AllCardWriting Dragon Age Inquisition

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Trevelyan Mage
She calls me from across the meadow: Her voice is bright and the words are honey.
There are wildflowers here, the sort the grew in the grass behind our estate in the summertime-
they shimmer in the distance.
The branches of the willow tree sway to her song draw me closer, they point to the pond I
almost died in. I was 8.
I want to revel in her splendor till the warmth soaks my skin and cleanses my soul.
I give myself over to Desire-but I can't.
Even if she has my Mother's voice-I can't.
They say I'm safe behind these walls, but I never felt this way at home.

Lavellan Hunter
Winding roads, bridges over water, buildings as tall as the trees: I say let the Shemlen have those
My path is unyielding.
Let the flat ears, in their disregard, live in toil with their heads bowed low feeding off the scraps
of our tormenters. I want no part in it.
I will not be trapped in the rear of stone walls.
Our Aravel's fly free through the forests; we take no masters but ourselves. Though our Gods do
not our prayers, we have not forgotten our children. We have not forgotten our worth.
Our brothers may choose to live in squalor, but I promise you, as we are the last elvhen, never
again shall we submit.

Lavellan Apprentice
We are few; our numbers dwindle. Our brothers call us fools, heathens without homes who
struggle to recount our half-forgotten history-but there is strength in our traditions. There is
comfort in our memories. The human empire will fall, their cities will crumble, and many will be
That will be our time.
We'll march our brothers from the clutches of ruin and teach them all we know-for that is our
I carry on with the knowledge of the past gifted by our Keeper, and with it I will unite my
people, for we are Dalish: keepers of the lost lore, walkers of the lonely path.

What is it that humans say? 'Just as rivers join the sea?' They say we're nothing but criminals, but
the Carta is a way of life. There is no other choice-Orzammar gives no other choice.
The Casteless are forced into squalor, they have no hope-no hope but us.
There are few ways a casteless dwarf can survive in Dust Town, and since the 'Hero of Fereldan'
destroyed our ranks, we had no other choice but to turn our business topside. We are the
salvation for those who do not wish to sell their bodies or dignity by begging for food or coins on
the street. The Carta is a necessity.
Mercenaries don't have homes, we go where the coin is good. Sometimes, the coin keeps us in
one place for too long and people start getting worried. We got into the habit of leaving the
humans little gifts whenever we left a tavern or inn to... rectify this behavior.
They were never particularly good gifts mind you, a nightmare of bad jokes and poor paintings
scribbled on the walls. There are times, though, when the only gifts we leave are broken arms,
busted heads and bleeding wounds. Human's fear what's different, so when they step out of line
we give them something to be scared of.

Trevelyan Noble
I'm the youngest, so I won't be the heir of my family. I don't have to social climb, be the gossip,
or marry rich. I have no chance. Instead, I'm expected to join the Chantry, somehow pay my
tithes and serve.
But I want to do something great. I want to be more than a Cleric or Templar and finally I have
my chance.
I was told I must represent our families interests, to help put an end to the Mage-Templar war
and secure a higher standing for our family

"Modest in temper, bold in deed."

I won't let my family down. I have a good feeling about this conclave.
Diplomatic Correspondences:
There is no need to send your agents; I shall handle the situation myself. I have invited both the
Duchess and her Sister, Patrice, in for peace talks and negotiations. I expect they both arrive
safely and unharmed. I mean it. I know you believe they will not listen, let alone stand together,
however I am confident in my ability to sway the Duchess to our cause. The answer to bloodshed
is not more bloodshed. I will simply appeal to our shared interests.
We stand upon the forefront of change, and she will want to be a part of it.

I've made s accommodations for The Champion's stay here at Skyhold. Though, if I may be so
frank, The Champion appears much different than you described. Why is that exactly?

Ruffles, stories are like people: We all use lies to tell the truth. We might exaggerate few things
here and there but isn't it just to make our feats more relatable? More understandable? It doesn't
matter how a person is. It's how we understand them that's important.

I only meant they are much taller than I imagined.


Lady Cassandra,
I understand your concern, however Leliana and I both agree that the best way to inspire the
masses is to make the Harold's exploits more striking. Often enough, the people do wonder if it is
through human error or chaos that such happenings occur or if the Maker is truly intervening in
our affairs. We not use our position to give them hope? Is it truly a lie if the result is the same?
Would winning not an example of divine intervention?

If you truly believe this is the right thing, than use my reports to spread hope to the people.
Yes Commander you must attend tonight's soirée. You are the Commander of the Inquisition's
forces and your absence will be sorely noted. You needn't fear the ladies of the court, I assure
you most are harmless. And no, the rumor you asked Leliana to spread will do us no good. Lying
about your marital status will win us no favors. War demands sacrifices Commander, as I suspect
you know well.

Fine. I'll go along with this nonsense-again.


No harm will befall you Commander, you have my word.


Lady Vivienne,
I understand your contempt for the Comte, but is there truly nothing you can do?

My Dear Ambassador,
As a personal favor, I will direct my Chevaliers to guard his estate; no need for The Inquisition
to throw themselves into petty squabbles for nobility. However, if the Comte is truly so desperate
he believes a gift of land can bring him prestige enough to be uplifted in title, he is not only sadly
mistaken, but sorely lacking in self-respect.
But for you, Darling, I will certainly try.
-Madam De Fer

Your information was correct; the Marquis was in league with several different slavers. He
currently awaits trial. I'll see to it that he never walks free.
How did you uncover this scheme?

You big-wig types never notice when servants go missing. Pricks like Lord whatshisface go for
the ones nobody will miss. No one looks at the errand boy or the handmaid. They're too busy
stuffing their own pockets to care. Except people did notice. Little people. They got jumpy.
Nobody noticed but the Jennies.
Secret Correspondences:
Look into the Ventori agents Dorian wants eliminated, they are of particular interest. Study them;
see what they know but do not take action unless it is needed-we do not wish to alert them.
I fear Dorian may be of greater interest to the Venatori than he may realize.
These 'friends' of his may know of his connection to the magister, Alexius, and his studies of
time magic. Either would make him a target.
I will direct the others to watch over Dorian closely, his manner and ideas give him too few

I've read your report; If the village is nothing more than ruins as you say then we cannot to move
forward with our plan. It seems Solas does not wish to be found. There must be more to his
defection than we realized.
Still, Solas must have had a reason to be here, and cause enough to lie. I'd like Charter to look
into his research, his studies may reveal something of his true intentions.
In the meantime, let us turn our attention to another matter: The Orb. A Tevinter scholar I've
contacted about its nature has gone missing. Find him. This cannot be a coincidence.

It is far past the time for negations. We've placed ourselves in a difficult position, yes, but these
women are perilous. We must be as willing to play The Great Game as they are. The Duchess is
a stubborn woman, she will not be swayed.
My agents can secure The Document and eliminate the Duchess. I will have word spread of her
passing and we needn't interfere further.
I am confident that her sister, Patrice, will not make a move against us.
Time is of the essence, Josie. I'm sorry, but this is what must be done.

My agents have found no trace of this young man. I've taken to colleting news of events which
may be attributed to this mysterious entity:
Charter discovered lilies on her windowsill, the same flowers her late mother planted.
Owen found his treasured dagger resting in his pocket as though it were never missing.
Lady A was stricken with the sudden desire to reconcile with her brother.
Eliza reports seeing a young man carrying a great number of ducks.
For now we wait. Surely the boy will rear his head again.
While it isn't unreasonable to assume he may be connected to this Mornay and would like to save
him, as Warden's often count former criminals or prisoners amongst their numbers, it is unwise
to rule out any possibility.
Like many wardens, Blackwall has his secrets, likely another life left best behind. Mornay may
be part of that abandoned life. We know little about him prior to his recruitment to the Warden's,
but he's proven himself as an ally to the Inquisition and I would not like to see him harmed
without cause. Act accordingly.
I will send an agent to inform the Inquisitor of his defection.

The Iron Bull

The Iron Bull is a curious character. While he continues to be more than forthcoming about his
intentions, we mustn't let our guard down.
Ben-Hassrath agents are formidable in both skill and ability-and a good spy leaves no trace
behind. Stay alert.
The extent of his allegiance to the Qun is questionable. Is this a clever act meant to deceive us?
Or a bid at personal freedom?
Regardless, I warn you not be drawn in by his charms.
I will oversee any and all dealings with the Ben-Hassrath personally. For now, we treat him as
we treat the others.
Burn this letter after reading.

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