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ADVANCED PLUS UNIT 4 2 Read the blog post. Has anyone ever written a
negative comment on a social media platform
1 Work in pairs or small groups and discuss.
that you use? How did you handle it? What was
1 Look at the name of the blogger and the title your response?
of the blog. What do you think the blog post is
2 Look at the screensaver. Do you agree that these
are sensible rules for online behaviour?
3 Do you read any blogs? What types of blogs do
you read? Who are your favourite bloggers?

Bridget Go Lightly This type of thing is all too is also scrutinised. I am NOT
common in the realm of social immature and condescending.
fashion beauty people lifestyle media – licensed incivility! It’s Nor am I petty. Why should
like the Wild West out there. others bate me into being
I Role-model on social media
Freewheeling cowboys and
cowgirls armed with word-loaded
someone other than myself?
Role-modelling is being true
Whenever I come across a really pistols out to get us writers to yourself. My TRUTH is my
exciting blog or tweet that I agree every day. I wonder if these online etiquette. It is my code of
with one hundred percent, I can’t grumpy readers would have the politesse. When I started blogging,
resist scrolling down and perusing audacity to say in person what I created Rule of five which, as my
the comment section. I am they so easily write? I wouldn’t screensaver, pops up periodically to
curious to see what others think. want to meet them anyway. It sermonise. It is my do’s and don’ts
Part of me hopes their viewpoints would probably be perilous, if not reminder, lest I forget.
tie in with mine, but there’s also downright deadly.
As a professional social media
that nosy part of my character
I suppose some readers have blogger, I think it’s wise to think
that just wants to listen in, as
the strong conviction that the before I type. Seasoning my
it were, to their conversation
internet provides anonymity, responses with a pinch of salt
with the writer. Being all too
thus gives them the opportunity never does much harm either.
naive, I am frequently shocked
to avoid being held accountable What I can’t do is overlook the
to see expletives and rude,
for vicious and hurtful words. fact that some of my readers look
harassing comments that are
Often my instinct is to retort in up to me, despite how much I
totally unrelated to the topic
a condescending manner and underestimate my own work.
being discussed. It’s a pity that
swiftly put them in their place, Some have even gone as far as
some readers can’t appreciate
but why stoop to their level? I labelling me a role model. Since
information that has a positive
resolved, once upon a long time I’ve accepted this moniker to
vibe and is succinct, research-
ago, to ‘role-model’ on social some degree, I won’t allow myself
based and accurate.
media – my own little verb for to be distracted by online bullies.
I’ve often had this sort of thing setting a good example! Nor will I stoop to speaking their
occur in my own blog posts, fault-finding language. Positive
Since what I write on my blog is
so I shouldn’t stand aghast at role-modelling begins with the
always eyeballed, I can assume
the vulgarities or disrespect. first word I write!
the way I handle nasty insults

Rule of five
Say nothing – Sometimes it’s fine to stay quiet. Every comment to spell, remind yourself of this. It will help you refrain from
doesn’t need a response, especially a negative one. Responding is being unkind.
reacting, and reacting is not thinking. Anonymity isn’t a real word – Okay, it’s a bona fide word, just
Show deference – This is a tough one! Regardless of whether you difficult to spell. Anyway, people can figure out who you are. Maybe
agree or disagree with a comment, if you reply you must do so with even follow you. Don’t reply in a way that will make them hunt you
deference – even to idiots! It’s called taking the higher ground. down and punch you in the face.
Be courteous – Tell yourself that words hurt. If you’re sitting No deleting – Before posting remember that your words will be
there teary-eyed because someone said that you don’t know how there for people to see forever. It’s like they’re carved in a rock.

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Speakout Reading and Listening Extra Advanced Plus Unit 4.indd 62 16/06/18 8:14 PM
3 Match the sentence halves 1–8 with a)–h) 6 Listen to a conversation between Jennifer, Sophia and
to make factual statements based on the Seth. Which topics do they talk about? Circle the
blog post. correct answers.
1 Some readers don’t appreciate
censorship post-truth politics
2 Bridget thinks that it’s dangerous to meet echo chambers a public figure
3 Readers who post negative comments fake news theft hacking trolling
4 Bridget says that her blog is 7 Listen again and choose the correct answer to each
5 Bridget doesn’t see herself as someone who question.
6 The screensaver on Bridget’s computer is 1 Who was accused of having poor grammar and spelling?
7 Bridget’s profession is a) Jennifer b) Sophia c) Seth
8 If something is written in a post, 2 Who or what is Silver Princess?
a) their identities are anonymous. a) a female blogger b) a user ID
b) the research that goes into a blog. c) a charity shop
c) social media blogger. 3 Which word best describes trolling?
d) disgruntled readers in person. a) complementing b) provoking
e) it can never really be removed. c) confusing
f) looks down on others. 4 Who was the target of a trolling campaign?
g) very closely scrutinised. a) Jennifer b) Henry c) Seth
h) called Rule of Five. 5 What are internet trolls usually interested in?
a) healthy debates b) hard facts
4 Complete the sentences with the correct form c) reckless rumours
of the words in the box. 6 What was the false evidence against Henry Billingham?
audacity freewheeling a) a photo b) stolen goods c) witnesses
condescending nosy conviction 7 What did protesters want Henry Billingham to do?
peruse deference pity a) lose his job b) pay money
eyeball realm c) give a public apology
8 What could have stopped the spread of the false story?
1 I stumbled across it while I was a
few websites related to my research. a) common sense b) a public survey
2 This is currently a much-discussed topic in c) an arrest
the political
3 Don’t be so
– her personal
8 Match the correct word or phrase in the box with
the definitions.
finances are none of your business!
4 What a that you can’t make it to commentaries rudimentary
the party. hold off on sinister hysteria
5 She told me she was sorry, but her words take something out on nonchalant
lacked . wind someone up
6 Don’t speak to me in that tone. 1 : calm, relaxed and not caring
I know just as much as you do. 2 : descriptive remarks or opinions
7 My aunt is famous for her lifestyle. 3 : threatening harm or evil
She’s never had a conventional job.
4 : delay or postpone
8 Out of to the local custom,
5 : relieve frustration by attacking someone else
I removed my shoes on entering.
6 : make someone angry or upset
9 One of my readers had the to
leave an insulting comment on my blog. 7 : basic, elementary
10 We were by security guards as we 8 : a state of uncontrolled excitement or fear
walked into the building.
9 Work in pairs or small groups and discuss the questions.
5 Work in pairs or small groups and discuss. After 1 Do you think Jennifer is being too sensitive?
reading the article, how could you be an online 2 How do you think Jennifer should respond to the
role model? Which of the rules in the Rule of Five negative comment?
would be the most difficult for you to follow? 3 Do you agree with Seth’s description of trolling? What
could be another example of trolling?

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Speakout Reading and Listening Extra Advanced Plus Unit 4.indd 63 16/06/18 8:14 PM

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