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Sun-Glow Coaching Center

We are committed to fulfilling your dreams.

House # 23, Chandrima Housing, East Gazipura, Tongi, Gazipur- 1712.
Contract – 01646778890 / 01813333637

Our Home
Home is the place where we are born and live. It is the sweetest place in the world.
When we sense danger elsewhere we find safety in our home. When there is joy,
we share it with other members of our home. Everybody loves home. My home is
situated in the middle of the village. There are six members in our family. They are
my father, mother, grand-father, grand-mother, my sister and myself. I am the
second and the youngest child of my parents. So, being the youngest member, I
enjoy love and affection of all. We live in a thatched house. The house indicates the
simplicity of our family. It has mud walls. There are four rooms excluding the
drawing room and the kitchen. My parents share the room adjoining the kitchen. My
grand-mother and grand-father share the room near the drawing room. Another
room is used as the store room. There is a spacious courtyard. We have also a
cowshed with two cows and a little calf. I am very fond of our garden. I water the
flower plants at my leisure. When my grand-father goes to the cowshed, I go with
him. I often kiss the little calf. When someone of my home falls ill, I take proper care.
All the villagers respect my home. They say that ours is an ideal home.
Sun-Glow Coaching Center
We are committed to fulfilling your dreams.
House # 23, Chandrima Housing, East Gazipura, Tongi, Gazipur- 1712.
Contract – 01646778890 / 01813333637

Physically Exercise

Physically Exercise means the movement of the limbs of our body. it is good for health.
there are many kinds of physically exercise. Walking swimming. rowing and gymnastics
etc. are some good forms of exercise. different kinds of games such as football. cricket.
hockey etc. are kinds of goods exercise. we must take physically exercise regularly.
physically exercise preserves and improves our health. it makes a man strong active and
keeps him free from diseases. our body is like a machine. it can be kept in good condition
by taking physically exercise. there is a close connection between the mind and the body.
"A sound mind in a sound body" is a proverb on Physical exercise promoted our health and
brings peace in our mind. Physical exercise is the key to good health. It is a cure for many
digested. For this reasonsome kind of physical exercise is necessary. The students need
exercise much. Physical exercise refreshes their brain. It makes them cheerful. Those who
do not take exercise fall victims to many diseases and become unfit for any work. A man of
il-health can not enjoy life . He is a burden to multifamily and the society.He loses all
interests and happiness of life. It should be remembered that excess of anything is bad.
Exercise is good but over exercise id injurious to our health. Health is the root of all
happiness. So we should take physical exercise regularly. It keeps body fit and healthy.
Sun-Glow Coaching Center
We are committed to fulfilling your dreams.
House # 23, Chandrima Housing, East Gazipura, Tongi, Gazipur- 1712.
Contract – 01646778890 / 01813333637

Global Warming
Global Warming Paragraph Global warming is working like a demon on the earth as it is
warming the planet continuously year by year. Actually, global warming is not created
itself, it is a man created demon affecting the whole world gradually but regularly. There is
an increase in temperature of the whole planet by around 0.8 degree Celsius however it is
estimated to be raised more by the end of 21st century (around 2-5 degree Celsius).
Global warming is a big trouble to all of us and animals including plants and other living
beings. Global warming is getting worse day by day because of the phenomenon known as
greenhouse effect. Greenhouse effect is caused by the green house gases like carbon
dioxide and methane which trap heat inside and make earth’s environment hotter. Green
house gases work like the curved glass around the planet. Natural greenhouse effect is
good for the planet as without it earth may be too cold and do not support the diversity of
life here. However, huge increase in the amount of green house gases by the human
activities is not good as it is creating gigantic effects all over the planet.

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