notations used to fix tolerances
- Usually they reflect 95% of the
capability of probability of
- Tolerances limits should
encompass their associated
standard ranges as shown ^^
36- Compare between Margins & Excess?
- Excess: is applied to dimensions to account for shrinkage that is predicted
by statistical analysis.

- Margins: are applied for un-predicted shrinkage places

Like >> most edges parts, subassemblies and block
>> Trimming margins at erection site are type of rework so their use
should be minimized.

37- How does obtaining a mean and standard deviation for each
process make help?
1- Express the standard deviation of variations at erection as a
combination of the deviations of variations from preceding work
2- Establish an order of priority for tightening up preceding work in
order to reduce the accumulation of variations for the final work
3- Establish accuracy standards.
4- Revise written work and A/C procedures.
5- Direct improvements for high degree of accuracy.
38- What are work process which require statistical analysis?
- parts fabrication:
-marking -cutting -bending
- subassembly
-fitting -welding -fairing
- block assembly:
- plate joining and fitting -automatic welding
-marking -cutting -assembly and fitting
- welding - fitting of reverse side members and welding
- erection:
-positioning -welding

39- A/C activity can be classified as:

1- Planning
2- Executing (field work)
3- Evaluation (analysis &feedback)

40-Effective A/C is critically dependent on:

unified operations, organized information, and qualified incumbents(‫وظائف‬

41- A/C responsibilities can readily and effectively be incorporated

into any existing organization provided:
- one manager has responsibilities for all, not just A/C, planning,
executing, and evaluating of operations.
- planning includes design and material definition.
42- What is the role of A/C planners?
1- Pinpoint what vital points and dimensions are critical to the
dimensional and geometrical accuracy of blocks.

2- Designations critical check points and reference lines in blocks and in

the subassemblies and ports from which blocks are assembled

3- Specify locations for and amount of excess allowances.

4- Decide where and how much margin is to be used and the specific
stages at which margins should be cut neat.

5- Determine work processes during which check measurements will be


6- Fix the numbers of interim products that should be measured based

upon random sampling.

7- In corporate tolerance limits, excess, allowance and margins in work


43- Planning consists of:

- Preliminary planning
- Detailed planning (preparation of work instructions)
- Standardization
44- Differentiate between preliminary planning & detailed planning?
- Preliminary planning
Addresses such matters as block division, hull straking and assembly
procedures it among other things how to:
- Create blocks that facilitate shipwright work.

- Strake the hull shell to design full plates that can be accurately formed
by available bending facilities and techniques.

- Shape blocks that are spacious and open to facilitate zone outfitting.

*To carry out such studies, planners must have access to drawings such as
general arrangement, lines plan and mid ship section and proposed
schemes for block divisions and shall straking.

- Detail planning
A/C consideration in detail Planning are process analysis for A/C view
- To obtain required accuracy for a final process, it is necessary to
identify the specific preceding processes that are significantly
contributing to a final or merged variation.

- A/C methods in detail planning are significant because they inherently

address the entire hull construction process for the purpose of
reducing erection work.
45- Define Standardization?
Is an important feature of group technology shipbuilding. Standards
related to A/C can be discussed in terms of work standards and accuracy
standards are those for
- Excess - Shrinkage allowance
- Baseline and match marks. -Checking procedures
-Ports Fabrications and assembly schemes.
- A/C information in work instructions.

46- Work standards:

Any work process can be performed with varying degrees of accuracy
when it’s controlled so that is always performed in the same way.

47- Why Accuracy control methods in detail planning are significant?

- because they inherently address the entire hull construction process
for the purpose of reducing erection work.

48- Tolerances and amounts of excess are determined by taking into

account the merging of variation.

49- To reduce the merged mean variation, it is necessary to

Reduce the standard deviation, and control the mean value, Xi, of each
process, considering their effects on current production methods.
50- Discuss the work standards required for the six different items for
building a ship.
Excess: questions
1- Why is excess needed?
2- Where is the excess needed?
3- How much excess is necessary?
4- During what work process should rework take place?
Shrinkage allowance:
The amount of shrinkage caused by welding will be different depending
1- Material 2- Methods 3- Sequences
Then the standards for shrinkage allowances must be based on recorded
Baseline and match marks:
-Standard are required to ensure that their locations and lengths are
sufficient to reflect production requirement.
Checking procedures:
-Written checking procedures are required to ensure that the
measurements are recorded for analysis.
Parts fabrication and assembly schemes:
-Needed to achieve specified accuracy during each work process
A/C information in work instruction:
-Work standards are needed for continuous improvement in production
51- What are questions asked to determine standards?
- Why are margins needed?
- Where are margins required?
- How much margin is necessary?
- During what work process will margins be finish cut?

52-To further eliminate rework, A/C continues to impose the same

questions when this transition is achieved:
- Why is excess needed?
- Where is excess needed?
- How much excess is necessary?
- If needed, during what stage should rework take place?

53- Why written checking procedures (standards) are required?

- to ensure that measurements are recorded for analysis.

54- What is Accuracy Standard?

To control the accumulation of variations or merged variation at a final
stage, accuracy standards are established for preceding work processes.

55-What is A/C execution concerned with? (tasks)

- Define when, what, and how to measure
- Take measurements and record data.

56- State the matters that should adhered to related work standards
- Planned steel flow - Worker Organization
- Worker Training - Supervision
57- What are The objectives of an A/C program?
- To determine that work processes are in a state of statistical control
- To maintain that state of control.
- To provide information to management to facilitate process analysis and

58-Self check: …
- It’s regraded as a production work which Workers haven’t completed
a job until they have checked their work to assure compliance with
written accuracy instruction.
- work leaders, one for every work group (approximately 8 workers),
check the same work and record the final data.

59- When and What to Check:

- Start and finish date schedules are usually posted at each control
station for parts fabrications, subassembly, and block assembly.
- Posted records in each division of production show the day-to-day

60- Members of an A/C group in a hull construction prepare check

sheets which designate
- Check points and lines.
- Checking methods.
- Personal responsible for measuring.
- Required frequency for measuring.
61- For each work stage, what are the items checked for conformance
with accuracy standards?
- For template preparation:
over all dimensions, including excess allowances and works required
for ports fabrications, assembly and checking work.
- For part fabrication:
Overall dimensions of cut plates or shapes, edge preparation.
- For subassembly and block assembly:
The positioning of parts or subassemblies, their fit, gabs for welding,
distortion and overall dimensions.
- For erection:
Fit up, gabs for welding and maintenance of hull alignment.

62- What are the six main checks that are done for all curved shell
1- Degree of inclination for setting the template.
2- Matches of the plate edge with seam marks on the templates.
3- Clearances between the template edges and plate surface.
4- Transverse and longitudinal curvature.
5- Twisting.
6- Straightness of the sightline.
63 -Measuring activities during subassembly should concentrate on:
1- Checking fitting dimensions.
2- Checking for deformation and shrinkage by using reference line on a
web plate.
3- Measuring other dimensions, as indicated on check sheet.
64- Compare between flat block check sheets & curved block check
Flat block check sheets:
- Measurements of width, length, and diagonals to be made just after
the base panel is assembled.
- Twisting.
- Location of subassemblies and internal parts fitted after the base panel
is completed.
- Special measurements to check unique aspects of flat blocks which
incorporate some curved shell.

Curved block check:

- Measurement to check guides for precisely locating curved plates for a
base panel on a pin jig
- Measurements of width, length, diagonals, and chord lengths to be
made just after a base panel is assembled
- Use of marked steel tapes prepared by loft men for checking assembly
finish marking
- Means to verify the fitting angle of internal structure
-Instructions on how to defect and correct deformation caused by
-Meticulous checking of required dimensions between panel edge and
the edges of internal structure, particularly near erection joints
65 -State the three main activities that must be included in the
preproduction planning stage.
1- Must include standard dimensional procedure to eliminate the causes
of delay
2- Make the rate of progress constant.
3- Make detailed scheduling of shop floor activities more effective.

66-Why Preparing check sheets for curved blocks is usually difficult?

- Because the dimensions included in normal working drawings, while
sufficient for assembly work, are not suitable for checking purposes.

Notes :
- All questions with red mentioned in exams before
(taken from Khloud) ( copied from Mosaad )
- Some of the questions with blue taken from Bahar
- The rest questions with blue are mine)‫(اجتهادي الشخصي من قراءة الكتاب‬

With love,

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