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English in Mind

Level 3

Module 1 Test A Units 1-4

Name Class Date

1 Grammar
A Complete the text. Use the correct form of the verbs.
When Lucy (0) was (be) ten years old, her parents moved from London to Sydney in Australia. (1) (find) a job with a large firm of engineers and so they (2) (decide) to Her father start a new life down under. (be) now 20 years old and she (4) (just start) a three-year degree course at Lucy (3) (5) (6) (grow up) she often (feel) homesick because she (7) university. While she (miss) her friends but now she (8) (love) her life. (think) of moving back to England. They (10) Her parents, however, (9) to buy a bungalow in Cornwall for several years. They want to go back soon! (save up)

B Complete the sentences. Circle the correct answers, a, b or c.

0 It a is raining 1

here almost every day.

b rains c had rained

I realised I
a forgot

my keys after I left the house.

b have forgotten c had forgotten

we started eating, the telephone rang.

a As soon as b Then c While

3 Tom dropped his mobile phone while he a ran b was running c had run

for the bus.

4 How long

b do you know c have you known

a have you been knowing 5 When

Britney Spears in concert?

b did you see c were you seeing


a have you seen

6 You look really tired! What a have you been doing

c were you doing

b did you do

7 When we got to the cinema, David a had already bought 8 You

the tickets.
c already bought

b has already bought

do your homework now!

b had better c ought

a would better 9 What


? Im an engineer.
b did you do c do you do

a are you doing?

10 We should leave now as a its getting b it gets

c it got


Cambridge University Press 2005 English in Mind Level 3 Module 1 Test A

C The underlined words are incorrect. Write the correct sentences.

0 I have never been seeing an opera.

I have never seen an opera.

1 Maria and John have been married since ten years.

2 Paul would better hurry up. I dont want to miss the train.

3 Mum fell asleep as soon as she was watching TV.

4 Are you believing everything you read in the newspapers?

5 My brother was cycling 50 km yesterday.

6 Im sorry I was forgetting your name.

7 We havent studied twentieth century history already.

8 While the children swam in the sea, it started to rain.

9 Im buying a football magazine every Saturday.

10 The phone rang ten minutes after I was going to bed.

D Circle the correct alternative in each case.


Do you understand / Are you understanding the question?


1 We lived / have lived in Madrid since 1998. 2 When Steven got home, his parents had already gone out / already went out. 3 What did you do / were you doing after school yesterday? 4 Ouch! Ive been cutting / cut my finger. 5 Im exhausted! Ive written / been writing 50 thank you letters today. 6 Where did Mark sit / was Mark sitting when the accident happened? 7 What have you done / have you been doing all day?


8 We went / have gone to Greece for the first time last year. 9 George had already done / already did his homework before the end of the lesson. 10 Jane has bought / bought a new car two weeks ago.


Cambridge University Press 2005 English in Mind Level 3 Module 1 Test A

2 Vocabulary
A Complete the sentences. Circle the correct answers, a, b or c.
0 Marco really feels left a out 1 One a of b in b up c in

because he cant swim.

three adults prefers watching TV to going to the cinema.

c from

2 Come on Sally! Why dont you join a in 3 I cant a say b make b up c along

? Dont stay over there.

the difference between Peter and Philip. They look exactly the same to me.
c tell

4 My father is a replying

for jobs at the moment.

b applying c asking

5 Have you heard? Linda and Bill a got b looked 6 Over a quarter 7 Do you a get on 8 If you work a overtime c broke

up at the weekend, after five years together.

of adults in the UK are overweight.

b a quarter c the quarter

well with your parents?

b go on c go along

, you should get extra money.

b overhours c over the time

9 Whats wrong with Claudio? Hes fallen a over with b out with c down with

all his friends recently.

10 I havent found a job yet so Im still a employed b employee c unemployed

B Say or tell? Put the words in the box into the correct column.
a story a lie thank you a prayer a secret a joke someone off (it) out loud the time sorry goodbye (it) again


Say (it) again

Tell a story



Cambridge University Press 2005 English in Mind Level 3 Module 1 Test A

C Complete the sentences with the correct preposition(s).

0 Lets meet


later in the week. I havent seen you for ages. . You promised to help me. at your new school? Have you made any friends yet? because I dont like sport. next time youre in town. . It would be great to go out for a meal together.

1 Please dont let me 2 How are you settling 3 I always feel left 4 Call me

5 Id really like to look my old friends 6 John always sticks

his younger brother when his parents get angry about his poor marks. me. Shes very loyal. with Chris. I cried for weeks.

7 My best friend always stands 8 I was so unhappy after I broke 9 Please dont tell

me, or Ill get into trouble! .

10 As soon as Clare joined the band it was obvious that she would fit

D Complete the sentences with words connected with work.

0 I saw an interesting a dvertisement 1 I need to improve my s 2 How many e 3 What kind of q 4 What should I wear for my i 5 Please could you send me an a

for a teaching job in the newspaper today. if I want to get a better job.

work in your company? do you have? tomorrow? I need to look good. f for the job which

was advertised in todays paper?

6 Im not interested in having a c 7 Ive had enough! I r 8 The s 9 Because Im only a t 10 I have a p

. I just want to enjoy what I do.


. I cant work here a moment longer. is 20,000 a year.

, I have to do a lot of the really boring jobs in the office.

job so I only work 15 hours a week.



Cambridge University Press 2005 English in Mind Level 3 Module 1 Test A

3 Everyday English
A Match a sentence in column A with a suitable response from column B.


a b c d e

Hey John! Long time, no see!

Yeah, we must get together soon. Yeah, great. How about you? Bye and take care. Yeah, hi Ben. What have you been doing? Oh, you know ... same old things!

2 Bye then. 3

Nice seeing you again.

4 Hows life? 5 All right, mate?

B Complete the sentences with the words in the box. You wont need to use all of them.
Hows life? Talking of All right, mate? Anyway ... Nice seeing you. Long time, no see. Take care.
0 A: Hi Anna! Long time no see . B: Yeah. Where have you been? 1 2 3 A: B: Well, things could be better but I mustnt complain. 4 Goodness, is that the time already? 5 A: See you again soon. B: Bye.

Weve got to be going.

, as I was saying, our new teacher is really great. teachers, did you know Mr Johnson is getting married?




Cambridge University Press 2005 English in Mind Level 3 Module 1 Test A

4 Reading
A Read the interview with Jackie Tindall, a successful businesswoman.
Life hasnt always been easy! I know people might look at me now and think Ive got everything but Ive certainly had to work very hard to get where I am today. When I was a child I knew that one day I would have my own company and my parents were great because they always encouraged me to think big. As a child, I always wanted to be top of the class so I worked very hard and didnt go out much with my friends. And, of course, I always tried to organise everyone when we were playing games in the playground! When I was 18, I went to university to do modern languages because they had been my favourite subjects at school. I spent four years studying French and German and then decided to become a flight attendant with an international airline company. I loved every minute of it, although it was hard work and we had some difficult passengers. But I travelled all over the world and saw some fantastic places. I also learned some very important lessons, which help me now. If you are never at home, its impossible to have a family, so after a few years I decided to change careers, get married and have children. At the beginning I ran my business from the living room, which wasnt easy with a husband and two small children. Then when I started to make more money, I found an office and employed a secretary. Now I have 200 employees and both of my children work with me. We really have a family business and I hope that we will continue for many years to come. When people ask me what the secret of success is, I always say that its a mixture of good luck, hard work and positive thinking.

B Mark the statements T (true) or F (false).

1 Jackie has had an easy life. 2 Shes always wanted to be famous. 3 She studied a lot at school. 4 She did French and German because she wanted to be a flight attendant. 5 She enjoyed the job very much. 6 She travelled throughout Europe. 7 She studied while she worked. 8 She gave up the job to start a family. 9 She started her business with her husband. 10 She says the secret of success is a combination of many things.




Cambridge University Press 2005 English in Mind Level 3 Module 1 Test A

5 Listening
You are going to listen to five people talking about their best friends. Listen and answer the questions.
1 Which speaker met their best friend on holiday? 2 Which speaker didnt like their best friend the first time they met? 3 Which speakers best friend is their brother? 4 Which speakers best friend is at the same school? 5 Which speakers best friend looks great?

Speaker Speaker Speaker Speaker Speaker

Now listen again and mark the statements T (true) or F (false).

6 Speaker A fitted in at school from the beginning. 7 Speaker B likes clothes, music and boys. 8 Speaker C has family problems. 9 Speaker D thinks Maria is very unfriendly. 10 Speaker E likes staying at home.





Cambridge University Press 2005 English in Mind Level 3 Module 1 Test A

6 Speaking
A Two students answer your questions
q q

Greet students A and B and ask them how they are. Ask each student two or three questions about their lives. For example, What do you like doing in your free time? How much time do you spend doing school work? Ask each student what they like or dislike about their lives. For example, What do you like about your life as a teenager? What do you dislike about your life as a teenager?

B Two students talk to each other


Give student A a copy of card 1 and explain that they are a newspaper journalist interviewing teenagers on life as a teenager in their country. They should use the prompts on the card to ask student B questions about each topic listed. Student B should then respond accordingly, giving their opinions and reasons. They should speak about themselves and about teenagers in general. Give student B a copy of card 2 and explain that they are a journalist interviewing teenagers for a radio programme. They should also use the prompts on the card to gather information. Student A should also respond accordingly. They should speak about themselves and about teenagers in general.

Ask your partner for their thoughts and opinions on the following topics:
q q

Ask your partner for their thoughts and opinions on the following topics:
q q q

the importance of appearance attitudes towards smoking and drinking role models / people who are admired

free time activities keeping fit / healthy eating money




Cambridge University Press 2005 English in Mind Level 3 Module 1 Test A

7 Writing
Read this advertisement from Teaching Gazette, a weekly newspaper for teachers.

Enthusiastic teacher for successful secondary school. Subjects: French and Italian some knowledge of Geography preferred.

Please apply in writing to: Mrs J. Lott Headmistress St Pauls School West Lane Southampton

Now write a letter of application in answer to the advertisement (120 150 words). Think about:
q q q q

correct layout (addresses etc.) where you saw the advertisement why youre applying for the job why you think youre the right person for the job




Cambridge University Press 2005 English in Mind Level 3 Module 1 Test A

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