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PTBS 52203 - Soft Tissue Examination and Intervention

Name: Alyssa Carbonell

MSK Condition: Patellar Tendinopathy

Where do patients complain of pain or other symptoms?

- Localized pain and swelling in patellar tendon, most common at proximal insertion at
inferior pole of patella
- No referral pattern

When or with what activities do they experience pain?

- Running
- Jumping activities
- Going up and down the stairs
- Squatting

What is a possible cause?

- Repetitive running and jumping
- Repetitive eccentric loading of tendon

How is it treated?
- Surgery if failed to respond to PT after 6 months
- Rehabilitation
- Correction of intrinsic and extrinsic risk factors
- Activity modification
- Improve quad and hamstring flexibility
- Correct biomechanical abnormalities (excessive pronation, pes planus, abnormal
patellar tracking)
- Rest from aggravating activities
- Cryotherapy
- Eccentric exercise

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