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Q1: What is the Kashmir issue? /4

 Accession of princely state

 Kashmir had strategic importance due to its position having borders with China, Tibet
Afghanistan and USSR.
 Prince ----- hindu
 Muslim majority
 India persuaded prince to join india
 Pak did not agree

Q2: Why was Kashmir issue a problem for Pakistan in 1947? /7

 LEVEL 1: what was Kashmir issue

 LEVEL 2: what measures were taken? As in how troops were sent by both sides’ constant
fights and wars
 LEVEL3: cease fire matter taken to UN

Q3: The refugee’s crisis was the greatest problem that Jinnah faced in governing Pakistan in the
years 1947-1948. Give reasons form your answers. /14

 LEVEL 1: Simplistic statement

 LEVEL 2: general information. Write about all the problem very briefly
 LEVEL 3: talk about refugee problem and the accession of princely states:
 LEVEL 4: talk about all other problems: geographical, political, economic, social, canal
dispute and the division of assets
 LEVEL5: conclusion


Q1: What was the ‘Objectives Resolution’ 1949? [4]

 Constituent assembly set up a basic principles committee

 The basic principles comitte filed its finding in a document called objective resolution
 Objective resolution was passed on 12 march 1949
 It declared that the constitution would be based on Islamic laws
 Muslims can lead their lives according to islam
 Other religious groups can lead their lives as they wished
 Rights if minorities and poor were to be protected

Q2: What was ‘PRODA’? [4]

 During the time period of khwaja Nazimuddin as G.G and Liaqat ali khan as P.M
 Public and representative officers disqualification act.
 Complains could be made to G.G OR P.G who could order and enquiry by judges
 Designed to eliminate corruption.
 Anyone found guilty under PRODA was disbarred from office
 In reality it allowed the ruling elite to remove anyone they did not approve of.

Q3: Describe the ‘Rawalpindi Conspiracy’. [4]

 Attempted coup against the GOVT. of Liaqat Ali Khan

 1951
 The mastermind behind the whole plan was Major General Akbar Khan who was a senior
commander of the Pakistan Army at that time. 
 General Akbar Khan and his associates were not satisfied with the domestic and foreign
policies of the government particularly policies regarding the Kashmir issue.
 Ayub khan discovered this conspiracy and found the conspirators and arrested tried and
imprisoned them

Q4: Why was it difficult and tricky to produce the first constitution of Pakistan? [7]

 Level 1: political factors-----Death of Quaid e Azam, Assassination of Liaquat Ali khan,

government of India act was being practiced, which Pakistan needed to replace by its own
constitution as per Islamic laws
 Level 2: economic factors--------Lack of economical facilities, lack of trading, All jute mills
were in East Pak
 Level 3: social factors-----------Conflicts between east and west Pakistan. Do mention the
disturbances within Pakistan

Q5: Why were there so many governments between 1951 and 1958? [7]

 LEVEL 1: (simplistic statement) PAK was a weak country, corruption, bribed leaders,
inappropriate resources, power hungry leaders
 LEVEL 2: (identify reasons) Inexperienced leader, untimely death of Jinnah, murder of Liaqat
Ali Khan, political instability, rule of bureaucrats
 LEVEL 3: (explain reasons) difficult to run new country, India not sharing joint assets,
problem of unity within the country, constitution yet not decided, bad relations with India
with no solution, problems related to official language as a result there was a lack of stability
in governing and this led to many different governments being formed during these years.

Q6:. Who of the following contributed the most to Pakistan’s domestic policies between 1948 and
(i) Liaquat Ali Khan;
(ii) Malik Ghulam Muhammad;
(iii) Iskandar Mirza?

Explain your answer with reference to all three of the above. [14]

 LEVEL 1: simplistic statement

 LEVEL 2: generally, write about all three as in write one or two achievements of each.
 LEVEL 3: write about achievements of Liaqat Ali Khan
 LEVEL4: write about achievements of other two
 LEVEL 5: conclude

Q7: What was One Unit Scheme? [4]

 One-Unit was the title of a scheme launched by the federal government of Pakistan to
merge the four provinces of West Pakistan into one homogenous unit, as a counterbalance
against the numerical domination of the ethnic Bengalis of East Pakistan
 Introduced during time of iskander mirza on 5 oct 1955
 First proposed by bogra in November 1954
 Would bring greater efficiency and enable more rapid development

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