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The Love Letter / Death of a Dictator

Short Questions

1. What was the treatment of lunatics according to the text?

According to the text, lunatics were sent to the prison.

2. Who was Sir Topaz?

Sir Topaz is a curate who visits Malvolio, who is locked up in a
dark room by the other characters, in the play Twelfth Night.

3. Why Malvolio was sent to prison?

Malvolio was locked up in a dark room by the other characters in
the play Twelfth Night, as part of a cruel prank played on him.

4. Justify the reaction of Olivia after knowing who was

responsible for the fake letter.

Olivia's reaction after learning that Maria was responsible for the
fake letter was one of forgiveness and amusement. She
appreciates the creativity and wit of Maria's plan, and forgives
her without any hard feelings. She even decides to marry Sir
Toby Belch, who was part of the prank, because she enjoys his
company and humor. Overall, Olivia shows a forgiving and
humorous attitude towards the situation.

5. In your account, was Olivia kind or cruel? Justify your
answer by giving evidence from the text.
Based on the events in the play, it can be argued that Olivia was
both kind and cruel. She was kind to Cesario/Viola by expressing
her love for him/her and even offering to marry him/her.
However, she was cruel to Malvolio by allowing him to be
humiliated and imprisoned for his behavior, even though he was
just following the instructions in the forged letter.

6. What is the feast of Lupercal?

The feast of Lupercal is an ancient Roman festival. In Julius

Caesar, the feast of Lupercal is significant as it is the day Caesar
is warned to beware the Ides of March.

7. What did fortune teller say to Caesar?

The fortune teller warned Julius Caesar to "Beware the Ides of

8. Who is Cassius?

Cassius is a Roman senator and a central character in William

Shakespeare's play "Julius Caesar". He is one of the primary
instigators of the plot to assassinate Caesar and overthrow his

9. Why was Cassius jealous of Caesar?

10. Cassius was jealous of Caesar's growing power and
influence, as well as his popularity among the people of Rome.
He believed that Caesar's ambition would lead to tyranny and
the end of the Roman Republic, and saw himself as the only one
who could prevent it.

11. What happened on the night of 14th of March?
On the night of 14th of March, Julius Caesar was assassinated by
a group of conspirators led by Cassius and Brutus. They stabbed
him to death at the Senate House in Rome.

12. Why was Cassius afraid of Antony?

Cassius was afraid of Antony because he knew that he was a
loyal follower of Caesar and he would try to avenge his death.
Additionally, Antony was a skilled orator and could sway the
public opinion against the conspirators.

13. What was the reason in Brutus’s mind to be a part of

the conspiracy although he was friend of Caesar?
Brutus was convinced that Caesar's ambition threatened the
Roman Republic, and he believed that by assassinating Caesar,
he would be preserving the freedom and democracy of the
Roman people. He felt that it was his duty to act in the best
interest of Rome, even if it meant betraying his friend Caesar.

14. What was the dream seen by Caesar’s wife

Calpurnia dreamt that she saw Caesar's statue with a hundred
spouts that were pouring blood, while many smiling Romans
came and bathed their hands in the blood.

15. How Decius manipulated Caesar to step out of his

Decius manipulated Caesar by flattering him and telling him that
the senators were planning to offer him the crown, but would
change their minds if he did not show up at the Senate that day.
He also presented the dream that Calpurnia had as a positive

omen, saying that it meant that Caesar would rise to great
heights, and that if he did not go to the Senate that day, people
would think he was afraid. This manipulation convinced Caesar
to go to the Senate, where he was ultimately assassinated.
16. How was it a fatal day for Caesar?
Flattered by Decius Brutus’s words, Caesar went to senate and
was killed. Thus, it was a fatal day for Caesar.

17. Who was the first and last one to stab the Caesar?
Casca was the first one and Brutus was the last one to stab

18. What was it that Artemidorus handed over to Caesar

while he was going to the senate?
Artemidorus handed over a warning letter that contained the
message about the conspiracy to murder Caesar, which was
disguised as a petition.

19. What was the reaction of people after hearing the

reason of Caesar’s death from Brutus?
After hearing the reason of Caesar’s death from Brutus, the
people were convinced that Caesar deserved to be killed to save
Rome and they were in favour of Brutus.

20. Why did Brutus and other conspirators came into the
market place? What reason did Marcus Brutus give to
Romans for killing Caesar?
Brutus and other conspirators came into the market place to
speak to the people and give them the reason for their bloody

act. Marcus Brutus a very respected oligarch of Rome told the
people that as Caesar was growing ambitious and desired to be a
king so he was killed.

21. What was the reaction of Roman citizens when Mark

Antony mentioned about the will of Caesar?
When Mark Antony mentioned about the will of Caesar the
Roman citizens became curious, were totally convinced and were

with Antony now as they were greedy.

Create a character sketch of the following

characters from the plays.

 Malvolio
 Olivia
 Julius Caesar
 Brutus



Extensive Questions

1. Explain how does Cassius manipulate Brutus into joining

the conspiracy?
Cassius manipulates Brutus by appealing to his sense of loyalty
and love for Rome. He convinces Brutus that Caesar's ambition
threatens the Roman Republic and that his death is necessary for
the good of the nation. Cassius also flatters Brutus, telling him
that he is loved and respected by the people of Rome and that
they would support him if he were to take a leadership role. He
also forges letters, making it appear as though they were written
by concerned citizens, urging Brutus to take action against
Caesar. Cassius' manipulation ultimately convinces Brutus to
join the conspiracy, leading to the assassination of Caesar and
the tragic events that follow.

2. Explain the role of Antony in the play, and how does he
turn the people against the conspirators?

Antony is a loyal friend of Caesar who seeks to avenge his death

and maintain his legacy. After Caesar's assassination, Antony
delivers a powerful eulogy that stirs the emotions of the people
and turns them against the conspirators. He cleverly uses
rhetoric and irony to make the people question the motives of
the conspirators and appeal to their sense of patriotism and
honor. He also shows them Caesar's will, in which he bequeaths
his wealth to the people, further cementing his place in their
hearts. Antony's role in turning the people against the
conspirators ultimately leads to their downfall and the end of the
Roman Republic.

3. Explain the significance of the letter that Olivia sends to

The letter that Olivia sends to Malvolio is significant because it
sets in motion a chain of events that leads to Malvolio's public
humiliation and ultimately his madness. The letter, which is
supposedly from Olivia, leads Malvolio to believe that she is in
love with him and wants him to behave in a ridiculous and
absurd manner. Malvolio, being vain and ambitious, falls for the
deception and carries out the instructions in the letter, wearing
yellow stockings and cross-gartering his legs. This behavior leads
to him being mocked and ridiculed by other characters in the
play, causing him to become vengeful and ultimately to be
locked up as a madman. The letter thus serves as a catalyst for

the subplot of the play and highlights the themes of deception,
delusion, and the consequences of taking oneself too seriously.

4. Explain the actions of Malvolio in the play.

Malvolio is a character in Shakespeare's play "Twelfth Night." He
is the steward of Olivia's household, and he is known for his
prudish behavior and his dislike of fun and games. He is often
portrayed as pompous and arrogant. In the play, Malvolio is
tricked into believing that Olivia is in love with him and that she
wants him to behave in a ridiculous and foolish manner. He is
eventually locked up and treated as a madman. The actions of
Malvolio are significant because they highlight the themes of
deception and mistaken identity in the play.

5. Explain the theme of loyalty vs betrayal in the play, and

how does it impact the characters' actions?
The theme of loyalty vs betrayal is central to the play as it shapes
the actions of the characters. The characters are often torn
between their loyalty to others and their own self-interest,
leading to tragic consequences. For instance, Brutus joins the
conspiracy against Caesar due to his sense of loyalty to Rome,
while Cassius betrays his loyalty to Caesar to advance his own
ambitions. Antony, on the other hand, remains loyal to Caesar
even after his death, using his influence to turn the people of
Rome against the conspirators. The theme of loyalty vs betrayal

highlights the complexity of human relationships and the

difficult choices that people must make.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the main theme of Julius Caesar?

A) Power and ambition
B) B) Betrayal and loyalty
C) C) Revenge and justice
D) D) Love and friendship

2. Who is the main character in Julius Caesar?

A) Brutus
B) Julius Caesar
C) Mark Antony
D) Cassius

3. Who convinces Brutus to join the plot against Julius Caesar?

A) Mark Antony
B) Cassius
C) Octavius
D) Brutus decides on his own

4. What is the name of the person who warns Julius Caesar to

"beware the Ides of March"?

A) Cassius
B) Brutus
C) Calpurnia
D) Artemidorus

5. Who gives the famous "Friends, Romans, countrymen" speech in

the play?
A) Julius Caesar
B) Mark Antony
C) Brutus
D) Cassius

6. What does Brutus believe is the best course of action for Rome?
A) To make himself king
B) To kill Julius Caesar
C) To surrender to the enemy
D) To stage a rebellion against the government

7. Who ultimately emerges as the leader of Rome after Julius Caesar's

A) Brutus
B) Cassius
C) Octavius
D) None of the above

8. What is the significance of the ghost of Julius Caesar in the play?

A) It symbolizes the revenge that will be taken against his murderers
B) It represents the guilt that Brutus and the other conspirators feel
C) It shows the fear that the people of Rome have after his death
D) It is a sign of divine punishment for their actions

9. Who says the famous line "You too, Brutus?" in the play?
A) Julius Caesar
B) Brutus
C) Cassius
D) Mark Antony

10. Who is the main character in Twelfth Night?

A) Feste
B) Maria
C) Malvolio
D) None of the above

11. What is the relationship between Viola and Sebastian?

A) They are siblings
B) They are husband and wife
C) They are cousins
D) They are not related

12. What disguise does Viola assume in the play?

A) A boy named Cesario
B) A girl named Olivia

C) A woman named Maria
D) A man named Orsino
Answer: A) A boy named Cesario

13. Who does Olivia fall in love with in the play?

A) Viola (disguised as Cesario)
B) Orsino
C) Sir Toby Belch
D) Sir Andrew Aguecheek

14. Who does Malvolio think has written the letter that convinces him
that Olivia is in love with him?
A) Viola (disguised as Cesario)
B) Olivia
C) Sir Toby Belch
D) Maria

15. What is the name of Olivia's drunken uncle?

A) Sir Toby Belch
B) Sir Andrew Aguecheek
C) Feste
D) Malvolio

16. Who is the jester in the play?

A) Viola
B) Olivia

C) Sir Toby Belch
D) Feste

17. What is the main conflict in the play?

A) The struggle for power between Olivia and Orsino
B) The rivalry between Sir Toby Belch and Sir Andrew Aguecheek
C) The confusion caused by Viola's disguise
D) The mistreatment of Malvolio by the other characters

18. Who does Orsino end up marrying at the end of the play?
A) Olivia
B) Viola (disguised as Cesario)
C) Maria
D) No one

19. What is the main theme of Twelfth Night?

A) Love and identity
B) Power and ambition
C) Betrayal and revenge
D) Wealth and class

Short Questions

1. Why does the speaker say that the memory of the daffodils is
like "a host of golden daffodils" (line 19)?

A: The memory of the daffodils is like a "host" because it is a
large group or crowd of them, and they are "golden" because
they are bright and beautiful.

2. What is the central idea of the poem "Daffodils"?

A: The beauty and power of nature can bring joy and comfort to

3. What is the significance of the "golden" color of the daffodils in

the poem?
A: The "golden" color of the daffodils represents their beauty and
brightness, and symbolizes the joy and inspiration that nature
can bring to people.

4. What does the mother tell her son to do in the poem “Mother to
A: The mother tells her son to keep climbing and not give up,
even when the stairs are difficult and challenging.

5. What does the last line of the poem, "Life for me ain't been no
crystal stair" (line 22), mean?
A: The last line means that the mother's life has been difficult
and full of challenges, but she has kept going and not given up.

6. How has the mother overcome challenges in her own life?

A: The mother has overcome challenges in her own life by
"climbin' on" and not giving up, even when the stairs were
"bare" and had "tacks in 'em" (line 3-4).

7. What is the symbolism in the poem "Mother to Son" by Langston
A: The poem "Mother to Son" uses a staircase to symbolize the
hardship of the mother's existence as a Black woman. 

8. What is the significance of the title "Mother to Son"?

A: The title "Mother to Son" highlights the relationship between
the speaker and her son, and emphasizes the mother's role as a
guide and mentor.

9. What is the meaning of the phrase "And sometimes goin' in the

dark / Where there ain't been no light" (line 12-13)?
A: The phrase "goin' in the dark" represents the unknown and
uncertain aspects of life, and the mother encourages her son to
keep going even when things are difficult or scary.

10. What is the tone of the poem "Mother to Son"?

A: The tone of the poem is encouraging and inspiring.

11. What is the significance of the repeated question in the

poem ‘The Tyger?’
"Did he who made the Lamb make thee?" (line 20)?
A: The repeated question "Did he who made the Lamb make
thee?" emphasizes the contrast between the innocence and
gentleness of the lamb and the ferocity and power of the tiger,

and raises the question of whether the same creator could have
made both.

12. What does tiger symbolize in the poem?

A: The tiger symbolizes power, strength, and the raw energy of

13. What is the tone of the poem "The Tyger"?

A: The tone of the poem is awe and wonder at the power and
majesty of the tiger, as well as a sense of mystery and
uncertainty about its creation.

14. What is the meaning of the phrase "burning bright" (line

A: The phrase "burning bright" suggests the intensity and energy
of the tiger, and may also allude to the idea of passion or desire.

15. What is the central idea of the poem ‘The Tyger?’

A: The central idea of the poem "The Tyger" by William Blake is
to explore the mystery and complexity of creation, particularly
the creation of a powerful and fearsome creature like the tiger.

Critical Analysis

Write the critical analysis of the following poems:

 The Tyger by William Blake

 Daffodils by William Wordsworth
 Mother to Son by Langston Hughes

Sample critical analysis of poem “The Tyger”:

"The Tyger" by William Blake is a complex and powerful poem that explores the mystery
and majesty of creation, particularly in relation to the creation of a fierce and powerful
creature like the tiger. The poem is structured around a series of questions, each of which
emphasizes the central mystery of the tiger's creation and raises questions about the
nature of the divine, the purpose of existence, and the relationship between beauty and


The poem "The Tyger" explores a range of complex and thought-provoking themes related
to the mysteries of creation, human nature, and the divine.

One of the major themes in the poem is creation. Blake raises questions about the process
of creation and the creator's intentions. He asks "Did he who made the Lamb make thee?"
questioning the creator's intentions in making such a powerful and ferocious animal. This
theme raises questions about the nature of creation and the role of the divine in the

Another major theme in the poem is duality. The poem explores the duality of creation
and human nature, contrasting the beauty and ferocity of the tiger with that of the lamb.
This theme raises questions about the nature of creation and the relationship between
good and evil. The tiger represents the darker side of human nature, and its ferocity can
be seen as a metaphor for the potential for destruction that lies within us all.

Power and strength are also major themes in the poem. The tiger is presented as a
powerful and awe-inspiring animal. Its physical strength and prowess are emphasized
through vivid imagery. This theme raises questions about the nature of power and the role
it plays in the universe. It also highlights the awe and wonder that powerful creatures can
evoke in us.


The poem "The Tyger" by William Blake consists of six quatrains (four-line stanzas) with a
total of 24 lines. The poem follows a structured rhyme scheme of AABB, which means that
the first and second lines of each stanza rhyme with each other, as do the third and fourth

Figurative language:

"The Tyger" by William Blake makes use of various forms of figurative language to convey
its themes and create vivid imagery. Some of the most prominent examples of figurative
language in the poem include:

Metaphor: The tiger is a metaphor for the darker side of humanity, and its ferocity can be
seen as a metaphor for the potential for destruction that lies within us all.

Personification: The poem personifies the tiger, describing it as "burning bright" and
having "fearful symmetry." This personification gives the tiger a sense of power and

Repetition: The repetition of the opening question, "Tyger Tyger, burning bright," creates
a sense of rhythm and intensity that adds to the power of the imagery in the poem.

Imagery: The poem makes use of vivid and striking imagery throughout, such as "dread
hand," "burning bright," and "fearful symmetry." These images create a sense of awe and
wonder, as well as a feeling of unease and danger.


The tone of the poem is one of awe and wonder, mixed with a sense of unease and fear.
This combination of emotions creates a powerful effect, drawing the reader in and inviting
them to contemplate the mysteries of creation and the darker aspects of humanity.


Overall, "The Tyger" is a powerful and thought-provoking poem that explores the
complexity of creation and the mysteries of the universe. Its vivid imagery, striking
language, and central theme of duality make it a timeless work of literature that continues
to resonate with readers today.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the central idea of the poem "Daffodils" by William Wordsworth?

A. The beauty of nature can have a profound effect on the human spirit.

B. Daffodils are the most beautiful flowers in the world.

C. Memories of happy times can bring comfort in difficult times.

D. The passing of time is a natural and inevitable part of life.

2. In the first stanza of the poem, the speaker describes the daffodils as:

A. Dancing in the breeze

B. Singing a sweet melody

C. Bowing to the wind

D. Fluttering in the sunlight

3. What is the effect of the daffodils on the speaker in the poem?

A. They make him sad and nostalgic.

B. They fill him with a sense of joy and happiness.

C. They remind him of the passing of time.

D. They make him feel small and insignificant.

4. What does the speaker mean when he says, "And then my heart with
pleasure fills"?

A. He is feeling physical pain in his heart.

B. He is overwhelmed with sadness.

C. He is filled with joy and happiness.

D. He is experiencing a sense of nostalgia.

5. What is the tone of the poem "Daffodils"?

A. Joyful

B. Sad

C. Angry

D. Indifferent

6. What is the central message of the poem "Mother to Son" by Langston


A. Life is full of challenges and obstacles.

B. A mother's love for her child is unconditional.

C. One should never give up in the face of adversity.

D. All of the above.

7. What is the metaphor used in the poem to describe the challenges of

A. A stormy sea
B. A dark night
C. A rocky road
D. A deep pit
Answer: C. A rocky road

8. What advice does the mother give to her son in the poem?
A. To always stay positive and optimistic.
B. To never give up, even when things get tough.
C. To seek out the help and guidance of others.
D. To focus on material success above all else.

9. What is the tone of the poem "Mother to Son"?

A. Angry and bitter
B. Loving and supportive
C. Sarcastic and mocking
D. Cold and distant

10. What is the central idea of the poem "The Tyger" by William Blake?

A. The beauty of nature can be both awe-inspiring and terrifying.

B. The power of the natural world is greater than any human creation.

C. The divine and the demonic can coexist in the same entity.

D. The cycle of life and death is a natural part of the universe.

11. What is the repeated question throughout the poem?

A. "Who made you?"

B. "What are you?"

C. "Where are you?"

D. "Why do you exist?"

12. What does the tiger symbolize in the poem?

A. The power and majesty of nature

B. The ferocity and violence of the natural world

C. The struggle between good and evil

D. All of the above

13. What is the tone of the poem "The Tyger"?

A. Joyful and optimistic

B. Dark and foreboding

C. Playful and whimsical

D. Cold and distant

14. The phrase "fearful symmetry" in the poem "The Tyger" refers to:

A. The tiger's physical appearance

B. The balance of good and evil in the universe

C. The symmetry of nature

D. The symmetry of the tiger's stripes


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