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Passive Energy

Dissipation Devices in
Earthquake Resistant
Earthquakes are one of the deadliest natural disasters in the world, causing
widespread destruction and loss of life. While there is no way to completely
prevent earthquakes, we can build earthquake-resistant structures that can
withstand their destructive forces. Passive energy dissipation devices are one
such technology that can help protect buildings from damage.

by Abdul Mutwalli
Introduction to Earthquake-Resistant
What are Earthquake- Why are Earthquake- What Makes a
Resistant Buildings? Resistant Buildings Building Earthquake-
Important? Resistant?
buildings are structures Earthquake-resistant A building is considered

designed to withstand the buildings are important earthquake-resistant if it has

forces of an earthquake. because they can save lives been designed and
They are constructed using and reduce damage to constructed to withstand the
specialized techniques and infrastructure. They can help forces of an earthquake. This
materials that can absorb the ensure that a region can requires a combination of

seismic shock waves. quickly recover from an strong materials, flexible

earthquake. design, and effective seismic
Importance of Passive Energy
Dissipation Devices

How Do Earthquakes What are Passive Energy Why are Passive Energy
Cause Damage? Dissipation Devices? Dissipation Devices
When an earthquake occurs, Passive energy dissipation
massive seismic waves are devices are specialized systems Passive energy dissipation
released that can cause installed in buildings that can devices are important because
significant damage to buildings. absorb and dissipate the energy they can help protect buildings

Traditional structures can fail due from seismic waves. They can from damage and failure during

to the stresses placed on them by help reduce the forces on a an earthquake. They can help
the waves. building and decrease the save lives and ensure that
chances of failure. buildings remain standing after
the event.
Types of Passive Energy Dissipation
1 Viscous Damper Systems

Viscous damper systems use hydraulic

fluid to absorb and dissipate seismic
Friction Pendulum Systems 2
energy. These systems are effective at
Friction pendulum systems work by reducing the forces on a building, but
allowing the building to sway on a they can be expensive to install.
pendulum during an earthquake. They
are highly effective and can be installed
at a lower cost than other systems. 3 Lead-Rubber Bearing Systems

Lead-rubber bearing systems use

laminated rubber and lead components
to absorb seismic energy. They are highly
Base Isolation Systems 4 effective at reducing the forces on a
Base isolation systems use shock- building.
absorbing materials to isolate the
building from the ground. These systems
are effective at reducing the
transmission of seismic waves to the
Design Considerations of Passive
Energy Dissipation Devices
1 Building Height 2 Building Type 3 Surrounding
The height of a building The type of building being
can have a significant constructed will also The surrounding

impact on the design of impact the design of the environment can also

passive energy dissipation passive energy dissipation impact the design of

systems. Taller buildings system. Buildings with passive energy dissipation

will require more advanced unique shapes or systems. Buildings located

systems to ensure they structures will require in areas with high seismic
remain stable during an tailored designs to ensure activity will require more

earthquake. maximum effectiveness. advanced and robust

systems to ensure they
remain standing.
Benefits of Using Passive Energy
Dissipation Devices

Improved Safety Reduced Damage Long-Term Savings

Passive energy dissipation Buildings with passive energy While passive energy
devices can greatly improve dissipation systems are less dissipation systems can be
building safety during an likely to suffer damage during expensive to install, they can
earthquake, reducing the risk of an earthquake, which can provide long-term savings on
collapse and protecting the lives greatly reduce the cost of maintenance and repairs, and
of occupants. repairs and help ensure a faster can even result in lower
recovery. insurance costs for the building.
Examples of Passive Energy Dissipation
Devices in Earthquake-Resistant
Error uploading image.

Figueroa Tower - Los Grand Hyatt Taipei - Wilshire Grand Center -

Angeles, California Taipei, Taiwan Los Angeles, California

The Figueroa Tower is a 52-story The Grand Hyatt Taipei is a 51- The Wilshire Grand Center is a 73-
building in Los Angeles that story building in Taiwan that story skyscraper in Los Angeles
features a viscous damper features a friction pendulum that features a combination of
system to reduce seismic forces. system to reduce seismic forces. passive energy dissipation
The system is highly effective and This highly effective system has systems to reduce seismic forces.
ensures the safety of occupants helped protect the building from These advanced systems help
and the building itself. earthquake damage, even during ensure the safety of occupants
major seismic events. and the longevity of the building.
Conclusion and Future
Passive energy dissipation devices are a crucial component of earthquake-
resistant buildings, helping to protect occupants and structures from the
deadly forces of seismic waves. As technology continues to improve, we can
expect to see more advanced and effective systems being developed and
implemented in buildings around the world.

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