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Low-FODMAP Food Plan


Servings/day_________ Servings/day_________ Servings/day_________

Lean, free-range, grass-fed, organically grown animal Unsweetened, organic preferred Minimally refined, cold pressed, organic,
protein; non-GMO, organic plant protein; and wild- Dairy: non-GMO preferred
Dairy Alternatives:
caught, low-mercury fish preferred. Canned meats are Avocado –2 T or Oils, salad: Almond,
Milk (plain): Lactose- Milk: Almond, hemp–
allowed if cans are BPA-free and if the meat is free of
free cow, goat–8 oz 8 oz ⅛ whole avocado, flaxseed oil,
high-FODMAP fillers.
Yogurt (plain): Lactose- Milk: Coconut–4 oz Butter/ghee (clarified hempseed, olive (extra
Animal Protein: Meat: beef, buffalo, elk, free cow, goat–4-6 oz Milk: Rice –6 oz butter, grass-fed)–1 t virgin), safflower
Cheese (hard): cheddar, lamb, pork, venison, Yogurt (plain): Coconut milk, regular (high-oleic), sesame,
colby, feta, havarti, other wild game–1 oz coconut–4-6 oz (canned)–1 ½ T sunflower (high-oleic),
manchego, Pecorino, Poultry (skinless): 1 dairy serving = 90–150 calories, 7–8 g protein, 12 g carbs Coconut milk, light walnut–1 t
Swiss–½ oz Chicken, Cornish hen, 1 dairy alternative serving = 25–90 calories, 1–9 g protein, (canned)–3 T Olives: Black, green,
Cheese (soft): duck, pheasant, turkey, 1–4 g carbs (nutritional values vary) Mayonnaise Kalamata–8
brie, Camambert, etc.–1 oz Eliminate (unsweetened)–1 t Pesto (olive oil)–1 t
chevre, goat cheese, Plant Protein: Buttermilk, evaporated milk, goat milk, heavy cream, kefir, oat milk, sour Oils, cooking: Avocado,
mozzarella–1 oz Spirulina–2 T
cream, soy milk, sweetened condensed milk, yogurt (except those listed),
coconut, ghee, olive
and any other lactose-containing dairy products. Check milk substitutes for
Cottage cheese Tempeh–1 oz high-FODMAP sweeteners and additives. Unsweetened homemade dairy (extra virgin), rice bran,
(dry curd)–¼ c Tofu (firm/extra alternatives are preferred. sesame–1 t
Cream cheese –2 T firm)–1½-2 oz 1 serving = 45 calories, 5 g fat
Parmesan cheese–2 T Protein Powder: NUTS & SEEDS Proteins/Fats Eliminate
Ricotta cheese –2 T Check label for Chocolate, soybean oil, and any salad dressings or sauces made with
Egg–1, or 2 egg whites # grams/scoop Servings/day_________
sweeteners or other high-FODMAP additives.

Fish/shellfish: (1 protein serving=7 g) Unsweetened, unsalted, organic preferred

Anchovies, clams, Bovine collagen, egg, Almonds –6 Nut flour/meal:
cod, flounder, halibut, hemp, whey protein Brazil nuts–2 Almond –¼ c
salmon, sardines, trout, isolate Chia seeds–1 T Peanuts–10
tuna, etc.–1 oz Chestnuts–5 Pecan halves–4
1 serving as listed = 35–75 calories, 5–7 g protein, 3–5 g fat, Coconut (fresh)–⅓ c Pine nuts–1 T
0–4 g carbs
Coconut (dried, Pumpkin seeds–1 T Items in orange indicate moderate- and high-
Average protein serving is 3–4 oz (size of palm of hand).
shredded)–3 T Sesame seeds –1 T FODMAP foods that may be tolerated in reduced
Flax seeds–½ T Sunflower seeds–½ T serving sizes, as specified. Limit orange foods to a
LEGUMES Proteins/Carbs Hazelnuts –5 Walnut halves–4 maximum 1 serving from each food category daily.
Servings/day_________ Nut and seed butters: Notes: Nutritional amounts are based on average values for the
Organic, non-GMO preferred Almond, tahini variety of foods within each food category.
Black beans Chickpeas (sesame seed)–½ T Dietary prescription is subject to the discretion of the
(canned only)–¼ c (canned only)–¼ c 1 serving = 45 calories, 5 g fat health practitioner.
Green peas Hummus –1 T Eliminate
(cooked)–⅛ c Mung beans Cashews and pistachios.
(cooked)–¼ c
1 serving = 90–110 calories, 3–7 g protein, 0 fat, 15 g carbs

Version 1 © 2016 The Institute for Functional Medicine

Servings/day_________ Servings/day_________ Unsweetened, no sugar added
Artichoke hearts Horseradish Unsweetened, no sugar added Filtered water Spices, all
(canned)–⅛ c Kohlrabi Banana–½ med Orange–1 sm Sparkling/mineral Condiments: Fish
Arugula Lettuce, all Blueberries–¾ c Papaya–1 c water sauce, ketchup
Asparagus –1 spear Microgreens Cranberries–¾ c Passionfruit–1 med Coconut water –4 oz (unsweetened), lemon/
Bamboo shoots Parsley Dried fruit: Pineapple–¾ c Coffee lime juice, miso paste,
Beets (cubed)–¼ c Parsnips Cranberries, currants, Pomegranate Fruit juice: Orange, mustard, vinegar (apple
Bok choy Peppers, all Gogi berries, papaya, seeds –¼ c cranberry–4 oz cider, balsamic, rice
Broccoli –¼ c Pumpkin pineapple, raisins –1 T Raspberries–1 c Tea: Black, chai green, wine), Worchestershire
Cabbage: Green, (canned only)–¼ c Grapefruit–½ med Rhubarb–1 c peppermint, white sauce–use sparingly,
purple, Savoy Radicchio Grapes–15 Starfruit–1 med Tea (diluted): suggest 1 T or less per
Carrots Radishes Guava–1 med Strawberries–1¼ c Chamomile, herbal, serving
Celeriac root Scallions (green part Kiwi–1 med Tangerines–2 sm oolong
Celery–¼ med stalk only)–2 T Melon, all–1 c Cacao powder
Chard/Swiss chard Sea vegetables 1 serving = 60 calories, 15 g carbs
Cocoa powder
Chervil Snow peas –5 pods Herbs: basil, cilantro,
Chives Spinach Apples, applesauce, apricots, blackberries, boysenberries, cherries, dates, curry leaves, kafir
Cilantro Sprouts: Alfalfa, bean figs, lychee, mango, nectarines, peaches, pears, persimmon, plums, prunes, lime, lemongrass,
watermelon, and all canned fruit.
Cucumbers Squash: Delicata, mint, parsley, rosemary,
Daikon radishes chayote, spaghetti, sage, tarragon, thyme,
Eggplant yellow, zucchini WHOLE GRAINS (100%) Carbs watercress
Endive Tomato Approved sweeteners: Maple syrup, molasses, Stevia—
Escarole Tomato juice–¾ c Servings/day_________ use sparingly, suggest 1 t.
Fennel Tomato paste, sauce Unsweetened, organic preferred Eliminate
Fermented vegetables: (unsweetened) Gluten Free: Quinoa–½ c Artificial sweeteners, dandelion tea, fruit juice (except those listed),
garlic salt, honey, and onion salt.
Kimchi, sauerkraut–1 T Turnips Amaranth –¼ c Popcorn–1 c
Green beans Vegetable juice–¾ c Buckwheat–½ c Rice: Basmati, black,
Greens: Beet, collard, Water chestnuts Cereal: Corn, brown, purple, red,
kale, mustard, turnip, etc. Watercress quinoa –½ c white, wild–⅓ c
Ginger root–1 t Cous cous: Corn, Sorghum–⅛ c
1 serving = ½ c, 1 c raw greens = 25 calories, 5 g carbs rice –¼ c Teff–¾ c
Eliminate Flours: Buckwheat, Gluten Containing:
Bittermelon, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, dandelion greens, garlic, jicama,
leeks, mushrooms, okra, onion, shallots, sugar snap peas, sunchokes
corn, cornstarch, millet, Bulgur –¼ c
(Jersulaem artichokes), and sweet corn. quinoa, rice, teff, Spelt–¼ c Items in orange indicate moderate- and high-
potato, tapioca Individual portions: FODMAP foods that may be tolerated in reduced
VEGETABLES Starchy Carbs Grits: corn (polenta)–½ c Bread–1 slice serving sizes, as specified. Limit orange foods to a
Millet–½ c Pasta–⅓ c maximum 1 serving from each food category daily.
Servings/day_________ Oats: quick Tortilla–1, 6 in
(rolled) –¼ c All grain servings are for
Acorn squash Potato: Purple, red, Oats: steel-cut–½ c Notes: Nutritional amounts are based on average values for the
cooked amounts.
(cubed)–1 c sweet, yellow–½ med variety of foods within each food category.
1 serving = 75–110 calories, 15 g carbs
Butternut squash Potatoes (mashed)–½ c Dietary prescription is subject to the discretion of the
(cubed)–¼ c Root vegetables: Parsnip, Eliminate health practitioner.
Eliminate any breads, cereals, crackers, pastas, etc., made from wheat, rye,
Plantain–⅓ c or ½ whole rutabaga, taro, turnip–½ c and barley. This includes cous cous (wheat), flour tortillas, freekeh, granola
Yam–½ med mixes, naan, Roti, sprouted bread.

1 serving = 80 calories, 15 g carbs

Organic, non–GMO fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices preferred

© 2016 The Institute for Functional Medicine

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