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Magic Loop Socks

YouTube Tutorial:

Sizes: Small (Medium) [Large] to fit 7” (8”) [9”] foot circumference (metric 18 cm (20 cm) [23

Materials (Video Time 01:37)

• 32” or longer US 1 (2.25 mm) circular knitting needle for magic loop
• Stitch Marker
• Tapestry needle
• Ruler
• Scissors

• 200 - 400 yds (183 – 366 m) Fingering weight yarn
o The exact amount of yarn required will depend on the size knit, cuff length, and
foot length
o Shown in Loop Yarn Sprig in the Blush colorway

Gauge: 24 rounds x 20 stitches = 2” x 2” in Knit 3, Purl 1 ribbing

• S1P: slip 1 stitch as if to purl from the left to right knitting needle
• SSK (Slip, Slip, Knit) Video Time 18:15: Slip 2 stitches individually from the left to right
needle as if to knit, pass the two stitches back over to the left knitting needle, knit the
two stitches together through the back loop
• K2T (Knit 2 Together): knit the next two stitches on the left knitting needle together
• P2T (Purl 2 Together) Video Time 19:30: purl the next two stitches on the left knitting
needle together

Cast On (Video Time 02:53)

Cast on a total of 56(64)[72] stitches using a stretchy cast on (I recommend the Long Tail
or German Twisted cast on).

Cuff (Video Time 03:47)

Cuff Ribbing Round: *Knit 2, Purl 2* repeat across the round
Note: To knit a round in magic loop you must first work across the first knitting
needle (1st half of the stitches), then turn your work and work across the second
knitting needle (2nd half of the stitches).

Repeat the Cuff Ribbing Round for 2” (5 cm)

Please feel free to contact me with any questions about this pattern via the Contact Me link on
© 2021 Knitting House Square. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only.
Sock Leg (Video Time 11:54)

Leg Ribbing Round: Knit 1, Purl 1, *Knit 3, Purl 1* repeat between *s across the round
until 2 stitches remain, Knit 2

Continue working the Leg Ribbing Round until the sock leg reaches the desired length.
Note the heel flap (worked next) adds approximately 1.5(1.75)[2] inches
(3.8(4.4)[5.1]cm) to the full length of the leg portion of the sock.

Heel Flap (Video Time 14:13)

Note: The heel flap is worked on 28(32)[36] stitches. To work the heel flap, Row 1 is
worked across one needle (half of the total sock stitches). The work is then turned, and
Row 2 is worked on the inside of the sock across the same stitches that were used for
Row 1. You continue turning your work back and forth working only one half of the total
sock stitches until the heel flap measures the length noted below.

Heel Flap Row 1 (Outside of Sock): *Slip 1 stitch purlwise with the yarn in back, Knit 1*
Repeat across the first 28(32)[36] stitches of each sock. Turn work.

Heel Flap Row 2 (Inside of Sock): Working across the inside of the sock along the same
stitches that were worked for Heel Flap Row 1, slip the first stitch purlwise with the yarn
in front and then purl across the needle. Turn work.

Repeat Heel Flap Rows 1 & 2 a total of 14(16)[18] times. This is 28(32)[36]
rows total.

Heel Turn (Video Time 17:21)

Size Small ONLY:

Row 1: Slip the 1st stitch purlwise (abbreviated S1P), Knit 15, SSK, Knit 1,
turn work
Row 2: S1P, Purl 5, P2T, Purl 1, turn work
Row 3: S1P, Knit 6, SSK, Knit 1, turn work
Row 4: S1P, Purl 7, P2T, Purl 1, turn work
Row 5: S1P, Knit 8, SSK, Knit 1, turn work
Row 6: S1P, Purl 9, P2T, Purl 1, turn work
Row 7: S1P, Knit 10, SSK, Knit 1, turn work
Row 8: S1P, Purl 11, P2T, Purl 1, turn work
Row 9: S1P, Knit 12, SSK, Knit 1, turn work
Row 10: S1P, Purl 13, P2T, Purl 1, turn work
Row 11: S1P, Knit 14, SSK à Do not turn work continue to Pick Up The Heel Flap


Please feel free to contact me with any questions about this pattern via the Contact Me link on
© 2021 Knitting House Square. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only.
Size Medium ONLY:
Row 1: Slip the 1st stitch purlwise (abbreviated S1P), Knit 19, SSK, Knit 1,
turn work
Row 2: S1P, Purl 9, P2T, Purl 1, turn work
Row 3: S1P, Knit 10, SSK, Knit 1, turn work
Row 4: S1P, Purl 11, P2T, Purl 1, turn work
Row 5: S1P, Knit 12, SSK, Knit 1, turn work
Row 6: S1P, Purl 13, P2T, Purl 1, turn work
Row 7: S1P, Knit 14, SSK, Knit 1, turn work
Row 8: S1P, Purl 15, P2T, Purl 1, turn work
Row 9: S1P, Knit 16, SSK, Knit 1, turn work
Row 10: S1P, Purl 17, P2T, Purl 1, turn work
Row 11: S1P, Knit 18, SSK à Do not turn work continue to Pick Up The Heel Flap

Size Large ONLY:

Row 1: Slip the 1st stitch purlwise (abbreviated S1P), Knit 21, SSK, Knit 1,
turn work
Row 2: S1P, Purl 9, P2T, Purl 1, turn work
Row 3: S1P, Knit 10, SSK, Knit 1, turn work
Row 4: S1P, Purl 11, P2T, Purl 1, turn work
Row 5: S1P, Knit 12, SSK, Knit 1, turn work
Row 6: S1P, Purl 13, P2T, Purl 1, turn work
Row 7: S1P, Knit 14, SSK, Knit 1, turn work
Row 8: S1P, Purl 15, P2T, Purl 1, turn work
Row 9: S1P, Knit 16, SSK, Knit 1, turn work
Row 10: S1P, Purl 17, P2T, Purl 1, turn work
Row 11: S1P, Knit 18, SSK, Knit 1, turn work
Row 12: S1P, Purl 19, P2T, Purl 1, turn work
Row 13: S1P, Knit 20, SSK à Do not turn work continue to Pick Up The Heel Flap

Pick Up the Heel Flap Stitches (Video Time 21:12)

Pick up and knit the 14(16)[18] slipped stitches along the left edge of the heel flap.

Turn the needles and work in pattern across the front side of the sock. Place a stitch
marker. Pick up and knit 14(16)[18] stitches along other side of the heel flap.


Please feel free to contact me with any questions about this pattern via the Contact Me link on
© 2021 Knitting House Square. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only.
Heel Decreases (Video Time 27:06)

Heel Decrease Set-Up Rounds

Set Up Round 1
Heel Flap Side: K2T, Knit until 3 stitches remain, K2T, Knit 1
Front Side: Work in pattern until the stitch marker, slip the marker, Knit
1, SSK, knit the remaining stitches
Set Up Round 2
Heel Flap Side: Knit
Front Side: Work in pattern until the stitch marker, slip the marker, knit
the remaining stitches

Heel Decrease Repeat Rounds

Heel Decrease Repeat Round 1
Heel Flap Side: Knit until 3 stitches remain, K2T, Knit 1
Front Side: Work in pattern until the stitch marker, slip the marker, Knit
1, SSK, knit the remaining stitches

Heel Decrease Repeat Round 2

Heel Flap Side: Knit all stitches
Front Side: Work in pattern until the stitch marker, slip marker, knit the
remaining stitches

Continue repeating Heel Decrease Repeat Rounds 1 &2 until there are
56(64)[72] stitches remaining.

Re-Organize the Stitches (Video Time 30:24)

To knit the main portion of the foot and later for the toe decreases I have found it helps
to re-organize the stitches so that there are 28(32)[36] stitches on each needle. To
accomplish this, I move the knit stitches that are after to the stitch marker from the
needle holding the front side of the sock to the heel flap needle.

Continue knitting across the heel flap side of the sock and working in pattern the front
side of the sock until the sock measures 2” (5 cm) less than the length of your foot.


Please feel free to contact me with any questions about this pattern via the Contact Me link on
© 2021 Knitting House Square. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only.
Toe decreases (Video Time 32:37)
Toe Decrease Round
Heel Flap Side: Knit 1, SSK, Knit until 3 stitches remain, K2T, Knit 1. Repeat for
the 2nd sock.
Front Side: Knit 1, SSK, work in pattern until 3 stitches remain, K2T, Knit 1.

Once the toe decrease rounds are complete there should be 8(12)[16] stitches
remaining for each sock on each needle or 16(24)[32] stitches total per sock.

Bind off each sock using the Kitchener Stitch.

Repeat for the second sock!

Kitchener Stitch

Set Up 1: Thread the tapestry needle purlwise through the first stitch on the front
needle, leave the stitch on the needle

Set Up 2: Thread the tapestry needle knitwise through the first stitch on the back
needle, leave the stitch on the needle

Repeat Step 1: Thread the tapestry needle knitwise through the first stitch on the front
needle, slide the stitch off of the needle

Repeat Step 2: Thread the tapestry needle purlwise through the new first stitch on the
front needle, keep the stitch on the needle

Repeat Step 3: Thread the tapestry needle purlwise through the first stitch on the back
needle, slide the stitch off of the needle

Repeat Step 4: Thread the tapestry needle knitwise through the new first stitch on the
back needle, leave the stitch on the needle.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions about this pattern via the Contact Me link on
© 2021 Knitting House Square. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only.

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