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The Dread Cyst of Annihilation 05

Level 5

General History The dungeon was created by elves as a tomb. Its

creators were destroyed by a magical catastrophe,
and the dungeon has lain empty for many years until

Walls Reinforced Masonry (DC 15 to climb)

Floor Smooth Stone

Temperature Average
Illumination Average (shadowy in corridors, magical light in most

Corridor Features a A 5-foot wide chasm cuts across the

Wandering Monsters 1 Incubus (cr 4, mm 285) and 2 x Hell Hound (cr 3,
mm 182); deadly, 2500 xp, trying to lure the party
into an ambush
2 Banderhobb (cr 5, motm 56, vgm 122); easy, 1800
xp, consumed by disease and madness
3 Incubus (cr 4, mm 285) and 1 x Imp (cr 1, mm 76);
easy, 1300 xp, tracking the party

4 Drow Mage (cr 7, mm 129) and 3 x Drow (cr 1/4, mm

128); hard, 3050 xp, wandering senselessly
5 Deathlock (cr 4, motm 86, mtf 128) and 6 x Cultist (cr
1/8, mm 345); hard, 1250 xp, scavenging for food
and treasure
6 Allip (cr 5, motm 45, mtf 116); easy, 1800 xp,
tracking the party

Room #1 North Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (DC 15 to break; 15 hp)
West Entry Archway

South Entry Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (10 hp) (slides to

one side)
→ Leads to room #3

Room #2 East Entry Stuck Strong Wooden Door (DC 15 to break; 20 hp)
South Entry Unlocked Iron Door (60 hp)
→ Leads to room #10
Room Features The south and east walls have been engraved with
geometric patterns, and someone has scrawled "If
being drunk all the time were easy, everyone would
do it" in dwarvish runes on the west wall

Room #3 North Entry Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (10 hp) (slides to
one side)
→ Leads to room #1
East Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (DC 10 to break; 10 hp)
Room Features Someone has scrawled "Frobert stands here, slain
by a basilisk" on the south wall, and the floor is
covered with stone rubble
Room #4 North Entry Archway
→ Leads to room #9
East Entry Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 20, DC 15 to break; 30
→ Leads to room #8
South Entry Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 20, DC 15 to break; 30
Hidden Treasure Hidden (DC 15 to find) Unlocked Simple Wooden
Chest (10 hp)

500 cp, 10000 sp, 2200 gp, 100 pp, 4 x diamond (50
gp), carnelian (50 gp), chalcedony (50 gp), 2 x
moonstone (50 gp), quartz (50 gp), +2 Ammunition
(20 arrows) (rare, dmg 150), Bead of Force (rare,
dmg 154)

Room #5 North Entry Archway

→ Leads to room #10
South Entry Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (10 hp)

Room Features A briny odor fills the room, and a pile of rotten fruit
lies in the north-west corner of the room
Monster Deathlock (cr 4, motm 86, mtf 128) and 2 x
Deathlock Wight (cr 3, motm 87, mtf 129); deadly,
2500 xp

Treasure: 16 sp; 5 pp; 5 pp

Room #6 North Entry Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 20, DC 15 to break; 30

South Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (DC 10 to break; 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #11
Room Features A simple fireplace sits against the north wall, and
someone has scrawled "Kill them with ice" on the
east wall
Monster Incubus (cr 4, mm 285) and 1 x Succubus (cr 4, mm
285); hard, 2200 xp

Treasure: 20 cp; 17 cp

Room #7 South Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (DC 15 to break; 15 hp)
(slides down)
Room Features Someone has scrawled "The Golden Fellowship
killed eighteen ghouls here" in dwarvish runes on the
east wall, and a pile of iron spikes lies in the south
side of the room

Room #8 North Entry #1 Archway

North Entry #2 Archway

West Entry Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 20, DC 15 to break; 30

→ Leads to room #4

Room #9 South Entry Archway
→ Leads to room #4
Room Features The south and west walls have been engraved with
incoherent labyrinths, and clouds of flying insects fill
the west side of the room

Room #10 North Entry Unlocked Iron Door (60 hp)

→ Leads to room #2

South Entry Archway

→ Leads to room #5, inhabited by Deathlock and 2
x Deathlock Wight

Room Features The floor is covered in perfect hexagonal tiles, and

several pieces of rotten bread are scattered
throughout the room

Room #11 North Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (DC 10 to break; 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #6, inhabited by Incubus and 1 x

South Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (DC 10 to break; 10 hp)

Trap Thunder Blaster: DC 20 to find, DC 20 to disable;
affects all targets within a 20 ft. cone, DC 14 save or
take 4d10 thunder damage and become deafened
for 1d4 rounds

Hidden Treasure Hidden (DC 20 to find) Locked Strong Wooden

Chest (DC 25 to unlock, DC 25 to break; 20 hp)

500 cp, 4000 sp, 2100 gp, 100 pp, a rosewood

puzzle box set with a single jade (25 gp), a steel
medallion inlaid with a filigree of silver (25 gp), an
earthenware plate embossed with draconic runes
(25 gp), Hat of Disguise (uncommon, dmg 173),
Slippers of Spider Climbing (uncommon, dmg 200),
+1 Weapon (shortbow) (uncommon, dmg 213)

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