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This is intended to be a starting point to spec out the costs for creating a lobby and avatar creator for

RocketRide and Killabunnies games.

Avatar Creator Screen.
For new players: Players can choose to jump into play, randomly generate or customize an avatar.
● Avatar with randomly generated features.
● Play button.
● Sign in button.
● Avatar Creator with toggles.
● Randomize button.
● Create an account.

For existing players:

Go directly to the lobby!

Lobby Screen: Players choose from tiles promoting each game. Very simple.
● space for 2-6 games
● Player selects by tapping/clicking.
● Crystalline Merge is in an active state
● If player has not created an account, Jump Dash Pow and other games are in an inactive state. If a
player hovers over or taps on these, say, “Create an account to unlock!”

Here is a rough base to model.

Some things we like:

● Nice background
● Avatar updating in real time
● Sparkle animation when changing class
● Toggling through options

Some things we don’t like:

● Male/Female. Maybe skirt / pant icons instead.
● Lots of extra text - we can simplify
● Better design practices -
○ Stick with one/two fonts
○ Buttons should be bigger
○ Text more legible

Here is the reference page so you can see how it feels.

Here is a draft with some alts that we would want.

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