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Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 59, SHHE02 (2020) REGULAR PAPER

Subdiffusion of dust particles in cryogenic plasmas

Yessenbek Q. Aldakulov1*, Zhandos A. Moldabekov1,2* , Mukhit Muratov3, and Tlekkabul S. Ramazanov1
Institute of Experimental and Theoretical Physics at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty 050040, Kazakhstan
Institute of Applied Science and IT, 40-48 Shashkin Str., 050038 Almaty, Kazakhstan
National Nanotechnological Laboratory of Open Type at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty 050040, Kazakhstan
Received September 6, 2019; revised November 5, 2019; accepted December 24, 2019; published online February 26, 2020

Neutral shadowing force, which becomes comparable with a screened Coulomb force at extreme cryogenic conditions, can significantly change
the properties of complex plasmas. In this work, the impact of neutral shadowing force on the mean square displacement (MSD) of dust particles is
investigated. This is done by performing Langevin dynamics simulations of a 2D system of strongly correlated particles. The results of this work
show that the additional force due to the neutral shadowing effect has a strong impact on MSD, i.e. the diffusive motion of particles, only if the mean
free path of neutral gas particles exceeds the mean inter-dust-particle distance. In the latter case, we find that neutral shadowing force leads to
subdiffusion on time scales of the order of tens or hundreds of dust particle plasma oscillation periods. Furthermore, we find that neutral shadowing
force can strongly hinder the transition from anomalous diffusion to normal diffusion. © 2020 The Japan Society of Applied Physics

greater net repulsion force causing a less dense system which

1. Introduction was observed by Ishihara and his co-workers.1) At the
It has been observed in complex plasma experiments at parameters of plasma in Refs. 2, 3 the strength of a neutral
cryogenic conditions (at temperatures of neutral gas shadowing force is much less than that of Coulomb’s force
Tn » 4.2 K and pressure P » 0.6 Pa ) that a system of dust and shows no impact.
particles has a mean inter-dust-particle distance of about Another important fact about neutral shadowing force is
500 m m, which is a thousand times as large as the dust that the range of action of the force (1) is constrained by the
particles’ radius (0.4 m m ).1) However, in earlier cryogenic mean free path of the neutral gas particles. This is because, in
complex plasma experiments carried out by Antipov et al.2,3) the considered rarefied gas, after several collisions atoms give
with 5.44 m m dust particles at P = 100–700 Pa and up energy to other atoms leading to a damping of the flux of
Tn » 4.2 K the mean inter-dust-particle distance did not atoms directed from the dust particle. Therefore, together
exceed 30 m m resulting in a highly dense system of charged with the dust particle charge and plasma screening length, the
dust particles (~109 cm-3). The results led the authors to mean free path of the neutral gas particles becomes an
conclude that this was due to the small value of dust charge important parameter defining the dynamical and structural
Q » -2000e (e is the elementary charge) and the short characteristics of dust particles at cryogenic conditions.6,7)
screening length lD » 4 m m. In this work we focus on the mean square displacement of
A theoretical explanation of the discrepancy between the dust particles (MSD), which characterizes the diffusion of
aforementioned experimental results was given in Ref. 4, particles. The MSD is calculated by performing a Langevin
where it was shown that the contradiction arises due to the dynamics simulation taking into account the screened
effect of a neutral shadowing force. At extremely low Coulomb interaction and neutral shadowing force (1).
temperature and pressure of neutral gas (Tn < 10 K and In the next section the simulation method is described.
P < 10 Pa ), the surface temperature of dust particles turns After that the results are given and discussed in Sect. 3.
out to be much higher than the neutral gas temperature. To be
more exact, calculations have shown that, at Tn » 4.2 K and 2. Simulation method and parameters
pressure P » 0.6 Pa, the surface temperature of a dust We perform molecular dynamics simulations of a 2D system
particle is 10 times the background gas temperature. The consisting of N = 900 identical particles in a square box of a
cause of the high surface temperature was identified to be a side length L = pN a. The Langevin equation of motion for
high ion–electron recombination rate at the dust particles’ the system is written as follows:
surface (i.e. strong plasma flux on the dust particle surface mr̈ = F (r ) - mg r + fR,
due to a low temperature of ions). This difference in
temperature and low value of pressure create a flux of neutral where m is the particle mass, g = 8 2p Pd / (3mvTn ) is the
gas particles from the dust particles’ surface causing a neutral friction coefficient, vTn is the thermal velocity of neutral gas
shadowing force:5) particles, and fR is the random force which is related to the
3pd 4P (Ts - Tn ) friction coefficient through the equation8)
Fn (r ) = , (1 )
8aTn r 2 ⟨fR (t )⟩ = 0,
where d is the dust particles’ radius, Ts is the dust particles’ ⟨fR (t ) fR (t ¢)⟩ = 2mgk B Td d (t - t ¢).
surface temperature, and a is the mean inter-dust-particle
distance. Here kB is the Boltzmann constant, Td is the dust particle
A neutral shadowing force (1) acts as an additional temperature and F (r ) is the force exerted on the dust particle
repulsion force and with Coulomb’s force adds up to a whose magnitude is determined by the equation

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Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 59, SHHE02 (2020) Y. Q. Aldakulov et al.

dU (r )
F (r ) = - + Fn (r ) , (2 )
where U (r ) = Q 2 exp (-r /lD ) / (4pe0 r ) is the Yukawa
potential, and lD = e0 kB Ti / (ni e 2 ) is the Debye radius.
Our choices for basic units are a (the mean inter-dust-
particle distance) for length, wd-1 = (Q 2 / (2pe0 ma3))-1 / 2
(the inverse of the characteristic dust particle oscillation
frequency) for time,  = Q 2 / (4pe0 a ) for energy, and m for
mass. Thus, Eq. (2) can be rewritten in the reduced form
(1 + kr*) exp ( - kr*) s
F *= + 2, (3 )
r*2 r*
Fig. 1. (Color online) MSD of 2D system of dust particles at k = 1,
with the superscript “*” denoting a dimensionless quantity.
G = 50 and friction coefficient g * = 0.01. The results for steadily increasing
The dimensionless parameter σ in (3) characterizes the s at rs = 2 and rs = 1 are shown. Both axes are in logarithmic scale.
strength of repulsion due to the neutral shadowing force and
its impact range is determined by the cut-off radius rs = l /a4)
where l is the mean free path of neutral gas particles:
⎧ 3pd 4PDT
⎪ , r *  rs
s = ⎨ 8aTn  .

⎩ 0, r * > rs

In order to estimate the friction coefficient, which exists in

cryogenic complex plasma experiments, we approximate the
following quantities, taking into account Ref. 9: Q » -100e,
d » 1 m m, m n » 10-23 g (the mass of the neutral gas
particles), lD » 10 m m, P » 1 Pa, Tn » 2 K. Then, we find
g * = g /wd » 0.01.
Now, there are four dimensionless parameters that set the
conditions of the charged dust particle system. The first two Fig. 2. (Color online) Same as Fig. 1 but with G = 100.
of them are k = a /lD , which is the screening parameter, and
G = Q 2 / (4pe0 akB Td ), which is the coupling parameter. The
other two are the dimensionless parameter s and the cut-off
radius rs, which characterize the neutral shadowing force. We
consider the cases G = 50, 100, 150 and k = 1, 2. For
2 K  Tn  30 K the chosen values of k correspond
to the mean inter-dust-particle distance in the range
10 m m  a  80 m m.2,3)
There are two important regimes, one with l » a and
another with l > a, which yield rs » 1 and rs > 1. Here, we
consider rs = 1 and rs = 2. It was found in Ref. 4 that the
parameter s changes in the range 0  s  0.2, which
corresponds to 1  Ts /Tn  10 if d » 2 m m. Therefore, in
this work we present results where s gradually increases in
value at different combinations of the other three parameters.
Fig. 3. (Color online) Same as Fig. 1 but with G = 150.
3. Results and discussion
The MSD is calculated by the equation deviate from the Yukawa curve and the impact of s becomes
MSD (t ) = á ∣ r (t ) - r (0)∣2 ñ , more substantial as G increases. At rs = 2, the influence of
the neutral shadowing force manifests at time scales longer
where averaging is performed over all particles and simula- than several dust particle plasma oscillation periods and leads
tion times. We verify the correctness of our simulation by to smaller values of the MSD curves compared to the case
performing simulations of the MSD of a 2D Yukawa system s = 0.
and comparing our results with the data by Donko et al.10) It should be noted that the physically meaningful data on
(see Appendix). the MSD are limited on the horizontal (time) axis due to
In Figs. 1–3, the impact of neutral shadowing force on the periodic boundary conditions. This limit arises because the
MSD of dust particles is presented for the case k = 1. sound speed has some transit time ts across the simulation
The graphs of the MSD from Figs. 1–3 reveal that when box. When t > ts the sound waves re-enter the main box and
rs = 1 there are no differences in the curves no matter the G the MSD loses its physical accuracy.7,10) Thus, the horizontal
and s values. However, when rs = 2 the MSD curves start to axis wd t is restricted by wd ts.
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The sound speed depends on k and in our case it also

depends on s as was shown in Ref. 10. For k = 1 and
s = 0.2 the sound speed is estimated as c » 0.9 awd. For
N = 900 and box length L = pN a we find the reduced
transit time to be equal to wd ts = pN /0.9 » 60.
The MSD results for k = 2 are presented in Figs. 4–6.
For this case, using the same arguments and a sound speed
of c » 0.5 awp, the transit time is found to be
wd ts = pN /0.5 » 106. From Figs. 4–6 we see that at
k = 2 the neutral shadowing force with rs = 1 has no impact
on the MSD. As in the case with k = 1, at rs = 2 and k = 2
the neutral shadowing force reduces the MSD curves at time
Fig. 4. (Color online) MSD of 2D system of dust particles at k = 2, scales longer than several dust particle plasma oscillation
G = 50 and friction coefficient g * = 0.01. The results for steadily increasing periods.
s at rs = 2 and rs = 1 are shown. Both axes are in logarithmic scale. To investigate the diffusion characteristic at different
scales, the MSD is commonly parametrized as11)
MSD (t ) = Ct a, (4 )
where C is some constant and a is the diffusion exponent. The
value of a can be used to classify diffusion. When a = 2 the
ballistic regime is in place, the a = 1 case is normal diffusive
motion, and the so-called anomalous regime is characterized by
a < 1 (subdiffusion) and a > 1 (superdiffusion).10,11)
For the case rs = 2, Figs. 7 and 8 show graphs of a as a
function of time, which are extracted from the MSD data
using Eq. (4). It is evident that as s increases, the motion
more rapidly tends to the diffusive and subdiffusive regions
with time. Remarkably, compared to the case without a
Fig. 5. (Color online) Same as Fig. 4 but with G = 100. neutral shadowing force (1), the system with s ¹ 0 is in the
subdiffusive regime for a much longer period of time as G
becomes larger for both k = 1 and k = 2.
Ott et al.12) showed that in the case of the Yukawa system,
anomalous diffusion unavoidably changes to normal diffu-
sion at sufficiently long times. This is also the case in the
considered system for certain values of s and G (e.g. see the
data for s  0.12 and G = 100 in the middle subplot of
Fig. 7). However, with increases in G and s the transition
from subdiffusion to normal diffusion is strongly hindered.
For instance, for the case of s = 2, rs = 2, k = 1 and
G = 100, we cannot find a trend of changing of subdiffusion
to normal diffusion when performing simulation with
N = 50 625 particles [see Fig. 9].
We see from Fig. 9 that at k = 1, the MSD approaches the
Fig. 6. (Color online) Same as Fig. 4 but with G = 150. regime with normal diffusion with noisy fluctuations at long

Fig. 7. (Color online) Diffusion exponent a as a function of time at rs = 2, k = 1 and friction coefficient g * = 0.01. The results for three values of G are
shown. The horizontal axis is in logarithmic scale with wd t in the domain from 0.3 to 50.

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Fig. 8. (Color online) Diffusion exponent a as a function of time at rs = 2, k = 2 and friction coefficient g * = 0.01. The results for three values of G are
shown. The horizontal axis is in logarithmic scale with wd t in the domain from 0.3 to 100.

subdiffusion, can be experimentally checked at cryogenic

complex plasma conditions. Note that the possibility of
realization of dusty plasma research at gas temperatures as
low as 2 K was demonstrated recently.13)
Even though experiments at cryogenic conditions are more
challenging, further experimental and theoretical exploration
of dusty plasmas at cryogenic temperatures can reveal new
interesting phenomena and lead to new dusty plasma
applications.14) Indeed, at cryogenic conditions (with neu-
trals’ temperature of the order of one kelvin) many effects
and processes like wakefields,15–17) plasma polarization,18–20)
micro- and nano-sized dust particle growth,21) and magnetic
Fig. 9. (Color online) Diffusion exponent a as a function of time with field effects22–24) can be significantly different from those at
N = 50 625 particles at rs = 2, G = 100 and friction coefficient g * = 0.01.
The results for two values of k are shown. The dashed line corresponds to
normal conditions (i.e., with neutrals at about 300 K).
normal diffusion. The horizontal axis is in logarithmic scale with wd t in the Acknowledgments
domain from 0.3 to 500.
This work was supported by the Ministry of Education and
Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan via Grant No.
times due to poor statistics (an insufficient number of BR05236730, “Investigation of fundamental problems of
particles in the simulation) as there is always a small fraction physics of plasmas and plasma-like media” (2020).
of particles passing back and forth the boundary of the main
simulation box. However, this is not related to quasiperiodic Appendix
oscillations at time scales of the order of tens of dust particle Analysis of the MSD of dust particles is the main goal of this
plasma periods (see Figs. 7–9). In contrast to the k = 1 case, work. Therefore, the correctness of the MSD data is critical.
at k = 2 there is no transition from subdiffusion to normal In order to check the accuracy of our simulation, we compare
diffusion at a time scale of up to 500 dust particle plasma our results with the data from Ref. 10 where a 2D system of
periods (see Fig. 9). particles with Yukawa pair interactions was considered. The
comparison is presented in Fig. A·1, where perfect agreement
4. Conclusions can be seen.
We conclude based on the results of this work that a neutral
shadowing force has an impact on the dynamical properties
of cryogenic complex plasma systems at Tn < 10 K and
P < 10 Pa. This condition allows the mean free path of
neutral gas particles l to exceed the mean inter-dust-particle
distance, where l determines the impact radius of the neutral
shadowing force. We find that at G  100, the neutral
shadowing force leads to subdiffusion on time scales of the
order of tens or hundreds of dust particle oscillation periods.
Moreover, the neutral shadowing force strongly inhibits the
transition from anomalous diffusion to the normal diffusion
The MSD of dust particles can be directly measured in
experiments (e.g. see Ref. 13). Therefore, we expect that the Fig. A·1. (Color online) Comparison of MSD at k = 2 and
results of the presented simulations, particularly those for G = 20, 60, 100, 200, 400.

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