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A = 1400.0'
S B = 60.0'
T = 40.0'
S = 49.1' @ 608F
t S = 51.2' @ 908F

t = (2 S− T)2
T = 6.325
METHOD 1: t = (2 S − T)2 S608F = 7.007

METHOD 2: t = 2S − T + SM 2 S608F = 14.014

t608F = 59.12'
t = Vertical distance below support for target.
T = Vertical distance below support for transit.
S = Sag. S908F = 7.155
A = Horizontal distance between structures - obtained from structure list or plan & profile.
2 S908F = 14310
B = Vertical distance between points of support - obtained from plan & profile, tower site data
sheets or field measurement. t908F = 63.76'
M = Determined from curve below.
Change in "t" for 58F = (63.76 − 59.12) (305 ) = 0.77'
For finding value of target setting "t" see Methods
1 & 2, or angle of sight "f" (See Fig. 2-16).
t = 2S − T + SM
Ratio "R" = (T/S).
0.12 M = 2 + 2(T/S) − 4 T/S T/S608F = 0.815
M608F = 0.019
For checking value of sag "S" (see Fig. 2-19).
2S608F = 98.2'
0.10 Ratio "R" = (T/t).
t608F = 59.13'
M = 2 + 2(T/t) − 4 T/t
T/S908F = 0.781
M908F = 0.027
0.08 2S908F = 102.4'
Factor "M"

t908F = 63.78'

Change in "t" for 58F = (63.76 − 59.13)
(305 ) = 0.78⬘



Sag is based on parabolic functions.

If sag exceeds 5% of span, do not use this chart.
0.0 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6

Ratio "R"

FIGURE 14.17 Conductor sagging by calculated target method.

the sag of the conductor, can be determined. This stopwatch method (Overend and Smith) has come
into wide use even for long spans and large conductors.
The conductor is struck a sharp blow near one support and the stopwatch is started simultaneously.
A mechanical wave moves from the point where the conductor was struck to the next support point at
which it will be partially reflected. If the initiating blow is sharp, the wave will travel up and down the
span many times before dying out. Time-sag tables such as the one shown in Table 14.14 are available
from many sources. Specially designed sagging stopwatches are also available.
The reflected wave can be detected by lightly touching the conductor but the procedure is more likely
to be accurate if the wave is both initiated and detected with a light rope over the conductor. Normally,
the time for the return of the 3rd or 5th wave is monitored.
Traditionally, a transit sagging method has been considered to be more accurate for sagging than the
stopwatch method. However, many transmission-line constructors use the stopwatch method exclu-
sively, even with large conductors.

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

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