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Calculated Gear Email your question — along with your name,

Life Values job title and company name (if you wish to
remain anonymous, no problem) to: jmcguinn@; or submit your question by

I have a query (regarding) calculated gear life values. I would like to understand for
what % of gear failures the calculated life is valid? Is it 1-in-100 (1% failure, 99%
reliability) or 1-in-one-thousand (0.1% failure)?

Exper t response provided by design, resulting in smaller gears at The S-N Curve for Root and Flank
Hanspeter Dinner, gear consultant and lower cost and accepting a higher prob- Strength
KISSsoft representative in Asia: ability of damage. The concept of the S-N curve. S-N
In gear rating per ISO, DIN or AGMA It is therefore of interest to convert curves are measured for a probability of
standards, permissible stresses for a allowable stress numbers — as listed survival or reliability level of Pü = 50%.
required life or cycle number are cal- in gear rating standards for probabil- Correspondingly, the probability of
culated from the S-N curve. The S-N ity of damage P a  = 1% or reliability damage is of the same value — Pa = 50%.
curve itself is determined along proce- Pü = 99% — to other reliability levels. They are measured with a scatter
dures described in the mentioned stan- While the AGMA 2001 series includes a in terms of achieved life at a constant
dards, using just a few values (e.g., the factor KR for this conversion, DIN 3990 stress in the limited life domain (where
endurance limit and the material type) and ISO 6336 do not. Some guidelines the curve has a slope p and a scatter in
to describe the S-N curve. The basis of are provided below on how values can be terms of achieved stress level for long
the S-N curve is measurements done at converted to different levels of reliabil- life (where gears in test no longer fail),
different gear labs, e.g. — at the Technical ity for ISO 6336 (and DIN 3990), based expresses as the standard deviation of
University of Munich — where gear upon the scattering of strength values as the allowable stress number σ (Fig. 1).
strength was measured both for finite given in the listed references and some The scatter in terms of achieved life
and infinite life. statistics. is far greater than the scatter in terms
The original S-N curves, as measured, of achieved stress for long life. The
are based on probability of failure of
Pa = 50%. Obviously, this high probabil- Abbreviations and symbols
ity of damage is not suitable for a gear Abbreviation For
σ Standard deviation
design in most cases and the S-N curves
σ Stress
included in the mentioned standards σFlim Allowable stress number, root, ISO definition
have a far lower probability of damage σHlim Allowable stress number, flank, ISO definition
or higher reliability. There, the basis is AGMA American Gear Manufacturers Association
a probability of damage of Pa = 1% for a CHD Case hardness depth
safety factor of S = 1.00. This means that DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung
if a safety factor of S = 1.00 is used, one fxF Factor for conversion of allowable stresses for different reliabilities, root
out of 100 gears should fail by design fxH Factor for conversion of allowable stresses for different reliabilities, flank
ISO International Organization for Standardization
within its design life for the rated load. KR Reliability factor along AGMA 2001
This probability of damage of Pa = 1% ME Material quality level, highest level
may be higher than acceptable or it ML Material quality level, lowest level
may be lower than necessary. If it is MQ Material quality level, normal level
too high, (as in a helicopter transmis- p Life exponent, slope of the S-N curve in the limited life domain
sion, where the consequence of failure Pa Probability of failure
is catastrophic), a safety factor S > 1.00 Pü Probability of survival, reliability
S Safety factor
should be introduced, thus reducing the sac Allowable stress number, root, AGMA definition
allowable stress number. If it is lower sat Allowable stress number, flank, AGMA definition
than required (as in a gearbox of a low- S-N Stress – cycle curve
cost power tool), higher allowable stress YZ Reliability factor along AGMA 2101
numbers may be introduced in the gear z Standard score for normal distribution


comments below are valid for the long-
life domain.
If a large number of measurements
is available, S-N curves — not only for
Pü = 50%  — may be determined, as may,
for example, Pü = 10% and Pü = 90% as
lower and upper bound. Alternatively, S-N
curves for other reliability levels may be
estimated from the S-N curve for Pü = 50%
and a standard deviation σ based on lit-
erature (which should then be based on a
large population of other tests). Factors to
convert the S-N curve, or rather the allow-
able stress number for root and flank, from
one reliability level to another, have been
reported (Refs. 6–11) and are explained in
the following text.
Figure 1 Measured S-N curve for a probability of damage of Pa = 50% (cyan). S-N curves along ISO
Probability of damage in ISO 6336, 6336 for probability of damage Pa = 1% (blue). Normal distribution of life in the limited life
S-N curve. Allowable stress numbers for domain (pink). Normal distribution of endurance limit in the long life domain (yellow).
the flank and the root, σHlim and σFlim,
as given in ISO 6336-5 (Refs. 1–2), are The AGMA 2001 series (Refs. 4–5) is, from different sources (all of them origi-
valid for 1% probability of damage Pa. however, more detailed in this regard; nating from Germany) but they probably
Probability of survival (or reliability) is they include a factor that allows for gear are based on the same data basis.
therefore Pü = 1-Pa = 99%. This value is rating for different reliability levels. A The standard deviation σ of the mea-
applicable for a safety factor of S = 1.00. reliability factor KR (YZ in AGMA 2101; sured allowable stress number σHlim for
As per ISO 6336-5:2016 (Ref. 2), it is Ref. 5) is introduced; it may be used to flank is reported (Ref. 10) at σ = 2.8% (for
permissible to use σHlim and σFlim values modify allowable stresses for another higher case hardness depth [CHD]) and
for other reliability levels. It is stated that reliability level. The numbers are report- σ = 4.3% (for lower CHD). For the allow-
“statistical analysis enables adjustment edly based on data developed by the U.S. able stress number σFlim for root the val-
of these values in order to correspond to Navy (Table 1). ues reported are σ = 3.4% for shot peened
other probabilities of damage.” It contin- The allowable stress number for root gears and σ = 6.0% for non-shot peened
ues, “When other probabilities of dam- sat and for flank sac for a desired reliabil- gears. (Be careful to note that the same
age (reliability) are desired, the values ity is then calculated from the sat or sac symbol σ is used to denote the standard
of σHlim, σFlim and σFE are adjusted by an value, as listed in the AGMA standard deviation and stress!) This is in line with
appropriate “reliability factor.” When this (valid for Pa = 1%) divided by above reli- values reported (Ref. 12) for shot peened
adjustment is made, a subscript shall be ability factor KR. The reliability factor gears, where the standard deviation of
added to indicate the relevant percentage increases in a more or less linear fash- the allowable stress number for the root
(e.g., σHlim10 for 10% probability of dam- ion if reliability is increased in orders of σFlim is σ = 3%. Note that these values are
age).” It is recommended to use methods magnitude (Fig. 2). applicable for the “long life” section of
described in ISO 12107 (Ref. 3) for this. the S-N curve.
ISO 6336 does not give further guide- Allowable Stresses for Different An example calculation. Let us
lines on how to calculate allowable stress Reliability Levels consider an example. Assume that
numbers for other reliability levels. No Conversion of allowable stress num- σFlim = 500 MPa (i.e. — a case-carbu-
formulas or factors are given for a con- bers to reliability levels other than 50%. rized gear with high core strength, qual-
version of the allowable stress numbers The data derived from measurements ity grade MQ; see ISO 6336-5, Fig. 10,
from, for example, 1% to 10% probabil- at Pü = 50% needs to be transformed to line “MQ, a”). This means that only 1%
ity of damage. a probability of survival of Pü = 99%, as of the gears will have a strength lower
Reliability factor in AGMA 2001. used in ISO 6336 (or DIN and AGMA than 500 MPa and 99% of the gears will
Allowable stress numbers in this stan- standards). The allowable stress num- have a strength higher than 500 MPa.
dard “are determined or estimated from bers σHlim for flank and σFlim for root for Let us use the abovementioned standard
laboratory tests and accumulated field a probability of damage of 50% may be deviation of σ = 6% (for non-shot peened
experiences. They are based on unity converted to a probability of damage of gears, which is the underlying assump-
overload factor, 10 million stress cycles, x% using factors fxH and fxF as follows tion in ISO 6336-5, Fig. 10).
unidirectional loading and 99 percent (Ref. 9): Assuming normal distribution, we
reliability.” This means that the probabil- σHlim (Pü = x%) = σHlim (Pü = 50%)*fxH know the negative z-score for Pa = 1%
σFlim (Pü = x%) = σFlim (Pü = 50%)*fxF
ity of damage associated with the S-N (Pü = 99%) is z = –2.326 (use a “negative
curves is the same as in ISO 6336 and Values for fxH and fxF are listed (Tables z score table,” e.g. — from Ref. 13 to find
DIN 3990. 2 and 3) for x% = 99%. Values are taken this value). This means that between the


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mean value for σFlim with Pü = 50% (as Table 1 Reliability factor KR along AGMA 2001
Requirements of application Reliability factor KR
originally measured in experiments) and
Fewer than one failure in 10,000 1.50
the value for σFlim with Pü = 99%, a dis- Fewer than one failure in 1,000 1.25
tance of -2.326*σ exists. (See Fig. 1 black Fewer than one failure in 100 1.00
vertical arrow between grey lines denot- Fewer than one failure in 10 0.85
ing S-N curve for Pa = 50% and Pa = 1%. Fewer than one failure in 2 0.70
Or: σ Flim (Pü  = 99%) = σ Flim (Pü  = 50%)
-2.326*6%*σFlim (Pü = 50%), giving σFlim
(Pü = 99%) = 0.86*σFlim (Pü = 50%).
From this we find the value σ Flim
(Pü  = 50%) = σ Flim (Pü  = 99%)/0.86 = 50
0 MPa/0.86 = 581 MPa. See the vertical
orange, dashed line (Fig. 2) indicating
the mean value for the allowable stress
number, root, of 581 MPa. The stan-
dard deviation σ is 6% thereof (assuming
gears are not shot peened) σ = 35 MPa
(see horizontal blue arrow (Fig. 3)).
The distance between this mean value
for the allowable stress number, σ Flim
(Pü = 50%) = 581 MPa, and the value for
Pa = 1% (as used in ISO 6336) is 2.326*σ  
= 2.326*35 MPa = 81 MPa; it is indicated
in cyan color (Fig. 3).
Thus the above factor f xF = 0.86 is
nothing but: fxF = 1 + z (Pa = 1%)*σ = 1–2.
326*0.06 = 0.86 (note z < 0)
If we now want to determine σ Flim Figure 2 Reliability factor KR along AGMA 2001; reference value is KR=1.00 for less than one
(P ü  = 90%), as sometimes used, for failure in 100, or a reliability of 99%.
instance, in vehicle transmission
design, we find the z-score (Ref. 13) and conversion factors based on the so is, best-case — less conservative, and
for Pa = 10% is z = –1.282. From this we standard deviation of the measured worst case — unsafe. While it cannot be
find σ Flim (P ü = 90%) = σ Flim (P ü = 50%)– strength values. determined whether the literature cited
1.282*6%*σFlim (Pü = 50%) = 581 MPa*(1– Now let us compare this value with or AGMA 2101 is more trustworthy,
1.282*0.06) = 536 MPa. (Fig. 3) indicating the value determined along the AGMA there is indication that at least the values
this value and the horizontal pink arrow of approach. There, KR = 0.85 for the con- for KR should be used with caution.
length |z|*s = 1.282*35 MPa = 44.7 MPa). version from Pa = 1% to Pa = 10% is appli- ISO 6336 also cautions the user of
Comparison and recommendations. cable (Table 1). If we apply this factor such reliability factors. While it allows
We have calculated the allowable stress to the allowable stress number (per ISO their use, it also states that “such adjust-
number for the root for Pa = 10% at σFlim notation), σ Flim (Pü = 90%) would then ments need to be considered very care-
(Pü = 90%) = 536 MPa for a case carbu- be σ Flim (Pü  = 90%) = σ Flim (Pü  = 99%)/ fully and may require additional, specific
rized, non-shot peened case. This was KR = 500 MPa/0.85 = 588 MPa. This value tests or detailed documentation of the
done by using the base line value σFlim is higher than the value of 536 MPa source of the information used to derive
(Pü = 99%) = 500 MPa along ISO 6336 reported earlier in this presentation, and the confidence level of the failure prob-
abilities.” This means that for the average
Table 2 Factor fxF to convert allowable stress numbers, root, for Pü = 50% to other reliability levels, gear engineer, “tuning” that results by
according to different sources
“playing” with different reliabilities is not
Factor for root, fxF Reference
case hardened gears 0.86, for Pü = 99%, not shot peened [6], average value read from graph
Unhardened gears 0.90, for Pü = 99%, not shot peened [6] , average value read from graph
Case hardened gears 0.86, for Pü = 99%, not shot peened [9] , average value read from graph
Unhardened gears 0.90, for Pü = 99%, not shot peened [9] , average value read from graph
0.86, for Pü = 99%, not shot peened
FVA guideline [8], tabulated value
0.92, for Pü = 99%, shot peened

Table 3 Factor fxH to convert allowable stress numbers, flank, for Pü = 50% to other reliability
levels, according to different sources
Factor for flank, fxF Reference
0.84…0.90, for Pü = 99%
Different materials,
0.91…0.95, for Pü = 90% [7] , tabulated values
ground gears
0.05…1.08, for Pü = 10%


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1. ISO 6336-5:2003.
a precisely Calculation
engineered of Load
iron, Capacity
sulfur and The NQ3 wheels are offered in 12
of Spur and Helical Gears — Part 5: Strength
and Quality ofresin technology to provide
Materials. Type 27 all-purpose grinding application
a uniform
2. abrasive
ISO 6336-5:2016. distribution
Calculation of Loadthrough-
Capacity SKU’s, one Type 28 all-purpose and two
outof the
Spur and Helical
wheel. Gears — Part
This unique5: bond
Strengthwas Type 27 SKU’s for foundry applications.
and Quality of Materials.
3. ISO 12107. for retaining
Metallic the grains long
Materials — Fatigue All products are currently in stock. Sizes
enough during andPlanning
Testing — Statistical after grain fractures.
and Analysis of range from 4" × ¼" × 3⁄8", to 9" × ¼" to 7⁄8".
This subtle but powerful bond character-
4. ANSI/AGMA 2001-D04. Fundamental Rating For more information:
istic enables
Factors both excellent
and Calculation Methodscut
forrates and
Involute Saint-Gobain North America
Spur life.
and Helical Gear Teeth. Phone: (610) 893-6000
5. “Norton
ANSI/AGMA 2101-D04, Fundamental Rating
Quantum3 grain tends to be
Factors and Calcualtion Methods for Involute
moreSpur rounded thanTeeth,
and Helical Gear precision-shaped
Metric Edition of Hanspeter Dinner works
ANSI/AGMA 2001-D04. as a gear consultant and
6. Weiss, T. Zahnfussfestigkeitsuntersuchungen represents KISSsoft in
an Gebräuchlichen Zahnradstählen, Asia. His firm EES KISSsoft
Antriebstechnik 25 (1986) Nr 12. GmbH is located in central
7. Joachim, F.J. “Streuungen der Switzerland but frequent
Grübchentragfähigkeit,” Antriebstechnik 21 travels find him in places like
(1982) Nr. 4. India, Korea, China, Japan,
8. FVA Richtlinie 563 I. “Empfehlung zur Singapore and all over Europe. After his
Vereinheitlichung von Tragfähigkeitsversuchen studies in Zürich and Singapore on biomedical
an Vergüteten und Gehärteten Zylinderrädern,” engineering, he worked with engineering
Ausgabe 2012. consultancies doing FEM calculations. He
9. Niemann, G. and H. Winter.
joined KISSsoft AG as support and project
Maschinenelemente, Band II, Zweite Auflage,
engineer, giving trainings on the software
Springer 1985.
and pushing international sales. As head of
10. Klocke, F. and C. Brecher. “Zahnrad- und
Getriebetechnik,” Hanser 2017. sales at KISSsoft AG, he built up the software
11. Höhn, B.-R., H. Winter, K. Michaelis and K. business in Asia. Ten years ago, he started
Stahl. “Lebensdauerstatistik,” FVA Vorhaben his own company and has since managed
Nr. 305/II, Heft 580. 1999. some 100 gear projects, ranging from plastic
12. Sollich, Kugelstrahlen, Steigerung der gear optimization for kitchen appliances to
Schwingfestigkeit von Verzahnungen, 6MW wind turbine gearboxes. Other areas of
Braunschweig, 2011. interest include large bearings, FEM analysis
13. Negative Z-Score Table, http://www.math.odu. and tractor transmissions.

Hard Materials Division | (800)-322-6382 |

May 2018 | GEAR

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